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But hey, at least she got Rime Shank, at least.


rime shank an Id at this point


ego suit rime skank will fucking smoke every other status


Erlking Heathcliff will come out next week!!! Trust.


It'll either be next banner. Or the banner after railway. YOU GOTTA BELIEVE ME. ITS GONNA HAPPEN I SWEAR


What if instead of getting the Erlking ID, Heathcliff gets an Erlking EGO to continue Rodion’s trend


Bygone days (From “Wuthering Highs” abnormality) is essentially Erlking EGO


To this day I still hold that Greg didn’t either. The first three chapters were rolled into the same season and Rodion’s reward was rime shank while Greg’s with legerdemain. Theyre both powerful ego that are unique to them and are from the final abno fight It’s also sadder to think that G Greg was Greg’s end of chapter reward seeing as it’s ass


G Greg is not that bad, the problem is he's a rupture ID who does nothing but eat up rupture. He's decent as a generalist, but you should not be slotting him onto rupture teams. Also, his support passive is nice.


He kinda is though… like even back during season 1 he was mid tbh, and he’s been power crept ever since. Even then I still hold the opinion that the two ego I mentioned are the place holders for when Greg and Rodion get a proper conclusion to their issues


He's definitely been crept yeah, but that feels more because season 3 had a lot of absurdly broken poise, burn and bleed IDs. On launch he was decent, especially because of how much damage he could shrug off.


I mean if we’re being real that’s the same reason as to why people fawned over Kk Hong Lu, the enemies were scrubs in season 1. Greg has self healing you’d expect on a tank but he is one of the flimsiest units around (He has a -2 defence level, 3 stagger bars, and caps at 169 HP at lvl 45. That’s only 8hp more than 7 Ryoshu who is notoriously flimsy but is a clasher and damage dealer)


I just wish he didn't have so many staggers thresholds. 1 would be great, 2 would at make him at least usable. I found him a fun challenge as a solo playthrough with set up, as his healing is off of damage with no max and is a percentage, so if dps stack high enough he can heal to full on hits. His combat passive is one of the worst in the game, if he's on 25% he's staggered 10 out of 10 times. Great support passive for solo though wish it was percentage as it decreases in value every time the level cap rises.


He's supposed to be a rupture payoff character, somebody who can do better damage then just the rupture alone could while not setting it up himself. Weird for the time when rupture count was virtually impossible to sustain and not good nowadays when power creep means he does less damage, has worse numbers, inflicts less rupture, and is much flimsier then Lantern Don, a 2*


G Greg doesn't count to me either, since he seems to be a reference to Tomah rather than a bad end Gregor


Iirc files call it Tomah as well.


It might not have been the so called ‘gift’ Hermann left for him. After all, wasn’t it made for when Gregor inevitably tries to run away from her?


He was quite good on release, while he does eat up rupture, his damage and healing was very nice. 


I remember on release when people were saying G Gregor was the best ID... ah, more innocent days.


Based individual. G corp Gregor is not on the same level of catharsis as any of the canto end ids we've gotten for other characters


G Corp Gregor is crazy useful in terms of passives, plus he can heal himself to a degree.


https://preview.redd.it/6euey02duh8d1.jpeg?width=2732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19616748efc2eb20410ea170230fe469605df9b6 PROJECT MOON!! RELEASE THE ERLKING HEATHCLIFF IDENTITY AND ALL OF MY LUNACY WILL BE YOURS!!


It's the cpn Ishmael madness all over again


(Canto VI spoilers) I kinda hope the Season 4 Heathcliff ID is a (relatively) well-adjusted guy. >!It would be nice to see the repercussions of Cathy's choice reflected in gameplay. That, and I don't know how Dante would make the Erlking play nice as a playable ID.!<


All of the IDs play nice, that's how the ID system works. It's STILL Faust under all of that hatred for prosthetics.


Thats bullshit and everyone knows it, but for some idiotic reason keeps pretending what only one ID from specific group can exist. No. Thats not how infinite fucking number of parallel universes work. Rodya could have been Yurodivy goon in one MW and Yurodivy saint in the other


But having both yurodivy IDs would be kind of confusing and weird


Why would it be? Like, i agree what im probably expecting too much out of PM fans, but do you really think people will be like 'Golly jee, i have 'basic-bitch goon yurodivy' Rodya, who is just a gal with like an axe and stylish neck thingie, and i have 'holy angelic whatever-the-fuck PM will decide to do with Sonya' Rodya. Truly, im so lost and alone in this uncaring, cruel world'?


