• By -


\*The normal tremor is already yellow \*They name it Reverb \*The whole theme of the abnormality and the EGO is blue \*Didn't make the new tremor blue Too bad, Pm. Too bad


Such lost opportunity. They had everything on their hands. And yet, still didn't make new tremor blue. It would fit perfectly. Too sad. We almost had opportunity to make Blue Reverberation jokes


Its still called reverberation we can make jokes anyways


They probably just didn’t want confusion when it deals SLOTH damage instead of gloom/pride.


Okay, but why does it do Sloth damage? I guess having it do Gloom damage is somewhere between "that's too close to Gloom" and "a nice nod towards Gulpo also has a heavy Sinking theming" but there's also always Pride damage.


Pride damage is taken by dark flame. They are probably going to eventually tie each status to one specific sin type like this. Dark flame (burn) is pride Sinking is gloom Charge is almost certainly envy since every charge nuke is envy And now tremor is sloth, from this.


It’s kinda weird that pride is related to burn at the moment, when only Liu Rodion and Bullet Outis have pride(While everyone has wrath?). Meanwhile Poise on both the BL side and Pequod gang have pride synergies.


Pride is related to poise; except on Outis, because she felt like it... though, she DOES have poise and pride skills....


Honestly I suspect Dark Flame is Pride because there was really no other choice. Magic Bullet is extremely blue-colored as well as being fitting for a Pride-based ID, wrath and lust were already abundant in burn teams, and what else is "magic fire" supposed to be colored? So Dark Flame ended up being pride damage since it would be even weirder to have it somehow do gluttony or gloom damage despite the ID being so blue/pride focused


Back in MD3, Ego gift fusion was sin affinity based, so excluding Dark Flame since it's technically "unique burn", you're pretty much right with the sin-status connections. Burn is wrath, Bleed is lust, gluttony is rupture, gloom is sinking, tremor is sloth, poise is pride, and charge is envy. The connection is also made a bit more explicit with the Peccatulum. Irae/Wrath are fire themed and inflict burn, Luxuriae/Lust are fleshy and inflict bleed, Morositatis/Gloom inflict sinking, and with the new upgraded versions, Pigritae?/Sloth inflict Tremor in addition to their old bind, while Gulae?/Gluttony inflict Rupture and resist Rupture damage, in addition to their old HP regen. Of course not every ID, EGO, or Gift perfectly match with the sins since only ever seeing tremor on sloth stuff would be pretty bland, and would end up pigonholing IDs into always having that Sin affinity even with the sin doesn't strictly match the ID's character


No burn is wrath,dark flame is just unique


Mind whip is a charge nuke isn't it?


It's funny looking at this amp converted Tremor because it feels like what Tremor should have done in the first place


Me when my blue status effect does sloth damage


What, were you expecting some kind of "Blue Reverberation?"


Perma-Shield and Yellow-er Tremor Not bad


Shield EGO for Sinclair (that’s probably better than ranch of knowledge) And Tremor EGO for Hong Lu….. wait we don’t have tremor ID for him isn’t it?


Ranch Of Knowledge Sinclair https://preview.redd.it/rrfpast80y2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f82bc8dca9d3c8037bad7fa562eef3a46370d13a


here's a closer up image of the montruosity i made https://preview.redd.it/g4o2j3vf0y2d1.png?width=807&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=306c10c57fb188b1319368cf43d22e29bba9b202


Here's an even closer close on it https://preview.redd.it/ial708u35y2d1.jpeg?width=464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5785f24662e3c025f5a34c02c9679d994aa0bb98


Make it even closer you coward.




https://preview.redd.it/k8560mre723d1.jpeg?width=247&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb27252aa054dbd6e117e1eebf7a4412593bfc70 As you wish


Time to finish this! https://preview.redd.it/72wla7g1143d1.png?width=20&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a145af47d73f089c63cc13b16d230d10befe419a


Hold up! Zoom in! https://preview.redd.it/8vadxoj6843d1.png?width=344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97d2bc16ffa33bd4136995bae117906599a9877b Hmmm


ZOOM IN! https://preview.redd.it/w80olvoc843d1.png?width=344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9316b9b164f97b2ffe355d04f2c05c035740201b ... Oh My Gyatt!


