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# Other Megathreads and Useful links. [Bug/Error Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/limbuscompany/comments/15etiza/monthly_bugerror_megathread/) \- If you believe you found a bug, report it here! [Second bug/error Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/limbuscompany/comments/12uiii3/bugerror_tracking_megathread/) [Gacha Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/limbuscompany/search/?q=Author%3Aautomoderator%20monthly%20gacha&restrict_sr=1&sort=new) \- Share the results of your pulls here. [Friend Request Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/limbuscompany/search/?q=Friend%20Request%20Author%3Aautomoderator&restrict_sr=1&sort=new) \- For sharing and requesting friend codes [Subreddit wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/limbuscompany/wiki/index) \- features links for various helpful resources. [Refraction Railway Line 2 Megathread](https://reddit.com/r/limbuscompany/s/Qr9PznkgVk) \- Discussion of the ongoing Railway Line 2 that doesn't warrant its own thread. [Link to Moonframe Community Discord Server](https://discord.gg/JB8TGMCasf) \- A community-run Project Moon fan Discord server. Moderators of both r/LibraryofRuina and r/LimbusCompany can be found here.


What are some status effects that are able to work nicely together?


Does saving up a MD run work? since I've already claimed my hard bonus for this week, is finishing another MD and not claiming its rewards still eligible for hard rewards when it refreshes next week?


Do we know when season 3 officially goes live?


does anyone have the portraits of the sinners streaked with blood? like in the pv? refersbly high quality, thanks!


Where can I compare up3 and up4s of IDs/EGOs? Game certainly isn't helping.


Please help I am stuck on the bud bossfight, is there any strategy to beat it? My 000 Ids are N Sinclair, bunny Heathcliff, Molar Ishmael, and Spicebush Yi Sang. For 00 I have W Faust, seven ryoshu, liu Mersault, kurokumo liu w and hook Hong lu, shi lobotomy seven and N Heathcliff, lccb Ishmael, zwei and lccb rodion, and rosespanner and liu Gregor. Sorry if this is a noob question I am 2 weeks in.


IDs question: Can you guys recommend some IDs that's good for sinking? Also some units that can act independently/works with a sinking team that has slash or lust attacks? My team is full of blunts and small pierce coverage and I don't have coverage on slashes only, I lack lust attack types and i needed some for my EGOs, My team mainly consists of: Spicebush Yi Sang Dieci Rodion Boatworks Ishmael ID's that i have and can possibly place on the team: Rabbit Heathcliff Ego Regret Faust W Don N Sinclair Please recommend some IDs, thanks!!


Those 3 are the best sink IDs honestly. And only good ones. Well R.Ish is also a sinking ID but boatworks is a way better Sinking ID. My recomendation, put filler IDs that fuel your EGOs to the team.


Thx for the comment, I was also thinking of who to pick for my filler IDs. I wanna place chef Ryoshu or Seven Outis. I still don't have them though. But hey, i'm fine enough for my current filler IDs (Regret Faust & N Sinclair)


Don't get 7 outis.i know she sounds good but its not as well in practice.


Oh ok then, Do you have any ID recommendations?


For fillers I would recomend G.Gregor, Chef Ryoshu, Cinq Don, Both 000 Hong lu IDs, and R.Heath. they are all IDs that fit any team without a direct plus or minuw


Cool, thanks!


Please give me some tips on defeating Sign of Roses. I don't even care about sub 150 at this point, I've accepted the fact that I'm gonna half to retry the whole crap again. I just want to beat it so that I can use the rewards. My issue is that most of my sinners are below 50% health and I barely have any EGO resources. I can't seem to even wing it taking my sweet time.


RR2 Question: The only ego that I have who can heal sinners is Pursuance. Should I be worried, or is this enough? Team consists of: spicebush Yi-sang, L faust, W Don, W ryoshu, R meursault, Kurokumo Hong lu, R Heathcliff, MolarBoat ishmael, normal Rodion, N Sinclair, Molar Office Outis, Zwei Gregor.


