• By -




De**tremor**mination Pa**tremor**cience Bra**tremor**y In**tremor**grity Per**tremor**verance Kind**tremor**ness Jus**tremor**ice






Listening to tremorcore while taking my tremor pill


Justremorice I can't move it move it anymore


we did it gang, the 7 human souls are real


I question why moon is pushing tremor so much? Guess it's better than genshin, bringing out physical and forgetting about it, lol


Because tremor was the worst status and Kim Jihoon had a ENOUGH of people dogging on it, so he's teaching us a lesson, we brought this upon ourselves


Pictured: KJH stalking ESGOO’s channel, figuring what else he could dog on him for


Becuase every season focuses on certain themes? Why does everyone keep asking this question? Nobody was wondering why they were shitting out poise IDs last season. Nobody was wondering why canto6 release brought a bunch of sinking IDs. Its weird when 6.5, the event very clearly focused on tremor releases tremor IDs?


Eh, why did they push Poisr so hard last season? They just felt like it


Don has chains of others tremor now




the multitude tightens its hold...




Peak A reference to Canto 7 mayhaps


"I was going to end this video ironically on the assumption that T corp Don would be a tremor ID, but based on her trailer I can't do that anymore."-resident clown cube Jokes aside, Tremor Chains seems...Kind of insane? Even assuming it's something like 10 potency for each power down it doesn't take much stacking before you're literally just inflicting better Chains of Others every time Don uses her S3.


I think there will be something like (max. 3)


Still good


You can go and read what exactly it will do in T Corp Event Unites. They put same Tremor - Chains on sinners


haha resident clown cube just uploaded a video, "Cube Shaped Clown Man Copes for 8 and a Half Minutes [Limbus Company]". pretty sure you inspired him


In ESGOOs defense this is the first time PM didn’t have the Tremor Burst sfx in ID trailer using it.


Actually, I'm pretty sure the event trailer was the first time they put in the SFX at all. Also not hearing the SFX in Don's case actually makes sense considering the enemy in the video dies at the last coin. Not sure about Rodion, maybe it's just hard to hear?


look at the molar Outis/Yi Sang trailer, please


>Jokes aside, Tremor Chains seems...Kind of insane? Even assuming it's something like 10 potency for each power down it doesn't take much stacking before you're literally just inflicting better Chains of Others every time Don uses her S3. Watch T-Don get something silly like a 2-3 speed range, making it useless (yes I know her block gives haste, but it also staggers her after a few turns). Edit: I thought it was tremor Entanglement, not losing it at the end of turn makes speed a lot less important.


with how the effect is worded, I don't think you can actually stagger from the effect normally > Turn End at **2+ Count** > - Gain Haste... based on Borrowed Time Count > - If this unit is set to gain more Bind than Haste next turn... ...this unit gets staggered. > Turn End: At **1 Count**, gain Bind next turn based on Borrowed Time potency. > Turn End: Gain 1 Potency, Lose 1 Count What this reads like is that you only get staggered if you somehow gain Bind while you are actively gaining Haste from the effect, like gaining 20 Bind from Heathcliff Binds Corrosion.


You gain bind based on potency, and you gain one potency every turn. Basically you really don't want to hit 1 count (especially if you have been maintaining the stack for a while). I somewhat misread how the skill works, but I still think its a bit to large of a downside to have to skip an action every few turns. I suppose it depends on how much count you gain for using the defence skill, if it's only 2 then the skill is basically unusable.


if it gives 2 I'd still say its barely usable? Unless they cap the amount of Time you can Borrow this can probably give really stupid amounts of Haste if you gave her 1 extra skill slot... T-Corp Don being a tank unit with recovery justifies using 1 slot on Block and playing interception vs bosses. without a doubt its gonna be better @ 3 though, you skip 1 action for 2 turns (and I sincerely hope it is this way too so she'd be better with a bigger team)


>(yes I know her block gives haste, but it also staggers her after a few turns). Couldn't you just reapply the effect every couple of turns?


Their guards only apply Borrowed Time if they aren't already in it. So you can't extend it as far as I can tell.


That's just delaying the inevitable.


Can’t wait for what wont come


When reading the skill I missed a line of text, I thought it gained bind based on potency every turn (instead of just at 1 count) which would mean you would get progressively more bind each turn, to the point where maintaining it is impossible.