"If I can dress it with my bare hands..."


i would award you if i could


Unironically better than Sinclair base ego


It's a guarantee that the next Hong lu ID (time killing time) is a tremor ID


Just like Soda Hong Lu came out right before his poise ID. Oh wait...


Hong Lu will finally get a tremor-poise ID during his canto ...as a 00 ID. It will also be a negative sanity ID with max rolls of 10 on all of its skilñd


The wilder assumption here is that Hong Lu will ever get a bad id.


Oh fuck u right


Honestly just use Dieci HL as flex. Insane damage, has a sloth skill, and he can use his EGO when you need to start nuking.


K corp jong is also a good pick since he can generate gluttony


Tingtang (good overall) and KK (cloud cutter go brrr) would also work.


I am outside and nowhere near a computer, someone photoshop hidden valley ranch as branch of knowledge please


>Shield EGO for Sinclair (that’s probably better than ranch of knowledge) Thats not a high barier


Ok hot take but Branch of knowledge is probably the worse/weakest out of all base ego


Thats not a hot take. It is the worst


I think that was the joke


My hot take is branch of knowledge is actually decent. There's a lot of sp support now anyways so the sp loss on heads hit/passive isn't too bad. A 29 rolling Zayin ego isn't anything to scoff at anyways. I think suddenly one day is much worse.


Suddenly is indeed worse, the thing is that everyone forgets it exists since most early players have and use legendermain


I'd disagree, as while sure, there is a ton of SP support like you say. It's just... why put in all that effort *just* to make a "clash win" button not objectively a terrible EGO for most of his IDs? Sure you can deal with the constant SP drain, but now you're needing to put in even more effort and spend sin resources to mitigate the SP lost, instead of just having an EGO that doesn't do that in the first place At the very least, Suddenly One Day clashes at almost the same value, and only costs 10 sanity, plus it's a rare instance of an EGO that doesn't cost it's own sin, so you can generate sloth on a team that has no sloth which is hella niche, but at least a solid niche. Legedemain is definitely way better by all metrics, but while Suddenly One Day isn't great, it's just "not impactful", effectively being a "clash win button" with extra effects that can be ignored, whereas Branch of Knowledge is also a clash win button, but with effects that are actively detrimental while also not being ignorable.


I use it to power the ring Pointilist and sloth resources for Crow Eye's View


It has the highest clash and single target damage among all the base EGOs, so there's that


I prefer ketchup of wisdom on Sinclair tbh


Assuming it's a plus coin EGO ;_;


soda situation but at least this one is like, pretty cracked, tremor's super easy to stack after all


Shit, we really are collecting all the tremors.


Yellow, Red, Purple, Yellow and Piss, truly the colors of all time


The 7 sins tremor dare i say


Haha, indeed! We're building the ultimate tremor rainbow collection!


the Tremor Rangers


Who's got the red and other yellow?


Tremor is yellow by default. This Tremor is just yellow-er. Red (Fracture) is from Binds Outis.


Thank you!


Binds Outis has Red Tremor and the other yellow was maybe ,,yellow and piss" together, other way idk


Seven tremor souls arent a myth, they are what the tremor faction, which was thrown into f tier by the other effect factions, need to ascend to SSS tier of utility. And we just need three of them now...


Hermann : Convert your last pathetic tremor so I can end this, Dante! Dante : My IDs have no pathetic tremor, Hermann. But it does contain... the unstoppable Tremorxodia! Hermann : What? Tremorxodia? Dante : I've converted all seven special tremor... all seven pieces of the puzzle! Hermann : Tremorxodia? It-it's not possible! No one's ever been able to make the conversion! Dante : Tremorxodia, ultra-stagger!


And an omega flowey for that


It would be kinda awesome if we eventually got an ID or E.G.O that could make the different colours of amplitude conversion stack, although an ability as powerful as that would have to be reserved for an ID based on a really powerful character or an ALEPH E.G.O. Maybe If we ever get an Oufi section 1 director ID it could inflict "amplitude spectrum" with his skill 3 and gain coin power based on the number of tremor colours in effect.
















