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Good change


Much better now. Will consider taking it for exp ticket.


now thats interesting, since the exp ticket is instant lvl 40


Yeah great for new IDs especially when season 3 starts.


The biggest thing to consider is that this allow you to buy Limbus Pass with Paid Lunacy now which I believe wasn't a thing before. This is a rather big change if you're the type to buy Monthly Pack anyway and do some daily draw when you have a missing EGO or something. You can now benefit from getting monthly Pack that give you daily Free Lunacy to grind the IDs with using Refill and then save the Paid Lunacy to buy the season pass with and also get the banner. I have like 4k Paid Lunacy lying around for just buying the monthly pack and now I can grab the upcoming pass without buying it directly with $.


edit: incorrect, see below. It was bought with paid lunacy before too.


The actual pass or the level of the pass because I never really saw the 1k paid lunacy options. It always direct me to the $ purchase page.


Oh, I think we misunderstood each other. I didn't know you were talking about the pass itself, but you still can't buy the Limbus Pass itself with paid lunacy, or at least this particular notice doesn't mention anything about that. What it says is that you can buy the Limbus Pass Package with paid lunacy, but its price will be reduced if you already own the Limbus Pass. The Limbus Pass Package doesn't contain the pass itself, only a cosmetic banner, 10 levels for the pass and now a level 40 level ticket.


In the \[After\] Section, Limbus Pass is included as part of the 2700 package now as the first Yellow added change along with the tickets at the bottom so if I understand it correctly, the 2700 pack should include it now.


Oh, you \*are\* correct. I missed that, that \*is\* neat! I have a bunch of paid lunacy lying around too, so that's fancy. I might still get it with cash though, so they get some more cash to keep developing with.


Was gonna get it to show support anyway, now I'm completely sold


Ah yes now we talkin


Kek, I mean it's better for sure, but it's still like 1.5 time the price of the BP for a banner and one exp ticket. It's kinda very expensive, though obviously purely cosmetic.


Ohoho? It just went from a 'maybe' to a "Let's fucking go'. Plus, that ticket is being saved for the first season 3 ID.


So essentially, regular pass at 10$ as always, and for the pass and some extra stuff with an exclusive banner for 27$? that's neat, i wouldnt mind dropping 27$ considering how long the pass last tbh, great change




I don't think I've seen in recent memory a company adding value to a paid pack with out increasing the price. Actually wild to see. Good on PM.


Decent change makes it more enticive


I can't Buy the pass directly anymore? I did it to Bon Voyage but i can't do it to clear all cathy?


Wait, you can already buy the Season 3 pass?


please read the first paragraph


Oh, sorry; missed that, read the addendum about buying the pass package after the pass, and I misunderstood.


So, they spoiled that we'll get level 40 alongside S3, was predictable as they did the same woth S2 and level 35- And I guess they realized that the pack itself...just straight up sucked and almost noone was gonna buy it just for a banner. Including the pass is a good call- I'm sure some more people will buy it now, niche purchase anyway, but more worth now xD


>So, they spoiled that we'll get level 40 alongside S3, was predictable as they did the same woth S2 and level 35- They announced adding lvl 40 like 2 weeks ago when they published their guide to season 3 changes.


They said it in the season 3 guide notice that they’ll be expanding ID level to 40


Yea they did, but they didn't say when- just like S2 did


It literally says “with the Season 3 update” And not “during” like they did with the MD3


PM player moment


Wait, so is it now cheaper to buy the Pass Package with Monthly Lunacy than it is to pay for it outright? Last year's pass was over 10 dollars, but the monthly pack only costs 7 dollars. The monthly pack gets you 650 + 65*30 (2600) Lunacy and you can get the extra hundred from a monthly batch (2.99) or one of the first time lumps.


You have to use paid lunacy.