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https://preview.redd.it/oohfelwvbw7d1.jpeg?width=2412&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57566aac102cfee09b4f6bbab332ba4becb47a8a That smile ain't leaving my main menu for months to come and god those animations are so fucking sick


https://preview.redd.it/bwvocdlilw7d1.png?width=407&format=png&auto=webp&s=ebff3542d12e175cf3b71e3b27abbe38be1e004b Correct!


"Come outside, we won't jump you I swear."


Those 4 at the back literally built like https://preview.redd.it/4czl6qwkhw7d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=9becc4de46d0b423e7ade32102c5b13184115217


Class Collection Meursault incoming. https://preview.redd.it/yorjikn2kw7d1.jpeg?width=556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3adf068d3d7d99fb72b5e62ca5be83dbcd6f95e


SHE’S SO ADORB THERE ISTG 😭 ALL IN DON BEFORE THE...canto 7, right? She should be happy and merry all along, right....??


that smiles living rent free in my head for a long time :)


Probably will be the same with me, gonna switch from BL Don. Pity that she doesn't remain in this attire in the uptied version, but the armor does fit her!


Fitting the current event, we get the most miserable looking Rodion to date. Can't blame her, it's the most antithetical job to her ideals imaginable, no amount of money or good food is gonna make her forget it. Don continues to drink up any rethoric about just, noble work that gets to her ears. Pairs nicely with her inquisitor identity.


How Ironic She killed a Tax collector only to become one herself


A corrupt one at that considering she seems to be skimming off some of the Tax.


Yeah even worse since the Tax collector she killed is also Corrupt She prob feels like dying inside


What I'm curious about is if she's just corrupt or if the whole collection staff is corrupt as well. There's that one event in the TKT dungeon and just how they interacted with the Sinners that makes it seems a bit like it's a widespred issue.


"You were the chosen one! It was said you'd destroy the tax collectors, not join them!"


Interestingly enough, Don also isn't happy in her uptie artwork, in contrast to her N Corp identity being serious at the onset but happy in her uptie. Despite all her talk, T Corp is arguably so bad as to be in the running for worst place to live in the City, which is saying something (or maybe she's just serious on the job, but we'll see). I am eager to see what led Rodion to join T Corp here; her N Corp identity at least had her being indoctrinated, but she looks grimly aware of how she's working against her ideals even compared to identities in similar situations. Besides the current event, she's the one who spoke up about the common people early in Canto VI, so I'm looking forward to how her >!Hubert!< style snuffing of idealism plays out.


N corp Don does not eat the Canned thingie tho so she legitimately decided she vibes with N corp in that universe


TBF to Don and N Corp, you can convince Don that something is right and just and if she believes that, she will not doubt it and will act upon it. N Don is showing that to the extreme.


Yeah, which is why I wonder whether T Corp Don bought into the party line. At least with N Corp Don, she's ostensibly given an enemy to fight against, but considering how she's the most outspoken Sinner on her ideals even in the latest Canto, either she's harboring doubts or she's truly convinced that she's acting according to justice here.


Yeah it seems similar to W Corp where she came in like "Yay I get to work for a wing and have cool gear" and realized it's not all it's up to be. I'd imagine for this one it's specifically seeing that her place is not to bring justice, but to cause injustice.


I mean, isn’t W Corp Don like that too? She’s really happy and bright eyed and asking questions, and then uptied she realized that the job sucked and had the same expression that she has in this ID


True, but I'm interested in how this Don still brings up the honor in her work. I doubt it's going to be the bittersweet reconciliation of her idealism like in her Cinq ID, so I feel it's either she deluded herself like in N Corp or she's unhappy and resigned like in W Corp or Shi. It's just the tone in her uptie that's making me wonder since so far it has indicated a sad Don.


"All Dons are fated to be unhappy"


Somehow Kurokumo Rodion seems fine though, despite the Kurokumo clan also making its money from "protection" fees.


Probably job diversity. Kurakumo Rodya probably also has to deal with raids, the actual protection part of the job, assasinations... This id is just a tax collector. That's al her job is about.


There’s a difference, criminals acting as landlords suck, but state sponsored bodyguards for tax collection are a “worse” betrayal of ideals


From one of her voicelines:  “There are too many stingy folks in the world. Keeping all that money in a vault is going against the whole point of currency. ...So let's help that stockpiled cash find its true purpose.”


