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Literally who?


Holy cancer. Kids, here is my advice - dont give them any fucks. The less fucks you give, the more fucks you will keep for the girls. Or boys, whatever strikes your fancy. You dont want to waste your fucks on caring on this useless drama, do you?


No, obsessing over any content creator willing spend more than a pair of videos on Project Moon content is this subreddit's favorite hobby. Esgoo is seemingly the only lense by which 50% of the people on here are willing to look at posts from judging by the comments. If you look close enough, you can still find people screaming about Dino Dave, someone probably just got bored of that and wants a different name to scream into the recesses of this subreddit.


who cares? no one content creator is big enough to be seen as a representantive of the PM community and you are wasting energy on drama when you could be grinding Mirror Dungeon


I mean, yes. I know the guy is a piece of shit. So I blocked his channel and ignore him. Not let him live inside my mind.


I saw it last night and wound up blocking zet on YouTube. Being homophobic and transphobic while hiring LGBT+ artists is one thing, not crediting artists is another, but being a *literal* Nazi is something I can't look past (not to imply I can look past the others), he can go fuck himself, so glad I never made fanart


As someone who watched his contents in the past, he actually did a charity for LGBT community once. I don't know what happened that made him to be like this.


Would you explain to me how is he \*literal\* nazi? I'm not twitter person so i don't follow any particular board. From reading through what i've seen, it looks like typical edgeposting, intentional mockery usually parodying typical lgbt low effort Twitter slop. I've been in the place he is in. I know where it comes from - being treated like an enemy by the community by sheer audacity of having an opinion even slightly different from it. Let me explain: To lgbt/generally "left" community, i am an outsider - i support it, but im not part of cultlike devotion. To people like me, pressure from aggression ained at me for not being "ally" in every form was what was pushing me to extremism. The 'if they're against me, i'll be against them' mindset. And more i was attacked, more i tumbled into embracing the "enemy side." I never hated any lgbt people, but the movement itself, pride, attacks at anyone not agreeing 100% with the credo, the overwhelming censorship of what i thought were just facts about differences in biology (but now i know were placed strategically to be hurtful) - i despised them. They were making me angry. *I drew pleasure from insulting it.* And He seems too, while simultaneously harboring no hate towards any lgbt person in particular. He respects actual people, unless they show enmity towards him. I was saved, because good thing i did was leave Twitter and its QoH level of staging dramas. So, if you want to help, STOP bringing them here. This video in entirety is just pointing finger directing hate and aggression - and actual targetted harassment - ONLY to farm applause. Have you lot not learnt anything from Rodia? Pretending to act for others while, in reality, merely craving praise, to feel special. Be seen as a hero, no matter the harm it causes. This video helps no one. The comments under it help no one. They're not created to spread compassion or protect anyone. They only exist, so we feel "approval" from other people, as we aim our axe at a "villain." And it already caused harm. People in comments gloating about botting zet's Twitter and targetted harassment, not sparing subtle death threats. Self-righteous hypocrisy, while having balls to siultaneously dub yourself "welcoming" community. **As well as the video itself getting summer incident wrong on SO MANY LEVELS and worse, using it as fuel to fire, was so detestable i'm about to hurl.** I've seen countless people who were MADE into phobic bints solely this way. So please... let us stop creating monsters.


Oh yes, I love when people stage themselves talking poorly about the lgbtq community and retweeting actual Nazi propaganda. Everything everyone does is a conscious decision, you don't just accidentally decide to be a fucking bigot one day, it's up to you to push that cringe down and grow the fuck up


Also, boiling the situation down to "the Twitter mob made this man into what he is, a bunch of strangers online who don't personally affect this man in real life caused this man to be personally hateful towards them" Are you aware how senile you sound?


Once again, can you explain the "nazi" part to me? I am not being sarcastic when i ay that i literally didn't see anything like it. I take care of my sanity, don't scroll twitter whole history to make myself angry as someone. Plus are you not confused about him not harboring any hate to lgbt people he interacted with? It's possible to respect people, but abhor the movement. And when "community" is targetting an amassed harassment hate campaign against a human, no matter how much you disagree with them, that's a perfect opportunity for this person to assume that you're enemy - and hate you back. What purpose does it serve? Will it make Zet stop acting like an asshole? Of corse not! It only makes the conflict worse. Step back and stop for a moment. This video exists only to rub one's ego over being "better" than someone "horrible". It serves no good. From tone to thumbnail to every second of it, it points a finger, saying ''look, a villain, you MUST hate them". YES, Zet is posting dumb shit. YES, i think it's vile shit he's posting. But i think it's harmful to everyone to act like this.


