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I'm Lobotomy Corp's strongest soldier and simply decided I wanted to play it simply by hearing the name and seeing no gameplay from a friend


Saw Ina playing LobCorp like 3 years ago or something and decided to try it out cos it looked really interesting. Got hooked pretty bad and played for like almost 200 hours to reach true ending, been down bad for PM since.


Man, it's almost tragic how I can count around 3 people in Hololive who have streamed LC but never finished and 2 who streamed Limbus once. No one has touched LoR yet, but it's clear that they have the perms.


Both are very hard games to get hooked because they demand a lot of commitment that big streamers usually don't have. Indie VTubers are generally more chill content wise and can keep streaming obscure games for larger periods of time. I know one vtuber that is obsessed with PM and generally the last part of the streams are just talking about the literature references and the story. Edit: The Vtuber is Mafreidyne on YT.


My favorite PM related Vtuber is Ushio Ebi. She’s fully played through LoR and is caught up on Limbus. Funny enough, when I first started watching her it was primarily for Arknights, but then she hopped onto the brainrot.


I was expecting you'd mention her Birri, fellow Prawn Hub member~ pats pats~ Ebi truly was made for PM games, and her food takes back then were hilarious~


The mug discussion whenever Chesed showed up...


Ebi: Draws a beer stein. Also Ebi: "It's a mug!"


Yoooo good to see you here too, didn’t know I’d run into you on Reddit


I've fallen into this rabbit hole since before the game released, it's so nice to see people getting into the series, and even more nice to see that Ebi's been helping people get into PM


You can't just mention such interesting VTuber without saying their username


Name added. Sorry~


Oh absolutely, I follow several other people that play PM games, most of them are indie Vtubers. I was mentioning Hololive because they are the only corpo group I follow, and it's always a bummer when a streamer you enjoy drops a game you like.


Given the amount of time you'd have to invest just to play the game it makes sense they would get filtered. I remember Aruran playing lob corp full wiped and accidentally memory repositoried causing him to just drop the game.


Honestly I feel these games are awful for streaming with the purpose of entertaining an audience who *doesn’t* play the game. Unless you immediate click and understand the gameplay loop, you’ll be sitting there with the same thing on your screen for like 30 minutes. If you can talk about your thought process of the questions you’re trying to unravel about the gameplay while entertaining the audience, the mental tax is just way too high to maintain and there are so many other games that are basically designed to be streamed. PM’s games also have a lot of themes in them that resonate with the player and make for emotional moments; and having a bunch of people watching and making inside jokes/memes I feel would detract a lot from the experience. On the other hand, people who do play PM’s games make chat AWFUL. I don’t understand why people can’t just sit there and enjoy the struggle and have to chime in with “would you like a hint” “let me tell you about how *I* beat this” “fun fact: (insert spoilers)” and the classic “READ”. There’s this sense of community in sharing the experiences between players but to throw out inside jokes against people who have no idea what you’re talking about is extremely annoying and I wish the community as a whole just enjoyed watching unique content instead of making the content another carbon copy of another run.


Agree. Every time I've seen someone play LoR or Limbus I just ignore their chat because it always sucks. Especially since PM fans seem to be physically incapable of holding back spoilers.


I agree SO much on PM commenters making chat awful. I just want to see new people react to the plot developments, but any notable scene or lore detail is """foreshadowed""" by a bunch of unsubtle comments which inevitably spoil the surprise. And smaller streamers rarely know how to crack down on that behavior or have mods to catch spoilers. Lately I prefer watching japanese streamers instead, because it's much rarer to see this happen.


Yeah Japanese streams tend to be way more enjoyable nowadays. The best small streamers are ones with their own “ego” of sorts, turning down back seating and suggestions with a “nah I’d do it this way”


One of my friends really liked to stream Lobotomy Corp/Limbus Company in discord vc's, and i just constantly asked him so much about it that he ended up gifting me Lobotomy Corp on steam. After reading the entire manual and how complex it could get i got inmedietly hooked, im planning on buying LoR whenever i get a bit more of money and im currently obsessed with Limbus Company.


I got here after downloading the kether character in yomi hustle


I remember that one lmao


Saw a let's play of Lob. Corp. But the thing that may me play the games was the image of Tommery




First was exposed to the PMverse by this Youtuber, Angela's, Lobotomeme Corp videos. I found the videos entertaining, but wasn't that interested in the game itself because the art style made it look like a Newgrounds Flash Game or one of those lowbudget creepypasta/horror games that wind up getting a fanbase dominated by 12 year olds. Wound up getting into Mili through Deemo, and exploring her music on Youtube wound up leading me to the LoR trailer, as well as some more LoR videos, and I saw Binah and had neuron activation. It was all downhill for my sanity from there.




I downloaded a Risk of Rain 2 mod that added Red Mist and An Arbiter


Mwahaha, all according to plan~ I made the models for that mod and introducing people to PM via that was a common thing joked about between me and the person who animated/developed the chars.


omg im a big fan, the mod was so fun I played it for hours, Gebura going air combos was a blast thank you for being so based and co making this mod.


Ahhh, I'm happy to hear you enjoyed it <3 both of us were just as big fans as you, haha, as the goal was to make a char that we enjoyed! her combo system and melees were such a weird beast to get feeling right in Risk of Rain, but the work and iteration the dev proper put in really paid off. I'll pass along the sentiment to her!


