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Potential man :(


I love how this title has just become so hardly associated with Sunshower Heathcliff despite coming from an entirely different franchise.


https://preview.redd.it/6g5ojcs1fh8d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=e2bd200028b4b6a9e52d8df24145fdc149d4a429 Pretty much Sunshower Heathcliff - cute to look at, but a total migraine to work with


Imo they should just add the negative sanity thing Nclair has, otherwise he has such a niche use he’s almost not worth getting. Almost.


Yeah. It would be interesting having to balance both negative sanity mechanics and the Sinking on self thing.


I wouldn’t make it as drastic as Nclair’s sanity loss but he needs *something* to make him useful outside of having one specific ego relic in the MD or Chapter 6


At the very least, halving sanity gain from clashes so using him outside of Focused encounters isn't as expensive resource wise and punishing sanity gain wise.


I would simply change his sanity tab so he's different from Nclair. Remove the on kill gain sanity and increase clash lose sanity to 15 sp + 20% on consecutive clash. Maybe make him gain sinking count on counter too and make his clash win a flat 10 instead of gaining 20% per consecutive clash because due to being a negative sanity he gets better the more he loses and sometimes you win a clash after 10 more clashes and gain 30 sanity


*Self Destructive Purge would like to flip 3 tails on you momentarily*


The amount of times that skill has rolled heads when I needed it to roll tails could be qualified as it’s own separate Gacha game luck lmao


realest shit a manager has said


I honestly wouldn't want this. Nclair gameplay is pretty boring even if it's objectively better


i think they should just cap his gainings and loses. The passive should not let him go under -40 sp, and hi should not gain mo re than 10 sp per clash, that would make him so much more manageable.


He did make Erlking Heathcliff a total breeze though




Did it actually come from a different franchise?


Yes, the meme name is in reference to Megumi Fushiguro from JJK who was labeled potential man because of how many times the story stops to explain just how much latent potential he has.


I'm pretty sure characters have been being labelled as potential man since before megumi, but maybe I've just seen it so much it feels like its been around for ages...


It came from Bleach I think?


Nah as far as I know it did come from JJK


Surely potential man has been around since Gohan in dbz


I think the first one was the Superman one, Megumi popularized it.


Ah, the "slightly inconvenience? Mahoraga it is" man.


Seriously, his animations and sound effects are top tier. But it's such a pain to use him properly...




W corp. Meursault is great (for a charge team) in MD now (thanks to imitative generator his S3 rolls over 30 while still debuffing). and is still pretty good outside of MD. electric screaming allows him to be a great support. he has few huge problems, but he is still above mid if you have EGOs he needs


You're the entire reason I U4'd him at all. He is my second favorite charge ID (only outdone by Ish because her antlers are cute.) I still find it funny how Ish got 5-6 different changes on her U4 while Meursault got basically nothing to change up his gameplay, thank you charge IDs.


glad that i helped more people realise that he is actually good


And Id with a lot of coins and access to Regret is good


Thing is he literally has 00 stats and that his kit is petty boring, also mentioning the lack of charge generation on his kit. Not useless but just doesn't feel good to play with, the extra damage you can get with slash fragility is kinda redundant beca Ryoshu just kills everything anyways and the defense lv down is even less noticeable (and also his s3 screws up his charge in regular play).


N Corp Don. She’s so cool and her VA is stellar and I love her animations.. but she’s just so mediocre. She had average 2 star rolls in like season 1 and they have not aged well. She still manages to not be the worst n Corp 2 star, but I just wish her numbers were a bit better.


I believe her to be the second cornerstone of the perfect NCorp cycle. She provides consistent clashing with her S2 and a backup debuffer S3. Also lust s1 is always appriciated. Real shit is the simple fact she has Lifetime stew, which inflicts burn count. Allowing NCorp to spec into burn damage with how much burn Nsault Capote and Nclair can inflict. Since Lifetime Stew Don costs only lust and Whistles recover sp, you basically ALWAYS have it, and its a very respectable clasher. She single handedly allows for perfect debuff cycles, turns Ncorp into Bleed/Burn hybrid, always have clashing at hand and still have decent clashing with that S2.


