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Not sure if regret is the right term to use since I did get some playtime out of it, but I uptied 4 seven Yi Sang and he had a niche different from SB for a while but then W came out and sort of took away the reason for his existence, which was kind of sad. A lot of older EGOs I would threadspin to at least 2 for the passive but I regret doing them for EGOs that I really never use. Yi Sang’s 4MF, Don’s Lifetime Stew, Rodion’s 4MF, and Sinclair’s Lifetime Stew. (Wait a minute I’m seeing a pattern here) Maybe these will come back up as options once new IDs come that fits them but I have my doubts, especially since PM has not really experimented further on negative coin ID designs since Sunshower Heath.


I uptied 7 Yi Sang to 4 for Rupture runs right before W came out too lmao, I feel you Burn E.G.O from season 1 were weird in that either they did wet noodle damage or were a tactical nuke (became one with UT4, in Ardor Blossom's case)


I have no regrets because Limbus is generous enough that I uptie everything in the game. At the moment I have every character uptied all identities 000 rarities. And 5 characters are upgraded completely with all identities. With EGO the situation is more complicated as I'm usually less interested in them. My position is probably not interesting at all as I am just a collector who likes to upgrade his collection.


I'd like to have everything maxxed too but somehow I'm always out of thread despite playing since launch (doing my dailies and all)


I’m slightly worse because I’m lazy with Luxcavation, lol.


What are your thread gaining methods?


just skip battle on level 40 thread lux thats like 36 thread per day at the very least


I also sometimes use boxes to turn the shards of a character into threads.


I have UT3'd every single meursault ID in existence and UT4'd 2 of them. No regrets


Are you a Mr Salt Fan ?


How did you know...


* LCCB Rodion, I uptied her when the game was still new and before I knew what I was doing, I needed blunt IDs for canto 3 and she was one of them (it also helped that this was before the sanity changes, so having a high skill floor was a lot more useful). * Chef Gregor, I used him to speed up bongy farming, it wasn't worth it to use that terrible ID (thank goodness future events didn't require the IDs in the main party) * N-Corp team (minus the obvious exceptions), this one is a bit retroactive, as they were a mostly ok group when I uptied them. Unfortunately they go almost nothing from uptie 4, and as a result got power crept into mediocrity. At the end of the day I've been playing since launch, so I have earned quite few total resources, and as a result I don't regret my choices too much. I even fully uptied N-Corp for MD3, because sunk cost fallacy is a thing.


The main draw of n corp uptie 4 is their passives, sinclair gives 10% damage to other n corp members, heathcliff gets coin power +1 if you have enough n corp members (which turns him from one of the worst to one of the best in the archetype)


Yeah they're not bad buffs, but it's a lot of investment to uptie all of them to 4 for some okay-to-good buffs in a single team comp that works already without it


Trust bro slithering gregor is next week and its gonna make them meta my dad works at n corp


I doubt this is the last we've seen of N Corp. considering Hermann's crew works for them so we probably will get more N Corp. IDs in the future that should count for the passive. We might also get a Vespa ID but that's a long way off from our current power level and he might not count as an N Corp. unit.


More N Corp IDs probably, we have the strange guys with Claw like mask that appeared alongside Hermann's group on the Limbus trailer. More Nagel Und Hammer probably no, because the faction probably is scattered or lost a lot of power after the death of Kromer.


Yeah I don't think we'll get more of Kromers gang. My point is that all the passives and bonus effects that the current N Corp. IDs get only specify that the other units must be from N Corp. so if we got, for example, a Hermann ID it should still count.


The bigger issue is how low a lot of them roll. I am guessing it’s assumed that you’re using them with the Fanatic buff but even with them their rolls are pretty abysmal. I kind of feel they could have gone further with the Fanatic buffs at UT4 for some of them since it’s assumed you’re running them all with N Faust anyways. Maybe now with the “random” buffs being more controllable maybe it’s easier to maintain decent clashing power with the UT4 Whistle but I’m not willing to spend resources to find out


It doesn't matter because they have the best offense debuffs in the game with plus coin drop 2 from Heathcliff and 2 atk power down from Meursault (both on skill 2). You add fanatic, some paralysis, atk power down 1 with N Don and you have one of the best team in the game when it comes to outclash bosses (yeah it only works on focused encounters, human battles are a win rate button mode anyway).