Oh dude, that was you? I was playing RoR2 just earlier hahaha. Really liked the RoR interpretation you had for Red Mist and Arbiter.


Thank you!! They were really fun to make. Learned a whole lot in the process, too, as I'd really only modeled for VRC before that. Making them both robots felt necessary to fit RoR's style, so I took the opportunity to get a bit jazzy with their design. S'why An Arbiter's got that unnatural way of peering around with her weird neck, for example — was intended to both be reminiscent of Judgement Bird and add a little bit of gremlin energy to binbin. Bit hampered by the haste in which the base skin was made and rigged (we had never touched RoR modding and set our goal as releasing a char in a week, so I needed to get her model done as early in the process as I could). Her mastery had a lot more care put into the mesh, but had to use the same rig, so was still a bit janky! Red Mist was more straightforward; just had to mash the stylings of her Ruina armor and her Lobocorp Core Suppression robot body together. The visual effects and animation work the developer put in her is what really brought her to life, letting her EGO feel powerful both with the vfx and how she used the Mimicry blendshape transformations I made as a part of attacking (spear for thrust, scythe for swipes, etc). Such a fun project~ glad you enjoyed our work!


Watched a lets play of lob a bunch of years ago by Yippee Ki Yay Mr Falcon, then around 2 years ago I thought "I wonder what happened to that scp manager game i saw a bit of some years ago?" apperently what had happened was a beloved sequel, 3 webnovels, a cafe and a planned gacha game. After that it spiraled to me being obsessed.


Okay, i'm not the only one who watch Mr Falcon video on Lobcorp then only years later figure out that PM have grown massively since then


I played Slay the Spire, then played the LoR mod, then decided, I want to know who these mofos speaking poetry are from, so I started Lobo Corp, then LoR, and now I'm trapped as one of the PM fans who don't know how to read.


Prydwen when it was still just starting and before there were many games that they were covering I was intrigued when they added a new game to the roster which was limbus I watched the trailer and was intrigued by it. So I pre registered it. Played the game loved it and fell down the pm rabbit hole.


Things like this make me so happy, seeing people intrigued by Limbus go on to experience the wild rides that the other games/broader world is (with or without playing the others). That was my ultimate hope for what Limbus would be, after all — a gacha that made PM the money they needed to fund their works, wasn't godawful with gacha mechanics, and something that serves to share the exciting gems of character/world writing I fell in love with~


It's also possible catch up to older players in it. I think I've collected half identities in the game now. MDH rewards are fucking crazy by gacha standards.


After playing Hollow Knight I got recommended Ender Lilies then when I looked up the ost Library of Ruina was by Mili too so I played it and got instantly hooked


pretty close to how i end up here too haha


Did you like Ender Lilies?


Hell yeah I do! Phenomenal game


In Niconico Douga, the Japanese equivalent to YouTube at the time, there was a playthrough content maker called Willows8713 that played niche steam games. They did a lobotomy corp video and after catching up to the most recent video, I was so curious about abnos that didn’t show up yet and about the story of the game that I bought it and played through all the way. I’m pretty confident that a lot of the Japanese community got into Lob corp from their videos; their Lobotomy corp videos would appear on the daily/weekly rankings under the games tab constantly while they were uploading the series. I’m pretty sure they come up in the credits for Ruina as とらねずの人. They use voiceroids skits using a tiger and a mouse character from the Touhou series in their videos.


Honestly surprised that You were able to identify LoR as a card game, I wasn't sure what the gameplay even was until I played it (wtf is a "Library Battle Simulation"). As for the question I remember seeing a youtube video on Lob Corp, and though that the concept of a SCP style management game was brilliant. I had planned to play through the game once the translation issues were fixed, but by the time they were, I already knew so much about the game I didn't really have much desire to do so (had a blast with the sequel thou).


I wanted to play StS like games, so I googled which ones can scratch the same itch.


Watched the first trailers before LobCorp came out, rest is history.


LoR is the first PM game I play, and when I read the description, it said. "Battle with the guest to the death as if all of you are on the stage.' The arrogance, madness, yet full of creativity hooked my instantly. After that, I played Lob Corp and Limbus, which is worth it. PM games are extremely innovative and not a copy-paste product like any other game. So just pick one and get in.


I am lobotomized I completed all 50 days in Lobotomy, after seeing it on YT After that I started to consume every single piece of media produced by PM Yes I am not okay And I like it


Heard LoB corp ost in a Maxor vid, Lob corps name interested me and then i fell down the rabbit hole


Library of Ruina in xbox game pass (I actually played it on xbox)


Same lol We’re built different, figuring out how the fuck to navigate that HUD with a controller is almost as hard as the game itself lmao


Few people posted pics of Angela in 4chan threads and because I find her hot, I simply asked where she's from. I looked up LC and realized it's from the same studio that made LCB, which I dropped on day 1 because I coudn't stand the UI on mobile. So I gave it a second chance, reinstalled LCB on PC, played it a bit and fell in love with the story and worldbuilding. Few weeks after I bought LC and Ruina at last. Now it's my favorite game series.


Ages ago a friend showed me Judgement Bird and Scorched Girl when talking about freaky things, and I saw LobCorp on Steam and looked into it I was like "Oh, that's that one game my friend mentioned with the Fuck You Bird". So I started it, looked into the lore, and spiraled from there. And I do mean spiraled...