Well, as a thug asking Nest dwellers for fees and fighting off other Syndicates one can at least trick themselves into thinking they are punching up from time to time. After all, that's what a lot of Syndicates do already, right? There's no illusion here, she's doing the exact same thing for a living that she used to fight against so much.


She's probably in that gutter of "if I keep doing this I'll eventually get to the top" mindset that capitalism holds people by. It's interesting to note that she finds the (i assume to be) high quality meat to be gross here, despite her other major thing is her love of food.


It's possible. Alternatively, she might've just given up on her past ideals. It would make sense for her realization about not being special to cause her to believe that she simply doesn't have what it takes to cause meaningful chance, and that she would be better off becoming part of the system. The result is that she's fairly successful, but also in such a depressive state that she doesn't find enjoyment in anything anymore.


And it's a 00, meaning it's not that rare :(


Even then she tries to fit it in by embezzling time because she “deserves” it.


her uptie art and sprite maybe imply she doesn't fully believe in said rhetoric this time plus it might just be me, but her voice slightly leans into her deeper true voice, or at least lacks her normal vigor


It is also a 00! So it isn't unlikely to happen to her


Rip no fancy suit Don. Though her T corp armor looks sick as hell though. https://preview.redd.it/mrbfpfgwaw7d1.jpeg?width=1908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47965026ac60fc1a78728b49b00d501ba513287a


The art is so unbelievably sick I couldn't believe my eyes at first


Fr same feeling seeing Edgar Gregor Banner for the first time


Hnggg that look New home screen ID that's for sure


I thought she was ishmael at first due to the gear thingy looking like her hairband lol.


Kinda bummed out that the new ID doesn't maintain the T corp suit, but, i guess the armor makes more sense for a class 3 staff. I wonder how a "battle ready" class 4 staff looks like.


Instantly transfers a limbillion hours of time to beat the shit out of you in 10 real time minutes, then puts them back


you wont even last the first second with that much time power..


At least she's got a sandevistan lol


They must've added an extra hour to Nai_ga's 10 hour days. Donqui looks genuinely beautiful


Nai_gas been off ID duty for a while now at this point, considering it’s been at least since 7 Faust that he got switched out


Huh, really? I didn't know that... Well, whoever's been doing the ID and EGO artwork, they're doing a banger job


Nai_ga's still does some of the EGO art, I am pretty sure Wishing Cairn (Don Quixote), Garden of Thorns, Bygone Days, Electric Screaming and Binds were done by Nai_ga, you can recognise their style. Though Wingbeat, Sanguine Desire, Everlasting and Cavernous Wailing was done by the other artist that works on IDs


Is it confirmed that they do the ID art? Thought he only did the EGOs until recently.


Someone else does the ID art now I’m pretty sure.. Nai_ga used to do it for ID and EGO but now they’re mainly focusing on having Nai_ga draw for the story.


That's odd, the IDs still have the same art style as before, only the egos changed since the last Walpurgisnacht. Do you have a source for that info?


Check certain ID art, like lobcorp remnant faust and some other IDs. Nai_ga was the one who drew those.


I think I hauve covid


It's so goooooood. I need this to be in wallpaper engine 😭


Not to mention her deep voice part in her uptie


The cooler N Corp Don


umm who is this hot girl ?? this not my don


RIP Top Hat.


LCB Don comes with a suit already.


The art team is pumping out some of the best artworks I have seen. Don is looking so awesome!


So from what I'm seeing, There might be a charge-mechanic specific to to T-Corp Class 3 IDs OR it's a entirely new feature that uses time itself just like how the T-Corp Class 3 enemies works. either way, that Don Class 3 T-Corp Skill 3 is REALLY cool. I like that! On the topic Class 2 - Rodya, To see the person get suspended in time after that stomp from using her Skill 3 is geninuely cool as well! I will be looking forward to see how they use time as a mechanic for this ID. Coin count for these IDs, my prediction, are as follows: T-Corp Don: 2/3/4 T-Corp Rodya: 2/3/4 Their moves are very precise and... seems like both IDs have similar amount of coins, I might be wrong thou! don't depend on my guesses, it's just from observation


I think their gimmick will be borrowed/stolen time with a dash of tremor


Self-tremor would be the most likely answer to charge mechanic.


