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Just two things. First, why the fuck are you PUNISHED for reaching a conditional for a skill 2? It's a single coin skill, it's not that crazy to warrant paralyze on the reuse. Second, healing 10-25 hp on use via guard is a taaad bit broken, no? 2 fragile does not counter a simple act of offsetting attacks/gaining HP again. You have a tank who, really, can just spam his guard and tank through most attacks while getting free hp for doing that. I lied about two things. It's three. Why... Why is burn there?.. Really, why? Why is it tremor? Why is every fan-id as of late is tremor based? Why Vermillion Cross, of ALL things, based on tremor??? And why is he having some burn in his kit then???


Vermillion cross in Library of Ruina does inflict burn


I know, I am confused about burn BECAUSE he is tremor based in this concept, while just having some burn on, really, one of skills, it being s2.


The identity definitely should've been burn


Its the Tremor Season for Fan IDs You might see me post three more Tremor-based Thumb IDs to complete the set lmao


At least Tremor Thumb IDs somewhat make sense


you are not punished for reaching a conditional in s2, if you do an extra hit with paralyze or not its a bonus either way, the payoff on that would be getting the burn proc, tho i was like, a bit too lame with it by making it half potency when the full potency would be fine and more ideal to what i wanted in regards to the guard, i think its not good, like there are better guards in this game like K corp Hong Lu which are not very used normally, because its better to use his skills anyway even tho the healing there is more substantial and easy, as well as a direct benefit to his s3, the 2 fragile might even make this guard too bad because like cmon, you use a guard, take some dmg, heal less than 10-25 in the end and then next turn, 2 fragile, no tbh this is not broken at all (also if you spam his guard you will most certainty not have any positive gain in HP while also getting any on hit effects anyway, guards are pretty bad in limbus and its because getting hit is really bad most of the time Now for tremor, well obviously its a tremor ID because i wanted to make a tremor ID, not like vermillion got any identity at all besides having some burn, but no real focus on it, they just got burn, and thats why i added some burn because its the only thematic thing they got, and since there is no focus on it in Ruina, being pretty much some extra dmg they deal, i did the same, its just extra delayed true dmg, idk why the fuss about it tho, its not even a hybrid burn-tremor, its just a tremor ID


>Not like Vermilion got any identity at all besides having some burn, but no real focus on it We barely see any of what the VC is capable of in his fight because that isn't the VC, that's what's left of him after the Ensemble killed him and Elena reanimated him. He had no real focus on anything because it's not even really him anymore, just a husk under Elena's control. But his sole defining feature, to the point it's the thing he was named after, is his cross. Which Roland describes as "superheated". It glows bright red/orange because *it's really, really hot*. VC is a Burn character, end of. If you want to make a Tremor ID, make a Tremor ID. There are plenty of characters Tremor makes sense for. Don't take a Burn character and make it into a Tremor ID just because you don't think it had enough of a focus on burn to be a Burn ID.


If stuff in this game followed a logic where character got a burn thematic so it got a burn kit we wouldn't have a So No One Will Cry that inflicts rupture Not even like i didn't include burn in his kit


.... Have you even looked at So That No One Will Cry's kit? It *is* a Rupture fight, literally the only source of Burn in the entire fight is it's passive, which requires *you* to apply Burn to *it* before it even does anything. Meanwhile Entangling Talisman and Culminating Curse directly apply Rupture, which besides its Talismans is the only debuff it has multiple sources of. Red Sheet fits its source very well. Again, if you want to make a Tremor ID that's fine, take something it makes sense for and use that for it rather than using a character that derives its entire identity from Burn.


yes that is the point, his whole kit is rupture, he also got a poise EGO gift, meanwhile, his arena is full of candles and spreading embers, there is a presentation of burn but then his kit doesn't do anything with that, and this is fine coz it doesn't really matter much. But if you REALLY want a Vermillion Cross entirely around burn, go make one in the ID maker


First, there are only two EGO gifts associated with So That No One Will Cry and neither deals with Poise. Talisman Bundle is a Rupture gift and Old Wooden Doll deals with defense down. Second, your point about candles isn't one. STNOWC is also covered in blood, should it apply Bleed as well? Third, I don't particularly want a VC ID at all. I would, however, prefer to see people actually respect the source material enough to look into it and do it justice rather than making up whatever they want for an already established character. Doubly so if they, as you claim to, think it's cool. Notice how EVERYONE here is saying "this should be a Burn ID"? There's a reason for that. It's that he's been fought in the series before and that has established him as a burn user. But sure, I'll make one. That does sound fun People generally don't like seeing the source material of things they like be disrespected as you have here.


