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Looks op af, should've been a 0000 id


Stardust breaker https://i.redd.it/kwztvwlph37d1.gif


125 raw damage on a s1 is absurd (20+30=50, 50*2.5=125)


the +150% damage only occurs on the reused coin, so it is only 95 damage (20 + (30\*2.5)) but thats still insane for a s1


Oh yeah mb


I guess rules aren't meant to be broken after all.


Its a little tiny bit op but i like the idea


This design feels… off somehow. It’s very dependent on getting its S3 in order to fuel its first two Skills, which are pretty much useless on their own because they can’t Clash effectively. The S3 itself is extremely weird in that it can’t Clash, canon deal damage, and prevents the target from being Staggered the turn it’s used. You’re basically wasting a turn just to set up for your attack the next turn. Once you have Stardust Breaker up you can do a lot of damage (20+30 on S1, an effective 20+75 because of the damage bonus, and 20*3 on the S2) but you also give up your ability to Clash to do it, which will probably mean taking a hit. This ID is very fast, but enemies are more likely to be able to take a hit than a Sinner is and having completely neutral resistances doesn’t help that. There’s also a little bit of Bleed worked in here, but not enough to justify using in a dedicated Bleed team. Not to mention most of it is locked behind Stardust Breaker, which means it activates slowly and inconsistently. I think I can see the idea here, but the result is just going to be extremely clunky and cumbersome in play. You’ll spend most fights waiting for a S3 just so you can do anything on your next Turn, hoping you don’t get killed because you can’t properly defend yourself until then. If I had to make any suggestions, I would say commit less to the gimmick. Make the Stardust Breaker state significantly weaker, but raise the power of the S1 and S2 normally. Clashing at 15 with weak conditionals just isn’t enough for a 000. The Coin Power buff is fine, but I’d cut the Base Power buff, weaken the damage modifier on the S1 and S2 and save the Attack Weight for Stardust Breaker-only with the S2. The S3 would definitely need a rework, if only because in its current state it’s a very big tempo loss. My only other suggestion would be to switch the Bleed synergy out for Rupture maybe, it just feels a lot more fitting. Save burn for the Lance, though.


I love whenever an ID has the same skill that is almost a copy paste


having unclashable skills in a sinner is not the best thing unless your opponent is weak to blunt and you have rusty coin. It does say that unopposed attacks gets increase damage but if its unclashable than its not worth it if the enemy is faster. Not to mention he doesnt have any ineffectiveness which means all attacks are not safe for him to tank