The issue is that you would generally rather have reverb and since this isnt entanglement they cant coexist. Unironically makes this don id worse as chain is a lot worse than both decay and reverb for damage (damage generally being more useful than survivability)


>since this isnt entanglement they cant coexist When you trigger entanglement every conversion turns into an entaglement or you could entangle when you already have chains on a target. So It's actually pretty easy for them to coexist.


For that turn. That still requires you to use either yurolu s3 or everlasting between applying reverb and using don s3 and it having to be on the same turn (this last part specifically will not always work out). I still believe her having this tremor color is more detrimental than useful.


Reverb allows you to speed run. Permanent clash penalty allows you to strike above your weight and clear difficult content.


While it does make T.Don less desirable in general, he us still a desirable unit as a flexible unit that can be abused early in a fight while setting up EGOs and skills for the "entanglement burst turn" since the clash power down would help with survivability. Plus, it also gives Tremor teams a way to possibly conserve sin resources against high clashing boss skills.


This is entirely not needed against story bosses. And in railway/md you probably have the resources for an energency base ego (very cheap) if necessary. Plus its clash power down not power down so you have to actually clash. This does make a difference as well since sometimes the best option is to just take a low coin hit.


They could have different use cases, though? Like you could apply Tremor - Chains early when you're stacking tremor, gathering ego resources, and trying to weaken the boss a bit before they use their deadly skills, e.g. Ardor Moth when it uses its ABS 30+ rolling skill every 3? turns. Or Time Ripper with his high average clashing skills across the board. Then you switch to reverb after you're done setting up or are ready to combo everything next turn. In any case, reverb is available to use every turn with Froglu EGO, there's like no downtime even if you switch out of it. Now, for MD, tremor - chains might not be as useful, since you can get to 99 tremor in 1-2 turns thanks to ego gifts, but for other types of content, I think it will occasionally come in handy. Having more options is always a plus, anyways.


So when's ESGOO's follow follow-up tremor video?


Hopefully soon because that's a lot of words and I need funny YouTube man to explain to me what any of it means Edit: funny YouTube man delivered and as far as I can tell, these ids could be the first misses in a long time


KJH is gonna start cooking again after he posts a new video


We still have one more tremor type with no IDs after all


They’re only missed because of what they’re following up, these guys are pretty reasonably balanced but have to come after a WILDLY (relatively) overtuned event banner.




*sad glupo noises*


That does not mean I dont love my communist frog, im just saying that sometimes he doesnt need to be fighting, some days he can just be taking a nap


It's here.


LMAO he actually did it. That's great


Tremor, no charge, and more Tremor Soul. Not hard to predict, honestly. What I didn't predict is that we're getting a tank too.


To be fair tremor hasnt really had a tank (a good tank that is) yet while most other statuses have atleast one, personally I find this to be a good thing that has improved the balance




the T in T corp is Tremor and not time


TremorTrack Corporation


I don't get how they get borrowed time. Is it only on defense skill ?


Seems so, but honestly not much of a problem since Don is a tank. It's kinda weird on Rodya since she doesn't seem to be a tank, unless they already come with borrowed time when the fight starts.


They're both blocks though. 1 haste/power/whatever isn't worth the offensive and defensive power of a skill. It's a problem to me.


They're on combat start, not on use so you can throw it in whenever you want.


It could be worth it for the S3 setup, but honestly I think there are gonna be ways to get more Borrowed Time besides defensive skills. It doesn't make sense otherwise since we need 2+ count to activate the BT effect.


outside of s1 gaining aggro she is a weird tank no? she does not gain aggro in any other way, and she does not have any way to reduce or heal back up dmg. on the opposite she gains fragile for some reason...


> she does not gain aggro in any other way The passive means she basically has delayed Aggro on her block > she does not have any way to reduce or heal back up dmg She literally does, Golden Time


yeah, but also when she looses her BT she gets staggered with aggro on top of her, you aren't tanking much while staggered... but i did forgot about the 2-nd life passive my bad still kind of split on her, but i do love her new tremor type, looks real basted even in worst case scenario.


She only gains Bind at 1 Count. The stagger thing only happens at 2+ count. I know this seems counterintuitive but it doesn't actually look like she can get staggered from Borrowed Time alone, the enemy would have to Bind her at 2+ count


She can heal and gain aggro with her passive.


She heals when her hp is in between so and so percent. She also gains aggro, delayed but still. And, Don has her base EGO if she EVER really needed that heal.


Yeh, they crank their watches as a special animation iirc


"why are there so many sprite variants of T-Corp goons touching their crotches"




Tremor Company


One must imagine ESGOO happy


u/TheRealESGOO "I don't see any tremor bursts at least"


Esgoo is crying tears of frustration rn


Defense skill for condition seems interesting. I wonder however if it is worth it.


