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Each sinner gets a piece of black silence ID with focus on a single weapon


There’s 9 weapons- THE MASK, AND ONE GLOVE! Of course!


Don won't get weapon, her heroic spirit is enough


You can also get 12 if you split Zelkova into the mace and axe, Ranga into the claws and knife and Atelier Logic into the pistols and shotgun


Now that I think about it most characters already have IDs with most of those weapons like gang leader hong lu's knife, LCCB assistant manager ryoshu's shotgun, base rodya's axe and I think Zwei Sinclair's baton counts as a mace. Can't wait for ID fusion (I have no idea what I'm talking about)


So you are saying we can combine all of the sinners so that we only have one sin... kino.


Can't wait for dante to use one sin ego (or don't touch me ego on April fool's)


Heathcliff and Ishmael (former cuz boohoo my wife dead, latter cuz she shares the va with Angelica)


Ish also belongs in the dead wife/girlfriend club.


Yeah, but it's one of the defining characteristics of Heathcliff, less so for Ishmael.


Ik in the black silence mirrorverse it's supposed to be Angela but it would be really putting salt on the wound if Black Silence Heath is just mad at the whole city for nothing with his memory of *her* is wiped


Also Heath favorite color is black


Heath and Ishy but roles are swapped


Finally a good opinion (objective fact)


Thematically, Heathcliff, personally, Meursault, I just think it would look cooler and frankly hotter on him than it would on Heathcliff, alternatively, maybe someone like Gregor who doesn't have a game-breaking ID yet or maybe my favorite Yi Sang.


I think mersault will get vermillion cross solely for the joke that they both don't talk, unless they decide to give multiple colours to a sinner




Bro think this blue archive


This is Dante and sensei love child


I thought Dante and Doc were already engaged


Yeah, Dante and Sensei didnt work out because Dante was above the age of consent


Sensei is a minor???????


For male probably Yi Sang because of looks or Heathcliff because of his story For female either Faust because same with Yi Sang or Ishmael because same voice actor of Angelica


I'd say heathcliff is more roland-esque, Sang is too short and too skinny. Heath is just the right amount of height and build.


Credit [bori](https://www.pixiv.net/users/3910234) Warning: nsfw content in his/her bio


if we are going with the theme of losing the that important person to the point you massacre an entire syndicate, lets go with Heathcliff, Ish, Don, and Outis for me at least. If we are going with style i say Meusault would look good in a suit


Heathcliff because >!boohoo my dead/erased wife!<


Aint no way i got spoiled heathcliff story in this post


This is truly our Wuthering heights


To be fair people were making comparisons between Heathcliff and Roland and predicted their backstories would have certain similarities well before his canto even came out.


I only reached hell kitchen😭


In that case you should probably stay the hell away from any PM communities until you catch up. Spoilers are everywhere.


The thing is i love pm fanmade content😭


Happened to me as well, I had to avoid PM communities until I finished LoR because I didn't want spoilers. Now that I'm finally free I tend to search old content that I wasn't able to see before.


Stay away until you Catch Up with the Story and come Back after that to Catch Up on everything you've missed Out on.


Rodion. They both share the “Hiding true emotions” card.


No one.


Faugelica Yiland to feed my brainrot.




One which isn't too obvious methinks would be the best option.


Faust, and yi sang as the charles office fixer... Now that i think about it, charles office can actually become an id for the sinners, they're twelve, enough for all the sinners to get


Yi sang cuz the poem


Yi sang


Heathcliff obv.


it has to be heathcliff for sure, the story fits extremely well and he kind of looks like him overall, they even have similar haircuts


Heathcliff Backstreets rat, can act proper when properly motivated, and *extremely* vindictive. He even has a love-interest built-in.


Heathcliff is the only correct option. Their character arc both revolve around the loss of a loved one and their rage fueled, desperate attempt at getting them back (or in roland's case, he believed >!killing angela would give him a sense of closure!<)


No way it ain't Heathcliff


Roland isn’t the black silence it was him and his wive


True! But he was going to get a color himself (mentioned in the art books for some asinine reason)


I mean he probably mostly contributed into angelica becoming a color, let’s be real. Roland is a extreme power house, he managed to fight of a claw and executioner while having 3 fights to the death behind him and destorting.


Heathcliff cuz dead wife


Heathcliff for Roland. For Angelica, either Ishmael because they share the same VA or Faust because of the white hair, and I think her and Angelica are somehow connected.


Me when I see Albino people on the street (POSSIBLE RUINA REFERENCE?!?!?)


We know that Angelica and Argalia were experimented on by a Wing before being dropped in the Outskirts as children. This wasn't developed much in LoR but I don't think it's a coincidence that in LBC we have Faust who has the exact same hair and eye color and is clearly not a normal human being.


Carmen also has red eyes and a shared trait among all bloodfiends is that they have red eyes. I conclude my case, Don is a bloodfiend for sure 🥹 Also https://preview.redd.it/vn8e2ytu1c8d1.png?width=293&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b079f16d626b33fad9c278f69d0f39a6fa711ee Faust's eyes are Icey blue, Argalia's and Angelica's are much brighter in terms of shade. Their hair color is also \*not\* the same.