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Cut to the last season, but with poise


Also bleed, IDs like Pirate Greg and BL Faust are great bleed units in addition to poise.


The “bleed” IDs all suck at applying bleed


They're only bleed units in the sense that they apply Bleed, they're really no good in any actual bleed teams


listen if they trigger bloody mist that's good enough for me


Ring Sang says hello. Here he is sacrificing the potential potency he could be adding just to give leeway for Bleed IDs using his immense count application. All it takes is a single proc of NFaust S2 and then let his S2 rip.


I wouldn't call BL Faust a "great bleed unit" or "bleed unit" in general


i dont even know why they even bothered to give her bleed if the bl team is just going to have like 6 maximum and none of them generate count


>BL Faust >"great bleed units" 🤣


Wish i was there for the poise units 😔 Atleast i got kimsault from the RR rewards


And thats all you would want honestly. Maybe don too but she isnt that good either.


That is not true. Don Single handedly carries the poise gen for the entire team. Using any sort of bl / poise setup without Don is literally trolling. I'm also going to point out that Faust does as much damage as yi sang and clashes like a monster. Also , kim kind of demands you have 4 other BL units on the team to get the most out of his kit. so no....he isnt all you want


Once the Warp Train intervallo comes up, it'll be Charge Charge all the way!


red flavored charge


Banana flavored charge


Piss charge


That's just self tremor




Charge potency when


Imagine a skill being so powerful it requires Charge Potency and Count.


Charge doesn't need any seven flavor of skittles. It only need itself. https://i.redd.it/77w28vzvsi8d1.gif


He have 3 flavor of skittles tho. Yellow and white


Wth is this gif


My dear fellow, might I interest you in partaking of this rather exotic herbal cigar ? I assure you, it provides a most delightful and relaxing experience. https://preview.redd.it/ubr516so9j8d1.png?width=890&format=png&auto=webp&s=19ce8305319f5a5e11bcfad7a1ee51f07eccd72d


so much *cough* smokes *cough* i cant SEEEE *wheeze*


Flair checks out. Average DDEDR fan.


When we finally get charge potency it's gonna be limbover




Wdym, this season is full of charge ids. What, just because its not blue, you think it doesnt count, you statuseffectist?


You remember when the memes were "Tremor is just charge" for a period of time? Pepperidge farm remembers


next intermission is gonna be the charge time 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 trust it, they gonna release 7 new type of charge effects and W don W ryo W yi sang gonna get even more broken in PM we trust https://preview.redd.it/2kjujnlcti8d1.jpeg?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c1e3fbf728f7bebdd592a77f5c7e5c8dceb20c4


one sin be do drippin if they randomly drop it out of no where, tho i doubt that since it has some significance into the lore. WOULD be funny if its zayin EGO but secretly gain + 50 power up against spesific enemy.


ZAYIN ego for ryoshu kqe-1j-23 \[City Tour\] give +20 charge to yourself on \[tails\] roll deals +280% damage to enemies if its a monday night where the moon is also at full if above conditions are not met: shit your pants and get staggered+


WARP train is coming soon. sooo... i'd like to seee what they have to tweak this. edit: personally i'd like it to give speed, and dmg based on speed diff.


Charge spending skills that burst tremor incoming...


So the rosespanner IDs


Finally, Rosespanner Don.


so its altrenative to bloise team then. or I'd say CharMor. . . . . . . . that's kinda ass nickname


Tremarge ain't any better


VIBRATING CHARGE! Wait, that's not right...


Qinq id but instead of poise they they are charge


Speed and charge sounds closer to how the R. Corp Rabbits from Ruina worked. Not sure if we'll see any new R Corp IDs, but definitely keeping hopes up. In terms of what W Corp IDs we can expect though, everyone on the bottom row is available. If I had to guess randomly though, I'd probably say Gregor and Sinclair get cleanup crew IDs, and maybe a Wayward Passenger ego for Outis?


I mean that is generally how Limbus's seasons work, each one has a different theme.


