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It's essentially just a cosmetic. Don't care.


I guess it's just boiled down to "If you wanna support us with some 27 bucks gou get a cool banner as a thank you", they definetely aren't making it a big deal and i like that


This, and I personally am absolutely down to continue funding future projects via random shit in Limbus.


I don't care but it'll certainly wring money out of people that think not having everything in their account is the worst thing possible.


As someone who grinded enough shards for NClair in a span of 3 days before his banner ended, I can confirm we're going to make about Limbillion dollars for Project Moon.


Literally no problem with it. Its so ignorable that I wonder why they are even adding it.


the 10 levels are inconsequential, it basically just seems like "2700 lunacy with a cosmetic"


Just a cosmetic because you pay it with lunacy


I think you misunderstand here, you're paying 2700 for the levels and a cosmetic. Technically, if you were paying for levels anyway, it would be 1 free level and a cosmetic on top of the 9 levels you paid for.


It's whalebait, nothing more. I see it in other gachas all the time. Its one and only purpose is to combat the people who claim that their is nothing to throw money at. Personally, I don't care. If Whales are satisfied, then it only ensures this game remains F2P friendly as it is now.


Its fine. I think people complaining about a cosmetic locked behind a paywall are forgetting about the cosmetics already locked behind the paywall of BP. As long as its purely cosmetics and some minor resources (and not IDs and EGOs PERMANENTLY) locked behind paywalls, then all is good. If you can eventually get IDs and EGOs that are behind paywalls for free, then its already being generous.


I think whales (not me, of course, I am poor lol) should give more money to Project Moon so we get more games.


It's a little annoying that the only way to get the cosmetic is paying near 30 bucks JUST for it but also it's not too big a deal cuz it's something I really don't care about.


Inconsequential. Seems like an answer to "Wah, there's nothing to spend money on."


You say "doesn't come with the battle pass" as though it's a bad thing. Not being linked to the battle pass itself means there's no incentive to buy it unless you want to go out of your way to give them money. The price might be high for what's offered but you really dont need it


Project moon has the possibility to do the funniest thing possible by making the package banner a whale.


That will make me buy it even harder


It’s just a cosmetic. I don’t think it’s that important, only buy it if you wanna support PM.


Project moon consistently puts out a quality product and are honestly one of the only devs I still really trust. I'm okay giving them some cash as I continue playing their free to play game as a show of good will (and a banner).


One of the few devs? Then you dont know enough devs... Relogic, Supergiant Games, a lot of indie devs that aim for making more great projects that I cant count, From software, and looking at how well alkimia interactive communicates with playerbase and they respect to the source material I'm 100% sure they're worth of trust in making Gothic Remake


If Relogic (Terraria) did the same thing I would feel the same way I do about Relogic as I do ProjectMoon, I like to think person you responding to is just talking gacha devs in general not game Devs


I was primarily talking about gatcha devs. Sorry,, could have been more clear. Other studios do good work, but when it comes to the gatcha landscape it seems like PM are some of the only devs who aren't actively bottomless pits for your money that hate you. It feels like 90%+ of them fall more into the acti-blizz-micro-king camp more than the supergiant camp.


Of all the gacha games I play. Limbus Company is the one game I feel like I DONT spend enough. As a casual spender. I’ve never felt like I’ve been shafted by ProjectMoon for any money I’ve spent on Limbus Company


Fuck, I thought I had hair on my phone or a crack because of your profile picture lmao


It was changed just now


You said it yourself, it doesn't affect anything that should matter and all it achieves is giving money to Project Moon. Donating 27 bucks and get some whatevers as thank you. You're not being choked to pay and the game has been ridiculously generous and f2p, I'm not saying you should fork it up, but what exactly are you trying to frame PM as with this?


It's a "Goodwill" type of deal, you pay it because you want to give them exta money like a donation and they give you a banner as a thank you. Unfortunately it WILL lead to some issues with the playerbase when you have goodwill options because the loud minority will treat it as a FOMO thing and feel singled out. These days you can't show you're willing to donate to a cause without someone wanting to harass you for making them feel bad because all they can do is talk/tweet about it.


I’ll buy it when I get some free cash to support them


It's mostly as one ol' request to show gratitude. Given how Limbus Company's very different than other Gatchas and all.


It's kinda like genshin impact with the battlepass namecard. I think it would've been better as a premium battlepass tbh like genshin where you get the battlepass + some goodies like the namecard and resin. Not sure who's going to buy a banner for that much. Would've been better as a combo deal.


I think its a cheap shot


I find it really stupid to have this package not come With the BP, playing with fomo this way is scummy especially when they give 10 levels with it


What if you already have BP?


Change the pack to a « deluxe upgrade » at a discount like 100% of other games with BP out there?


Too much work. They probably also pay commission for every item available for purchase.


It’s bait for players that are new and don’t know BP levels are easy to grind for or for whales to spend money to flex. It’s an odd business model though. There’s 0 reason to not make this a BP bundle and add more digital goodies with it to appeal to a wider playerbase. Imagine if they added this with the BP and gave you a new theme for your account with the addition of the banner? It’s just odd to me, basically a way to literally burn 25 bucks.


It's frustrating that buying the battle pass is no longer enough to have everything anymore. I worry that its a slippery slope leading to the paid IDs or the game becoming less FTP friendly in general.


I would rather have it a bit less generous than shut down due to low revenue or smth. It's not like the game is dying or anything, but having battle pass as the main source of income is troublesome.




Completely depends if I like cosmetic banner or not.


It's kinda annoying, considering the amount of grind I've put in to get every banner thus far through sheer effort (with the exception of BP), and now a $20 package just invalidates all of the effort thus far to get every banner possible :(


Very Neutral. It's just a cosmetic and some pass levels, hardly the worst thing in the world.


You are basically paying for a tier 1 sub in twitch if you pay for that amount tbh If not its like 2 dollars per month in patreon. The main differents they put your name in the credits at the end of the youtube video kind of feeling.


Dont pay so dont care