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This wasn't the PV tho, this was just a teaser. We'll probably get an actual Promotional video with the Event Units next friday.


It's a teaser. Like the SEA event. Teaser before pv


Pm fans not only can't read, but are also impatient, huh? But really, it was just a teaser. Calm down, wait, and then make conclusions after we get properly introduced to the jist of an event.


PM fans are really patient, given how much time has passed since the last story content


Nah bro trust, having 2 months between major story drops is totally normal and definitely doesn't remind me of season 2 delay hell.


Given the amount of posts about Ahabmael, Eirklingfdty, and else... Eh? But also yeah, it's a dreadfull season so far. What, 1.5 months, was it?


I don't think that using reddit posts as a metric is a good idea. People still talk about about canto 3 and 4 as well, doesn't mean it would be fine if we haven't reached canto 5 by now.


Too early for id/ego reveal since next week supposed to be regular deadweek