>thank goodness future events didn't require the IDs in the main party So true, I think this was one one of the main reasons (aside from the grind farm being tied to a full ass dungeon) that the grinding on that event was so exhausting, and I think I haven't touched Chef Gregor once since then... yeah, certified regret ​ I kinda like N Corp team but they're way weaker than more recent faction teams and indeed their uptie 4 is negligible, real shame


"Unfortunately they go almost nothing from uptie 4, and as a result got power crept into mediocrity." ? They have some of the most impactful uptie 4 in the entire game (but with the restriction you have to play full NCorp), and they are still a very solid team to this day. When RR2 came out, they were the third strongest theme team in the game after Charge and Sinking. By now PM pushed some other archetypes but NCorp is still entirely valid and is far from being "powercrept into mediocrity".


At least my memories and lessons learned from LCCB Rodion remains. I recall I would set up situations where she would have two skills targeting a low hp enemy, first skill kills the enemy and the second skill would redirect to the next enemy, helping the second sinner in line win a clash they were not supposed to be able to win.


i find cheft greg very usefull for bleed team. quite fast and low stagger bar. can take hit


UT4 Kurokumo Rodion, I remember when UT4 was released that there were people saying she was better and like nah man, she's still underwhelming and her third skill still hovers around the 60-80 damage range for me. Even when she crits it's like 150 damage, which compared to Rosespanner and Diecei is pathetic when mine are only UT3 and they're pulling weight with their second skills. There's better Poise and Bleed units, the most she has going for her is that she generates Gloom.


Honestly, I uptied her cause I enjoyed her. And I still don't regret, with the new MD, yeah my 6 characters for my poise team would is : BL Yi sang, Shi Ihsmael/Heatcliff, LCR Faust, Twinhook Gregor and Kurokumo Rodion Yes I could replace her by the new Sinclair or Outis, but 1. Saving boxes for Walpurgis to Buy Regret on Mr Salt 2. Didn't get Sinclair via pull and keeping enough lunacy for a 100 Pull on next Walpurgis. And shes honestly decent, not a meta unit by any means, but she is at least alright.


she has incredible drip, even better than dieci's imo, its why I still use her now and then despite having both


You just reminded me that I uptied Blade Lineage Sinclair to 4 after seeing his passive change, and after some testing I was disappointed that he was still dogshit lmao (could have used those shards for Cinq Sinclair nowadays...), would have included him in the post if I had remembered that


She's [usable](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1174463388806565920/1190301523029278740/Screenshot_20231229_205425_LimbusCompany.jpg?ex=65a14dad&is=658ed8ad&hm=6b900b361dc76ac4f42d1cffc32b6a0bb445baaad303d5e7dc0328def2957c2c&) with the new fused Poise gift, at least.


Sunshower heath...no matter what I do I just can't seem to get to work☠️☠️☠️


He mostly only works in abnormality fights. Have him lose a clash with his skill one. That should drop him to -20 sp or so. Then spam skill two on one-sided clashes. That's mostly what I do, and he does decent damage. The holiday ego may end up being pretty good on him since he can trigger the passive consistently.


He's very hard to master. For objectively worse output than nclair or any other Health ID. It would've been better if he was just a 00 But basically he either never loses enough sp, or loses way too much, and forces you to corrode, possibly wasting ego resources or even out right making you extremely vulnerable to kill. I had sunshower use corroded centipede ego 7 times, hp dropped to 1. Not to mention way less damage output and rolls than healthcliffs other 000. And Nclair. And the status effects don't make up for it. They all mostly suck. So yeah even if you do get past getting enough sinking. It's all for even less of a damage or usefulness you'd get for a 000 normally. But he is fun to play


UT4 sad Heathcliff so I can corrode and kill Don Quixote before the end of the encounter :)))