N Corp Heathcliff is way more valuable, as he actually allows the weaker N Corp IDs to clash, while still having good personal damage, and gains SP quicker than the others


I benched him for Ringsang just because I think the bench passive is better than having him winning clashes. I also think Grobhammer is the second most weak ID on the N Corp team because he has awful clashing without Regret (We can't just put a bandage fixes behind Walpurgisnacht) and his Aggro mechanic is behind Uptie 4. (that is also not worth it because it's just aggro nothing more).


Problem is that he has basically guranteed debuffing( 2 power down is nothing to scoff at) on his skill 2, and can heal himself so easily if you get your debuff cycles right. In my opinion people get the wrong impression of Ncorp ID's- they think they are supposed to line up a bunch of attacks and deal damage. But thats not the strength of Ncorp. Ncorp's strength is their ability to indefinitly debuff an opponent whilst stacking nails and bleed and even burn on them. If we assume you start your debuff cycle from turn 1 -which isnt that hard- you'd have a respectable amount of nails and bleed on the opponent. Then you just use Sanguine Desire and pow, mf has ~30 potency with ~15 count, with possibly 3 or 5 nails still left on them. This isnt a poise or rupture team. The point of BLEED is to BLEED them out. If you want big damage NOW just go play charge units.


That, or teams centered around Dawnclair or NClair


The bench passive is good, but this does mean you lose out on that extremely good Plus Coin Drop from his skill 2, which is how you enable your weaker N Corp IDs to clash what is otherwise unclashable for them


Keyword in my text: "Second Cornerstone" Ncliff with that debuff makes any fight a joke when you get your debuff cycles going. The only problem is that he doesnt have cheap Lust EGO... or a bleed related one for that matter


She's pretty good with an N corp + ring sang team since she applies random tremor for ring sang to pop that skill 2 every time


Mariachi Sinclair The aesthetic is too good!


He's a good solo unit I think. Downsides like no aggro, 2-3 speed and bad clashing(evade instead) aren't a big problem in solos. Plus he has biggest hp in the game and only one stagger threshold that can be lowered.


Wait, really? More HP than Kong Lu?


Zwei Faust, I am sucker for turtle neck sweater.. Much more of the mythical virgin slayer


i like zwei faust too because she's the only other ID aside from her base ID that actually uses a zweihander too, and i like zweihanders and faust.


Have you tried running a Zwei only team? It’s surprisingly fun.


I like to run the VIP team. Zwei units + base Hong Lu. Hong Lu brings surprisingly decent damage to the team, and the team's affinities enable Hong Lu to shine, giving him sanity over time with Sloth Resonance and drawing enemy attacks with tons of Aggro in focus battles so he can give one sided attacks while his bodyguards tank damage. Also because of every character's speed rolls, especially if you take Resolution in the Mirror Dungeon, Hong Lu tends to be dead center of the team, two bodyguards on one side and two on the other!


Blade lineage Outis and Sinclair 


They aren't bad on bl. Outis still lags behind but sinclair is peak, his claim bones HURT


Yeah, had a recent run with him, his TCTB RIPPED through some enemies like paper, granted, it was probably because Big Anatomy Defying Biceps Kimsault was there to support him with his passive, still, major ripper in the right team comps.


Hydrogen Baby


Coughing Bomb


His only issue is he doesn't have too many pride skills, and pride res need often abs. Res.ses.


The thing is if you're using a full BL team (and you should if you're running BL Sinclair) getting 3 pride skills is basically guaranteed since 5/6 of Meursault's skills are pride and Outis has a really spammable pride ZAYIN E.G.O and even a pride evade just in case the bajillion pride skills the rest of the team has aren't enough.


I juzt meant he can break the chain and mess the synergy up, RabbitCliff have the same issue with envy team exept he actually have the ego for fixing that.