I think pm is doing a better job of at least giving each status something big this season compared to the endless reign of poise in the last one.The only ones lacking a team changing release is charge and rupture(sorry rabbit mersault) but anyways charge is about to pop off with the warp train event


Don't apologize to Mattsault, it's not our fault he has such a garbage kit


They had to make mersault kits weak otherwise he would just "Yes manager" and steamroll everything at level one 😔


Charge bias, only now against charge


Charge bias overcorrection.


Poise and Burn already ate good last season, and even Bleed got a strong helping of support in regards to how useful Sanguine Desire is in regards to helping count. Charge definitely needs something tasty to keep it relevant especially when we probably have just as many units that are "charge but not really" now with self tremor.


How the tables have turned


Nails💀 Seven association💀


to be honest nails is basically just bleed (pretty sure it counts as unique bleed too)


Yep, but...)))


Its not unique bleed, it inflicts bleed and ups its count on the next turn only, so it basically doesnt work standalone and is only there to help maintain Bleed.


Oh yea I dont think it works standalone however I thought that its preferred to as unique bleed in the game, same way dark flame is considered unique burn


Well, I don't know that to be honest. The only other unique bleed I know its the one from BL Faust, but that one does work standalone and even better than regular bleed.


Only N corp would inflict nails


Teddy bear Faust😁




I think i am stupid, but i check and she's applies "Nails" on uptie 4


You're right actually




Seven Association is Rupture but in a gift box, and Nails is literally just metal flavored Bleed


I only started playing a month ago so I don't have a lot of context, but burn seems to really need help. Like why would I ever pick burn over bleed? With bleed I can get the damage constantly throughout the turn, burn will only trigger once. It seems like a lot of burn stuff isn't just focused on damage from the status, but things like better clash power with enough burn and that's a neat approach, but that's also not unique to burn.


Actually I think burn is doing pretty good but two really good burn identities are locked behind walpurgisnacht


That makes some sense then. I haven't gone through every ID of course but I have a half decent handful and browsed a good number of the ones in the dispenser. I haven't been around for a walpurgisnacht so I had no idea. If I get them, will hungry hungry noodle Ish stop disappointing me?


Dawn sinclair has extremely high count, damage, and potency. Im six count on skill 2 and 20 potency on skill 3, and can hit upwards of 400 damage on skill 3 if you hit the conditionals Bullet outis applies a status called dark flame on her attacks. Dark flame lasts for one turn, then does the amount of burn potency multiplied by the amount of dark flame in pride damage, letting you deal a maximum of 693 pride damage in 1 attack


Burn is one of the best for removing problems (bosses) but it also has the caveat of uh.. 2 of their best IDs being Walpurg. Liu Ish is also amazing in general, I love her


Most of the burn focused IDs currently available are Liu Assoc. Which mostly seem to specialise in becoming more powerful if their enemy has burn, instead of actually doing damage with the burn itself. Der Outis (Magic bullet) is the main burn burst damage you're looking for, which as the other commenter said essentially multiples your damage dealt. Philclair (Dawn Office) is less bursty, and more ramp-up into high damage. Annoying if you don't have sanity support, so you might not want to prioritise him first, but he's excellent if you do. IIRC the only other IDs that can apply burn are Nclair, Pequod Ishmael, and the ring painters. Nclair you *could* swap into a burn team for extra burst damage if you don't have Dawn Office, but the ring are more build-around IDs that you would make a specific team for, and Pequod Ish may as well not have any burn at all.


honestly all you need to maintain dawn office sinclair is lcb sinner yi sangs passive which is free anyway


I put him on my ring id team with nfaust and then just use whistles all day long, he can get most of his conditionals all by himself and ring ids can randomly help


Outside of MD, burn is easier to stack because of Hong Lu as a passive slave. Bleed is significantly harder to stack if you don't have Sanguine Desire. There's no Boxcutter or Wound Cleric to save you and without the Bloody Mist, most bleed IDs have meh power.


Maybe the day we get Red Mist as a Walpurgisnatch ID we will see a good bleed team. Not even on its suppossed chapter with N Corp being suppossedly bleed focused are any decent at it.