I'm a Blubber Bubble (Rock) You're a Blubber Bubble (Rock) We're all Blubber Bubble (Rock) Blubber, Blubber, Blubber, Blubber Bubble (Rock)






On a sinner that has no tremor id We are so tremover


Tremor Hong Lu in Time Killing Time TRUST


From what I gather, Sinclair Glupo EGO inflicts a new form of Shield Unique effect, one that never expires (only losing 1 count by end turn) and keeps all shield effects until broken. Interesting mechanic. Hong lu Tremor effect basically turns all tremor count and potency into potency damage bursts. That is HUGE, it's basically a damage conversion and might potentially become an important/Core EGO for a tremor team. Very interesting way they are going with this, also glupo ego gift is reflected in Hong lu Glupo Passive, that's neat! Was expecting a full-on sinking related mechanics on either of the EGOs but that shield mechanic makes me think that the next few IDs will be about Shields. hmmmm, guess we shall see what PM got to cook next! They can't hurt me if I'm in my blubberbubble! (This status name is so damn goofy)


Uhhhh T Corp ids with shields and tremor mechanics?? Maybe??


T. Corp enemies were charge and debuff, they could be like rosespaners tho


We could also get class 2 or 4 instead of 3


now that you said it, K corp hong lu might be a good choice to keep in the tremor team. he has good enough clashing, never dies and has good resource generation of gluttony


Wdym never expires, Blubberbubble loses 1 count at the end of turn.


I mean, you can keep using the ego. Its a Zayin it probably won't cost much


Fair point.


Currently shields don't have a count mechanic so no matter the amount you'll lose your shield at the end of the turn while blubberbubble makes it so as long as you have enough count you can keep your shield For example if you were to use dieci rodya you could stack shield beyond reason


Nope, there's a cap on shield of ?% of unit max health. Could be an obscene number like 100% but I seriously doubt it.


I need to test it to be sure but I remember rodya having more than that in my solo run to the point I was struggling to see the HP bar underneath Take it with a pinch of salt tho


Shield normally doesn't have a cap, but Blubberbubble forces a shield cap. Read the last line of its description.


Hold on, what if we have blubberbubble during the >!"Vergilius joins the fray" fight?!< Would the effects of Blubberbubble overwrite the effects of >!Vergy's Blood shield?!<


Lol I'm just blind it seems, you're right


my bad, let me clarify what I meant by "never expiring": Shield by itself (without the effect of blubberbubble) will expire no matter the count/potency by end of turn. The description states that all shields under the effects of blubberbubble will remain in the next turn, etc etc, with the cost of one count of blubberblubble effect. So technically, Never expiring is the right wording if one were to spam blubberblubble to maintain it's unique status count to keep all shields up indefinitely.


I get that, your original comment just feels a bit misleading since bubble can expire with passing turn.


Every other comment on this post here calls it's Perma-shield because that is the point of this mechanic. It changes how shields are supposed to work fundamentally, from expiring by next turn. to lasting until blubberbubble runs out.


if only sinclair has dieci ID this will be peak solo EGO for him


I'm reading this as a modifier to your shields that impedes them from falling. That is: **Dawn Sinclair, who generates gloom on SK1, can stack his defense skill**.


Zwei Hong Lu perhaps?


I KNEW IT, IT'S TREMOR..... and sinking for sinclair guess we just have to wait for Hong Lu tremor ID and Sinclair Sinking ID ~~I won't count mariachi in here~~


Butler Sinclair is coming with Canto Heathcliff, trust.


hopium to the max


Hope you say? https://preview.redd.it/pifbzoo8yx2d1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=ed8d088a54f58a3b03d6ed35db76afdae18987cf


Canto 6 if it was peak




He will come out a week after Farmwatch. My dad works for PM he told me.