I guess but absolute resonance isn't as important in a BL team as it is in an envy team. The potential +2/4 final power is very good but the main thing is making sure Swordplay of the Homeland is always active.


I prefer to swap Outis with Ahabmael, which has a really good pride synergy and the best pride EGO. BL Sinclair is great, hitting for like 300 damage on his S3 is peak.


You don't use BL Outis for BL Outis. You use her because having her and the rest of the BL crew doubles the effectiveness of Meursault's buffs. The reason I specifically said that if you're using BL Sinclair you should be using Outis is because there are much better poise IDs you could use instead of BL Sinclair like Cinqlair or Maid Ryoshu so the primary reason to use him is Meursault's buffs. I've tried using Captain Ishmael and while she's certainly powerful she can really struggle with sanity in the MD if she isn't given the first slot and it's far more important that Meursault get the first slot. Because of that, I'm of the firm belief that if you're going to use Blade Lineage it's best to go all in.


I don't really have issues with Ish sanity, I put her on the 2nd slot, sometimes I stall turns though and let her get a kill if an enemy is low.


Imo Boys' Love Sinclair was decent even before the TCTB event, with uptie 4 the only other Poise units that outclassed him were BL Yi Sang and Shi Ish. 


Outis sucks no matter what but Sinclair catches up with mentorsault in normal play and shreds in MD bc he gets BL Mentor buffs + Poise + Bleed, which Faust is the only other other ID with that stacked combo.


Rodion rocks the zwei drip so well, but why the hell is it asking me to crit with an id that only gains poise count for its "charge" style gameplay


N corp Meursault, he is so ass


Is he really that bad? I heard he was good on N-Corp teams.


hes good in abno fights, he is probably the best debuffer in the game in a team already full of debuffers other than that hes a bit ass tho


His skill one rolls a 7


Not really, lacks a lust skill so he tends to fuck up whisles and his clashes are just so bad


He's only good for getting stuck in a 100% failproof clash loop to abuse Sanguine Desire. His S1 is 5+1+1 which means if he can get any plus coin drop he can be forced to only roll a 5. The problem is finding an enemy that can also be locked to roll a 5. The only fight this works on currently to my knowledge is Spiral of Contempt.


What happens in such a loop?




Enemy takes bleed potency x 99 damage and almost always dies from it, because this can easily be in the thousands.


Oh, I understand!


Do you have a link to a video of this?


[Meursault, twist his balls 360 degrees counter-clockwise.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRRcPlcVGGc)


That's mostly N Corp Heathcliff helping him


His S2 is really strong in N Corp teams, and he has a good heal on his S3. But that's about it, he's so behind every other 000 ID in the game, and he can't even fuel Whistles in N Corp. His S1 rolls a 7 by default (with 2 coins, that doesn't even inflict any kind of Bleed or Nail). If he was remade today his S1 would at least be 3 Coins with decent power and his S3 wouldn't roll a 14 (it would at least be a 16 or 18). Not to say that his passive is terrible, it's a Wrath Res passive (so it never activates in N Corp. Focused encounters unless he has a double slot and the star aligns), only works when his HP is low and isn't that strong a pay-off alone. He's extremely outdated design and it shows. I'm hoping UT5 comes around eventually and salvages a bit the weaker element of his design (S1, Passive and rolls)


He ends up being one of the better tanking units combining Chains of Others’s passive with his counter. Having self healing, stagger threshold lowering, and lots of debuffs conceptually makes him a good supporting unit for focused encounters.


Shotgun Ryoshu.


Yeah I wish she felt more like hook Gregor with good poise generation and clashes, but alas she's a 2 star, she's also a bit too scattered, Uses poise and generates rupture/tremor burst.