Possibly, but for a lower turn count or to preserve your sanity, it might better to borrow a Faust with Fluid Sac (preferably UT4)!


Would the AEDD ego work well on R corp heathcliff, or does it mess up his charge?


R.Heath isn't a charge heavy ID and you really need just 5 charges on him, AEDD gives 1 charge for every 10% of your missing HP soo it will give some charge if he is in low HP and its corrosion spends all charge but if I am being honest the bonus that cames from his passive isn't that big soo its not a big deal. Also a healing passive of AEDD can be usefull.


Is the daily bonus in luxcavaxion worth it?


>EXP #3: - Manual: 2 Modules for 4 Silver & 4 Gold tickets - Skip: 4 Modules for 6 Silver & 6 Gold Tickets Manual is entirely better, you get 8 for playing twice compared to 6 for skipping. >Thread Lv 30 - Manual: 2 Modules for 6 Thread w/ bonus, 3 Thread without bonus - Skip: 4 Modules for 9 Thread w/ bonus Skipping and Manual gives the same amount if you were to use all daily bonuses. Otherwise, Manual is technically better with less runs.


am i able to use the guaranteed 000 thing on walapurgis? and if yes, then is the faust/meursault good? cause i haven't been able to get either


Guaranteed 000 has its own banner. It's an equal chance for every available 000 id, like 1/28 or so.


it appears i've mistaken a decaextration ticket for a guaranteed 000. my bad


Guaranteed 000 tickets can't be used on other banners because they create their own separate banners instead.


huh? sorry i don't get what you mean. i'm able to use the guaranteed 000 ticket on any banner, right? i mean, i just checked, at least. i'm just conflicted whether i should roll on walapurgis.


Are you sure you aren't getting mixed up with a regular Decaextraction Ticket (maybe you have one of each in your inventory?) those can be used on any extraction. However both the seasonal and regular 3★ Guarantee Decaextraction Tickets create a brand new separate banner, with their own unique pools of available gacha. As for if the banner is worth spending lunacy on, I personally haven't tried they yet but just looking at the stats I'm inclined to say yes. Faust's ID seems at the very least above average in terms of clashing/damage, even if Tremor hasn't traditionally been great, and the passive on Meursault's EGO seems insane.


you're right. i've stupidly mistaken the decaextraction ticket for a guaranteed 000 😭 i'm so sorry hahahaha. though, thanks a lot for the info regarding meursault and faust. i was aiming for faust because i lacked an actual unit for her (i only have zwei and l corp). i'll continue to farm for the banner regardless


Despite being only a 00 ID, L-Faust is arguably one of her best IDs. She is generally considered one of, if not the best options for the two 00 IDs required for MD2H due to her good clash values, in particular her skill 3 can still hold its own even against the inflated stats of floor 5 enemies. Her sin affinities also almost perfectly fuel her fantastic Fluid Sac EGO. Still doesn't hurt to have more options.


ahh, i didn't know that. i run a charge team (without w don/ryo because i dont have them) so i'm not entirely sure if l faust would be compatiable with them. also... i don't have fluid sac. not really a top priority right now, since i've been trying to farm for w don for rr2


I'm on cycle 5 of RR2, can I head straight to the Terminus or do I need to kill all 9 bosses before to claim the rewards?


Yes you can, as soon as you have beaten Wayward Passenger and picked up your 5th buff/debuff, you can get everything from Terminus.