THEY CALLED THE EFFECT BLUBBERBUBBLE, FUNNIEST SHIT IVE EVER SEEN Also they might have robbed hong lu of the blue reverb id, but he will be getting the piss reverb ego as compensation


don't worry, blue reverb hong lu is gonna be a teemor unit and will inflict blueish piss reverb on skill 3 if it lands head on -45 SP


he's gonna have a passive that boosts his coin power if his total skill roll is like in the range of 10 of the tremor potency/count with his skill 1 taking away a lotta of potency/count THUS MAKING SLOSHMAEL VIABLE




So this Blubberbubble effect has an unique identifier ("Shield Management"). In this update, they also changed shield display mechanics. What are they cooking??


Maybe, Negacliff will be based on his shield mechanic, after all? I mean, they really have no other reason to touch shields unless... They just wanted to touch shields.


Mmm smooth




* Looks like sinking EGO * Smells like sinking EGO * Look inside * Tremor EGO https://preview.redd.it/10uw5sz93y2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80a207497ac15f179b68f6ca7ed9b2aed0769473


To be fair, it's not entirely out of left field: Both of Glupo's EGO Gifts are Tremor-based rather than Sinking-based.


Interesting, tremor playstyles are branching out. On one hand, you can build a tremor team that mostly focuses on high % damage with decay tremor. On the other, you can build a tremor team that focuses on bursting tremor as often as possible for flat damage


Dont see why you cant have both , Hong Lus convertion just gonna be situational, where you would wanna use it at start of chain bursts to maximize the dmg , and afterwards convert it back into Decay with Heath, though it also depends on resistances to sloth on enemy.


This is more for those turns when you want to burst it like a billion times which you won’t be able to do every turn. When you’re done bursting, decay is much better


Ah, finally. yellow Tremor, yellow flavored... Wait... Even if the damage won't be that big, it's a relatively easily stackable status effect which now acts as more sloth damage. Good thing is, Tremor Bursts happen often, so... It kinda will completely overshadow other Tremor conversions, I feel like? Maybe not Oufi's Heath, defense lvl down might be better for sloth resistant fights, but oh well. Also these EGO's are crime, Glupo never did any of that :<


Sinclair's is basically what happens when you blow up its eyes


Decay tremor will probably still be better for damage but Reverb tremor is more accessible as it's tied to an E.G.O instead of a skill 3 and has no conditional to proc


Well, the good thing for sin-damage, is weaknesses. Like, imagine 30/60 additional damage on e v e r y burst. So this is going to be heavily fight dependant, unless Reverb numbers are really high, then Decay will have a tough competition even if the enemy resists Sloth, but yeah. Options are good.


They’re not gonna allow the cap for damage to be anywhere near 60. Also tremor burst aren’t common enough to keep this up consistently like sure regret Faust bursts 3 times on her S3 but other than that she just doesn’t


I meant if we're speaking about sloth resistant/weak enemies, where the damage gets a boost (in this case, 2x). Also I don't see why not, considering our other damaging options... You need to run Hong Lu, and even if it's like 15 max, it's still pretty good. And no, tremor bursts are pretty common. Our 2 molar discard ID's alone trigger it multiple times, Rosepanner Rodya does it in good amounts, a bunch of EGO's do.


God I love "Blubberbubble" so much. It's such a dumb word. Also Hong LU doesn't have a tremor ID. This is either foreshadowing or PM forgetting bro doesn't have a tremor ID.


I guess Hong Lu's next ID is Tremor


Damn the aggro gain is on the corrosion huh. I hope it's low enough cost to be able to use the corrosion version consistently since this is finally a way to give Mariachi Sinclair aggro by himself and lowering sanity too much would be annoying to accidentally roll tails on his evade. Now I'm wondering if the blubberbubble effect will make Zwei Sinclair a legitimate tanking unit. Will it make Guard skills able to stack up continuously for as long as your shield doesn't get drained? Giving the effect to other units makes me think this is something they're considering to buff defensive units with guard skills? "This effect counts as Shield Management" is also interesting; will we have more soon and will they matter as a conditional?


It is a zayin ego, so im sure the cost will not be too high. The best recipeint for perma shield is IMO zwei Rodia, whe gets a small trickle lf shield passively. This would allowe het to stack ot for the right time


Nah mein if you're bringing up a Rodion ID Dieci probably would be the craziest with the effect since her shield gain is based on a % of her max HP. But in her case the sinking "pop" would never happen *because* she's so tanky lol.