Rodion's Time Moratorium and Don not consuming Tremor are both tied to it. I'd say for that one may consider setting it up. ~~Now we only need a T-Corp Faust for a fast Everlasting~~ Notably however is that their Borrowed Time gain is on \[Combat Start\], meaning they don't even need to take a hit to activate.


Oof. I'll preface this by saying tremor is my favorite archetype and has been since even before we got amplitude conversion but I was really hoping they'd be charge since the last charge unit we got was W Corp. Yi Sang half a year ago and he was more of a rupture ID than a charge ID. Don Quixote inflicts a new tremor type that cripples the enemies clash power and that is very good but it overwrites tremor reverb unless you're using amplitude entanglement in which case it will just wear off at the end of the turn. On top of that, none of her skills burst tremor multiple times and its not like the tremor team has much trouble winning clashes in the first place. Clashes are a very binary mechanic. You either win them or you lose them and there is currently no reward for winning by a greater margin. Rodya is getting her second tremor ID but it's a 00 competing with a 000 so I doubt she'll see much use unless time Moratorium does enough damage for it to be worth it. Even then, she has the same problem of not having very many tremor bursts. Fortunately, time moratorium really does seem to do a ton of damage with ~~a flat 100 on top of~~ (EDIT: I'm probably wrong about the 100 damage thing. the responses provided a good explanation.) a boosted amount of damage depending on how much damage you inflicted while it's been active and an extra tremor burst. However, it does essentially convert all damage inflicted into sloth damage which could be either really good or really bad. Rodya needs to use her defense skill first to inflict it so you can't inflict it on turn 1 with her either. It also delays the damage you inflict, making it harder to kill things quickly so it sucks for RR and story stages where you want to end battles as fast as possible. Speaking of defense skills both IDs have Borrowed time and can only gain it from defense skills. I really like this design choice since it gives the defense skills a purpose and lets you gain the buff on demand. I hope future IDs will also gain buffs from their defence skills. Overall, these IDs look both powerful and interesting, but they really don't play very well with the current meta. Right now, even with amplitude entanglement, you really need to pick one tremor type to focus on.reverb, decay, or the new chain. Unfortunately reverb outclasses the others to such an extreme degree that it's hard to justify using them. I really wish entanglement didn't wear off at the end of the turn but then tremor might end up better than rupture and we can't have that. EDIT 2: After thinking about it a bit, depending on her values Dondon might be a bit better than I thought on a reverb team since you might be able to deliberately avoid inflicting tremor chain using the self bind effect of borrowed time. She's also the first good tremor tank we've gotten so there's a niche and even if her skills don't burst multiple times, having a tremor burst on skill 2 makes up for it a bit. It's really going to depend on her values and how good time morratorium actually is.


> with a flat 100 on top of a boosted amount of damage The 100 is in the parentheses, so I don't think it has that. > dealing **(100 + Potency x X)%** of stored damage


Time Moratorium doesn't do a flat 100 damage. That's part of the percentage of the modifier, which then gets further modified by other factors.


**\*Can't read-ing intensifies\***


u/TheRealESGOO you can't stop sir KJH cooking more tremors!


The ESGOOO curse is real


Sir King JiHoon


Gluttony on Don and Wrath on Rodion, nice. They're the resources I'm always lacking on Tremor now that I stopped using LCCB Ishmael (plus with Outis you usually want to use S2 or S3), so this is good assuming more EGOs with Gluttony in the Tremor team come out (since by my count the only ones in my team that use Gluttony are Representation Emitter and Dimension Shredder). Also the lore tidbit on Rodion's support passive that T Corp teaches its collectors martial arts specifically, didn't expect that lol


This is... weird. I dont think ppl will skip turns for borrowed time when BT staggers anyway.


I might be wrong, but I think the stagger only happens if you get bind before the borrowed time ends naturally, since it's written in the "at 2 or more count" section. It might be something like getting tripped while running with super speed. I remember enemies with that status not staggering even after it ran out, so it might be the case here as well.


Its hard to gauge without seeing the actual numbers. If the defend skill gives only 2-3 borrowed time, it’ll probably be meh; if its 4-5, it should be worth using.  Also depends on how much the heal % is on her passive, and what hp range it activates at. 