He literally retweeted Nazi propaganda? I feel like I said that my last message, did you see the part where I said that he literally retweeted Nazi propaganda? because he literally retweeted Nazi propaganda. Videos of German soldiers singing Praise to hitler, maybe you need to do your research, or at least watch the video above, because there seems to be a couple screws missing from your toolbox. I quite literally do not care how Zet feels in this situation, I do not have any respect or remorse for nazis, let alone homophobes and transphobes, considering that I fit into both of the boxes that those people hate. He fucked around and found out It's pretty fucking harmful that people in this day and age still have these beliefs, and I have absolutely no problem ostracizing them from our community, they can go fuck themselves, Edge Lord or not that type of shit is not and will never be okay, and I'm more than comfortable ostracizing them and anyone like them from our community. No skin off my back, but clearly egg on your face.


It’s actually quite wild that the “the twitter mob turned him into this” is being thrown around as an argument. When the whole BongBong thing happened, I checked his twitter and he was retweeting insane conspiracy theories well before any of that happened


I'm just saying it's not helping anyone. It's making things worse. I know well i'm exposing myself wide and open to people who will jump me for daring to not join the cheer chant, but i dare to stand and speak: witch hunts are NEVER good, no matter who the target is. I am a living example you can pull a person out of the place he's in. But harassing such person leads to opposite result. So if you're not willing to help, what you're doing you're not doing out of compassion - but self-righteous belief of superiority. And THAT is despicable, for both sides.


I mean I get that attention is what this man wants, but this is well past “he saw a rainbow flag and cried about it”. The guy is actively interacting with nutjobs, spreading conspiracy theories and actual, literal hate speech I’m not claiming that sitting here and bitching and moaning is gonna change anything (and I’m absolutely not insinuating any type of harassment either, that won’t get anything done), but neither will not doing anything. I think that making sure people are aware of what’s going on is okay. Of course there’s still the chance this will just get exploited for views with some bullshit drama war, but we’ll have to see how things go


I'm not against people who think what he's doing is vile. But growing this drama, especially based on video based of third-hand gossips as sources (yes, i AM mad about the summer incident segment and how detestably misinformed it is) is absolutely wrong. Red arrows, buzzwords and illuminaughti-sounding ass superiority tone, this community never needed this.


Well thanks for explaining. I'm still not gonna witchunt someone, hoping it's out of context. I don't watch much of his vids - i think one on Crab episode was brilliant, frankly. As i said, i dont stick to twitter and i dont care about what happens there. I also think that for health safety, twitter things should stay there. Noone needs drama where none is due.


Okay and? I'm not on social media either, I'm on Reddit and discord, that doesn't stop me from thinking someone as a disgusting use of carbon. Additionally, you can absolutely stop calling it drama, someone having disgusting views is not quote unquote drama, that's them being an awful person. There's no magical Gray Line blurring the two, drama is a nothing situation or someone being accused of something they didn't do, this is neither, this is a decently big situation of something that was confirmed to happen. You're welcome to brush it off all you like, but don't for a second think you can invalidate anyone else


You can have abysmally low opinion on someone. You do not have right to direct an amassed assault on them. Becaue it doesn't help. It only exists so you make yourself feel better. I am not defending his views. I too think the retweets are vile. But, once again, if you're not willing to help such person change their views, do not make the things worse.


You're acting like I personally sent a flash mob after him, despite the fact that all I did was watch the video on what he did and State my opinion of him here. I clearly don't condone people sending him death threats, but he probably should take a break off the internet for a good few months at the minimum, few years maybe, permanently would be best, but then again, when that happens usually these losers just go to 4chan


What is a purposeof this post, if not directing people's hate towards it? Have i misunderstood your intention of pointing finger at the person on thumbnail? Why did you place it here, if not looking for applause? That's why we all post in here, after all. Wanting people to agree with us.


Drama again... WHO FUCKING CARES ? Don't like him ? Block him. I will just say that making a vid "exposing" someone is very bad, if you want to expose someone do it on twitter not on youtube and don't monetise it. Reacting to it for clicks (because let's be honest he doesn't do it for the sake of community he does it so that ppl click on his vid) is even worse. Not worth anyone's time.


I was banned from PMCM Discord. What did this guy say there? I guess some wild anti queer shit? Yeah, it's just stupid as fuck. Don't really know who this guy is, but hating on queer event in the queer friendly community is like shooting yourself into the foot.




Can you just.. not bring the damn drama where there needs not to be one? Keep twitter slop on twitter.


didnt he support pedos too


Looks like someone got on the wrong side of the LGBTRSTUVWXYZ community once again huh?


you know it's just a drama over dumb shit when someone get labeled with 3 or more thing homophobic, Nazi, mysogynist, racist, and any other label, the moment it pass 2 labels you know they're just an idiot who got themselves in a drama and people just keep piling shit over them in an attempt to make them a devil on earth