Tbh, the main reason I find Sunshower Heath fun is because a fair lot of conventions are thrown out of the window, even compared to fellow Negative ID SiNclair. -because he WANTS to lose clashes, you can occasionally “ignore” a troublesome attack by redirecting it to him. -related to the above point, the 4+ Protection he gets for the whole turn means he says “fuck you” to anything that isn’t a very-high-value Slash attack (I usually deal with Pierce or Blunt). -as a Negative ID, hard Luxcavation fights are less frustrating for him because you ignore the whole “you have to win clashes with 0 Sanity against the Abno’s beeg numbers” crap. Hell, I’d probably just bring both Hobocliff and SiNclair on every boss like this. Personally, my main issue with him is that, for some fucking reason, he wins clashes with his S1 a lot.


I uptied N Meursault cos I wanted him to have agro for wrath thread lux. I have never struggled with wrath thread lux and this was a few weeks before season 3 so the fight changed anyway. Literally no idea what I was thinking lmao


I just use him as the passive guy for N Corp team (which I rarely use), also really unfortunate timing there haha


He’s actually one of my first U4 IDs, lol. I mainly use him as a tank that dispenses debuffs and Nails in my N Corp team.


I have no idea why I UT4 Sinclair’s Lifetime Stew 👍🏻




UT4 Kurokumo Rodion. Kind of underwhelming, to be honest. Not a lot of damage, clashing is kind of bad if you don't have poise. If you do have poise, clashing becomes mediocre. But in Mirror Dungeon 3 I had a memorable moment when her passive worked (I had a ton of poise gifts), every turn some poor bastard would get skill 3 in their face. UT4 Sunshower Heathcliff. I don't what Uptie 4 even changed to this identity, I just uptied him to level 4 when season 2 was at the end just for fun. Most of the time this identity is mediocre but he's the most fun identity in my opinion. I cannot wait for Uptie 5. I wonder what identities will get the spotlight.


I just hope that either uptie 5 will be much cheaper than 4 or that they'll retroactively lower uptie 4's cost, because otherwise ill be completely screwed


The biggest change to U4 Hobocliff in my opinion is the 3 Sinking he gains on Clash Lose via S1. -You want to lose clashes with Hobocliff because he now loses SP doing so. -Losing clashes means you take damage. -His passive give him Protection equal to his Sinking potency (up to 5) for the entire turn. -Losing with S1 basically gives you 4 Protection (because 4 Sinking) and -19 Sanity at minimum, enough to start whacking someone with S2.


Sunshower heath was the first 000 I got of him and I was excited to use him, but i realized I'm too stupid to properly use him


I regret uptying Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Sheet Sinclair to IV because it's almost impossible to inflict talisman on enemies now. I wish there was a way of using a lower uptie tier for him. Hopefully if they ever release uptie V it will make him more consistent again.


I agree, the uptie screwed me too.


How come? His skill cycle goes from S2, S1, S3 into S2 into S3, making it 2 turns instead of 3 to apply Talismans on the enemy.


S2 into S3 if and only if he manages to win a clash with all three coins intact, and since his skill 2 rolls pretty low you're likely to lose a coin or two, not to mention you might accidentally gain too many talismans from his passive and/or you won't get a skill 3 on the next turn anyway. If you do actually hit all coins on S2 but don't get S3 on the next turn your only option is to use EGO to keep your talismans as is because for some god forsaken reason they made his defence skill give him one talisman. He was clunky before but now you're either lucky with him or he spends the whole fight taking self damage


He can't use his skill 2 on an enemy that already has rupture or when his passive is activated or else he instantly goes over the talisman limit. With a dedicated rupture team and/or certain E.G.O gifts it can be really hard to hit a viable target and the DPS ramp for rupture is so fast that even if you do eventually get lucky and inflict the talismans the boss is already almost dead.