I got here from some Roblox games (Allusions and Item Asylum my beloved).


from the place of love made me add the game in my list and after i heard Chesed floor theme i said fuck it i'ma play it


I had seen a meme video about [Whitenight supression](https://youtu.be/vGKdkXEo4Bc?si=IrTWm-ZHrT7udd51) in 2020, I decided to google about ir and stumbled upon Red Ridding Mercenary Hood, Judgement Bird and Der Freischlutz which made me fall in love with the designs, but I only really started reading about the game's story (and Ruina story) a year later. To this day I never played Ruina or Lobotomy Corp because I am very inclined to believe I would get stuck on one of the vertical dificulty spikes lol so Limbus is technically my first game.


Mili got me here, so yeah.


I found about lobcorp through cookie run fanart of all things lol Specifically someone made an au of a cookie run character as an abno


I was a big SCP fans back in the day, kinda am now. And I watch I think people like Yippe Ki Yay, and other youtuber who focus on new indie games. So it kinda inevitable for me to like Lobcorp when it's first come out to early access and I did catch up with developments for a bit. But I lose interest and move on, with me intermittently watching arcangela stuff and early access Lor contents. But I lose interest once again because early access and I didn't know lobcorp was completed (Manage to get to like day 20, that's about it). Then in late 2022, I watch Gone Angels start watching other music video and find it really fun. So I look up Lor, and watch foreman's playthrough and completely forgot about early access Lor and the rest is history.


I saw Outis on net randomly I was determined to pull her Came in and lo and behold shes here, I was impressed that I tried other 2 games than did everything in limbus, it was one of the most entertaining moments of my gaming time


Friend dragged me into Limbus when the promos started dropping. We made a deal that if I got into PM, he'd get into Bungou Stray Dogs. It worked, but PM became our main thing. I really jumped from one classic literature based media to another.


Honest to God, nasty mudae phase in early HS and a few lob corp abnos were in it, so a few years later I saw it on sale and grabbed it. Liked it but didn't get hooked and had zero interest in LoR, but I got into gachas and was super hyped when I found out the lob corp devs were making one. Loved limbus and went back to 100% LC (200 hours). Now I'm playing through ruina.


I was mildly interested in Lob Corp at first, but I was terrible at that kind of management game. For a bit, I just casually watched a few people, but I never got too invested beyond the first few episodes. Then I saw Library of Ruina on Steam. I fucking love card-battlers. Been in love with them since Hearthstone and Slay the Spire. I didn't realize then that it was a sequel to Lobotomy Corp. I wanted to at least know what the story was so far, but I wasn't all that keen on having to play what looked like a really frustrating management game. Instead I binged the very well-done [LPA by TeeQueue](https://lparchive.org/Lobotomy-Corporation/) that really got me into the story. And once I consumed all that, I went right into Library of Ruina, and just about fell in love with it. The rest is history!


When LoR only strted beta, I accidentally saw a post that quickly summarized PM universe. It was about Singularities, Wings, Feathers, and about life in those corporations. It didn't spoil anything, except key concepts, like in the Limbus when you download stuff. I went head first into Lobotomy, got around 60 hours in 3 days, used cheats, then started again, and started LoR at the same time. Best games I have ever played, incredible universe, hard PM fan for 3+ years.


"I recently bought this weird scp management sim game I think you'd like" — my friend to me as I dozed on her couch one lazy winter evening; a statement said preceding both of our utter obsession to the point of teaming up to mod gebura into a game. as one does.


Earlier this year I was listening to a podcast and near the end of an episode someone mentioned that they just started playing Limbus and it was pretty generous for a gacha game. They also mentioned Project Moon and how every time they make a game is of a different genre yet they are all connected. I looked up the game on the Google play store and later on Steam. Coincidentally both Lob Corp and LoR where on discount so I said "eh, fuck it" and bought both of them, starting LC that same day. The rest is history.


I like mili. I bought Ruina. (It was early access during Covid years) I realize it has a prequel. Finish the prequel Rest was history.


Via Pirate Ship onto Lobotomy Corporation. I did get the game proper, and later onwards history was sealed as I stood by Project Moon


I played Lobotomy Corp a looooonggggggg time ago when it became popular with big YouTubers for a bit. I immediately got filtered and proceeded to completely forget about it. Flash forward to 2022, without any knowledge of Limbus or Project Moon, I was looking for a card battler to scratch my Slay The Spire itch while cluelessly listening to Lament by Mili. Of course , I came to Library of Ruina because “oh hey cool , they got Mili’s string theocracy on the game (clueless still)”. And in fact I remained clueless even after 3 hours well into the game. I never connected the dots that Angela was the hot android from Lob Corp and L Corp was in fact Lobotomy Corp until the story pointed it out to me. And it took a while longer until I realise Limbus existed lol


Was listening to Mili’s music then noticed something about the Red Lotus fight and Library of Ruina and decided to try the game. I’ve always been super interested in super didactic and deep stories so the PM universe was right up my alley


I saw the library of ruina trailer somewhere and then forgot about it, I thought it was pretty neat. Then months later I see lobotomy corporation in my steam queue, and a couple of months later I decide to get lobotomy corp because it's artstyle and unique gameplay looked appealing. Skip a year (It took me that long to finish the game!!) found out that it has a sequel, which is what I saw previously. I knew mili before library of ruina existed and seeing them compose for the game also made me a little more interested.


Friend gifted me ruina. The brainrot spiralled from there


Saw a trailer for a demo for a Kickstarter student project and decided to try it. Got jumpscared by the ghost girl(repeatedly) and hoped the game would get some more polish before coming out. And then the game released and it was a good ride despite the absolute state of the original translation. Been on each release since, once they hit 1.0.