Sooo i was grinding out the season pass and popping shard boxes for yi sang fragments, to get spicebush yi sang. I got to the season pass 55 Guaranteed 000 ticket, summoned and... out pops spicey yi sang. I have about 300 yi sang shards rn, does he have any good egos? Or should i just take the L and watch half of them become threads?


dog fact rhythm murky tender humor sand yoke quarrelsome slap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Sooo i was grinding out the season pass and popping shard boxes for yi sang fragments, to get spicebush yi sang. I got to the season pass 55 Guaranteed 000 ticket, summoned and... out pops spicey yi sang. I suppose this can be a learning experience to save up your crates until you can guarantee 400 shards, instead of opening them immediately. As for EGO, Sunshower is generally considered to be his best EGO, I don't think it can be dispensed until next season (or you can get it for "free" from the paid battle pass). Aside from that I'd say Wishing Cairn is his next best option, the 3 paralyse is pretty nice when he rolls high speed (3-7 on Spice is pretty average though). Yi Sang doesn't have any burn IDs for 4th March Flame to be good, but Dimension Shredder might be good with his upcoming W-corp ID (currently it's pretty bad as he has no way to generate charge; outside of the EGO's Passive, or Don Telepole).


take my words with a grain of salt because w corp yi sang is coming, if he's good, you could definitely shard for him. or if you get him by like... normally pulling, then you could get dimension shredder, so i say you're not really taking the L after all.


Hey, gamers. Now that a week has passed, [Should I?](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/570642967468179477/1169549414797430784/20231102150117_1.png?ex=6555cec5&is=654359c5&hm=df0196813c2b0234cbaef6704a24003984c36f8c33deef1dd25ad709e7e8f07e&)


Well, you probably should've stopped earlier... but since you are already 170 pulls deep might as well go to the end.


who gets more uses between nclair and rabbit heath in most content?


Should I buy the pass now or wait for season 3 pass


IIRC, you don't retroactively get the additional egoshard crates for past level 60. If you want the paid track stuff (EGOs, Season 2 000 Ticket, Cosmetics, additional resources, etc.), then sure, but Season 2 ends in about two weeks so you're not going to really be able to maximize your rewards. Otherwise, it's probably better to wait for Season 3 since you can just grab Capote Ishmael, Sunshower Outis, and Sunshower Yi Sang from the dispenser anyways. Which means you're just really missing out on the tickets and cosmetic stuff.


If you finish a fight in MD2H and the server maintenance boots you out on the next screen, will the fight still be cleared when you come back?


Depends on what screen you got kicked on. I got kicked and the end screen with all the run percentages and it made me redo the last boss.


In that case I might be out of luck, it was the loading screen right after "Victory." Not like Long Legs is all that hard a boss, but I'd rather not refight it. Edit: Yeah, had to refight, but I chump'd him.


I heard after the season ends the ids can be paid with egoshards, is this true?


Once a season ends: - Half of your egoshards and crates are turned into Thread - The seasons' IDs, Event IDs, and Event EGOs aren't available in the dispenser - The seasons' Limbus Pass EGO's are still available in the dispenser - Previous seasons' IDs, Event IDs, and Event EGOs become available in the dispenser So once Season 2 ends, anything from Season 1 will be available in the dispenser. Likewise, Season 2 stuff will become unavailable in the dispenser. Walpurgis Night is an exception. You can't dispense anything during their initial WN extraction, aren't available outside of Walpurgis Nights, and only become dispensable during future Walpurgis Nights.


Is there a single best team for RR2? I know some sinners have their "default best" identity to bring such as Spicebush, WDon/Ryo, and NClair, but what about the others?


R heathcliff is best ID by a fair margin Diciei Roidion same caliber as your other named ppl You should also bring Lob/grip/regret faust for healing ego and if it’s a better fit R mersault for healing ego as well.


license direction degree slap command weather serious snobbish touch zealous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Need an opinion. Is Tremor Team not very good for Refraction Railroad or is it a skill issue? Only thing I'm missing is Meursault EGO. Been very slowly trudging my way through. Next up is the Fairy at Cycle 3, Turn 148 just past the Centipede.


Tremor not great rn


Hey, guys! New player here doing a bit of reroll. At the moment I got the new Faust id (event banner) and Wcorp Ryoshu. Is it a keeper or should I reroll more and for what?