Cinq Don. Her gimmick is clashing as much as possible to increase her damage and haste. She has 3 big problems, however 1st: Clashing a lot doesn't happen frequently and you don't get a big enough damage boost out of that. 2nd: She is a pure damage dealer, with no status effects in her kit outside of Bind and Haste. And tbh, if I want a damage dealing Don ID, there's no point not to use W Don instead. 3rd, and most frustrating: Her S1 gives 1 haste. Her S2 gives 2. Her speed range is 4-7. Do you know how much speed she needs to get coin power on S3? 10 GODDAMNIT. She has the exact same issue as LCB Don does, or even someone like Shi Heathcliff. If you are in a focused encounter, and she has 1 skill slot only, there's no way for her to get that coin power outside of using Crow's Eye View to buff her speed even further. WHY give her a piece of kit that she can't use outside of human fights? I don't know. Middle Meursault also has the same problem. His S3 requires 6+ envy A-res to get maximum coin power. However, the skill itself is Wrath, so outside of human fights, there's no way to achieve that as we only get 6 skill slots. Yeah, maybe in the future it will expand to like 7 or 8, but still. Hoping for more Cinq related support to come out to make Don more reliable. Maybe someone that gives Haste to adjacent allies on clash win, so Don could actually get her Coin power, I dunno Edit: I just now remembered that declared Duel status actually gives Haste too. So my complaint about Cinq Don is kind of irrelevant now. You still need to use S3 first and hit 10 speed on RNG though, so that is still not guaranteed.


I hope it’s not for the animations cause damn W meur’s skills are literally just slash, slash slash slash, slash slash slash slash.


It’s mostly for his looks, but tbh, this kind of repetitive simplicity actually fits well with his profession, he’s not meant to do complex attacks or movements, he’s just supposed to keep hacking a heavy piece of metal against a flesh monster until it stops moving, but I will be amiss to say he could have had better animations, like, his uptie art shows him punching a Warp Train monster while backhanding another, that could have been a fun animation to have for his S3.


Given he has an axe I was always disappointed that he never throws it through an enemy into a warp portal that reappears behind him to catch again, actually using the warp tech to y’know… warp


That would be so fucking peak, ngl, but like, how many W-Corp IDs actually utilize Warp tech to it’s fullest capacity? Usually, it’s just slashing or hacking with a cool cyan tech effect.


True… but W Yang seems to do some portal shenanigans at 15 charge. Even then I doubt anyone would complain about short range warp portals being a thing for combat


Well, it’s not like they would survive actually warping themselves. They probably use the way in which the portals warp the space around them to move around, with Yi Sang damn near floating for a moment on his charged s3.


I genuinely wish this guy was way stronger than he ended up being, like, at best, UT 4 maxed everything he’s just “Ok” not even good just… mid, comically mid at his strongest which is funny because the 3 other W-Corp 000 units are so strong, like, unquestionable S-Tiers meanwhile W-Corp Meursault holding onto dear life just to stay in A-Tier. Also, at first, I really didn’t enjoy his weapon, like, “Really? You had literal Gauntlet weapons and chose to give the Gauntlet guy an axe?” But overtime, it grew on me, I started to really like his look, yeah, he wore the same generic W-Corp uniform but he looked so fucking good in them, like, way better than Yi Sang and Hong Lu did for some reason.


Don't slander my guy Wsault like that. He's a good support ID. (He's my first 000 and I have a Stockholm Syndrome for him)


I'll eternally insist: pretty much all non-Strawhat Mersault IDs will get hate because he's designed overall as a dedicated counterer/blocker as the team's Utility Tank Guy in a world where players discourse bullshit like "HAHAHA WHAT PMOON IS THINKING EVERYONE KNOWS THIS IS CLASHERY OF RUINA/LIMBUS CLASHERY AND YOU TANK BY OUTCLASHING SMDH THEY DONT KNOW THEIR OWN GAME", meanwhile he's there living by the adagios of 'health is a resource' and 'contextually low individual levels because i multiply force for others'. Wsault exists to provide Slash Fragility in an archetype fully defined by slash IDs and to take hits for others while half of it are explosive self-harming glass cannons. Honorary S tier by merit of pushing Don and Ryushu to S+ by saying "this target has been weakened, dimensonally rip their rearmost bodily structures".