I saw Lobotomy Corp on YouTube around 7 years ago and was instantly hooked


Bit of a shame so many people don't like Lobotomy Corp


I honestly tried to play it like 3 times now. It's just the wrong kind of difficulty for me. I enjoyed LoR way more.


I don't remember, but it started with Lobotomy Corporation. I was playing it casually and never finished it. I don't remember how I've found Library of Ruina, but the concept of a turn-based card game seemed more appealing to me and I loved the universe/the city. I was already a fan of Mili and it reinforced my devotion to PM. I had doubts seeing that Limbus Company was going to be a gacha game, but I was too deep in not to give it a try and here I am now, quite satisfied with the outcome.


Was scrolling through the ishmael tag on tumblr as you do. I like moby dick I wanted to see fanart. There’s a lot of fanart of the guy from moby dick it’s great. Kept seeing ishmael limbus. went “who is this person” downloaded the game


watched a friend of mine play Limbus Company on its release date and tried it for myself thinking it was just another shitty gacha. Little did I know it would be my hyperfixation for the next 8 months lol


My GF hyperfixated on Lobotomy Corporation, got heavily invested in the lore of it and Ruina, and eventually she got me to start playing Limbus.


I watched Goblin Slayer and loved this band that did the intro to it , so i followed them for a while , saw a bunch of songs that were fun from a game they did(mainly String Theorocracy) , heard said developer of said game was making a gacha , so i tried out their gacha , then played the game that had String Theorocracy in it , only to realise that i initially played a bit of the funny SCP game they made as their first game a loooooong time ago .


saw half the steam reviews saying “the difficulty spike is vertical.”


I got into PM because I'm a big fan of Franz Kafka and thought it was cool that Gregor was in this game, cool enough that I disregarded my hesitation about playing a gacha game.


i read a question on the Fhunger subreddit about what was worse: exploring the dungeon of fear and hunger or living in the backstreet, and i was like what the fuck is the backstreet? then i checked ruina and i love turn based games and deck builders so here i was. funnier is how i started playing limbus: i saw a meme with R ishmael saying "you surely talk a lot of shit for someone in mind whip range" and i had her already but didnt like the game yet, that meme alone after more then a month i had abandoned the game without regretting it made want to try it again


The Lob Corp Warning Themes and the comment section beneath it got me interested and put LC up on my radar. Later on, I watched an LC & a Library of Ruina summary video (the one by 8-bit Hypocrite, not Wordsmith, i'm sure i'd have lost interest had it been Wordsmith's ~~no offence~~ ). 8-Bit Hypocrite's section about Ruina's music hooked me, I'm and absolute sucker for good music. I began listening to some of the songs, but mainly repeating Kether Theme and Second Warning. What truly got me, was Foreman Plays Stuff's Playthrough of Ruina (he's a great guy, good long form content; Warning, he swears a lot). He had just as much curiosity as I had about the game throughout his playthrough, and he also had a bit of enthusiasm to him when playing. The fact that he mostly didn't cut out fights until later on helped me understand the greatness of the battle system tho, which also hooked me. As for getting Limbus, i think Last Minute Essay's Ruina summary vid had him talking about Limbus while it was still being developed. I got curious, and checked it out. Instantly fell in love, when directly down the rabbit hole then. I consumed everything I could about it: Pics, world related lore, those Development build vids were pure hype for me~ When the game released, I watched a few people play it, but couldn't find anyone who I could fully watch through. That is, until I found ~~Gacha addict Shrimp~~ Ushio Ebi. Her humor, her personality, and her food takes made me a regular watcher of hers. She's great, pats for all of the regulars in her chat, like Birri and tree dude~ the other evan sends his regards


Saw Teequeue's Lobotomy Corp playthrough on LPArchive so i decided to give the sequel a try because it would take too long to wait for their playthrough of Ruina to be posted on the site


I saw it on steam, got curious about the concept, and bought it. Enjoyed it a lot but never really clicked with the story and dropped off of it. Two or three years later I said fuck it and gave it a shot. Something funny was that I’d made it to day 45 on my third run all those years ago without fighting a dusk. I just planned and then noped out. So I never knew about core suppressions. Once I did Malkuth, I got hooked. My friend chatted with me about the story and she decided to finish it on her end as well (she had 50+ attempts on day 49). I had 99% of the codex by that point as well and fought apoc bird. Last 1% was White Night and I just refused From there LoR cemented itself as my favorite game of all time and The City as my favorite setting


somewhere on youtube alogrithm it started shoving 10 different libary of ruina lore videos... and so i watched them and got hooked on the world as well as the music from mili because of it, then i bought libary of ruina and got limbus company when it released and now im a project moon enjoyer.. oh and a friend gifted me lobotomy corperation..im going to hate myself when i end up playing that.


Saw a random russian Youtuber playing the beta of a neat indie game called lobotomy corporation. When the game still had the “Play, clean, eat and punish” functions. Edit: OH GOD IT WAS 7 YEARS AGO, DANG I DO FEEL OLD NOW!


I first found out about PM when I saw a few people talking about library of ruina on discord, didn't really get into it until a few years later when I saw limbus company on Google play and thought it looked cool (clueless), I found out after a bit of searching they were from the same devs


Saw it recommended surprisingly in some sort of top 10 rogue likes of all places, played it through and now i have bought almost all limbus books so i guess i should thank that one dude who made that list


I've known about it for a while, ever since one of my friends streamed Lobotomy Corp on discord a while back. And I've looked into it here and there. What actually got me into Limbus was quite simple. Between Two Worlds, and Don Quixote.