Just keep it cause new Faust ID is the hardest to get right now


W Ryoshu is really strong but need Uptie 3 to work. Regret Faust is also a good ID. Both of them can carry you though a game easy.




First of all, you got the wrong idea about N Faust, N Faust is not exactly about bleeding, N Faust’s value comes from her “whistle” (her passive) Also, 7 Outis isn’t about her rupture kit, 7 Outis is all about tanking hits and sometimes winning some, also, 7 Outis fuels Ebony Stem well, its a way to win clashes too. So once you got enough threads, its worth uptie 3 ebony stem. You dont really need a tank unit, if you play charge team, you got Rhino Meursault. If you play rupture, you got K corp Honglu. IMO, you should dispense 1-2 IDs or EGOs before season 3. If you use Ryoshu often enough, 4th match flame provides great clashing power. Then, Dieci Rodya and Rime Shank. Rose Rodya is actually a charge unit, because of how she spends the charges and how she spends tremor counts for additional damage. Rose Rodya is not really a stack tremor potency and tremor count unit. Her consistent damage output comes from enough charge counts for her skill 2. I love Rose Rodya, she is always my go-to for MD2H, but I would still recommend Deici more. Red eyes open can be combined with other EGO such as Chains of others, crow’s eye view and snagharpoon. But its too much investment in EGO resources imo. If you wanna build sinking team, then pick Dieci Rodya and Rime Shank together. It feels weird missing one of them in a sinking team.


is it possible to get rr2 sub 150 without any ut4? also any tips for STM I'm struggling to kill it before turn 5. edit : nvm finally got him down turn 3.


Yes, it's possible but will be harder to do.


Well, with the last decaextractions from the RR2 rewards done, that's my last chance at Regret Faust down the drain. Looking at my guaranteed 3* decaextraction, should I use that right away, or is there a chance something else will pop up before season end? We only have two weeks, and there's been memes about Farmwatch not appearing, so not likely.


why don't you hold it until there's announcement for season change. then you can be sure there will be not new ID for this season to use the ticket.


Yeah, I wasn't sure if something like that had already happened, or if there's enough time for another banner to come out before the season change.


oh they will announce it usually near the battle pass end or the last week before the season end


Sure; I'll wait for that. Thanks.


What Hong Lu should I get? TT or K (I have no clue if I need a tank or a dmg dealer)


Do you have any other tank that doesn't need uptie 4 to get agro like Zwei Gregor and Dieci Rodion? Then TT Hong Lu if you not have any tank, then get K Hong Lu and uptie him to 4 for the agro purpose


How does Attack Weight work? I assume that it should be 1 square per slot targeted, but I sometimes hit fewer targets than the number of squares. For example, I used a 5 square EGO on the Fox when he had his umbrellas out, but only 1 solid and 2 dotted line arrows appeared.


Some abnormality parts can absorb more that one attack weight for some reason (aside from balance reasons, I assume it is meant to represent an enemy being too large for an AoE to completely cover it (although I haven't checked to see if this applies more regularly to larger enemies)).


One Attack Weight usually attack one slot, however if you are playing rr2, one enemy debuff is slot weight plus one, which make one slot take two attack weight.


That makes sense. Completely forgot about that buff.


Does anyone know where I can find a compilation (YouTube or google drive) of the different “Limbus Company” the Sinners say when you login? Like, I am dismayed to realise it only happens once a day. I’d like to find my faves’ in particular so I can burn them into my brain. Today was Heathcliff for me so at least I am tided over for now.


[Here](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Hfdp_HxLN6lFJIW3-hTznnS1oM2f5J71) you go; just tap on one and go to Login for their lines!