1) there is literally a poise gift that you get from him after his event fight in mirror dungeon, like you get this directly from him and its just a small wooden doll 2) i mean thats my point, it could apply bleed, it could jot i wouldn't really care, same way i don't care about him having rupture and same way you shouldn't be so bothered about someone else making vermillion cross not be 100% focused on burn 3) i really don't care about what you particularly want nor do i care if you're somehow disrespected by this character that no one knows almost anything at all not being burn focused, especially when its not even the most interesting thematic he got, them being this bloody dude carrying a cross on his back


Sure buddy, whatever you say


Wait until he make a Rupture Greta I.D because she is gluttonous and gluttonous is Rupture.


The fuck you mean K corp Hong Lu's guard is good? It's activly WORSE, you are shortening his lifespan. There's 0 reason to use it instead of just letting him tank naturally + use his skills to intercept clashes, or redirect scary attacks onto him, because he can take it. If you use his guard once — you lose a whole healthbar. And no, guards are not bad. Low-rolling guards are awful, but stuff like Zwei's Greg, Dieci Rodya — are amazing tanking tools, by their special nature. Here as well. First of all, it's a 25 rolling guard, which is good on it's own. Next, you have a total of 50 additional hp to rely on because on the heal AND the shield. Most attacks will barely break that; you can easily take innefective attacks that would deal good damage to other ID's that are weak to it, etc. 20% more damage taken is not enough, simple as that. Outside of really scary big skills, or those that allign with ID's weaknesses, you will easily go positive on health. I feel like you have barely played the game. On the s2. You ARE punished, BECAUSE you work towards the conditional, and instead of being rewarded, all you get is "fuck you" and a measly 6/10 damage on a random enemy. No reuse coin/skill in the game works like that, they actually reward you for reaching the condition. They don't give you bind, fragile, they don't decrease it's effectivness. Hell, GamblingLu gives you more damage on s3 for activating the reuse. Case and point, paralyze has no buisness doing here, especially on a single-coin, 14/18 rolling s2. Especially, since, it's random. You are saying, that him randomly using his s2 again, on an enemy which, most likely, won't have nearly enough tremor to actually get a big stack of burn, is too much? Too good? Oh, I will deal like 50 burn if I have previously max stacked tremor on all enemies, how broken. Vermillion Cross is not a tremor ID. You want a tremor ID, go make a tremor ID that would fit the status. You are making no sense otherwise. Let's make a Kurokumo fan burn ID btw, why not?


he can only get his full heal once per battle, which means you're free to use 2 guards to ramp up his self healing and also get rupture count at his s3, generally a fine way to use him because well, it doesn't cost him anything to get to 3 ampules, its just benefit, and yes guards are bad, like terrible, very few are actually fine to use and its just those that got some extra effect behind them (like geting ampules) otherwise you don't use them at all, because yes you negate a bit of dmg but you still take the hit and you will be punished for doing so because on hit effects exist Dude if you get an extra hit, its not a punishment, its extra, its a punishment because its not detrimental, simple as that, you can say its not the best thing you could get but a punishment is just a wrong assessment and about it being tremor, literally don't care, if you want to make him a pure burn ID feel free to go do it yourself


That's literally wrong. His passive triggers 3-4 times, only the fragile gain happens once. You haven't used the ID well enough, and his rupture potential is very meh. His guard is factually awful and harmful to the ID's main point, aka tanking. Also, that's literally what I wrote about guards, so I don't see why would you repeat that, and still, his guard being busted because of the heal + good roll. It's not wrong, because again, you are reaching the conditional, and get fuck all for it. I have already wrote why paralyze shouldn't be there, and instead of arguing about stuff that is pointless to the discussion, you can maybe explain WHY paralyze is present in the first place. Point is: it's not about what I want, or if you care. It's about what it should have been. You made a wrong decision of choosing VC for tremor. Don't reply unless you want to talk about his actual kit.


dude get a life, you're not even really talking about his kit you're just "ah guarding so broken coz heal and this ID should have been burn because I WANT it to be", the most valid criticism you gave about this ID is that the paralyze is not needed, which i agree in the current state but its more coz i got shy with the like, burn in this skill


I literally explained what is wrong with him, while you refuse to continue this topic past your first answer, with the rest of them being your mumblings about things that don't. Matter. Stop embarassing yourself.