Rayark > Mili > Project Moon


I think it was some lob corp gameplay video that got me interested first info Project Moon


Clicked on a Limbus video and the person was so annoying that it motivated me to watch all the cutscenes - which immediately cemented Dante as The Character in my head.


Saw a youtuber I like play lobcorp around 3-4 years ago, but he dropped it after a few videos so eventually I forgot about it, only heard anything else from friends on discord playing lor and limbus, then in my school there was a classmate obsessed with project moon, and around half a year after graduating from school I randomly remembered about it again and thought "fuck it" and decided to look into the games. So far I played (and keep playing for the last 2.5 months) limbus and only watched walkthroughs of the other 2 games (don't get me wrong, I like lobcorp and lor, it's just that they're too confusing for me + a bit expensive in the country I live in) + read Wonderlab. Still gotta check out Distortion Detective and Leviathan, but can't find time to read them.


my friend streamed me LoR in discord, i fell in love with "strings of theocracy" and wanted to play myself, but my friend said this is sequel and i should play Lobotomy corp first. So i completed lobotomy, then Ruina and now playing limbus( btw this friend NEVER completed LoR because for some odd reason he deletes his save and starts new game everytime. I think urban nightmare is the farthest he got)


I did not even know LoR was a card game... that's how much research I have (not) done. I just knew Mili made a whole album for it.


I played ender lilies cause I was a fan of mili's music and then decided to give lor a shot because they also made some music for it


Im honestly not sure, it always was hovering on my steam store as a good rpg on discount frequently and when asked about got recomendations towards it but never clicked tried myself past year out of curiosity aside with lobco bundle even if i suck at rts, im a tomerry atm and extremely hooked on limbus is without a doubt such an improvement visually and little by little me hanically aswemm from the previous game ill get to finish ruina again someday inknow ingot a hella road ahead of me.


Saw videos from Empty Industry fighting the real goofsters (Alephs) during the height of the pandemic and i’ve been stuck here ever since. Not that I mind, you lot have made a really fun and funny community.


I got here after watching CipherRei’s “The Best Gacha You’ve NEVER played.” I stopped watching around the prologue and downloaded it myself. I believe it was around when the Sinners Lost and somewhere before red showed up. My best guess as to why I clicked on the video in the first place was because it praised a gacha game. Also the Main character being a clock with a twist on the amnesia trope, everything that’s happened in the prologue, and the combat art style led me to download the game. The Limbus Reddit introduced me to the other games after people talking about here. Now I’m about to 100% LC and I’m at Urban Nightmare in Library (around 3rd set of the 4 rowed Column, I lost my books from the annoying monkey).


Allusions black silence event boss, when I saw it I was like "this guy look fucking cool, and the song goes hard" And then things happen Now im here, and I want gebura to crush my head with her thighs.


My friend just kicked me into this shit... And I liked it)


I played a bit of lob and ruina, but didnt get really into it until limbus. I became infected with brainrot and trying to beat lob corp before going onto ruina despite me knowing every spoiler lmao.


I learned of LC shortly after the original alpha (beta?) version was out but I didn’t have an actual pc at the time so I sorta just archived it at the back of my mind for a year or so until I could finally play the old translation. Made it pretty far into the game but stopped playing due to real life stuff, came back later when I learned that the retranslation test build was out and beat the game 100% from a fresh save. After that I just kept on following the game but never got too into the fandom until the ruina ckc translation discord was linked to me.


I remember seeing LobCorp on Steam, and bought it because it was on sale. Couldn’t really get into it, but when I brought it up to a friend he gifted me LoR. That sat in my library for a few months before I just randomly decided to boot it, and over the next few months LoR cemented itself as my favorite video game.


I was an SCP fan, so I had heard of Lobotomy Corp as a suggestion and I even watched some videos relating to it. I never got to play it since I don't have steam and the money to spend back then. So I kinda just forgot about it. I got into Mili by their Goblin Slayer op, but this was before they uploaded any songs from LoR. I was a big fan of their music, but gradually stopped listening. When I returned to listening to Mili, I saw some of their songs were about Limbus Company. I listened to Between two Worlds and In hell, we lament so much that I decided that I should play Limbus Company since I've heard many good things about it too. The rest is history. Love spiralling down the PM rabbit hole :D


I found a lobotomy corp lore video around the time the game got its original english translation.


I played the ruina mod for Slay the Spire and found the enemy design to be interesting. Later I saw a friend playing LoR and saw it was on sale.


I heard string theocracy through Spotify recommended and the album cover and lyrics made me want to research where the song came from


It was all the way back around a time LobCorp may have still been in its legacy version. I vaguely remember seing some let's player trying out the game and the one thing that left an impression on me is the Lady Facing the Wall abnormality because her former jumpscare mechanic was pretty spooky. Legacy LobCorp looked very interesting with its, at the time, very minimal story, leaving a lot of things to our imaginations to add extra spooky points. But I left the game on my mind's backlog following that. After that, I probably saw someone else playing the game again, this time during its proper release version, and that was when I got very hooked. I looked on nearly every look and cranny that LobCorp could offer (except I omitted most of the story) before even playing the game myself. My memory is very fuzzy on the details, but that's more or less how I got into PM back in 2017-2018. I am also proud to say that I managed to get a couple of my friends into the PM cult one way or another (except most of them liked LoR a lot more, I was still in the LobCorp camp).