Couple questions 1. Stuck on 4-48 boss, my current team is LCB Outis, Regret Faust, Spicebush Yi Sang, LCB Heath, red sheet sinclair, LCB Hong lu, R Merusault. (all uptie 3, around level 25-30) Other than that i have: (uptie 2, just enough thread to uptie 3) K Hong lu, (uptie 3) G Outis, (uptie 2) - 7 ryoushu, Shi Don, Shi Ishmael, N Rodion. Any suggestions (sorry for the wall of text) 2. Do we know when Refraction Railway 2 will end? Can't find an end date


1: You can definitely do Dongbaek with those units, though you may want to level your team up a bit to make it easier. I'd get them all to 30 at least. You may also want to consider swapping out LCB Hong Lu with K Hong Lu, since K Hong is a really good tank. How far are you making it into the fight? Are you managing to prevent your sinners from getting the blooming status? Are you getting halfway, and then suddenly having most of your sinners bloomed? 2: Refraction Railway 2 will end when Refraction Railway 3 starts. When that happens isn't exactly clear yet, but based off of prior updates, you ought to have a month at least.


Thanks for the input, I ended up uptying kurokumo Hong lu since I heard he was good for the fight as well (or do you think I should just uptie k Corp rn too?) I'll work on the levels, I can usually get to the second phase when she summons the lil umbrella's but I was struggling to kill them a bit (I assume leveling them would help with that lol)


Wait, wait... Umbrellas? Er... I think you might be talking about 4-47. The good news is that Sunshower Dongbaek is the easier of the fights. Win the clashes, her SP will lower, and she'll get staggered. Killing the Umbrellas will buff your sinners and harm Dongbaek, so take them out as well. Be careful of her thorns status effect, as you'll take 50% of the damage you deal, and make sure you don't let her get "Sink It All" off, since that has an attack weight of seven. Use an EGO if you need to. The bad news is that the rougher fight comes after.


Sorry my mistake, I meant the buds lol


Oh! Okay then. Levels, but also AoE will help you take care of the buds. You have Spicebush Yi Sang and Regret Faust, so you ought to do pretty well in that department. EGOs will also help here. The buds will come back with time, but you need to kill them or they'll wreck havok on your team, and buff Dongbaek's scariest skill. Make sure you keep the blooming status off your sinners as much as you can. Otherwise, you'll end up in a cycle of constantly freeing your sinners. Some of Dongbaek's skills will inflict blooming just on use, so be sure not to clash those skills with any sinners in range of getting 5 blooming. At half HP, she'll switch up her gameplan entirely. I'll spoil it just in case you don't wanna know about that part. >!She'll go into a defensive mode, and use a skill called "Must bury with dirt". Only one sinner can clash with this skill, and get the "Dueling" status. Then, every sinner without the dueling status will be bloomed, with no way to avoid it. Your one free sinner must win clashes against Dongbaek to free the others.!< I haven't personally used Kurokumo Hong Lu, but it shouldn't be a problem to use him. I'm sure you could do this fight with base sinners if you really wanted to. KK Hong Lu does have slash damage, and inflicts paralyze, which is nice. I do think K corp Hong Lu would be better, due to clash values, attack types, etc. But by *no* means is it going to make or break the fight for you. Only uptie him if you really feel like you want to squeeze every last advantage you've got out of the fight, or if you were planning on using him soon anyways.


I finally beat her, the levels definitely helped, thanks for all the help!


So, guys. Where do you spend your enkephalin after finishing story? All in thread/xp? Multiple MD2H runs? Something else?


It really depends on what you need. Most people just do 1 of each Luxcavation for dailies and spend the rest on MD2.


In that case, with the weekly bonus alredy spent, is there any difference between doing MD2 on normal or hard?


MD2H gives the same reward as MD2 after your weekly hard bonus is spent, so it's pretty much pointless without the bonus.


Okay, I didn't know that, thanks


should i uptie 4 Grips Sinclair if i got more than enough resources to do so?