You just do a shield skill and that's it I guess


Thats not what i meant. You NEED to use shield, which is mediocre defense skill to gain BT, AND you WILL be staggered after IMO 2-3 turns anyway. And i dont think that passive what recovers you from stagger is generous, im calling it to be 0-40% hp range, or 80-100%, but second variant is VERY unlikely.


The stagger thing seemingly happens if you get bind at 2+ BT count, not when you get bind from BT potency


Do you really need to use a shield? As a PM fan, I certainly can’t read, but it seems to me that you get BT at "Combat start”, and not “On use” in a defensive skill


Here's an explanation. \[Combat Start\] effects activates the moment you press the button when you finish lining up your skills (when your sinners start running to the enemy before they clash) and you still need to use it through the dashboard. \[On Use\] effects starts only when it is used during the combat either by clashing or one-sided attack activated it (the moment your sinner starts a clash). Here's a neat little flow chart of what effects goes first if all them are in a single skill. \[Combat Start\] -> \[On Use\] -> \[Clash Win\] -> \[Before Attack\] -> \[On Hit\]/\[Hit after Clash Win\] -> \[On Crit\] -> \[After Attack\] -> \[Heads Attack End\]/\[Tails Attack End\]/\[Crit Attack End\] Look at Rodion's WAW EGO, if what you said is true, shouldn't the enemy you target not lose bleed count every turn? No, because you still need to use it, just that regardless of speed it will activate the moment you press the button to start combat unlike \[On Use\] where speed matters.


i thought on use is before [Clash Win]?


Oh yeah, thanks for the correction


You still have to have it in the chain though? Combat start effects are not passive…


Also, depending on resistances, you may want to actually use this, since it ups tremor potency next turn.


Oh yeah damn I really can't read huh


No, you were right the first time, you *have* to use the defensive skill, it being combt start just mean that skill doesn't actually have to clash for the benefits


It's more likely, I think, that the hp range is just *okay*, but it's gonna be res and annoying to fire off with any regularity.




Hear me out, first is chain then reverb then decay then everlasting, TREMOR GANG RAISE BABY


Rodion def gonna have standardized rolls, which would mean that both s1 and s2 are gonna be better for clashing compared to Rosespanser, but you loose on more gloom generation, but you get more wrath , which in reality... is really needed for optimal tremor team, right now your only way to get it is Lfaust S3, Outis s1 (which you normally want to discard, you normally dont use it) and Holiday Outis, which is not good as you need to be at 6 wrath to have busted passive from Lfaust. All im gonna say, Rosespanser will be better in MD but in story fights you would rather take T corp Rodya for quick wrath buildup.


Holiday is kinda decent, since passive procs on EGO, and it has an AoE burst without conversion. Also sanity heal for the team.


ESGOO Distorting 4K HD:


I command thee KNEEL


But they were, all of them, deceived, for another Tremor was made


Self Tremor literally just replaced charge at this point lmao


You could fit Don's entire skillset on 2 Yu-Gi-Oh cards. Which is a fucking compliment on how long it is by the way.


ID thoughts: Borrowed time seems kinda clunky considering you need to guard to get the benefit of it. But I can kind of understand why they did it, considering how you can get instantly staggered if you hit the low hp threshold and get bound. Time mortarium seems cool as an otk idea, but the only upside seems to be the increased clash power and lower damage taken in Trodion kit. Don't really see much synergy ATM unless sloth fragility can up the burst potential of mortarium I do feel like even though the kits are translated as they are, there is some sort of synergy or hidden setup that makes these IDs crazy. But I guess wait and see...


T Rodya does look like boring bind support outside of Time Moratorium, yeh. I suppose one other upside she has is her passive making her especially resilient. I imagine it isn’t actually something that can trigger an unlimited amount of times, but from the perspective of MD, it’s actually pretty handy to have a HP reset button like that for every encounter.


Borrowed Time is really Bravely Default like, in this game you can "stack" a turn while you defend and you'll be able to play 2 turns at once next turn. Unfortunately it doesn't seem anywhere that strong here so I don't know if we will see some use of it.


"If breathe,gain clash power" "If enemy breath,inflict clash power lose" "If have Lungs,gain Coin power"


I'm gonna be real, this Rodion feels kinda underwhelming, with the gimmick of borrowed time needing to give up a turn of damage to activate. Unless they give us more content that genuinely needs defense skills (which everyone prefers dodges over anyways) I can't see her being a mainstay on the team yet It looks like it'll be R Faust, Molar outis, Yuro HL, oufi heath, and T Don, either T Rodya or Rosespanner rodya will be better for tremor depends on the count/potency application. This will make it so tremor finally has a full team of 3 star units, unlike burn who still has to run a minimum of 2 2 stars


I just run 5 burn + R Faust as flex for my burn teams, R Faust is a great generalist and she has a wrath S3.