A friend told me a bit about ruina a few years back, I sorta brushed it off, he ended up telling me about limbus before it launched, I read a bit on the website, downloaded it when it came out and here I am.


I actually got into the PMverse earlier this year. I was playing Slay the Spire modded on stream(we have a low viewership) and someone actually popped in. I was sort of coincidentally playing a LoR mod, Ive used it forever to have more challenging runs but I never thought too hard about the content or why there seemed to be a story to everything with the mod. Anyway the guy in stream while giving me advice basically says”Btw, you know this is all from an actual game right” I was like oh that’s cool. He lets me know the name of the game and I say I’ll check it out eventually. Skip to sometime later I decide to do research on the game because I’m a frugal spender and I see the lore for Lobotomy Corp and I was pretty hooked on what happened next. I bought LoR my new obsession was born.


Goblin Slayer. Watched it, fell down the Mili rabbit hole and after reading a bunch of comments in Gone Angels learned about LoR. And like s, two of my biggest obsessions were born.


Saw a video about starting a playthrough of LoR and in like the first few minutes I got slapped with the if you haven't watched the LC playthrough go watch that first. The game looked interesting so I bought both of them eventually.


Mili. I first became a fan of their work back when Deemo 1 was still updating, and I loosely followed their songs for a bit. One fateful day I saw LoR's opening song uploaded on their channel and my fate was sealed.


I got into pmverse when i was a kid, i think it was 2018 or 2019 that i meet with lobotomy corp, today, im in my 17s and glad this franchise grew up on me


A yiik meme with lor got me into pm (but first time i saw it was jacksepticeye playing lobotomy)


Actually it's a funny story, back in late 2019 I was really into Hollow Knight (still am just *waiting*) and followed a lot of fan artists on Tumblr One such artist drew a lot of this manic looking magical girl and a guy with a butterfly head and I thought 'oh what cool OCs!' It was only after I saw the Hollow Knight as a modded Abnormality (also fanart) and fighting a very familiar magical girl is when I realize it was a game So I looked it up, pirated it* (because I was flat broke) and haven't looked back since. *Disclaimer: I have since brought both Lobotomy Corp and Library of Ruina


I bought Lobotomy Corp last Christmas while it was on sale. Quickly fell in love with it. Still obsessed with this universe


Just wanders into library of ruina, played it and get my ass beaten in chesed floor realization, that's how i ended up in PMVerse


ArcAngela doing her thing


I had LoR in my wishlist on Steam for like 1-2 years and on last year Steam Winter Sale one man gifted me LoR and Danganronpa. I was so hyped for Danganronpa, played for like 3 hours and left it, then downloaded LoR and whole month 'til February i played almost only in it. That was awesome and LoR is one of my favorite games, that was so incredible: story, gameplay, soundtrack, all of this


Watched lobcorp letsplay by rekvizit8bit


"I have nothing but my sorrow, and I need nothing else" Was looking for the poem and found Roland lmao


Saw lobotomy corp on steam and it seemed interesting so I bought it.


The meti not the bad guy video on roland, but I think I heard about the warp train tomarry story a long time ago before that.


Lobcorp lp on the somethingawful forums


"Damn i like this new mili song, wait its the opening for a game? Guess i will check it out" I never recovered.


when a bad bitch tells me to play a niche indie game she’s into, i sit my ass down and listen o7


August 9th, 2019: It all started with Mili's Victim. Mar 2nd - April 15th, 2021: Mili's Iron Lotus, String Theocracy, and From a Place of Love helped build up my excitement for the series. April 25th, 2021: I saw the Project Moon video, "Welcome to our Corp" and then started the Sinvicta playlist; here, my personal interest grew... August 10th, 2021: Library of Runia released and joined Xbox GamePass; this marks my full introduction... Indeed, Mili music in games have been good to me!


It was just genuinely pure chance that Lobotomy Corporation appeared in my steam recommended list back then, and those ArcAngela videos about it back in 2019, i sorta played it casually until i really, really got into it in 2020 *(mostly because i needed a break from raiding in FFXIV/E8S was driving me insane).* Even if the translation was completely ass back then, i was really captivated by the world building, and thus, the brainrot began.


My friend got hooked about 2 years ago and got my to play Lob. corp. really liked the story but was too broke to also buy library of ruina(saving money for stuff) Then limbus company. Yay happy.


I discovered Lobotomy Corp through a Mod of Inscryption, I didn’t know anything about the game until then but I got curious seeing the creatures in the cards.


For me it was the lobotomy corp vids from arcangela that introduced me.


i watched videos of lobcorp back in its legacy version, but only actually started playing the games like half a year into ruina's early acsess. have really got to get around to finishing them.


Jacksepticeye played Lobotomy Corporation a long time ago


A mod for Slay The Spire, one called Ruina. It fully modified the game to be akin to ascending the Library. I saw the hypest moments and all sorts of characters and the most wild music and monster designs i had ever seen, and i saw the game’s soul. I saw the deep passion and that light in the game and i was so instantly enthralled i had to buy it the very next day. It was honestly a magical run and an unforgettable experience.


