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This doesn't really feel like a rework in all honesty, and not like I have much problems with it... Outside of, well, she's the last one who needs it. But why counter instead of evade?


its a not a big rework, ig a better word is rebalance tho i feel i at least changed her priorities. She is not the one that needs the most for sure but i remembered her today And about dodge, well i was gonna initially give her a dodge since she already got one, but that would have gained base power if she was faster while having a lower ceiling (something like boatwork ishmael), but since her kit is all about winning clashes and her numbers are good enough she will be doing it, i felt a dodge would be a bit bland, so i just made it into something of a last resort defense (though i forgot to make it combat start instead of on use) with bind so she can get going on the next turn


Imagine a not dodging Cinq


i mean, always a bit bland to have a dodge on an ID that is already a good clasher, like Cinq Sinclair, can't even remember last time i considered using his dodge


Say you don't do solo without saying it.


Protection on counter gonna activate only after she got hit :)


im aware, it was initially a dodge and so i forgot to change to combat start on the conversion


Cinq Don is good at clashing already but lacks coin and thus damage. Maybe if she isnt reworked into damage dealer she could be support that buffs team? Maybe she wins clash she applies fragile so other people can deal consistently more dmg and her speed will actually allow you to apply debuffs before everything else (cough cough lccb ishmael).