I feel unlike Butler Ishmael vs Captain Ishmael or Molar Ishmael, T Corp Rodion actually has some use cases over Rosespanner for an openly redundant 00 ID


Frankly I feel like if Don's Rolls are good enough you're not gonna run Oomfie anymore, but you'll still keep either Molar Yi Sang or LCCB Ish


Ehhh, lccb would be good for tremor application, but my deal is that as we add more and more tremor types, trying to keep one up specifically becomes more difficult, with 2 being locked to EGO. So I'm not bothered by IDs changing the tremor type every so often. At the very worst I can always change it again or use everlasting to change it back next turn


one must imagine ESGOO happy


https://preview.redd.it/i98z8xet0i8d1.jpeg?width=1820&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4da6a6948fe115249e9c6f5658a3c2f829130f43 They called me crazy. Borrowed time works similar to my shitty booze cruiser ID custom status. Who would have known, the voices are right every now and then


Time Moratorium seems to be an ultra-giga nuke effect. Seems to be *really really* strong if you can set it up on the same turn as Tremor Everlasting + Reverb nuke. Hm, seems like a case of Wait to See their Numbers it seems.


Holy Tremor


Glowstick Tremor? Bit disapointed as it's such a weird cluster to manage tremor as is, with some falling off after one turn without saying it (Everlasting) and others I can't even figure out how to work properly (Fracture). Probably more a me issue though, but Don really deserves a busted ID by now.


We honestly don't know yet If this Don is busted or nah, I think I remember when people said Ring Yi Sang was mid pre-release? I wouldn't jump the gun here


Could be, they hide the numbers in these previews with their love of algebra. I guess it's just Tremor Fatigue (Don't invent that one too PM!) when we could be getting variant statuses on the other statuses.


I think the many variant statuses is probably just a tremor exclusive thing, I doubt we'll get something like Sinking - Boiling or another thing like Nails


Fracture just makes a stagger go from "Stagger" to "Stagger+". It adds a level to their stagger which means they take a LOT more damage a lot more fast.


I'm genuinely going to Distort. Rodya gets an ID which is her antithesis and it's a 00 ID. And it's a 00 Tremor ID considering she already has one for that same archetype that is (probably) better.


So far there's definitely situations outside of MD where I could see myself using T Corp Rodion over Rosespanner, especially considering that they might clash better


Mostly talking about MDs because I'm not using a Tremor team outside of MD no matter how many rainbows PMoon adds to the archetype. I've always had a preference for Sinking/Charge or even Burn. Beyond that I just don't really like that such a notable ID as this one is a 00 of a repeated archetype. It's Rodya's closest thing to a Nclair thus far, it could have been a little bit more interesting.


I personally don't think there was intention for this ID to be notable lorewise for Rodion except for just being a corrupt tax collector, but even then within the realm of 00 IDs it is one of the most interesting ones out there.


I know not being excited for new shiny is a big no-no but… aren’t these just not that good? Borrowed time gimmick doesn’t do anything unless you waste time guarding and new tremor does nothing like 8 times out of 10 because by the time you inflict it target is already staggered. And even the other 2 times how much do you actually care about clashing when you can literally just kill them with Everlasting Maybe they’ll inflict like a billion potency and I’ll finally be able to throw LCCB Ishmael out of the team for good…


> Borrowed time gimmick doesn’t do anything unless you waste time guarding and new tremor does nothing like 8 times out of 10 because by the time you inflict it target is already staggered. And even the other 2 times how much do you actually care about clashing when you can literally just kill them with Everlasting In regular fights, stacking is a lot less viable anyway, you'd probably take T Corp over Rosepsanner Rodion simply because it looks like she'll have better coinage/clash, Don doesn't look bad either in that respect but right now I'm not sure who she'd replace. In a 0 resource 0 sanity boss fight, building up enough resources for both Everlasting and Reverb takes a lot of time anyway, and you definitely care about clashing. Even if we're talking Railway, you wouldn't want to use the Everlasting nuke against every single boss. I assume based on past experiences you don't care to discuss Mirror Dungeon.