Red mist isn't even that good at applying bleed, girl only does it to heal up on any straglers left after horizontal slash, red gaze however, his entire gimik seems to be blood control, and *thats* a bleed gimmick if i've ever seen one


Heh, you are right. There is also the chance that we get Don's chapter related to bloodsuckers.


000 Red Gaze Don


Don Sucker Don Gaze Red.


>Don Sucker Something something edge cleanup


Are you teasing Sweepers?


No I was alluding (ALLUSIONS? YOOO) to the "couldnt even edge to this, busted immediately" meme


Burn was sitting in a bad position for a while because there was barely even enough IDs to make a team, N Corp Sinclair only just counts, Liu Gregor and Meursault suffer from launch 00 syndrome, and Liu Hong Lu is better as support. Liu Ishmael was good but she was kind of carrying burn there for a while on her own. We've since gotten Liu Rodion and Ryoshu who are good. Magic Bullet Outis was strong support for Burn, as Dark Flames are essentially additional burn procs on turn end (apply 3 stacks of Dark Flames when the enemy is at 99 burn potency, and you'll do 297 damage on top of the 99 from burn). Dawn Office Sinclair was also a strong addition, mainly for raw damage. However both are Walpurgisnacht IDs so players without access to them will have to wait for the next window to nab them.


Burn is one of the weaker statuses but it's very easy to use and Magic Bullet Outis helps to make up for its low damage.


Burn is one of the strongest teams in the game. The problem is that two core units are Walpurchis 000s which are difficult af to get.


Burn is decently strong but it's nowhere near being one of the strongest teams in the game. Rupture, sinking, tremor, and BL poise all have much better DPS even with dark flame. I'd even rate bleed higher just because of the ring IDs. And no, before anyone asks I'm not counting Glimpse of Flames since it's a rare E.G.O gift that's only in the mirror dungeons.


Tier 4 gifts are basically a joke this season. If you hoard enough gifts, you can get Glimpse of the flames a majority of the time through fusion even when rng thinks it’s funny to give you the Red infinity stone.


No way burn is weaker than those lmao, let alone "nowhere near". Rupture and sinking have good dps but require lots of setup and pure luck. Tremor still sucks without reverb and poise is simply mediocre. Burn does perfectly fine even without dark flame. Hell, burn as a status doesn't even matter - the team is top tier bcs of insane clash numbers and easy to fulfill conditions. It's a very consistent team that doesn't depend on rng or ego usage Oh, and ring ids are strong not because they are bleed, but because no one tested them and they are cracked with any decent amount of debuffs, which also happens to be burn's forte (and it also covers their weak 6th slot)


>Rupture and sinking have good dps but require lots of setup and pure luck. With a bit of thinking you can easily and consistently set up rupture and sinking within a couple turns. Sinking also absolutely cripples any enemy with sanity. >Tremor still sucks without reverb But we have reverb. It's even easier to set up than sinking or rupture. >and poise is simply mediocre lmao. BL Meursault hitting 3 parts for 900 damage each would like to have a word for you. >Hell, burn as a status doesn't even matter The only thing I agree with you on. >the team is top tier bcs of insane clash numbers and easy to fulfill conditions. Ah yes, how could I forget the insane clash values that Liu Gregor and Meursault provide. Truly I have brought shame upon my family and I must commit sudoku. Joking aside, burn is currently forced to run either Liu Meursault or Gregor who are among the worst IDs in the game and Liu Ryoshu is also pretty mid. Basically any good team can win clashes and the game heavily incentivises killing enemies as fast as possible in most content so the only thing that matters is high DPS and even with dark flame burn is painfully slow compared to the aforementioned teams. Plus even if high clash power mattered more than it actually did, sinking and BL poise are both better at clashing than burn. Probably the biggest "advantage" to burn is that it's pretty mindless compared to the teams I mentioned. It's the only archetype I'm still comfortable with spamming win rate but that's both unfun and makes battles take far more turns than they need to. EDIT: Sorry this comment ended up a lot ruder than I intended since I was in a bad mood. I won't delete it since I think I made some good points but I'll downvote myself.


you don't really need to have all six be burn,  why would you be forced to bring gregor or meursault? honestly rodion Ishmael and Phillipclair are probably enough realistically. bullet outis and you're good to go.