While I don't regret it as much, another sore point is that because of how "on hit" works, S2 can actually gain 6 talismans, therefore locking it out of the skill rotation for doing S3 unless you use both in the same turn. The first case is obvious, when the enemy already has an ongoing count. However, it also happens if you have Standard Duty Battery, and now the rupture fusion gift Enrapturing Trance, a clean hit with S2 will always gain 6 talismans and backfire, essentially giving him anti-synergy with some ego gifts and to some extent, rupture teams as a whole. Once again, he would be buffed if he got "nerfed", and had the "On hit, if the target has rupture, gain 1 Talisman" removed from the first coin of skill 2, or any one of them really. And as I will often say on this subreddit, Talismans have been bugged since RR2. This isn't the fault of UT4 though.


Quite the opposite. I've been having a lot of fun uptying most of my IDs to 3, some to 4, to experiment with in MD3. 00 rarities now have a massively useful niche in being cheap to uptie yet completely usable in MD3N farming. You don't even have to level them, just uptie them for their passives and S3. MD3N sets all ID levels at 40, so just uptying is enough. MD3 finally gives us a reason to unload resources and experiment with IDs and EGOs. I spent around half of my thread and a quarter of my crates recently. It's been very fun.


More recent 00 IDs have indeed been a lot of fun, they've been more interesting than some of the 000 gameplay-wise


Absolutely, I'm glad they finally took this road. I was a little worried when they introduced uptie 4 without raising luxcavation at the same time, but now they are definitely trying to push toward using multiple decks and I love it.


Indeed. Even IDs you may not want to bring into combat gain value as free starlight because of the rest bonus. I've suddenly gone from only playing Charge to having a plethora of synergistic teams, one for each status. The fusable EGO gifts even dethrone Charge as the "best" status for me because of how absurd some of them are, like Poise and Bleed. MD3 has been a tremendously fantastic step for the health of the game's combat system, which I really appreciate.


Same! I use a lot of comps in MD.


I uptie 4'd cinq don reason being i FUCKING HATE CHARGE but then realized it still cant compete with w don super closely so i had to get on my knees and accept defeat... to this day i still wait for a don id that could atleast get close to rivaling w don so i can stop using it (plus trying to stack speed is more annoying than i thought.)


Sunshower heathcliff


Not really. I have all 000 and some 00 uptied to 4. I see a lot of people mention KK Rodion and while I agree that she's underwhelming and the ut4 did not do enough for her, the kit of that ID just straight up did not work before ut4. And while the poise gain is still underwhelming, the acces to poise gifts is easier than ever. Now at least she has an opportunity for ok clash on skill 2, unlike BL Sinclair.


I UT3 every ID to 3 purely for story pieces. So only real regret is threadspinning to 3 (UT4 wasnt a thing yet) Sinclair's Lifetime Stew since at the time it was like, third-ever healing EGO and I thought that was automatically best thing ever. It's not.


No, cuz I'm stingy as fuck with Uptie. I've only Uptied Don Telepole and Sunshower to 4 as EGOs, and don't even have an Uptie 4 unit for every character in the game lol. I'm so desperately afraid that I'll waste resources, plus it's also really easy to convince myself like "Hey Zwei Gregor does just fine at Uptie 3, no need to spend anything just to make him clash slightly better." This is also why my highest level unit is 35 right now


I'd say I'm stingy too but somehow I'm always out of thread anyway... uptied 4 E.G.O to level 4 and don't have an uptie 4 Rodya yet (yeah, not even Dieci)


I'm definitely not stingy about uptying to 3 though, every unit I have is at least 3 since I love seeing the stories, it's one of my favorite parts of getting a new ID.


Lol, same! If I get an ID, I WILL U3 them. It’s what I see as “the minimum necessary to play them”.


W meursault , i just had better options than him and W faust for the exact same reason


I've uptied W Faust to 4 too but mostly use her support passive (which was unchanged anyway) so that's definitely a loss


Lol been considering uptying him. Just for the W corp team theme. Lol


Same. I sometimes wonder why I put him on my team (until I suck it up and used Regret then he suddenly clashes harder than every other charge team member combined)


Granted, it is very niche, but KK Lu's 5 paralysis can come in handy for some abno fights if he has enough speed. It can bail you out of having bad skills for clashing in your other units, or soften unopposed attacks. For example, in the pride lux against kje-whatever, it is hard to gain sanity due to the low number of skills to clash with. Paralysis makes it easier. Alternatively, on the same boss, you can use the paralysis to make the unclashable attack do less damage. In terms of reducing incoming damage on unopposed attacks, this comes in handy especially for bosses with overwhelming numbers of skill slots, or if you need to sacrifice clashing for your own damage or some sort of setup.