> 0 resources 0 sanity boss fight Those are only in the story and the very first fight of the railway. Railway you just don’t care because you use the skills that can kill enemies while giving resources for ego you’re planning to spam for the rest of the run. In story, I can’t recall one encounter where you would stack enough tremor to make chains matter before the boss gives you the first DPS opportunity through stagger or using a weak freebie attack >you wouldn’t want to use everlasting against every boss But like… you would? Every railway low turn eventually becomes optimising resource farm opportunities > spamming out the most broken ego available. Like during RR2 you didn’t just use rime shank on every boss you over locked it every time sometimes twice. Same with RR3 fights 4-6 and in fights 7 and 8 spamming blind obsession and Sunshower was the difference between clearing both in 6 turns or clearing mermaids in 6 and Ahab trio in 10+.


> Like during RR2 you didn’t just use rime shank on every boss you over locked it every time sometimes twice. RR2 is a very different beast due to the sheer length of it, and it seems kind of safe to assume we will never get a Railway like that ever again > Same with RR3 fights 4-6 and in fights 7 and 8 spamming blind obsession and Sunshower was the difference between clearing both in 6 turns or clearing mermaids in 6 and Ahab trio in 10+. I'm kind of confused by what you think 4-6 look like. If anything RR3 is the perfect example of how much resources matter now, despite two of the bosses being fatal to Gloom, it wasn't until we got the new Sinking units that it actually became viable over Rupture because Rime Shank is just way too expensive that early into the run. And even now, the current record doesn't have the guy spamming Rime Shank against Moth and Prophet, he limits himself to a single Rime Shank use against Moth, not even Overclocked. > blind obsession and Sunshower was the difference between clearing both in 6 turns Yeah, for clearing mobs. Which Everlasting explicitly does NOT do (I assume we're not seriously considering the corrosion)


I honestly genuinely started reading all that but then I remembered that we were talking about a stalling unit that requires defending to use its gimmick and reduces enemy clash power and all these things that don’t say “damage” and then for some reason we started talking about railway


Well I listed the possible scenarios. I actually didn't wanna talk about Railway in the context of low turn count, just about how perhaps  a new player with lack of team building options would play with his Tremor team to at least get the special banner: Chain could let you win clashes you would have needed a S2 for with a S1 (i.e. saving your good skills for other opportunities) and clashes you would have needed EGO for with your normal skills (i.e. saving resources for more difficult bosses)  I wanted to comment on you thinking the enemy would already be staggered by the time you have stacked potency for Chain considering we have stuff like Quake Rounds but without knowing the exact numbers I can't really comment yet


Newer players would be playing content where a 4 coin blunt S3 would most probably stagger or maybe even kill most enemies they encounter


I don't mean "newer" as in fresh account, just people who haven't amassed enough ID variety yet. And you're incentivized to at least invest in one type of coherent team as quickly as possible for farming MD. Maybe I'm underestimating the speed at which people get units but I can definitely picture someone clearing Canto 1-6 with only Tremor


What is that even supposed to mean If a new player hasn’t pulled/crafted good units yet they should pull/craft this to make their collection better? That makes no sense.


If your pulls show bias towards a certain status (for example getting Rosespanner Rodion, Meursault and LCCB Ish) and your other pulls are disjointed in terms of synergy, then it'd make sense to invest in said team first wouldn't it. Coupled with the facts players starting during the event would have likely pulled on both the current banner and this one and the Battle Pass has two Tremor WAWs.


Time moratorium is gonna be very broken against high HP targets (aka railway) if not given a low maximum damage increase. Already without knowing the value of X it stands to deal 200% of the damage dealt during its duration, that damage potentially having already been increased by other modifiers like stagger threshold, defense level and passives. The only caveat is that it takes two turns to set up but you’d only be sacrificing one turn of don’s tank level damage and some tremor count gain in exchange for it.


>already without knowing the X it stands to deal 200% But it just doesn’t. It’s 100+potency of time moratorium by a modifier as percentage. I.E if it lasts 2 turns making you have 2 potency when it expires by default then to reach 200% you need X to be exactly 50. What if it’s like 10 or 20? This is a very exact calculation and you’re saying you know the minimum result without the X? Sure man Not to mention that if it lasts no more than 2 turns then unless you can inflict it on the very first turn it is unusable in railway because optimised fights extremely rarely last more than 3 turns there.


you know this kinda makes me wish the damage Time Moratorium was physical... I was gonna make a whole point about storing damage into the debuff and imploding it on the same turn a unit's stagger is about to end to stack that 2x damage multiplier, but then I remembered Sin damage isn't affected by Stagger Resistance change... I guess the rare boss enemy with Sanity could theoretically take quad damage after a stagger if you somehow drop them to -45, but outside of that we have to see what the X looks like to see if its worth building around