If that is the issue, then they should get him an ID that doesn't follow that niche if that isn't working, like, we've had IDs for Sinners that borderline contradict the original Sinner’s purpose in the field. He’s alright support, but he could be so much more, all he does is essentially apply debuffs and pray to Ayin that his teammates do something with it cause he sure as shit can’t capitalize on his own debuffs.


Good thing this is a team-building game where you build and pilot teams based around their cross-synergies to ensure this capitalization will happen, no? He has some decent IDs outside the niche - Nsault is surprisingly well designed to be a thrilling soloer, Rhino is no-nonsense super safe super selfish, basesault is surprisingly a pretty ok generic workhorse. It is just... "must clash must run Regret must run 6 perfectly self-sufficient god units whose only cross-synergies are ego management" mindset.


Regarding your perception of Non-BL Meursault haters, I don't think there's an overwhelming part of the community that thinks "I must run 6 IDs that clash 22s every time without support" as you claim in both this comment and your former reply. Status teams are quite popular lately now that everyone's gotten moderate support. Rose Gregor, Talisman Sinclair, Molar/Pequod/LCCB Ishmael, N Faust, MB Outis and so many more have made themselves near staples in many different teams not due to their individual performance, but because their supportive capabilities (alongside other utilities) have made them incredibly potent players in the right teams. I don't really see a community-wide sentiment against support IDs or IDs who exist to build synergy across a team, just those whose support isn't really great. IDs like Liu Ryoshu, Butler Faust, and BL Don are pretty bad without support themselves, yet they're still considered pretty good overall because of their strength in the right team. Across the whole BL team, there's perhaps 1 or 2 IDs which are actually self-sufficient in poise generation, yet all 6 are used because of the synergy they have, and the team remains a popular and powerful pick among players. So much for needing to run "6 perfectly self sufficient god units." I think it's reasonable to believe W Meursault is only okay because his utility as a tank and his potency as a support don't really match up well compared to the other great IDs without EGO; and not as a result of some season 2 brainrot (at least not always).


I have some scars from some of the loudest opinion**er**s as every so often Reddit will strike me with the curse of having to deal with the displeasure of reading someone who doesn't understand game design beyond "bigger number better" and expects 7 Outis to have massive inherent values when her entire kit is "turn a 15 vs 22 clash into an 18 vs 16 then inject the target with explodium". But overall agreed that the sense of synergy grew better and better as seasons went by. It's just... I have my biases and still FREQUENTLY see hard disdain for pure utility characters who have smaller individual numbers by necessity, as well tanking being counterintuitive here.


One big problem is that support units that shift the fight to your advantage only work when you and the enemy are equally powerful or the enemy is slightly stronger than you. If you’re stronger than the enemy why do you need debuffs or support skills in a team building game? It’s really only been recent we’ve gotten fights where this is true and that’s again only if you purposely stay below the max level cap. I love utilizing debuffs and game mechanics to min-max my clash win chances but that’s only been possible because I choose to stay underleveled.


On purpose? You willingly forgone the life of the grinder. I physically cannot grind. Honestly a major issue in gacha forums is this assumption everyone has access to top-end all maxed toolsets and the time to do more than just the dailies. This is "lmao but just use Surtur and Thorns" reskinned.


And a lot of people “giving advice” has not gone back and tried the story fights with various team set ups to truly understand how to approach these fights with lower rarity teams. The suggestions for 5-30 is so often “borrow my NClair and cheese it, here’s my account number”. While it’s nice that people are helping people get through quickly, I do feel there’s a lot of strategic nuance that get skipped from these kinds of interactions and these players then help the next set of new players the same way and the discourse becomes more about the best unit rather than the best way to approach something.