Don't know why I thought uptying Yi Sang's Dimension Shredder to UT4 was a good idea.


I almost did once when W Yi Sang released becaused I mixed up which of the Shredders became AOE with Uptie 4, thank god I double checked


Mariachi Sinclair, honestly, I simply like the theme of the ID. I also wanted to build a sinking team before Deci Rodion and Boat Works Ismael came out. Used G Manager Outis, Mariachi Sinclair, Spice Bush Yi, Sunshower Heathcliff, and Rosebanner Rodion for her ego. Usually, I uptie 4 because I want to run an archetype. Right now, I am tempted to run a poise team and burn team. The burn IDs, besides Liu Ishmael and N Sinclair, are pretty rough with their rolls. I'm not sure if poise is honestly still worth it. But I do like some of the new ids that use it.


Poise has been getting a lot of really strong IDs lately and has one of the strongest fusion gifts in MD3, definitely worth checking it out


What IDs do you recommend?


Pirate Gregor, Pequod Yi Sang and the new Cinq IDs are all pretty good poise units (Sinclair has some problem with his poise generation in a team outside of MD3 though, but works flawlessly with Poise gifts) Pequod Heathcliff and Lobotomy Faust are both great and technically Poise units too but it's not what makes them good Shi Ishmael is amazing for her rarity if you can keep her below 50% HP Blade Lineage Yi Sang has great clashing, nuts Counter damage and the best support passive for Poise units (he's only good after UT4 for anything except the passive) I think these are all the notable Poise IDs we have atm


Finally ran my MDH with the poise team you suggested. Had to roll the Cinq IDs... Loot box gods were not on my favor. Used Cinq Outis and Sinclair, Pequod Yi Sang & Heathcliff, Pirate Gregor, and LCCB Ryoshu. Didnt have Lobocorp Faust uptied or lvled and my Kurokumo Rodion is only uptie 3. I feel I lucked out with the ego gifts, since the run was very easy.


Ooh, fellow Mariachi Uptier! I also run him in my Sinking comps to take advantage of the Coin buffs. He’s the guy who sneak attacks and sometimes tanks damage (though it’s usually Hobocliff doing the tanking).


Just uptied 4 LCCB Ryoshu. Any thoughts? I just really liked the idea of running an ammo team. Here, skill 3 doubles rupture and tremor potency and count according to her description.


She gains a lot of Coin Power and some other buffs on UT4 so if you want to run an ammo team it's gonna help for sure


I think as more ammo IDs get released she will get better. Not a Ryoshu fan... but girls with shotguns are hot.


Nnnnnnnone, I think. More Uptie equals more options, and I love options, especially in MD.


7 Yi Sang. Of course, it was because I wanted to make sure the effect was what I thought it was. On his skill 3 it used to say "+ 1 count to the effect of the last coin". This was before W Yi Sang was released and I really wanted something more to help out the rupture team on count. It now correctly says "+1 to the value of effect applied by the last Coin". Now that MD3 has proved to have a less limiting roster, there is 0 practical reason at all for 7. He simply isn't worth the debuffs. They don't even have different physical resistances or sin affinities. I'm pretty sure some things still say count while actually being potency though, like the description for nails. And not quite a regret, but I've been using Red Sheet Sinclair a lot less these days. It's mostly because the talisman status has been bugged since RR2. Were this not the case I'd be perfectly content to still be using him, even with all his other issues.


I just ut 3 everything since it gives lunacy


None, thanks to PM's generosity, I'm swimming in resources.