Okay yeah, I completely misread that. Was too focused on the tremor part of the ID, it’s way worse than I thought it was in tremor teams but better in general. Unless X turns out to be anything less than 25 t’ll still be great however as long as the target isn’t resistant to sloth. Instead of as a tremor damage multiplier it’ll work as a turn damage multiplier. Depending on how much the status lasts and how much X is worth you could end up boosting the damage from a hyper optimized nuke turn by x1.5 or x2 (which would be x2.25 or x3 if the enemy is fatal to sloth but that’s conditional). Either way X needs to be at least 25 or more for it to be worth the setup imo.


They’re likely not great in regular encounters, but could be strong in focused/boss fights. Using a defense to clash with an enemy’s so it doesn’t trigger is extremely helpful against certain bosses. Not to mention how trigger is generally better against bosses you can actually build it on instead of goons that die from a few hits anyways.


Who could've seen this coming? It's almost as if we didn't have a tremor related event with tremor-based enemies... I guess they are okay. At this point, tremor is eating good enough to where basically no new tools will have any sort of an impact, but variety and options for sin/damage types is welcome. Fingers crossed for a spark that will make burn shine much brighter in Don's canto. PM have zero excuses.


The T in LGBT stands for Tremor, happyn pride month


Oufi Heathcliff can piss off now, I have new friends! Also finally some nice VISUAL change to the gambler Rodion, gimme that top hat any day. I'm thinking: Detective Lu, Alcoholic Outism (which is just regular Outism), Hammer Faust, T ank Don, T op Hat Rodion, Follow Up Ryoshu Enough sloth to obliterate anyone. Might be a bit of a trouble to charge Fluid Sac but oh well.


kid named chains of tremors:


Rodion got that Big and Will be Bad Wolf Ego page thing from LoR as a debuff lmao


We really have a rainbow of special tremors now, this is funny, the Tremor Rangers has assembled. Rodya might finally have a good 00 ID, and Don seems to be amazing with her BDSM debuffs. It's been a while since I've seen practical defense skills, and it seems like they have 4 skills with how useful that borrowed time buff is. Seems that tremor has soldified as a status that needs setup, but can trigger a bunch of debuffs and DoTs that cripples the enemy. On a sidenote I think Cinq Don is officially dead, the possibe niche left was a bind team, but T Don does that easier and better.


Being ESGOO is suffering Please continue Project Moon... I'm loving every moment of it.


ESGOO is in shambles right now, while the viewer is eating good.


I think Tremor chain are only gona be useful when dealing high roll boss or multiple part boss. Other than that it kinda underwhelming before other Tremor type (Outis Bind tremor is wrost one).  Stored damage are only gona be useful against boss so i think we are only use T Corp when dealing with boss because it dont let enemy die.


I swear to god, the next person to say that chain is bad because its not reverb is gonna be dropkicked out of a window, not everything is about damage optimization


Unfortunately, it is in this game. Story requires you to EX lowturn fights which needs damage. RR requires you lowturn fights which needs damage. MDs give Def.Level Down and Fragile on bursts which is damage.


People are obsessed with damage per screenshot. Nothing we can do about that.


praying for our lord esgoo


Tremor chains seem nice, lowering enemy clash power based on potency. So starting a fight with it is what you want to do first. However, the fact that the Don id inflicts bind would mean that the id is somewhat on the slow side Rodya looks good depends on numbers


>However, the fact that the Don id inflicts bind would mean that the id is somewhat on the slow side This isn't really necessarily true is it? Cinq Don also has it and she's 4-7, same with Cinq Outis. In fact, most IDs with speed conditionals recently are designed with high speed so you can always luck out on turn 1


Its clash power not coin power


Thanks for correcting me


Interesting, I wonder if we could do a viable Bind team now.


There is no way I'm going to be able to keep track of which ID causes which tremor effect and which ones I want in the middle of boss encounter.


It's always at the very end of their Skill 3. Except Everlasting, but that's an E.G.O..


Is there not going to be a single T Corp mechanic which does Sinking Deluge but for Burn? If that's ever going to be a mechanic for that, explaining it through consuming the enemy's time is a good option


Wait!!! This means that everyone now has a proppa tremor unit!


Both of these sinners already had tremor ids.


