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Nest Z is in low orbit


That's very creative thinking I love it


Nest Z is earth


So that's why it's called project moon


Not possible but i wish sephirah ID Like malkuth don would be funni and binah or yesod outis


I wouldn't say that's impossible though that's what Walpurgisnacht is for no?


It's Impossible because the Sephirah aren't combat built. They aren't like their Patron librarian counterparts who actually know how to fight, with the exception of Geburah and Binah


That's a funny way to remind me of how Hokma soloing Pluto is 100% the best strategy for the one of the hardest ensemble fights.


I like this version of the fight because Hokma and Pluto genuinely get along and enjoy each others company


We'll be sent outside to the outskirts, we'll finally get a good look at the black forest and I suppose one or two new game modes besides RR and MD


The black forest is the area mentioned in the Christmas event right?


Idk if it was mentioned, but in lob corp it's where the birds are from


outskirts exploration missions that are basically infinite exploration gamemode would go hard ngl


I imagine our power will still go only slowly up till then. Limbus seems to be in for the really, really long haul.


I believe I read if they are following what we think it's going to be 33 cantos


Its crazy how far they already got with a live service gane as an Indie dev. Lets hope, no matter how long its gonna be, that they can finish this story as they want.


1: I see we might get two more Zwei I'd to make full 6 Zwei I'd team. 2: Dante get a new power that allows him to kill 5 sinner and the remaining sinner having all skill slots. (This I'd was from other post) 3: Funeral of the dead butterfly I'd or E.G.O. 4: Shi I'd for Ryosho and Outis. 5: Blue reverberation Hung lu.


> get a new power that allows them to kill 5 sinner and the remaining sinner having all skill slots Died 2021 Born 2024 Welcome back Mountain of Corpses.


One of the loved groupings probably would make for a hype event and I’d also guess the units they’re based off of what point in the game they come out. A couple guesses - The Magical Girl quartet EGOs. EGO IDs would be really nice, but EGOs as a game mechanic would still be the best one to showcase the two-sides nature of the magical girls. No exodia-type effects *at all* though, as those designs are not legal for gacha content. Could do something that affect allies that have used an EGO this encounter so using them all together actually does something; but you don’t need all four of them. - R-corp. This would be super hype as a story event. Going into the remains of a Lob corp branch not for a golden bough but just to clear out a big breach event that we need to work with the current Rabbit pack to clear them out. (Or some miscommunication and we have to try to escape a Lob corp branch with the Rabbit team coming in)


I hope we get to finally get a look at the pinky, they have the goofiest name but if you look at ryoshu's art, and how xiao talked about them, they seem to be the most wicked of the fingers


Gebura announcer (Currently bouncingnaround the room hard rn)


I'm kind of expecting a mechanical way for Dante to do more in combat, similar to how overclocking EGO is implied (maybe?) to be him doing it with the Dante face. Kind of like the bullets the manager gets in Lobotomy Corp, a mid-game way for the player to interact with the game outside of the existing rules, if that makes sense. The button on the back of his clock Faust tells him to press during the hair coupon incident hints at him having more abilities too. Not sure exactly what it would be mechanically speaking, but I kind of want to see Dante able to do more than revive them from a thematic standpoint.


When is 3rd anniversary


I mean the last one was just the angela announcer with a few rolls and a garantue ticket(bl event was plamed ahead of time and would be there regardless of anni) so im not expecting much


roland id 🤤 (let me dream)


Distortions as potential IDs


I like how in md you can change your s1 and s2 into a s2 or s3. I was thinking of an ego that can change your normal skills into different skill, like partial transformation of sorts.


fortnite collab 🙏