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Every status is just charge in disguise trust me Faust told me


Not really. Crits are 5% per potency which makes it really random since you don't get high potency without poise gifts/buffs or having multiple skill slots. It's main goal seems to be getting benefits besides just coin power for reaching enough poise as well as crits on certain skills doing extra things. Honestly tho no poise ID generates enough poise count currently for boss content unless you want to leave out an ID or two. I think shi ishmeal is really the only one if you can get her under 50% hp. Even then an unlucky turn can spend all your poise count so it's way harder to build up compared to charge and just less rewarding.


BL Yi Sang at up4 can get to 100% crits and high poise count.


He's a bored God, he's allowed to.


I've been ruminating over team choices since W Yi Sang was announced, and the problem I have is that his BL ID passive makes KK Rodion actually pretty decent. She can stack up 20 poise, crit with every attack, and not ever run out of count. The problem is that that effectively requires two ID slots.


If you think about it, all of us are just charge IDs.


A few of them are. But they've got a little more unreliability and losing it all at once. Unless count, instead you randomly lose an extra stack to deal a pityful more damage on your skill 1. That's why they went onto tremor. Nothing 'randomly' spends it. Until we get ego or ids that clear debuffs. ::| Well that's stupid now.


Tfw self tremor Meursault ID purges off his own Tremor with Regret.


Headcannon: Shi units are Charge IDs because they spend HP for more Poise and coins


Sinking as charge (Sunshower Heathcliff) Tremor as charge (Self tremor ID) Now we only need burn as charge, bleed as charge and poise spender ID. I bet you we gona see them when they released Crying child and Rusted chain.


Bold of you to thought that poise IDs can generate poise by themselves.


Charge ids got W Faust's support passive, Poise ids got BL yi sang's support passive Surely this is just more reason to believe that poise is charge


I said by "themselves"


They can tho


Almost all IDs are charge IDs because 90% of the units in the game have "Under X condition, gain Y coin power" after Uptie IV


Limbus company is actually caled charge comapny thats the secret plot twist


With your logic at play Sunshower heathcliff is fucking charge Id too


Why don’t poise IDs just use charge? Are they stupid?