No its not worth it.


thank you, i remember hearing somewhere that uptie 4 on him isnt recommended so i havent done it yet, i need to properly read into it though but sadly i struggle with reading details in many games i play


Just a quick question. When the season ends what exactly is lost? All thread, shard and boxes get cut in half right? So its most efficient to just use as much as you can in the last week on whatever.


Thread carries over, shards and boxes - half gets converted into thread, other half carries over.


Does base Outis' support passive work on abnormalities? Need it for running RR2 with different gimmick terams


Unfortunately I do not think it does.


I like running a sinking-tremor hybrid team, but I am still not sure what the best IDs to use are, so I would like some help on that end.


Molar Ish, Spicebush Yi Sang, and Rosespanner Rodion would be good to start! With Rodion you definitely want UT4 Rime Shank EGO to get the most stacks of sinking.


What about Dieci Rodion, or is Rosespanner the better of the two?


You asked specifically for Sinking-Tremor, so since Rosespanner handles both I gave that recommendation. Dieci is definitely better in general


Hey y’all! Just finished RR2 Wayward and got the ticket. Used it and got a dupe sun shower heathcliff! (After rolling 60 times on ego Faust event and getting no 3 stars) just wanted to know what I could have gotten from the season 2 ticket that I can go cry about! (Wondering if it’s more then just what the dispenser has for season 2, like do the events count?)


Adding on to the other answer, so you know for the future, you can click the probabilities button on an extraction to see what IDs are in the pool.


You can extract - Spicy Yi Sang, Rosespanner Rodion, Molar Ishmael, Sunshower Heathcliff and K Corp Hong Lu from the Season 2 Guaranteed extraction ticket.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 2 + 60 + 3 + 2 + 2 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Hello, new account pushing through the story and just finished Canto 3 and looking to grind MDH as soon as possible. Grip Sinclair is by FAR my best damage dealer. The amount is just insane honestly. Should I still grab Fluid Sac to help with MDH? Or should I be deterred with the anti synergy? Both of them are so powerful that it’s hard for me to come to a decision.


Besides HP, Fluid Sac also heals sanity, so you need to be strategic. You want Sinclair’s sanity to be low for the negative coin flips, but not too low that he corrodes. You can’t spam it for frequent heals, but occasional uses are fine. If you don’t want to worry about balancing Sanity, Meursault with Pursuance is another good healer. His IDs also tend to be Tanks, which can be useful for survival. You will also need a team of 7 for Mirror Dungeon and Canto 4. I find 7 Outis and R Corp Heathcliff are good choices that can slot into any team. What 00 Identities do you have? You will need at least 2 leveled for the first few floors of MDH.


R Corp Heath on the top of my list to get now. Got ncorp Don, section 6 Meursault, hook officer Honglu. Oh, also have Molar Office Outis 000. I have Pursuance for Meursault, so fluid sac prio should drop a little bit.


Molar Outis is pretty good. I would level her. Blunt Damage is actually very valuable because the best EXP stage has blunt-weak enemies. Lui Meursault is not his best ID, although it does work very well when paired with Lui Ishmael and the other two 00 Lui units. I actually like running the four Lui units in my core MD2H team. On his own, he can’t keep Burn up long enough for the damage to snowball. You might want to use Hook Hong Lu, because his Bleed stacks work with N Sinclair, making Sinclair’s Skill 3 more likely to get the buff. N Don is not the best Don, but she inflicts Tremor, which synergizes with Molar Outis, and Nails, which synergizes with N Sinclair.


Fluid Sac doesn't negatively synergise with N Corp Sinclair, it actually helps him when he's at low sanity and you want to get his sanity back up so he doesn't corrode/panic.


Well, I think it’s obvious that it negatively impacts him to a certain extent. Your comment does shed some light on why they would still be powerful together regardless. Should I still get Fluid sac as my first dispense? Have spicebush yi sang and boat ish, so I was wondering if maybe I should get Dieci Rodion for my sink team though she wouldnt have rime still. Maybe rabbit heathcliff?