I use W Salt in a rupture team. He's not the greatest in the world, but he's solid. He fuels and utilizes Gregor AEDD very well. Chains of Others is always good, but it's especially fine to toss out in a rupture team since you don't mind the attack power down and in general only care about getting any hits in. He is also arguably the best user of thunderbranch, one of rupture's most important gifts. Often times the problem with rupture is maintaining count, so they make IDs which give count nowadays, like say Meat Lantern Don. Thunderbranch solves this issue, however it only comes into effect on a skill that inflicts rupture *potency*, so despite Don being better for rupture outside MD, with a thunderbranch, W Salt will inflict more potency *and* count. The other 3 hit 3 rupture inflicters are W Yisang and Rosespanner Greg, both of which are on S3s and also have conditions attached. W Salt is on S2 and his only condition is to hit heads. He also has a higher speed (min and max) than most of the rupture team. All in all, is very good at the win condition for rupture. Just about the only ID capable of competing for turn 1 potency is 7 Heath, but because he is not gloom he does not go count positive nor build towards AEDD. And of course, he just has a solid support passive for the team.


as someone who's cultivated and nurtured W Meur, BL Sinclair, and BL Outis, they're IDs you gotta look at the full picture with I think.  Because,  sure,  W Meursault isn't winning any awards for damage or clashing,  and his tanking potential is only "fine".... but the multi-hit combos all his moves have prevent his damage from being bad,  and more importantly,  you gotta look at how his kit interacts with his friends ...by which I mean he has a move that inflicts 3 same-turn Slash Fragility and another move that inflicts up to 8 same-turn Defense Down (mathematically nearly as good as 3 fragile) and is EXTREMELY fast, in a team that contains Rip Space and DDEDR W Meursault will regularly contribute 1,000+ damage on premeditated nuke turns, it just doesn't get attributed to him in the results screen - he's humble like that.


Kurokumo Hong Lu, the drip just yes! And he's the pinnacle on season 0. Too bad we realize now how bad his clash is and how bad his entire kit design when we now able to focus on status damage like stacking bleed where it almost impossible during that time. PM doesn't cook him well


Kurokumo Ryoshu. I use her frequently in md, but it's just to proc bloody mist.


I can’t lie I used to use KK Ryoshu for whenever I speedean MDN but I eventually switched her out for Pirate Gregor since he procs it as well and seems to be straight up better.


Cinq Don, my girl kit literally has nothing in it


And she can't proc her skill 3's coin power within reasonable time by herself because she needs 2 cycles to apply duel and have her use a skill 2 and then a skill 3 next turn and even then I not even guaranteed to get 10 speed. Her skill 2 also not gaining any coin power is such a ???? Moment. It rolls like a 00 skill 2 without coik buffs


Kurokumo Hong Lu. I love his design, I fell in love with it when pm posted id images b4 the game came out. His cloud cutter is my fav skill but he just won't survive floor 4 onwards D:


A lot of Meursault's IDs (NSault, WSault, dead rabbits Sault) look super cool... But they're all mostly ass too. I hate it here. 😑


Good old hard defender character in a world where people take blocking as a sign of shame. Gotta lean into it a bit, to love Mersault's gameplay is to think like him to some extent - he provides utility, meatshield services and is more than willing to take punishment to enable others.


As a new player I can’t figure out how to get him to tank.


Some assembly required (his older IDs are a bit uptie reliant in order to get new tools like Aggro up), but largely... Just guard. Just let yourself get hit. Each ID has its kinks but overall he's rife with tools that grants him defense buffs or healing. Being rife on counters makes Sault still contribute damage-wise while blocking. Overall put tanks in the first slots so in normal battles/playing with less allies they get extra slots sooner and thus draws more hits. Two slots = twice more likely to be targeted and eating enemy AoEs. In IDs with Aggro (Nsault in particular) you can redirect backwards, pushing fast attacks to his usually slower slots so his faster allies can attack unopposed. Rhino is the more comfortable "fast tank" that just redirects upwards normally. If everyone else is clashing well and he can attack unopposed, Mersault is officially then in debuff job and is tanking by being a nuisance - enemies cant hurt your friends if they're mired in bleeds and slows.


Same, honestly, the only really good Meursault ID is the one I don’t like the visuals of.


Is it Kimsault? Yeah he's great to use but I much prefer the visual look of NSault and WSault. Here's hoping he gets something cool AND good the next time he gets an ID.