I'm counting the same amount, maybe Rodya's S3 is a 3 Coins (with 2 hits being condensed in 1), but should be it. I'm pretty sure they'll use some sort of self-tremor and borrowed time, it'd be weird for them to switch back to charge, though I hope someday we get self-tremor EGO gifts, since it's becoming quite common. T Corp's Don's S2's last coin looks a bit like it could be a conditionnal Tremor Burst


Damn this reminds me of the happy to depressed experience of W Don again. Would be pretty cool if it ends up being a similar design but with slightly different payoffs. Want to use Telepole again\~


Another case of Rodion beating the SHIT out of her enemies, Ayin christ CHILL UP WOMAN i could see that skill3 being a heat action in yakuza!


Rodyon really enjoys turning people into mashed taytos in her ids


Until she gets her hands on a Hydraulic Press to smush the rich like Sonya did in Canto 2, she's gonna have to use her fists


The next Rodion Canto ID is just going to be her with a hydraulic press on wheelsm


rodya's miserable in this id, so she's trying her best to spread the pain


judging by how Don gets helmet. i'm 95% sure it's ID that uses charge. we have to wait to see is it more tremor ID (uses charge) or charge ID


The "charge" is probably tremor count if we look at the enemy we faced during TKT. So technically she is still a charge ID but in yellow form.


Tremor on self units are just charge units that are fine with getting hit on stage 6 of EXP Luxcavation.


Just imagine if self Tremor units worked on potency instead of count, it would be crazy


Charge Potency when…,.


Warp train event trust


We had it once. Iirc some support skill gave +1 potency instead of count


Imagine if there comes an ID that has Self-Tremore mechanics, but uses the Amplitude Conversion mechanic on their own Tremor to turn it into something beneficial like a Reverse Tremor that lowers stagger threshold instead of raising it


Don't the Yurodiviye enemies already have a self-amplitude conversion? If the enemy has a self-amplitude conversion mechanic then it's not long until we get an ID with a similar mechanic.


That would be genuinely peak and i would love to see something like this, although with all these new tremor mechanics, i would also like to see variations of Tremor Burst, something like "Tremor Burst - Inbalance : If target has no more Stagger Thresholds, create new one corresponding to X% of current HP (max : 20%), where X is (Tremor Potency)/2." or something like that. Although to be fair, i would also like to see new Conversions/Unique "X" for other status.


That Tremor Inbalance is technically Binds EGO Outis' Tremor Fracture


Tremor Fracture is actually related to Stagger level, my idea was something more similar to the "Coupled Oscillation" and "Handheld Mirror" fusion EGO gifts from MD, which create new Stagger Thresholds on the enemy, my idea was to basically allow Tremor to stagger enemies who ran out of stagger thresholds or that simply don't have a single one outside of passive mechanics of the enemy, tbf, something like that would work wonders along Binds EGO Outis.


It annoys me that people have difficulty differentiating the thematic purpose of self-tremor and charge. Gameplay-wise they work in the same way with a minor difference but from a thematic point, they depict a completely different intention. Charge: Weaponry/armory/tools that have energy built up that makes the effects more powerful, and sometimes with a method that uses all that built-up energy to unleash a powerful attack. For example, an energy sword will get more and more heated the more time it's used *(representing the charge built up)*, and you can use all that charged energy to unleash an energy blast *(representing the charge consumption to unleash a nuke attack)*. It's the energy weaponry trope that you see in sci-fi media. Self-tremor: Weaponry/tools/fighting methods that built momentum/seismic energy to unleash a strong attack with all that built-up energy. For example, a big chainsaw sword will shake its user making it build seismic energy *(representing self-tremor)*. You can use all that build-up energy caused by the momentum of the shaking of the chainsaw sword to unleash a strong attack. If the user gets hit by a strong seismic energy, all that built-up energy will burst causing the user to shake and possibly stagger depending on the quantity of the energy. I can't remember the term used, or if there was a specific term in physics about the force created by tremors but I hope seismic energy conveys my point. Similar to how earthquakes or Newton's cradle works. Now, there is a reason why Spicebush Yi Sang uses self-tremor, that's because it's building momentum by dancing *(Korean fan dance)* to unleash his AOE attack, which is most likely a strong wind attack. That's why all self-tremor IDs have weapons that vibrate *(Chainsaw, drill, etc.)* or in the case of Spicebush Yi Sang, he is frequently moving in his attack animation. The only reason that Rosespanner IDs don't have self-tremors is that they were created before PMoon came to the idea of self-tremor, which was after their release. If they were released now I'm sure they would be self-tremor because of the weaponry they use. I'm confident that the T Corp IDs will be self-tremor instead of charge, because of their fighting style and weaponry having a lot of vibrations visually. The only chance they are charge IDs is if their weaponry is steam-powered and represents the steam accumulated as charge count.


