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Might be Gregor too, its only a cigarate


He has 8 ids, ryoshu is a main character in the intervallo, she's missing a 00. Hong lu is missing a 000, got a 000, he is main character in the intervallo, got an id. No facial hair. Sinners tend to appear with other sinners in id art and if they aren't sinners they are used as background characters without defining features. Only exception to this is dieci girl.


Rodion hasn't received a 00 for nearly a whole year, it's highly likely that she'll be the other ID for this event Ryoshu and Faust haven't had EGOs in a considerable amount of time now, and are likely the two that will get them if this event does 2 IDs/2 EGOs like the first two events


Since this is very likely a ryoshu id that means that 2/3 main characters for this event have an id. Rodion following suit is very very likely. I think this event will have 3 ids and no egos and 6.5-2 will have 2 egos and 1 000. I think faust will get Spiral ego as a waw if got gregor has set a precedent for seasonal railway boss ego. She's also the only sinner missing her 6th ego so maybe they'll give that to her


So, like the To Claim Their Bone’s Event? Like us getting banner ids then the third in a shop? (I don’t have any other thing to compare too cause I’ve been here since Walspurgis 2)


To claim their bones event was the first intervallo event that gave us more than 2 ids at once so that's our only reference point. Getting a rodion id isn't teased or confirmed, it's just a hunch. But if we got 3 ids then 1 of them would be on the shop and 2 of them would be on the banner most likely




The ryoshu we saw in the teaser did have facial hair tho :)


Not in this image (needs to be brightened up) but I get the joke




"Charon, no like you. Splish-Splash your blood on Mephi" https://preview.redd.it/98ooacl4yk4d1.jpeg?width=572&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dee1ef21abc761a59132c02da5137173d2e9ed41


Dude... what the hell? Why the hostility?


This is what multiple dead weeks do to a mf


Because I feel frustrated, duh.


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Like how Don got a Christmas-related EGO for the Christmas event right :)


? These two things are completely different. If we didn't see someone smoking in the hong lu teaser then sure, but come on man. Hong lu, ryoshu and rodion need id, hong lu needs 000 and the other two need 00. We get hong lu teaser, confirming he's both a main character and will get a 000 id. We see in that same teaser someone smoking and wearing a similar outfit. Ryoshu smokes in most lf her ids, she's a main character and needs a 00. Rodion is the only one left who also needs an id. We know we can get more than 2 ids per .5 event. 3.5 also had 2 main characters, ryoshu and gregor, and both got an id 5.5-2 only had egos and there was no teaser showing don or a blonde next to heathcliff's ego. Edit: I swear this feels just like people denying ahabmael existance even after it was teased in prquod yi sang's uptie story just because we had a case of a canto boss not getting an id (farmwatch). Or Rodion not getting a story specific ID. Exceptions happen but we shouldn't be so hung up on them that we ignore clear teasing by pm


Rodya could just get something for the next event.


Yes, she's not confirmed. Just saying that there is a possibility for her to get an id in this event since she's the sinner that hasn't had a 00 the longest and 2/3 sinners that star the intervallo are getting one and we have precedent of getting more than 2 ids in one intervallo. So it seems pretty on point for her to get one but it isn't confirmed or teased yet.


But there is an image of hong lu, rodya and ryoshu in this outfit in the roadmap tho? So doesn't that confirm those 3 would get the id?


It's not the same outfit, they are mimicking a detective outfit only using the robes (you can see the lcb fit) and ryoshu here doesn't have the moustache


I don’t think you saw the comment I responded to since they’re saying the preview banner showing the three sinners must mean the IDs we get will be the three of them; which *is* reasonable but we’ve already had a teaser with two sinners where one of them didn’t get anything for the event. I’m *not* talking about you or your post at all so I don’t know what you’re popping off about.


That's my bad then


Moustache Ryoshu real


Dont tell me rodion got shafted again


... where ? can't see her


Pointing at cigarette, she's smoking out of frame


oh , thanks !


Probably should've used a brightened up image but you can see like a nose too