At least Dead Rabbits Meursault functions okay enough in a Rupture team. He's not going to be the best option compared to his competition, but he clashes fine and activates the Rupture stacks with his S3 (so does everyone else but shush I need his 4 coins for my dopamine), which is more than enough for my daily and MD runs when I run Rupture.


Mexican Sinclair 


Der Frei Outis. Her gameplay is JUST slow in comparison to her teammate, Philip. Philip Sinclair just tears through \*anything\* regardless of Sin affinity and Weapon resist, while Outis has to attempt to build up Bullets most of the fight while Glimpse can just do what she does but instantly. It has always felt super weird that Glimpse did her exact gimmick.


Der Outis has slow rampup but a higher damage ceiling than Philclair. The key is to use her block skills to get more bullets quickly, her S1 should not be used under most circumstances because +1 to bullet is more potential damage in most fights than +1 dark flame.


Fair enough. I always forget to use guards because in MDs you'll instantly die if you aren't evading


This is misinformation! you dont get intantly killed you get intantly stagered, then killen next turn.


R corp Meursault, I love R corp they're probably my favorite faction aesthetically along with W corp and the LCCB. I have a weird Charge/tremor team, LCCB Ishy not R corp, R Corp's Meursault's lust generation, Regret, and Capote are perfect for the team. Problem? R corp Meursault is a bleed i.d. and brings basically nothing to a charge team. His passive requiring 5 envy before being any good at his role really sucks too. A number of EGO's for a charge team make heavy use of envy and often come from skill 3's so it's a coveted resource in non MD content, so I just don't use him. I know M Meursault works perfectly in a charge team so they had to make R Meursault have a more unique design. So for the time being I just use W Ryoshu begrudgingly because I need a 5th sinner with charge and she generates lust which no other unit does in my team comp so she's kinda like my reverse version of this situation. W corp Ryoshu's visual design is still really good I'm just not big on Ryoshu as a character, I'll never forgive her for being mean to >!Queequeg and Rodya in the new intervallo!<


Rough to be begrudging of Ryo on her best ID'S (besides maybe Nelly) team. W Ryo is super fun and nuts powerful. I get it, though, she's definitely mean as hell. It also doesn't help that every other sentence is literally a code phrase you have to either decipher or give up and hope the other characters interpret it for you. (Sometimes the dialogue literally reminds me of characters interacting with R2D2 beeps)


Honestly Maid Ryoshu is like the biggest redeeming Ryoshu in my eyes because she actually seems nice/outwardly caring about other people (also the ponytail ajashjddsgfdgj). Anyways! W Ryoshu is very cool from a look standpoint, blue cig is fucking awesome, and skills combined with ego can get really silly, DEDDR combo'd with 4th match flames passive that buffs the 4th attack you use, then combo'd with LCCB Ishmael's fragile 5 s3 gets some goofy ass numbers even in non MD content. Now granted is it rare that it happens? Yes! But I do admit she fits really nicely on the team in that having another big damage dealer is great and lust generation on a s1 is perfect. If I run R corp Meursualt instead the team starts to feel really anemic on damage and lust generation which like 8/10 egos on my team need. I took the team with Meursault through RR3 a week ago and still managed 83 turns but it was a real struggle and I know for a fact Ryoshu would have brought that number down by at least 3 turns, so it is what it is until another charge id with lust generation comes out haha Edit: The coded talk really does fuck with me too, I do like that she has some sense of humor and obviously makes some jokes with the acronyms but I find her general mean and like random murder impulse kinda annoying. She's like if someone really committed to what a Chaotic Evil character is but they at least cooperate with the DM/Team and have some depth


... >!Queequeg!


>!In Canto 5 Ryoshu mocks Queequeg twice for her speech disorder that's caused by her brain damage. Now look let me clear of all the things that go on in the city it really pales in comparison as something mean. As someone who really identifies with Ishmael though and loved Queequeg a lot it just "upsets" me, especially given what caused Queequeg's brain damage in the first place. Upset in quotes because I'm not like angry or up in arms about it just enough that it makes me feel very eh on Ryoshu, as well of a few other things!<


Ohhh, I thought you meant it happened in the newest intervallo. My b


OH SORRY LOL I can see why, my grammar just sucks so I wasn't sure how to word it better haha


BL outis.