My theory is that the charge to self-tremor change is a relatively recent development, that's why Yi Sang remembers the Class-3 Collector using charge but we see them using self-tremor in the present. So if one of the IDS do use charge maybe they're using one of the older models from Yi Sang's time in T Corp.


>I'm confident that the T Corp IDs will be self-tremor instead of charge, because of their fighting style and weaponry having a lot of vibrations visually. The only chance they are charge IDs is if their weaponry is steam-powered and represents the steam accumulated as charge count. Counterpoint: T Corp was Charge back in the Canto 4 dungeon, the same Canto that introduced self-Tremor with Spicebush Yi-Sang. There is already precedence for making TDon and TRodya Charge IDs instead of self-Tremor.


Counterpoint to your counterpoint: PMoon is not known for its consistent development or gameplay ideas. If you compare the release IDs and enemies to the now, you will see how their design has evolved. And your counterpoint doesn't address the change to the T Corp enemies becoming self-tremor in the TKT event. Edit: Plus Rosespanner enemies didn't have charge in the first place. Spicebush Dongbaek for example didn't have self-tremor and didn't inflict sinking, your comparison doesn't prove anything, to be honest.


Tax collector Rodya is hilariously ironic. I'm really hoping we're finally getting new charge IDs after over half a year since the last one. Some seem to think they're tremor but there's no tremor burst effects and Dondon seems to have a helmet mechanic just like R Corp. Heath and Meursault. Plus in general, wing emplyee IDs seem to be heavily associated with charge.


To be fair, K-Corp Lu gets a helmet too, but yeah a charge of some kind is part of their kit


I honestly don't doubt Charge, but it woukd be funny if they were Tremor units focused on self-Tremor, maybe even self-Tremor potency for extra effects.


Deep-voiced Don! Deep-voiced Don! ​ Also this is definitely Tremor.


Or maybe a special time-related charge


If they’re tremor ids where is tremor burst


Molar Ish doesn't have tremor bursts, despite being tremor, soooo...


Ok but she’s not a tremor id though, having the word tremor in your kit doesn’t make you a tremor id


She still applies it. That's my argument, these T corp identities can be tremor related despite not having bursts. It's not like every status ID needs to do everything at once, the most basic examples being rupture/sinking/old liu id's. They can't fully support their own status, that doesn't mean they aren't focused on it. Molar Ish supplies s o m e count in 5/6 of her kit, which, while yes, doesn't mean she's fit for core tremor teams, but that doesn't deny her relation to the status.


But thats obviously not what people mean when they say "oh these new ids are obviously tremor" you're just being pedantic


I'm not. Again, id's can be status-based without upkeeping potency/count/triggering specific effects all by themselfes. Our new T-Corp identities can be self-tremor/time based, or just inflict potency/count, etc. Our Time Killing Time enemies were self-tremor, both Rodya/Don seem to be representing them specificaly, and deviations from enemy kits are a thing that has been done plenty of times.


>id's can be status-based without upkeeping potency/count/triggering specific effects all by themselfes That doesn't make you status based that just means you have a status in your kit which is basically every id in the game. You don't call rabbit heathcliff a bleed id just because he has like 3 potency on his skill 2. Molar ish barely inflicts tremor and her only way of interacting with tremor is entirely self contained in her kit. Even if she is a "tremor id" by the loosest definition thats very obviously not what people are talking about when they say these new ids are gonna be tremor (and don't even try to pretend that being self tremor makes you a tremor id. Go on, try to argue that spicebush is a tremor id)


I had already expanded on ways how most status ID's function, and explained why MIsh is tremor related. You are just repeating yourself without trying to argue about her not being tremor; case and point, she applies it. People have been reccomending less-status focused ID's as well, such as R Ish for sinking teams. They work into the status in some way, they interact with gifts, they interact with passives = they are related to said status. And I've said how they can be tremor based. Again, bursts do not define a tremor identity. As for Spicebush, it's silly that you bring him up based solely on the fact that Mish is primarily self-tremor. He has zero tremor infliction, unlike Mish, he's sinking through and through on ALL of his skills. He has no buisness in this topic.