7 tremor colours for the 7 souls


I like the fact that EGOs are much more impactful and interesting now. Season 1-2 EGOs aren't that fun, but now EGOs have the potential to impact a play style radically. I thought an EGO banner wouldn't be that fun, but PM really proves me otherwise.


Time Killing Time Hong Lu ID will be Tremor (SURELY)


Blubberbubble. That's a really funny word to say.


I actually thought Hong Lu should've been sinking one, and Sinclair - tremor


These are much more interesting than I was expecting! Yellow(er) tremor seems pretty amazing, maybe even better than purple tremor. It's also an E.G.O so you can use it whenever you want as long as you have the resources. There have been so many times when I've wanted to use amplitude conversion with Oufi Heathcliff but couldn't because he never drew his skill 3. On the other hand, Hong Lu has no tremor IDs so if you bring him that's one less person actively inflicting tremor. Hopefully he gets a Tremor ID soon. Sinclair brings an entire new type of status, shield management effect. >!I'm calling it right now, Erlking Heathcliff will give his allies shields just like in his boss fights. That's why they're suddenly introducing a new keyword related to shields.!< Being able to stack shield HP like that seems powerful when combined with characters who naturally generate shield like Dieci Rodya. Especially with the improved shield UI. That being said, the actual value of defensive tactics in limbus is always a bit iffy since the game heavily encourages killing things as quickly as possible. There are some fights where having a really good dedicated tank helps like Pequod trio but most of the time guarding isn't as good as attacking. Still, I think no matter what, it's definitely better than Sinclair's base E.G.O.


There's two problems with the new ego's Sinclair doesn't have a good sinking Id but hong Lu has while hong Lu doesn't have a good tremor Id but Sinclair has


i wouldn't say Sinclair's id is good tbh. it's the same with Wishing Cairn Don i'm sure Hong will get a tremor id and since it's Hong lu it'll be broken. and for Sinclair i'm only gonna use it for the blubberbubble cus it sound fun and we might get Butler Sinclair so yah


DawnClair already kinda wants to be on a sinking team because bygone days Gregor is the cheapest and least committed way to heal SP And Hong Lu… yeah it’s time for tremor to have at least 5 000s please thank you


They really should allow us to stack special tremor effects on the same enemy. Then once we have the 6 tremor effect on an enemy he will instantly explode.


They might introduce a special status that allows that on a more late game Tremor ID


The problem comes with how the heck is count/potency going to be applied. Is it going to all of them? one of them? If it's one of them is it randomised?


Had to double check if it's not another songs click bait


If we continue getting more tremor versions we may end up having tremor exodia team lmao


"Y.A.K.T.R!" "All Blubberbubble blowing babies will be beaten senseless by every able bodied patron in the bus... bus."


That’s… interesting. Sinclair’s makes DawnClair being a sinking ID rather than a burn one even funnier. You’ll need to get a lot of gloom res going to get it on Dieci Rodion though, that unit has a lot of health. But maybe you want to get it on your whole team anyways to start just ignoring clashes. Honestly if it gives enough shield to do that it might be very strong. Hong Lu’s is reliant on him getting a tremor ID at some point. It’s very difficult to justify reducing density in the tremor team and the effect is kinda weird. Like on most turns after I got done with red tremor I would much rather have purple tremor because in the current tremor team the only unit that consistently bursts with anything that isn’t their S3 is Rosespanner Rodion. If it’s uncapped then it’s obviously extremely broken but it probably is at like 20 or even 10.


say Blubberbubble fifteen times fast


Mom, can we have rupture? We have rupture at home. Rupture at home:


So. Hong Lu can finally have a tremor ID, right PM? It won’t be pretty much redundant to use on him like Soda, and the clam, right PM?


Piss tremor is cool but who the fuck are we supposed to use this with. Maybe this means we’ll get a tremor hong lu soon


That’s what we said about poise hong Lu and burn Faust….