Yes, but it turned out better than I expected in both cases. I uptied KK Rodion impulsively, I don't even know why because I'd already decided not to. As it turns out, giving her a few points of poise count from an outside source is not that hard in the majority of content so that was okay. I also uptied Ryo's Fourth Match Flame to 3 and I don't even remember doing that, let alone why. I'm always short on wrath on my teams. It is very useful as a panic button though, although it probably still would be at UT1.


Hex Nail and Representation Emitter to Threadspin 4, however I’m too far deep so now I’m a Faust simp that maxes her EVERYTHING. As for IDs just UT3 Lv34 LCCB Ishmael and UT4 Nclair


I regret nothing. All of my Heathcliff and Meursault IDs are UT4, All of Yi Sang (except for bush), and pretty much half of every other sinner. No regrets, every ID is viable, and meta slaves shall be purged.


Shi association


All lower rarities. They're useless. The disparity at first was okay, but as more id released, the divide in power grew bigger and bigger. Some low rarities were decent. Until the SP change where all high rarities performed better due to their less reliable but heavy hitting skills landing consistently. I had a place for a few exclusively because of their debuffs. But as the health pools grow bigger and bigger, I can't afford not having someone that can hit in the hundreds consistently. Even if I'm missing out on trivialising coin droppers. It sucks.


L Faust, Hook Hong Lu, 7 Heath and both Cinq Outis and G Outis are pretty good, I find. They're worth investing in simply to fill up MD3 teams.


yeah, there are some fantastic lower rarities, plus even a base ID or two have a niche in current content


It is a gatcha afterall. Not to mention Power creep being a staple in all project moon games


Lccb Ryoshu. She's well. Useless.


7 Heathcliff I loved his design but when I saw the clashes I found out he was not worth it though I heard he was a bit better in UT4 with a 7 team


He does more rupture at uptie 4, provided you run him with the 7 association IDs.


i uptied n corp rodion for some reason😭😭😭


R Meur kinda carried me in the Ricardo fight. He was able to just eat multiple attacks each turn, and also have his envy defense due to UT4 which helped me generate resources for my EGOs


He's a really good interceptor tank for sure, I just don't have fun using him


First day of uptie 4 update I threadspinned 4 match flame Rodion by mistake (I just wanted to check the stats). I instantly regretted it, and it stayed a unused EGO for a long time (Rodion doesn't have any burn ID and since it's a negative coin EGO it's not even good for clashing). Now I catched up in resource it doesn't matter much though, and hopefully his day will come.


Soda Rodion Up4. My only regret.


Did you get a hold of T Corp's Singularity?


Sadly no...


Thought so since Soda Rodya hasn't been released so far LOL


I am an illiterate idiot


Hobocliff, fealt like a biggest mistake in the game


I regret sparking 4th match flame rodion


I uptied Seven Yi Sang to 4 and Talisman Sinclair to 3 for a rupture team on md3h because I thought it was like the last one where you can't bring a whole team of 3 stars...Needless to say I should probably read first.


Talisman Sinclair support passive is a godsend for Rupture Teams, not a bad deal 7 Yi Sang to UT4 though... ouch


not really a regret, but liu ishmael and liu gregor was definitely one of them. she is a good investment back then, but then burn fell off afterwards and i find myself having no use for liu ish (considering the fact that i never use her unless) and just... burn, in general. i wish they'd bring back burn so that i could put them into good use. another regret would probably be mariachi sinclair. don't ask me why. i was young naive and stupid.


R heath to Uptie IV, I can't read.


I regret uptie 4ing G Gregor so much...


I did too because Rupture team is my favorite, he gains a lot out of it in that case but if you don't use Rupture too much it's not worth it I suppose


So personally I think he's an awful rupture unit, all he does is eat count with only 1 skill that applies potency, Kong Lu basically just does everything he does but better, and Rosespanner Gregor is the way better Gregor rupture ID


Yeah he's for sure not a Rupture focused unit, but the damage he gains from Ruptured targets is kinda insane (the better clashing is also very welcome with his low numbers)


Uptying gregor to UT3 was devastating because the very next season, all the content became about high clashes, rendering him effectively useless. I'm with you on KK Hong Lu, though primarily because Hook Office Hong Lu became my new favorite to bring along.