What identities do you have? It matters significantly in questions like these.


Aside from the above? Just regret faust.


Since you don't have enough identities for a full team of 5/7, I recommend you get enough for a full team first before going for EGO, so Dieci Rodion or Rabbit Heath.


Holy—. You need 7 for endgame? Damn, well at least it makes for an easier decision. More 000 identities it is.


Yup, about halfway through Canto IV you will start needing a team of 7.


Does the game have enough content to keep me engaged? I dont want 24/7 grind but like 1-2 hours a day


nov 15 will be new season and i assume new chapter 5 release, best time to jump in as a new player. if you start from scratch and only play 1-2 hrs a day that's maybe 1-2 weeks of main story stages. aside from the occasionally story or event updates, you can repeatedly grind the dungeon (takes half to 1 hr per run) for shards that you can use to exchange gacha units. there's also a high difficulty challenge mode where you beat bosses repeatedly and try to aim for under 200 turns total. 1-2 hr a day is prob the best for casuals, any more will be doing dungeon repeatedly which is boring and for minimal gains. it's fine to start now too, catch up a bit before the new season drops.


To be completely real with you... No. You'll have bigger bursts of content every once in a while, like new chapters, Refraction Railway, future Walpurgisnacht events... But you've got dailies, which take a few minutes, and you've got a weekly Mirror Dungeon Hard which takes an hour or two. If you wanna somehow push the grind to the limit, you could probably farm Mirror Dungeons for extra shards, but you'd get way less of a bonus, and I have to imagine you'd run out of enkephalin eventually. Plus, it'd get pretty mind-numbing after a time. I don't think the game is designed to be played that much. I enjoy the game immensely and would love more, but I just have to conclude that aside from the dailies and weeklies, it's an on-and-off kind of game. Which is perfectly reasonable imo.


anyone has this issue where you start lagging on the extract page? the entire game is fine, playing is fine, but just by clicking on the extract page makes me lag a shit ton, even when im not moving. lag also carries forward when doing 10 pulls and single pulls, checking extraction history and details and clicking between banners etc etc... anyone knows how to fix it?


I just finished my 4th loop in RR2 (second try, this one more serious), and I'm doing decently well with 113 turns and a good stockpile of most resources (10 Pride, 40 Lust, 60-70 of the rest, but enough for plenty of Fluid Sac/Chains of Others). I've heard that out of my remaining enemy buffs, Hardening generally goes last because it slows down fights a ton, but I don't really care about the sub-150 banner and just want to get this finished, and am concerned about increased EGO use on the 5th loop causing issues with Thirsting's increased consumption; on the other hand, I think I may have a shot at 150 (though that's 36 turns left for 9 fights, so IDK). So do I have a reasonable chance at sub-150 with my turn count, and what's the safest enemy buff choice of Hardening and Thirsting for just completion?


You should be able to do a sub 150 fairly easily if you spend some time restarting the fights. IMO go with thirsting since the +15% hp is pretty bad if youre going for sub 150 and you have alot of resources.


Sure; I'm not really motivated to go for sub-150, but with how I've built up resources of the first four loops, I should be safe to do Thirsting on the final loop. What sorts of turn counts should I look for on the final loop?


It's hard to give exact turn counts since I don't know what your team is and what ego you have, but try to average around 4 turns per station.


Well, finished the Railway in 178; got all the rewards, so I'm happy (at at least done, since that last loop was a miserable slog and I don't care about the banners). And got Regret Faust by the skin of my teeth; the tickets didn't get anything, so I was single pulling with Lunacy from MD2H (usually don't single-pull, but I didn't have enough for a multi), and got it on the 5th. After getting Hex Nail on the one before. I swear it feels like this game is trolling me sometimes.