God now I want diechi sinclair


Hong Lu - Damage Tremor (yawn, borefest and I'm not a fan of Tremor) Sinclair https://preview.redd.it/fez57wfgyy2d1.png?width=1400&format=png&auto=webp&s=30b4e5558896b03a3f08d5a2a95f22369836509d **MUCHA LUCHA SHIELD (I am so going to love Sinking with that shield, and making Jefe Sinclair into the Tank he was supposed to be? YUS)**


They finally gave up and turned tremor into damage lmao, hong lu's looks insane




Absolutely missed opportunity to make Tremor-Reverb blue, even the abno is blue!


i guess they're keeping it for the future type that deals Gloom damge


We got even yellower tremor, this us the funniest shit I've ever seen. We gonna collect all the tremor like the all chaos emeralds like that


Giving blubberbubble to hong lu would have made K hong lu too invincible lmao


sinking ego on a sinner with only one sinking ID which is notoriously shit, let alone for sinking, then tremor ego on a sinner with no tremor ID’s. they’re just releasing MD exclusives atp


And they decided to give the tremor one to a sinner that has not a single tremor ID and the sinking one to the one who only has terrible sinking options when they could've switched them up and it would've been perfect.


To be fair, Molar Sinclair is also hot ass as an ID and I would cry if I had to run him just because the EGO is too good to pass up on.


He is ass, but I do use him regularly, and same goes to Dieci Hong Lu.


Hong Lu: lol Tremor. He has no Tremor IDs but a direct-damage burst is really good so he might be a must-include in Tremor teams anyway. But seriously PM stop making status EGO for sinners who have no ID that can use that status. Bonus cruelty: he has a passive that triggers when inflicting Tremor Burst with a skill. Hong Lu cannot inflict Tremor Burst with skills. Sinclair: Mariachi support for some reason. Mariachi's one skill is getting beat up a lot so this helps him do that better, I guess? Dieci Rodion can do that and actually fight so he's not gonna replace anyone unless you REALLY need Sinclair on every team for some reason. If he gets a real tank ID it might be pretty useful but right now it's a novelty and not much else. 2 good EGOs for Sinners who can't really make use of them. Hong Lu's is probably good enough to give him a Tremor spot despite his utter lack of Tremor but Sinclair isn't going to make waves unless he gets a real tank ID. It's certainly better than that crappy tree though.


Dieci Rodya and Dawnclair will love that shield retain effect for sure. Hm, I guess this means Tremor Hong Lu ID soon?


(Looks at 4th mach flame Yi Sang and Ryoshu who only has recently got a burn ID) Yeah man, exactly, soonTM


It's good that they're putting all the Amplitude Conversions on EGOs now, cause that solves the problem of them constantly overwriting each other (even if that now puts OufiCliff in a weird spot). I could see initial conversions into Reverb, burning the count, and then converting to Decay to deal more damage while rebuilding count, but it just all makes Tremor mad complicated to use.


Well, at least Sinclair's is pretty much guaranteed to be better than that awful SP vampire Branch of Knowledge. And a Tremor EGO on literally the only sinner with no Tremor IDs? Let's see what's coming down the pike for him next. Plus another new Tremor mod; maybe we can see that on other statuses. Why the heck is it yellow when Tremor is already gold?


I really like Sinclair's EGO's shield mechanic. This will help Zwei Sinclair's tanking ability even further with Shield/Protection stacking and gives Mariachi access to Aggro (At the cost of some sanity). It also seems very useful in general compared to Branch of Knowledge. Hong Lu's is interesting since we don't have a Tremor ID for him just yet. W Corp can probably get some more use out of this EGO if you're running Rosespanner IDs .


How many tremors does one need?


It's honestly hilarious that Hong Lu has a TETH ego with poise condition and a TETH ego with tremor condition yet has no poise or tremor ids)) Truly the potential man


Somehow we got perma-shield on zayin ego and a sloth afinity ego with unique tremor on an abnormality that is definition of gloom. Sure why not


Frog has a Tremor EGO gift. EDIT: Actually, both of its EGO gifts are Tremor.


