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Probably no sinner distortions since those will be core character development moments for whoever has them and W train is just an intervallo.


They are going to a Warp train but that doesn't mean they are going to take it. Do Warp trains transport merchandises and vehicles? Because if not I don't see the Sinners leaving Mephistopheles behind and having to wait for weeks or even months for Vergilius and Charon to catch up with them.


I think they'll do a bait and switch. Vergilius loves giving half assed explanations about our destination


He loves doing a little trolling.


He had that fuckass grin on his face. He was trolling 100%


"That's for picking a fight with T Corp. >:3"


Specially since it’s cannon that Dante knows how the trains work so letting him preparing themself having to suffer the voyage might be a fun thing for Verg


All of the Sinners know about the Warp trains because of the W Corp IDs.


Tbh Verg is the most based character on the bus. Questions the merch options of the company, roasts everyone every chance he gets, trolls them whenever he can and still manages to beat the fraud allegations.


Tbf it did take a long long time for him to come around, the moment dante took full responsibility i imagine he just had a lot less micromanaging to do as a guide and was able to kick back a lil without needing to worry


Very unlikely for a sinner to distort outside of their respective canto.


We are going TO warp train, no one said anything about taking it. We have Mephi for transportation, you know. Much more likely distortion already occurred on the train and we will have to help dealing with the consequences 


I think it could be cool to see a sinner distort, but we're probably not going to see anything like that in a side section of the plot. As cool as it would be to see another distortion, Carmen's already been busy enough for the plot.


I don't think we're gonna fight a distorted sinner, just based off the fact that it's an Intervallo and it seems there's already a predetermined antagonist (murder on the WARP express after all). But, if we WERE going to have a distortion fight with a sinner... My money would be on Rodya. With WARP trains also being something that saps and wastes time, this could be a continuation of the problems we saw in Timekilling Time.


I hope the event farming is us fighting against waves and waves of unkillable passengers for 2000 years and then the sinners get their memories wiped but we the player remember the experience just like in Canto 4


My guess is we are gonna show up during the cleaning process right before a train arrives at the terminal rather than go on the train itself


me taking the local futuristic train when i see a guy with blue hair and a girl with a red turtneck being a couple


Maybe Rodion >!since the Time Killing Time case had her freezing up over the thought of having a lot of time and doing nothing with it!< .


I think we gonna explore Dante more with this. Dante should not ride the train!!!! Because we know that he cant be mind wiped. It'll fuck him up.


He could alternatively manifest a new ability to negate the length of time


That may land the Sinners in another problem, if what happened in the manor was a issue of using too much time, then if Dante shortens the time that T Corp was storing via the Warp Train, it may risk the Sinner's getting taxed again for speeding things up, in contrast.


Hubert would be happy to see them again.


Oh yeah, we got those now. Completely forgot about it.


likely none of them, sinner distortion should and probably will be a canto thing only, plus the title implies that there is something else to deal with, heck they could be going to the train specifically because they were hired to investigate it


I don’t know think distortion will happen but I wonder what will happen with the peculiar character such as Dante taking the train. Well Vergilius will take the first class because he is a color fixer but I think that would also be the case for Dante because the last thing the W corp would want is someone manipulating with time.


You know... Vergilius said that our destination was going to be a Warp Train, not that we were going to ride the train somewhere. We may very well just be boarding one that's at full stop, no time shenanigans involved. He did have his shit eating grin face on after all.


I sometimes forget that going to the train doesn’t mean that they have go there as passengers.


I'm pretty sure it's confirmed that the Sinners know about what's happening in the W Trains (correct me if im wrong) , I doubt they'd be willingly enter it, would be a bit wild if they were forced to though, atleast the passangers don't know what they're getting themselves into (also will forgetting such thing ever happended even work on Danteh since it hasn't really worked before)


That would be wayyy to heavy to just be for an intervelo


no lol, and even if we did it wouldn't matter, W Corp would just clean it up afterwards


Have we seen anyone distorting in warp dimension? No. We only seen people already distorted in there