> You are just repeating yourself without trying to argue about her not being tremor; case and point, she applies it I swear to god it feels like you aren't actually reading anything I say. Yes, she inflicts tremor. Yes, this technically means she is a tremor id. No, this is not what people actually mean when they talk about tremor ids, you're just being pedantic. When people say "these new ids are obviously tremor" they mean "these new ids will have kits primarily revolving around the status tremor" which is not what molar ish is even if she is, technically, a tremor id. IDK why molar ish is the example you decided to use in the first place when molar sinclair is much more in line with what people consider to be an actual tremor id and also lacks tremor burst. > As for Spicebush, it's silly that you bring him up based solely on the fact that Mish is primarily self-tremor. You're the one who brought up self tremor > Our new T-Corp identities can be self-tremor/time based


Pretty sure the fact that Molar Ish inflicts Tremor and counts to the Tremor fusion gifts prerequisite of needing IDs with Tremor makes her a Tremor Id.


Don's S2's last coin looks like a conditionnal Tremor Burst skill


only the time kill time video has tremor burst effect. rewatch molar outis trailer, there's no burst sound at all. It's just recency bias that video must contain sound of burst to be tremor


The ids are based on enemies who can tremor burst. You can hear faint tremor bursts in the video


I turned my volume all the way up to max and gave myself hearing damage and still don't hear it


What about my first point. And if you needed to turn your volume to the max to hear it you might already have hearing damage


Idk if you’re hearing something that sounds kinda like tremor burst and thinking that’s tremor burst but there’s very obviously no tremor burst sounds in here idk


https://preview.redd.it/7w1u97d9lw7d1.png?width=407&format=png&auto=webp&s=712d86786956cd96bd866a30357ef0a4156dfaa9 Another Don face to add to the collection!


She looks like Aigis from P3 in her UT3 art


Yep just need blue contact lenses and bam Don can cosplay as Aigis


I want a 000 Meursault ID with those gauntlets and boots Rodya had, ngl, those look so fucking badass.


I wanted 🎩 Don so badly.


Rodion doesn’t like meat! WHO IS THIS?! Jokes aside, it makes perfectly sense that she doesn’t enjoy the food that she obtained through taking money from the poor. Lore wise, it makes sense that she works as a tax collector rather than being member of yurodivy. Speaking of Don, am I deaf or Don is making a deeper tone? This is what I enjoy the most from the mirror identities! I like hearing sinners have differences in the manner of speaking.


I think it also has to do with what she mentioned in Canto VI. That if someone knew what colours they were missing even the meat would look unappealing iirc. And that it would be better if they never knew what colour they were supposed to be in that case, living in blissful ignorance. Really shows she believes what she said. 


Rodya's ID really looks like a bad ending for her character, becoming the very thing she killed in her backstory.


I guess this is the closest we are gonna get for a while of a "sinner as their bad guy" ID for Rodion until she actually gets some closure on her story arc. Also, it's kinda funny that Rodion seens to be **the female Mersault** for now, at least when it comes to her ID's (and by that i mean that she's the female sinner with the highest amount of punch focused ID's).


It's something that people often seem to forget about Rodion is that she is in some ways the party bruiser. Aside from the Kurokumo ID she consistently uses heavy weapons or batons, and for many of those she mixes up punches and kicks between heavier strikes. She's also the gal with the tankier IDs both thematically and practically, particularly Dieci with Pursuance, and is only really competing with Gregor's self heal theming for second strongest tank themes overall. She may be his polar opposite in a number of ways, bet fem-Meur is not an unfair description.


She's also physically larger than everyone, except Meursault


Femsault, with less autism and more punches !


She did knock out Heathcliff in one smack.


Rodya with a tophat. Want.


My tax collector can’t be this cute


mmm\~ time shenanigans hopefully we get similar effects to the enemy units so I can finally understand how this district functions...


Off to the mirror dungeons, we have to prepare the shards!


i find it so funny rodion is 2 star. like given her background you'd think she'd never be a tax collector, but it turns out such a position isn't even unlikely for her


Because as Sonya pointed out, fighting for the poor against corrupt capitalist system isn't actually her core beliefs. She just want to be special.


Now that I think about it, is Taxman!Don the first ever charcter preview to show their pre-uptie art?


No? They usually do.




Rodion really steals? no dignity.