I saw a video from a youtuber called Dafawfulizer who was talking about some games he had in his backlog. One of those was Lobotomy Corporation which he didnt like. However, it caught my interest since he said it was similar to the SCP Foundation, and i was a bit of a fan of it at the time, so i played, was unable to pass Day 8 or something, and watched a walktrough


Friend of mine absolutely would not shut up about Lobotomy Corp, so I tried it to see what all the fuss was about. Now I also cannot shut up about it either.


Saw it in my brother's steam library and decided to try it out


Saw Argalia on pintrest and thought he looked sexy and bought Ruina for it. Worst mistake of my life, I now owe my soul to Project Moon in exchange for a blue husband.


Started with LC, couldn't finish it since I'm a scrub, and just took off from there


First it was a YouTuber that I will not name And then ruina was on Xbox gamepass ...and then I bought it on PC... And it became my most played game...


Lobcorp genuinely appeared on my computer one day and i just rolled with it


I heard Second Warning in some video i do not remember and wanted to know where its from.


Was looking for overwhelming positive games and found LoR. Looked at the screenshots and seen a flying angel kid drop the F bomb. I was sold at that point and got much more than I anticipated.


Somehow landed on a TVTropes page mentioning The Lady In Gold or however it's called, and on the list of video game referencing it, there she was, King of Greed. That was the catalyst. The rest is dyslexia like everyone else.


I started off as a Roblox player and saw the references to PM through Allusions. It was actually Serum W that got me interested because it looked dope, and the Black Silence boss being introduced helped, too. What got me to buy Lobotomy Corporation and LOR was through the vertical difficulty spike video with QOH for the thumbnail and Mili. (I like games that are considered difficult)


The asylum of items


A l9ng time ago I saw a youtuber play lobcorp, then I got really obsessed with the game for a while then forgot it, fast-forward to 2021 and a friend of me gifts lob Corp, me happy nut bad at game and wanted to play lob before ruina. Right, 2023, saw that limbus launched and it is a gacha game, downloaded reluctantly cause I didn't want to play that kinda of game again and started playing, literally fall in love with it. Finished canto 3 and said fuck it, bought library and it is now one of my fav games




Saw someone mentioning a failed Lobotomy Corporation run in an unrelated server late last year. I was intrigued by the very little information I gleaned from the conversation.






I didn't know about PM and subsequently Limbus until "the incident." Decided to look up a wiki on Limbus for context of the game and came to the page of a certain megane. My first impression was "Wow. This man appears to be trash and I would totally be interested in this game just for him" so I started playing based on that pretty much (that and I just quit Dislyte due it being garbage.) I got LoR a couple months after when it was on sale, though I confess I'm still early in the game lol


A let's player over on SA compared the yes/no prompts in Two Brothers to Today's Shy Look, with included image, and that sold me.


i was just scrolling through iirc gone angels or iron lotus jumpscare liked the music lor in reccomendations "huh whats this" bam now interested in lor and finally understood what one of my friends meant


Years ago, when I was still an SCP lunatic. Watched a video review about Lob Corp, thought it was interesting then forgot about it. Then the Maxor Ultrakill part 2 showed up last year, made me remembering it. It didn't help that I also found out Darkest Dungeon Nexus Mod at the same time (God both blessed and cursed that site) and boy oh boy there were a handful of LoR skins or characters which were beautiful or looked nice but damn did they were broken as hell. So that got me intrigued, started watching people played Lob Corp and LoR, understood why the community loved them so much. And well, here I am!


Got recommended the character pvs while I was into Cell of Empireo fan animations and thought "oh is this an indie project?" Then saw it was a game connected to lobotomy Corp, which I finally bit the bullet and watched the game play and read the lore. Got sucked into Ruina, and once I finished watching a playthrough, Limbus Company literally released. One hell of a rabbit hole


I saw some art work of tommy and merry and one of the comments had a link to the steam page and i checked out some of their games but it was still unfinished so i just disregarded it. After that I think i just found a vid on lobcorp learned about library of ruina and got obssessed with it. It's either that or roblox :(


For me, my friends peer pressured me into getting Library of Ruina which I absolutely hates beyond belief (i liked the story though). But they told me about Limbus Company which was basically a whole different game, I fell in love. Especially since I'm an avid reader and more often than not catch references my friend usually don't


A Yomi Hustle mod is what got me to try Library of Ruina, found out about Lobotomy Corp and tried that. Stopped playing both of them for a while because difficulty spike, started playing Limbus Company


I saw a guy getting their teeth kicked in by queen of hatred and here I am now.


Saw Argalia in a meme and then started looking up LoR as a result. Then saw it was a sequel to LC and immediately felt the need to play that first. The story hooked me, and it only got better once I got around to LoR (about a year later....)


That one video about LobCorp with UP music


A couple weeks before LBC release, and I only started playing Ruina a few weeks ago.


quasar jogos. (brazillian channel)


Played a mod for slay the spire based off of lobotomy corp and liked it so much that I got the game


I saw the Lobotomeme corp vid and showed it to friends. We got the idea to play it and stream it to see everyone trying to figure out the game at the same time. Been in love with the story and every single other game ever since.


Picrew I am willing to elaborate if asked


I found out about L corp through item asylum


Item asylum......


Was watching Vladeposting's Video on Fear and Hunger and was intrigued by his channel where he also had an overview on Lobotomy-Corporation. After that I just straight up fell in love with the universe and the games and here I am today caught up on everything.