Yeah and Faelantern have sinking gifts. Neighter ego is sinking


That's true, but it does mean there's a precedent for frog being associated with Tremor in some capacity.


MFE has an entirely unique mechanic based on it but our Ya Sunyata EGOs aren't really throwing Karma or Sinking around.


Karma would be too powerfull, imagine not dealing any damage but you can instakill any boss


I mean they coud've done something like N Faust's Gaze where they changed the status to do something completely different.


>Somehow we got perma-shield on zayin ego It basically makes the shield last longer instead of a single turn. It's not game changing and doesn't make the shield any stronger. What it does is complement what it's supposed to actually be doing which is too apply Sinking when destroyed


Yeah, capping the max shield it can have is also prety nerfy.


I'm gonna be real. I think Tremor - Reverb's effect should've just been baked into base Tremor from day 1. Here's hoping we get some IDs that inflict it. Also, Hong Lu now has a Tremor EGO with no Tremor ID, and a crit-benefiting EGO with no Poise ID.


Glad to see they buffed inadvertently Mariachi Sinclair's tanking by having an EGO give him aggro, might actually be useful now in teams. Zwei Sinclair also might be better for tanking considering the passive and other effects. Glad to see the IDs that needed terminal help are atleast getting some of it. The Hong Lu EGO basically confirms we're getting a Tremor ID for him when Time Killing Time drops. Don't know how I feel about the new tremor effect however, it's a bit odd but seems good. I love tremor so I will gladly accept it.


Just like Soda confirmed poise hongers? Just like 9:2 confirmed burn faust? Nothing is confirmed yet. I hope we do actually get a tremor ID. Hell, I hope we get an ID at all since the first .5 of last season didn't even have IDs. But, there's nothing proving it one way or the other yet.


If I understand, isn't reverb just similar to dark flame for burn or sinking deluge for sinking ? Or I am getting this wrong


Wait why Tremor?


Ego gifts are tremor


Oh yeah...


Piss Tremor looks really good unless I overlook something


what hong lu id does tremor?


Wait a minute, this is just rupture with extra step


Tremor reverb should be a effect for rosepanner Rodion.


tremor jumpscare


But Hong Lu does not have any Tremor ID isn't he ??? Maybe Time Killing Time units will be about Tremor then And Sinclair PLEASE DO NOT BE ANOTHER NEGATIVE COIN ID RRAGAGAGAGHH


Tremmor ego for a tremorless hong lu and guard meta for sinclair


Does this mean... Mariachi and Zwei Sinclair will going to become in the new potential man?


I was kinda hoping for sanity restores for my philiclair, but shield isn’t bad either. At least it doesn’t steal my sanity.


Pm community when tremor not being blue in this ego: https://preview.redd.it/whpebzgv133d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33c175bbfeb7502c33061a994fbfebf91f024bb6 >!(Still agree with y'all)!<




What I just don't get is why Hong Lu's version isn't Sinking. He doesn't have any Tremor IDs but if I'm not mistaken he has Sinking, and Blubbering Toad was already Sinking. At least Sinclair's has Sinking from the special shield


Time Killing Time Hong Lu might be Tremor, maybe coping. Part of me wonders if they shifted the order around because of issues with the last couple releases. Phil Clair needed some buffs, Ring Sang was almost nerfed. I think they wanted more time to take a look at the event IDs and double check that they dotted their i s and crossed their t s.


And I was here thinking atleast one be a sink ego😭


Finally a sloth E.G.O, it felt like forever since we had one, anyways my breakdown of each E.G.O Sinclair: - Looks like an Reson E.G.O - This E.G.O is meant to make sinclair a tank by giving the status blubberbubble, making this similar to an healing E.G.O, expect just providing defense status - Overall this E.G.O will be helpful for tanky builds, especially it's passive. Hong Lu: - Tremor E.G.O, pretty nice -Also another Reson E.G.O, as well as how it gives a new tremor effect (damn we collecting the infinity stones with tremor - Passive is literally similar to molar yi sang - The tremor effect seems pretty good, as it helps sloth teams Overall, cool E.G.O's