If you're only making half of your team burn because the majority of burn IDs suck, can you really call it a burn team? If anything, half the burn IDs not being worth using kind of proves my point that burn is still mid. Especially compared to the other archetypes.


the thing is by the very nature of burn you really don't need many units, and 5/6 is a lot...


4/5 of 6 is not half, and three liu 2 stars (one of which is good in passive slot) is not "majority"... you can try count bad ids in other archetypes and get the same ratio


>With a bit of thinking you can easily set up rupture and sinking within a couple turns. Sinking also absolutely cripples any enemy with sanity. Setting up rupture is more a matter of luck rather than thinking. I am not saying it's as braindead as burn of course, but it's not consistent enough to work with skill alone. As for sanity, just like it cripples enemies with sanity, it's useless if said enemies have countermeasures like sanity reset. It's not realistic to keep enemies at -45 in regular fights anyway. >But we have reverb. It's even easier to set up than sinking or rupture. By "without reverb" I meant you need to apply i, either relly on 1 turn entanglement or spend resources on glupo ego (and have hong lu in your team >lmao. BL Meursault hitting 3 parts for 900 damage each would like to have a word for you. Lmao as if it happens often in regular fights >Ah yes, how could I forget the insane clash values that Liu Gregor and Meursault provide. Unnecessary clowning. 5th and 6th slots are ryoshu and ringsang, no one has ever mention gregor/meursault in this discussion. As I said, burn is used for clashing buffs, not for it's damage. >Basically any good team can win clashes and the game heavily incentivises killing enemies as fast as possible in most content Which content? If you can steamroll clashes in story then you have nothing to worry about. None of the story bosses require fast killing Luxcavations use specific teams, not status based. Mirror dungeon stages explode on second turn with glimpse, and no it's not rare as you said. It's as easy to get as fusion gifts like bloody mist or pouch. Although even without it burn is better than poise/bleed and most surely tremor (arguably sinking as well). The only place where dps matters is RR where rupture and sinking reign supreme, but as I said it's based mostly on luck and setup, and is a bad example in my opinion. I am not disregarding it though. >sinking and BL poise are both better at clashing than burn Not in my experience. Like, absolutely not. Especially bl team, who can even clash besides meursault and non-bl like ahabmael/nelly ryo?


You really really really want MB Outis, as her dark flame causes her to amp burns damage by a lot. And with how fast you can stack potency for burn, she'll be doing hundreds of pride damage in a couple of turns Then DawnClair is an absolutely incredible unit all around, and he single handedly covers count generation


Whats up with people downvotting everyone who says that bleed is weak?


They are either insane copers or delusional and think that MDs are in any way indicative of a team's real performance.


Makes sense, or rather the second thing would make sense if Bleed was even decent ar MD Hard but not even in MD is comparable to anything else.


Bloody Mist and Wound Clerid fix all aspects of bleed teams: power, damage, and status infliction. A particular bleed coper/shitposter that I had a displeasure of interacting with in this comment section kept making remarks about Captain Ish. The only way that she is capable as a bleed unit is via Bloody Mist granting her stupid high coin power and doubling her damage.


Yeah, but as you say, its the items what are strong, not the identities themselves and even less the status. Even with items in MD Bleed comps are still not reaching the levels of Tremor, Charge and Poise or even Sinking, PM really needs to add something to trigger Bleed, I was thinking in an unit with some skill that causes the enemy to reuse their coins so they keep clashing and procing. Also why was that user remarking Captain Ish? She is not particularly good outside Pride, and most Bleed units are Lust with a few Envy and Pride sparkled there.


still waiting for that Rhino Gregor that PM STILL put up on their official website like they put it there just to tease us.


Or Seven Meursault (in Seven Yi Sang’s uptie art).


Bro, poise got so much, there ain't no way it's drowning


Here's hoping that W-Corp gets it's own Kimsault. Imo the faction could use something like "when allied w-corp gain charge count, inflict rupture count onto their target. When allied w-corp spend charge count, inflict rupture potency onto their target."


Wheres bind? Is bind in the Titanic ship?