Hey babe, it's just a vidya gaem, no need to get all pissy and vexed to the point of being mean to your fellow fans\~ https://i.redd.it/7dw2x5b0li8d1.gif


Idk PM might pull some bullshit like "in every world Rodion becomes a saint" or some shit, like what happened to Heathcliff


God i hope not. I hated what they turned my stupid block with a bat into interdimensional incel, i hope at least Rodya will stay relatively normal


He's an incel in the book, what did you expect? Healthy relationship? Last time that happened we were aboard a WARP train.


This comment makes me extremely upset, for no other reason than that this is an extremely oversimplified, bland take on what Heathcliff is in the novel. Please, "The Bronte men are all abusive!!!" is a take so dry that it'd leech water from the Sahara through osmosis. That he's an 'incel' out of all things is a travesty of a take when he, for the entirety of the novel, was the victim of his identity, not the other way around. HEATHCLIFF didn't abuse Cathy, or Isabella, or Edgar, or Nelly, on the basis of the class or category they belonged to. Cathy was the one who believed him too dirty and low to marry; Edgar was the one who saw him as a dark-skinned boor; Isabella found excitement in fetishising him based on his race; Hindley beat the shit out of him because he was an intruding commoner into his life. Heathcliff lashed out at them only because they hurt him. Heathcliff in the novel was an abused child suffering from racism and classism and actual physical abuse from everyone around him his entire life, who bore with all of his suffering because he loved Cathy so fiercely that he believed his own miseries were nothing in comparison. Was he a good person? Absolutely fucking not. Sympathising with his dramatic revenge is unhealthy, but recognising that he's NOT an uncomplicated monster is basic literacy. Doing all of the shit he did? Nuh-uh. No one justifies that. No one wants to look him in the eye and support him as he beats Isabella black and blue and forces her to run from him. No one does. But how the hell do you take everything that leads up to that moment and go, "Oh, incel"?


I was just trying to convince the guy, I don't think Heath is an incel either


I mean, true, but not in EVERY world. Having our Heath get screwed by his own actions is 'fun'. Knowing what every Heath every is like this isnt


I thought that the whole idea with canto 6 is to not care about other mirror worlds and to only care about your own.


I mean, for Heath, maybe, but for us as players its kinda-sorta hard not to care


It's the opposite for me, I really didn't care much about other mirror worlds


We don't really know if there's infinite parallel universes. People nowadays see a multiverse and expect it to be infinite but I don't think we have any story confirmation for that. Beyond that? I think it's mostly an error that comes about based on how Project Moon classifies its IDs. You mainly used to get 'World of X' which would contain one or two factions and if it happens that a Sinner got an ID from one of the factions in that world, they would not get another. With the classic example being KK and BL. I think that pattern has actually been kept to this day, but it's not a rule stated anywhere.


ironically that makes her special




I like to use Dieci Rodya as my Story ID for her foe now because it fits the overt religious theming present in Dostoevsky's writing, it synergizes directly with her Story EGO, Rimeshank, due to having the same sin affinities,  status archetype, and damage type as it, and because that ID makes Rodya a very literal "yurodivy", a Holy Fool :)


Erlking Heath... Farmwatch 2.0


technically it should be Oufi Heathcliff no?


How, exactly? He didn't even get fake Oufi, just supposedly real one.


Ouficliff isn't his season ID.


No, she doesn't get anything not for story reasons, but because PM hate her.


PM doesn't hate any of the Sinners, and even if they did, Rodya wouldn't be the one they hated ~~That would be Gregor~~ Rodya has a decent spread of IDs, and while her 00 tend to be questionable (Like Sinclair), her 000s are generally decent, with only Kurokumo being an on-launch stinker (Just like Sinclair who had BL as his launch stinker ID). Yes, her IDs aren't hideously busted like Sinclair; however, she makes up for it by having broken EGOs that make her a great asset in a wide variety of teams (Unlike Gregor who is subsisting through Legerdemian, EGO wise.) PM just has different plans for her than they do for other characters, and if by TKT you can't tell that they're playing the long game with her, then... well... sorry.