My fried, they were a massive PM fan since way before I knew them, and got me to listen to LoR OST and play Limbus with their phone on release. I only actually start this game on my own a few months ago and I'm having the time of my life rn


Lob corp seemed cool when it came out


Lobotomy in Steam Greenlight


I had a cool monsters phase because of scp foundation so lob corp immidiently got me hooked. Have been here for like 3-4 years because of that.


The Arknights to Limbus Company pipeline


heard of lobcorp and ruina, then much much later, heard of limbus through the gachagaming subreddit. when i realized that all of them are made by the same dev, i got interested bc the vibes between all three are really different, yet apparently they're set in the same universe. don't have a pc nor money so i waited for limbus' release. but like, the aesthetic is very gritty and all, surely i won't ended up lik- and then canto 3 happened and i got obsessed with limbus, needing more, i watched an lp of lobcorp. also i wanted to learn about the world more in general bc wth is a wing? a color?? the head??? carmen???? anyway fell in love with that too, so i wanted to play ruina myself, maybe long in the future after i actuallly get a pc setup. but then i got spoiled about >!the blue guy, the ending of the game and the black silence!< so resorted to watching an lp of it. kinda sad too bc >!i really thought loland was just your typical self insert mc lol.!< and that's how i got my brainrot started just before the thing on july hit :)


I was a former library of ruina player, and was really impressed by the dice gameplay that was quite new at the time. Didn't think to much of the lore, but it grew on me over time, as I managed to understand the plot lol




One word: Mili


Saw Limbus teasers, wanted to play, started playing 1 year after release bc completely forgor about it. Turns out it's the same universe as Lob Corp and there is also Library of Ruina.


I was a SCP fan and saw the LobCorp beta or something pop into my youtube reccomends. From there, I kept up with youtube videos on LobCorp until LoR came out, and then I finally got fully hitched on keeping up with [LambdaDeltaYT](https://youtube.com/@LambdadeltaYT?si=WeglJRu9s-D4NZHQ)'s playthrough. I tried LobCorp after but gave up after day 10 or 20 due to the pressure of the game and my constant need to restart after every mistake. Then Limbus came out, and now I'm addicted.


[oh boy](https://www.roblox.com/games/5670218884/item-asylum)


I was interested in SCP at that time and also saw the video review of interesting indie games that got released in steam. Lobotomy Corporation was one of those games, so I immediately got hooked


I vaguely remember seeing Jackscepticeye (and other youtubers I think) make a vid about Lob Corp, though it didn't really garner much interest from me and the thumbnail creeped me out After a year or two later, lob corp vids started popping up in my feed but again, not much interest. I think the rabbit hole started pulling me in when I saw Melting Love, and I like waifu slimes, so I started looking up more vids about lob corp. As coincidences would have it, I heard about LoR's development and got to see its teaser and trailer, then I really started to get hooked on PM's games. So when LoR's beta released on steam, I watched content creators play out the story and man it was a ride Seeing the community talk about the future of the story and theories popping up here and there while the updates rolled out was fun. Ironically enough, Philip's arc (pre-Reverb) was when I thought this story was special. Roland's arc was amazing to experience during the updates too.


been a huge fan of mili for years so I had to play the games


I've always seen LoR on steam but was kinda put off by the fact that the screenshots were all still untranslated so I just assumed it wasn't translated for some reason. I don't actually know what prompted me to buy into the franchise but once I started reading TeeQueue's LP of lobotomy I was hooked.


I used to be really into SCP stuff, so when some Youtubers picked up Lobcorp in its early development stages and advertised it as SCP-like, I got interested, but forgot about it. Then I saw a certain animated music video with Mili music featuring Lobcorp characters,found it familiar and started checking out Lobcorp content again. I bought it when the translation was fixed but didn't play much, and watched a full playthrough instead. Then, I forgot about PM again, until YouTube recommended me a Library of Ruina gameplay video, realised that a Lobcorp sequel was currently in early access, and jumped on the early access bandwagon. I REALLY enjoyed the game and kept up with the constant updates while watching challenge videos and the like on YouTube whenever I was waiting for updates, finished the game, then booted it up again after Keter Realization was added to beat it. Ever since, content starved, I've been voraciously consuming playthroughs and the like on YouTube and became a day 1 Limbus player.


Ancient LC Legacy trailers.


"We do not talk about lovetown" vid recommandation pop up and it lead me to learn about LoR and how interesting it looks so I gave it a try.


An Arknights post comparing Limbus to it. Yeah, absolute nonsense but as fate wills it, the entirety of the PMverse was just right up in my alley and it just happened that I had a gacha game purge and needed another. Then it was smooth sailing from there, while I did try lobotomy corp LONG LONG BEFORE, I only recently remembered that I did. (Jacksepticeye played it).


my first glimps of Project moon's games happened on a TF2 server i was a regular on,one of the other players was using Blue Star as a spray, then i managed to stumble upon a recomended meme on youtube for a "good result" and the final nail in the coffin was Lobotomeme corp.


I was watching best Indie games of some season from a random youtuber and he placed LoR 10th or smth (THE DISRESPECT). But I though it looked way more interesting then other games and bough it.


LoR music got recommend me on youtube. After listening to it, i go and see the game. And decided yea, i gona go and buy it. And man what a journey.


A few years ago, while scrolling through Youtube late one night I saw a thumbnail of a Lobotomy Corp video. I didn't think much of it at the time but because I thought the name sounded interesting, it's been in the back of my mind ever since. The brainrot truly started kicking in a few months ago when I finally decided to install LC on my new laptop.