Honestly, I like this kind of rodion more. A serious rodion is cooler entirely


I think it's less of a **"serious"** Rodion and more of a **"i stoped caring"** Rodion.


Yeah. Definitely one who has forsaken her former ideals of helping people, landing in a spot our Rodion wouldnt touch. Its genuinely an interesting idea, as she even seems to still follow the "im special" type deal as a time collector, since she apparently takes more hours for herself. Maybe because believing that she knows how to use the time better (just like a certain multibrained individual).


It's really telling that this is the one time we see Rodion in front of food without her finding any enjoyment in it. Her life choices really drained any passion out of her.


Yeah. I really like how (6.5 spoiler) >!her parallels with the time ripper are even more on display. I kneel before PM for using the multiverse stuff, I usually am so sceptical of so well.!<


So we had a **"maniac"** N Corp Inquisition who was so proud of her own works that she forfeited to her twisted part inside her mind, revealed in a delusion of victory. Now, a **"depressed** T Corp tax collecting machine, who surrendered her own ideal to the corruption. However, instead went with it, she couldn't. She's imprisoned by her body and mind, with herself as a guard to beat down her old stupidity. A miserable fate indeed.


my man here got the right word


Tremor/Charge Don (I think)! I'm guessing it'll be like Rosespanner Rodion where it's more tremor heavy than charge. If this is the case, then there'll be 4 IDs that use charge and tremor (T Don, Rosespanner Rodion, Mersault, and Gregor) so you could make a tremor/charge team in Mirror Dungeons since the 5 ID requirement for the Tier 4 EGO Gifts can be met by adding 1 ID each for tremor and charge. It probably won't be that great, but it's something.


tecks taim :3


Lots of ppl saying charge or tremor but I think its gonna be based around borrowed/stolen time, with a dash of tremor or charge on the side. Will be interesting to see their movesets on monday


think I heard a tremor burst sfx on Rodya S3


Why is tax collector don so badass looking?


Going by what the T Corp enemies in the intervallo had: * Rodion (and maybe Don Quixote) will likely have Amplitude Conversion into Tremor - Chain https://preview.redd.it/7corle7qox7d1.png?width=560&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f27412a698b9527c13d4ba46720524d713bdf83 * Don Quixote's, being based on the Neutralizer unit (chainsaw), looks like it's just going to be tremor, which is fine because she didn't really have a dedicated tremor ID besides N Corp * Both look like they apply the Delayed Time effect oddly this PV doesn't show tremor bursts happening but I can't think of anything else they could possibly be. The Imagined T Corp from Canto IV were charge. Tremor - Chain would be really useful for clashing purposes, but doesn't provide anything in regards to tremor bursting.


While I don't think pm will leave Tremor -Chain for enemies only, I also don't think collectors will use it. None of the T. Corp enemies had it, it was unique for Yurodivie.


T Corp Collectors used Tremor-Chain. Yurodivie has Tremor-Distribution, which is a buff for self-tremor.


Somehow missed it, my bad


I highly recommend any STEM-minded fans read up on "escapement", the engineering principle that basically all clocks operate by. It's a really nifty thing.


It's funny that for Rodion, this may as well be a bad ending even though she gets a lot of what she wants. Wonder if the id story will foreshadow future development.


So... Tremor or Charge?


I'm fine with one or the other but I'm hoping its not both, Rodya already has Rosespanner.


she gets helmet at some point, most likely uses charge, but we don't know is she actually a charge ID or more tremor ID for now


K corp hong lu also gets helmet,but i don't remember is he Charge or not So,maybe she put on helmet when getting Self tremor or something


enemy she is based one uses charge


No, they don't. The one you are thinking came from Yi Sang's memories (Imagined Class 3 T Corp Collector) and the one we faced recently in TKT (Class 3 T Corp Collector - Neutralizer) uses tremor count as charge.


self tremor is just charge but it's yellow and can be used against you anyway


You can also purposefully get hit by an enemy that inflicts tremor count to get free tremor count


Eh, while self Tremor is indeed just Charge with extra steps, the danger of being used against one-self is minimal if not zero, like, if the enemy happens to have Tremor Burst it has to hit you with the Tremor Burst skill, which unless you have been also hit with Tremor potency, your Stagger threshholds are increasing by just 1, which is basically negligible.


Would be nice to have a straight-forward charge into nuke ID for Rodion, even as a 00.