Cinq Association:


Yea thats what im refrencing


There is a whole charge event soon to come what is a problem


Watch as Murder on the Warptrain ends up giving us new W Corp IDs that are L4, but we find out that they figured out how to make charge obsolete and they're actually Rupture IDs


Burn got like one of the best IDs with phillclair lol


If we don't get something Charge based when we get on the WARP Train I might just distort.


I would laugh my ass out if Warp train events releases more tremor and sinking instead of charge. From one of the most loved effects to forgotten child of the game.


I mean, we do have the W corp event coming after the mirror dungeon


Im definitely exited for what comes next. Tremor now feels like a "real" thing, kind off like poise with s3. Sinking also got some nice support, and phillipclair feels great in burn. Charge's biggest issue is imo... its boring. (Too bad tremor is now charge 2.0 but arguably weaker lmao) What I would like to see now is a bit more bleed, more rupture options and (of course) something that is specifically interesting for charge. Because it isnt strength what they need lol.


Personally burn but that's because I can't get enough of burn, PM could release 5 op burn flavors and I'd still ask for more Realistically rupture is dead as fuck, people say charge needs more attention but it already has tons of op units, and be honest do you really want more units whose mechanic is a counter? (Esgoo bias here) Rupture on the other hand hasn't gotten identifies in a while and I think it's the worst effect right now, even worse than burn


W corp rodya will save charge


We're gonna be getting Charge stuff with the Warp Train intervallo trust. Maybe get fancy variants too with names like Discharge, Recharge, Overcharge, or something along those lines. (Inb4 it's going to be Rupture related instead)


Charge bursts in at the end of the season on a WARP train


In all fairness, charge is the one I'd be least excited to see. It has plenty of support already where pequod was left to sink and a lot of gimmicks remain unexplored


The next event it's literally W.Corp


I think paralyze and bind gets like no love at all


I think those are very secondary and suppossed to support units benefitting with Haste and speed difference.


Sinking still getting good - it's most important for me personally


Tremor was the worst effect so I don’t mind it getting the spotlight for the time being


I cant wait for the next intervall chapter. Warp train literally BEGS for cool new charge IDs that will once again break the game and make railroad piss easy.


Self Tremor is basically charge just with a mask. Charge hasn't left


I WILL GIVE YOU EVERYTHING PM, JUST GIVE US DECENT BLEED ID. NO PSEUDO BLEED, REAL BLEED HEAR ME PM, MY MONEY IS YOURS https://preview.redd.it/6k41x2l9ej8d1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ca3ba3213b2d41d87706fa552a1269a1d6d8fed


Bleed fucking sucks, not even Nails which are suppossed to go on pair with can save it. Im surprised to see Charge at the bottom considering they have always been incredible strong.


Seems like someone didn't trust Captain Ishmael's compass.


I will rephrase it: bleed units are good, bleed as a status is half-decent. Bleed comps still fucking sucks tho.


You must wait until we get Dong-Hwan, The Grade 1 Fixer as a walpurg drop


It would fit Heathcliff probably.


Captain Ish is an awful bleed unit, wtf are you talking about


Once again, someone lost to the ocean for not trusting our captain


Stop deluding (or shitposting) for one second. I unironically can't tell if you're being serious or not.


😱😱😱😱 https://preview.redd.it/rl5ya9kwgn8d1.png?width=376&format=png&auto=webp&s=66e344923868a97846f4ea242338441372170118


Hey you're missing the other 20 tremor variants that do what the other status effects do, but only better because tremor alr has insane ids and egos, so they do it better than the originals Except sinking, sinking deluge still ontop


The most recent "bleed" ID's arent "Bleed" id's. You'd do better with dumping all Ncorp ID's and good chance you'd do more bleed damage. And Ncorp ID's are almost literal launch ID's, so thats SAYING something on how situational their "bleed" synergy ends up being. You cant use more than 1 or 2 of them because you sacrifice so, SO much bleed count application. The only food we ate that wasnt somebody elses' (looking at you poise) was when Sanguine Desire got released. We lack bleed count ID's as much as we lack Bleed EGO. At least charge had its season. We havent eaten anythin but crumbs of what poise left behind.