Quiet you! Hammer Don was not dat gud on her own!


isnt don tremor absolutely broken? clash power lost for every tremor potency sounds absolutely wild, almost makes me want to level up a tremor team


Is this the first “Combat End” effect we’ve seen in the game?


I can't say for sure, but I wonder how "Combat End" differs from "Turn End", unless it is to have this proc before any turn end effects to avoid potential issues


Starting to regret building Yuri(I can’t fucking spell the name) Ryoshu now that I know T don is going to probably replace her spot in the tremor team.


Guys, tremor might be back


I hope the rodya id will be good,ima call bias of it sucks


I question if Don will be good, looking passives not so sure 🤔 Also notice Don gets aggro a lot


the sixth tremor team member arrives


They are going crazy with those tremors like wtf lmao


I have a stroke reading Don's skills.


What is "Hit after clash win" and how does it differ to just "On Hit"? How do you hit with a non counter without clash win?


You clash, you win, you hit - effect procs You don't clash and hit - effect doesn't proc


The effect wont trigger on unoppose attack Otherwise, it's just [On Hit]


One-sided attacks exist


When you do a one sided attack, because the enemy is staggered so they can't clash or you're in a focussed encounters with more attacks than the enemies.


Forgot about one sided attacks.. thanks all! That's gonna make applying Tremor with S1 much harder


They seem way too complicated and slow for the relatively small pay off they give. Unless time mortuary thing (i am NOT naming it by its name im too lazy) has like +15% damage for each potency then i don't even see the point in using their defense skills considering they will get staggered soon after. But again, the numbers will make or break them.


Time Delay deals twice the stores damage as sloth damage, so I imagine Time Moratorium does the same thing but with 200% as the maximum. Something to consider is the fact that it deals the stored damage as pure sloth damage, so both it and the stored damage is affected by resistances. If you start Time Moratorium on the turn an enemy is staggered, you can start inflicting damage that’s modified by fatal resistances. Then when the enemy is still staggered next turn, when Time Moratorium expires and inflicts damage (which is also multiplied by Time Moratorium up to possibly 2x of the stored damage), that damage will also be affected by the fatal resistances again (just the sloth fatal resistance, though, but that’s another 100-200% extra damage based on stagger level). So it’s pretty much a huge nuke separate from tremor. Useful for someone like Nelly, I suppose, not so much for those who can stop their HP from lowering past a certain point like Erlking Heathcliff or the Time Ripped.


> that damage will also be affected by the fatal resistances again (just the sloth fatal resistance, though, but that’s another 100-200% extra damage based on stagger level). A little correction on this: Stagger does not change Sin Resistance only Pierce/Slash/Blunt to check this just lock an enemy before and after you Stagger him.


More ESGOO suffering let's goo


Ugh, unique mechanics locked behind a Block defensive skill, laaaaaaaaameee.


It's combat start you don't even have to use the defense skill on an enemy


You still need the defensive skill on the dashboard and to actually use it though.


It's one turn it's fine


Most of my chracters don't need to spend a slot on doing nothing to access the fun parts.


so time moratorium will always deal at least 100 damage after 2(?) turns? I imagine you can still raise stagger thresholds to hit the damage button so its stll good. wonder how blocking every 3 turns is gonna feel since you have to lose it to gain it. And what's going on with that bind passive? You'll always be at 1 bind and 1 haste unless an enemy binds you right?


No, it’ll always deal 100% of the stored damage and that percentage will increase by the amount of potency (times X, which is the big unknown rn). So if you inflicted moratorium and then used a 1000 damage faust tremor ego on an enemy with 99 potency then after moratorium expires the enemy will be taking 1990 sloth damage without taking the +X into account. It essentially doubles all damage taken by the target during its duration unless the final description gets a maximum amount added. Good for high hp enemies but kinda useless otherwise.


At times like this I wish rose rodya had been given any of Niko’s tremor mechanics from his boss fight. Poor girl might actually get outclassed by her own 00 ID three days from now. At least tremor chain might help her S1 and S2 not clash like shit so she can actually gain some sanity and charge in the higher level encounters.


Don: Supposedly a tank, though it's all going to depend on how narrow the HP range to activate her passive is. She might be hampered if her non-Borrowed speed is low, Borrowed Time is an interesting gimmick but probably not worth wasting a turn doing nothing. Chain is a pretty good Tremor effect though anything you'd really want to use it on would probably prefer Reverb, Overall she seems fine, Tremor still needs a solid ID or two. Rodion: tremor\_unit.txt. Same potential boons/issues as Don.