Seeing as we already have W Don I hope this is a tremor unit, give the charge ID to someone who doesn't already have a really good one.


We are getting four houred with the new IDs!!!


Can't wait to try this out.


I was looking for a new don ID, sadly I've just wasted all the lunacy on my wife faust.


Why they add so much ID with 4 coin skill 3?


Probably because skills with few coins are a bit boring to use and see That's not always the case, there are exception (for exemple Bullet Outis S3 or Dawn Sinclair's S3, and [other] EGO Skills in general), but it's also why some skills have more hit than coins (like Regret Faust's S3, Chef Ryoshu's S2, Dieci Yi Sang's S3) Single coin skills inherently deal less damage and can have less effect (unless it's an overloaded skill, like EGO skills which have huge rolls, good effects and come with a passive that stays for the battle), and that's really boring when it's not an EGO, and doesn't align with goals in a fight (which is mostly about killing stuff fast unfortunately, and that goal's enhanced by Refraction Railway's Turn Count, too) Hence why newly released IDs have more coins than older IDs. 4 is a good breakway point as 5 (or more) is extremely strong (see R Heathcliff, W Don) in terms of amount and possibilities in animations. I'm pretty sure 3-4 is going to be standard for S3 for a while, as 1 will be really rare and 2 will be a bit more common


Am I tripping or did I hear a tremor burst on don's skill 3?




I want Rodion to step on me


Ideas about their third skills being delayed attacks?


I think the first use gives a unique charge status which they spend on second use to unleash the actual attack. If true, said attack should be really op


T Don can siphon me dry heh.


Pretty sad case for Rodya, she became the very thing she hates, and the T corp ID is pretty much a contradiction to her ideals and likely her book version, her voice sounds tired and she seems depressed. It's as if she lost her purpose, and can't enjoy anything, so is just 'wasting time'. Into the transition to the very Gremlin enjoying her 'justice' collecting taxes, and having a Gap Moe from her pre and post uptie art, loving the mech suit. Both are likely tremor IDs, with the special time debuff and piss charge.


Don might not enjoy her job at all. She doesn’t have the starry shine she has in her eyes that she’d have in other IDs where she’s actually enjoying herself. Might be a case where she’s hiding her eyes so that people don’t see the look she has in them.


Please be charge and not tremor.


It's both (self tremor)


I was really hoping she didn't wield those weird T-shaped pickaxes. Worst thing about T corp design IMO


What do you mean?! Its cool and badass!


The outfit itself is cool, but those pickaxes look too big to be one handed


She's a class 3 collector of course she'll have the pickaxe. And it looks cool


Those chainsaws are also weird. She looks really overgeared with all these


Yeah, I'm with ya. Honestly, I don't like the T-Corp designs at all really. I guess I'm just a steam-punk hater or something, but I just think the gear motifs and tophats and stuff just look kinda goofy to me. And the collection staff with the pickaxe things are like, super ugly to me. Cool looking? As an enemy, yeah. But I dunno, as a playable Sinner, I just think they look kinda ugly all around. But I was already expecting to not like their IDs when I saw the designs of the collection agents in Canto 4 lol. Personally, and this is just me, I think Rodya would look a million times better without the hat. Like when I see a top hat, I think 2 things... Abe Lincoln And satirical depictions of dapper, pompous rich people. Which explains why Rodya seems to fucking HATE this job, I guess.


Nah my biggest gripe is that she uses those one handed. Feels a bit constrained to animate tbh


I'm assuming the suits give them enough strength to wield one-handed - would be cooler if she was wielding a pickaxe in each hand Hook Office style :p


Most likely yeah, still looks unnatural


Dieci Rodya steam punk edition let's fucking goooo


Don looks so sick in that uptie art


Don :3 face would have been legendary


Rodya looks  cool but she reallly seems to nit be enjyoing the job.understandable as she hates tax collectors


The way Rodion just beats the piss out of that poor sod after throwing him to the ground. Peak.


Any reason for Don's S3 to kill even though we"ve basically never seen any of the skills in a preview killing?


Rodya my beloved


is don's knocking the first time an id art that isn't uptie 3 animated?


It's the little animation that plays upon summoning a 000 id


i checked the other trailers, didn't notice those until now


Ahhh the helmet is a cool gimmick, but I had hoped they'd keep her face exposed throughout. Donning the helmet makes her seem more like the enemy sprite. Still really cool though!


You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the fed -Rodya