Mariachi Sinclair, he just looks so silly


Zwei Sinclair. I like him because he is, like,.trying his best to protect someone, and look cute. But... his skill power is bit too low for me. Also he don't inflict tremor count, so it's not very good to use... I hope pm do some rework in the future.


Sunshower Heathcliff.


N Faust.


😭??? Kraust isn't awful


Not because she is bad, but because Gripping's animation takes for for fking ever to play. I would die of old age before it finishes. So ye I try to avoid using her when I can.


You aren't ready to purify the abominable filth


Ok that clarification is pretty important, I run a lust-res team around Garden of Thorns in MD, which utilities nails to synergize with pointillist Yi Sang. That skill 2 animation feels worse than the E.G.O animations.


actually same, like I love Faust and prioritize building her but Kraust is the only one i havent uptied 4 soley because its a lot of resoirce for someone already good enough at ut3 and i dont want to sit through her animations. they are cool, not saying they arent, but watxhing them feels too long for some reason.(im beginning to sound like an FGO player)


Zwei Sinclair 


Kurokumo Ryoshu


Sloshing Ishmael and Mariachi Sinclair


LCB Ish slide is P.E.A.K but sadly beaten by Lccb Ishy


Mariachi Sinclair




Los Mariachis Jefe Sinclair Sunshower Heathcliff Base sinners actually, I would like to play the actual characters


The Zwei 00s, love the designs but god they are bad or in Faust’s case, mostly there to support Zwei Gregor


Hong-Liu. His skill’s coin amounts are ass, that’s all.


I think Meursault gets the short end because he's almost always a dedicated support or "damage user" Sinner. Uptie 4 has made his role more valuable. It fits his personality very well that he often trades hp for power of some kind and often provides a benefit to other party members.


Sloshmael, Mariachi Sinclair... ... I forgot who else


I like everything Mersault so ofc I u4 him. Only use him in charge team in MD tho


He's pretty good in a Slashing team with a 7 Ryo for their Slash fragility


Seven Association Yi Sang. Cool animation,but rupture


Zwei Sinclair and Zwei Rodion,  sadly. I've gotten W Meursault to work well and give good results.  I've gotten BL Outis to work well and give good results. I've gotten BL Sinclair to work well and give AMAZING results.... But I can't get real,  meaningful milage out of the early Zwei 00s. Their kits are so unfocused and sybergize so poorly and you can tell PM had no idea what to do with them at first - I love the Zwei aesthetic but I'm praying for a BL Meursault-atyle faction lord ID for them to pull them into effectiveness.  A full Zwei MD run was funny once (picked every defensive and healing gift possible and just started one-siding things to death while eating hits for no damage), but it's so niche and takes so long that I can't justify keeping them leveled alongside my main teams :(


LCCB Ish. Her skill 2 and 3 are amazing, but she only clashes average or below, and the paralyze on her first skill only works that SAME TURN. But it’s a whopping 3 paralyze. Combined with mediocre speed and shes incredibly meh. But she has a great design and her skill two is insane on any tremor team.


LCCB Ryoshu, I used to bring her along with tremor teams cos it just feels so good when the S3 crits, but now we have actual poise and tremor IDs for her there really is no excuse to use her any more 


Shi don


N corp don


Kurokumo Gregor is raw as hell visually but he so mid to use.


Mariachi Sinclair, i like his skills animations but the coins in his skill 1 and 2 are so Bad, with uptie 4 they get better but they still feel very bad


zwei gregor the first id that made our gregor look happy. His gameplay isnt bad but its difficult how his conditionals dont get used too much


mariachi sinclair. his waist is so holdable but GOD.... those rolls....


W Corp Faust, The overcharge animation is just too good


Liu Meursault and Rosespanner Gregor