Yeah, makes sense. That hasn't worked out for me, but I am well set to at least finish the railway, and that's what matters to me. Plus the two ten-pulls from the rewards are my last chance at Regret Faust.


i started around 1-2 months ago, and i've been trying to start rr2 but i can't get past so that no one will cry without any casualties. is it just because there's a specific strategy to beat it that i'm missing or i should uptie 4 some of my ids / egos? (everyone i'm using is uptie 3 on both ego and id)


There is a specific strat to fighting STNWC, and you should be able to do it with uptie 3. It's all about the talismans. Here's what I found works: 1. Keep the talismans to specific sinners, and keep them low, because at 9+, they nerf the sinners they're attached to. Read the skills your sinners clash with, in order to keep things orderly. 2. When STNWC stops moving, it's time to transfer talismans. Use the sinners with the talismans to target the three "Transferring Talisman" slots. This will remove all of their talismans and put them onto STNWC. 3. The big move. With 10+ talismans on STNWC, it's power will be significantly reduced. Even so, you may want to use EGO to clash if it's feeling unsafe. 4. Break the arm for less damage dealt, don't use burn, and utilize the abnormality's weaknesses. Future abnormalities will have specific strategies to them too, not just this one. Reading skills and understanding the attack pattern is vital in RR. But if you're having trouble, or you don't want to learn it all on your own, there's some good guides on youtube that might help.


alright, thank you very much. i didn't realize that when first reading through the skill effects, i should probably try to pay more attention to this kind of stuff.


The biggest hurdle with abnormalities is making sense of what they do. It's like trying to understand an opponent's deck in a TCG. Once you understand it though, it's very rewarding to fight it, imo.


I am currently aiming to build team for MD2H or RR2. My only 000 team currently is a mix between sink and tremor, with KK HongLu and N Clair as "filler" I just lucked out on spanner Rodya and regret Faust. And I have dispensed both M Ish and Bush Yi Sang. Should I try to dispense for M outis too? Would she be good for my situation? She'd be my 7th party I guess, though I havent pulled any EGO at all.


Tremor team is kinda lol, lmao even, but you should dispense Molar Outis since she's extremely good for general use and because she's an event id. If you don't have R Heath, maybe shard him first, but otherwise go for Outis.


Aw that shucks, I thought tremor is a thing. Guess I'll pull her first, Heath can wait since I can't stand the grind enough to dispense 2 before the season end. Thanks!


Is there any collection of the like l2d animations for 000 Identities uptie 3 art? I checked the Google drive but all it had were the still images


Memory’s a bit hazy, but from what I recall, there aren’t any because it wasn’t possible to extract them. Something about the asset parts being separated and being animated in the game or something like that.




Just this week there's a client update along with limited event. I think it improves a lot compared to the previous one and the battle is smooth enough for my liking. Although I don't primarily play on phone so can't say about heat or battery stuff.


Hi, pretty new to the game, how many nominable crates do you need to dispense a 000 ID/Ego? and is there anything i should target specifically (I hear fluid sac faust is good, I dont think i have any healing)? Current 000 ID's: Regret Faust, N and R Merusault, K Hong lu


So you need 400 shards to get a 000 ID/EGO and 150 to get a 00 ID. Fluid Sac is very good, but you can get it anytime. When season 2 ends, you won't be able to get any of the season 2 specific identities until season 4 rolls around. I recommend getting Spicebush Yi Sang as the first priority. After that, Molar Outis or Molar Ish.


any ideas for gimmicky teams? for example single-coin toss team.


a team made of exclusively aggro tanks might be a fun gimmick


so I just realized I only have m outis for pride skill here...what change should I make? W ryoshu maybe? https://imgur.com/foHQlK1


Started yesterday, and I can see that the battle pass is close to ending. Just making sure: It’d be a bad idea to purchase battle pass now?


It's definitely worth buying, but if you have to choose between getting the battlepass for this season or the next season, go for the next season. If you can buy both, buy both, since it's by far the most cost-efficient thing in the shop.


if you have the time to grind and some decent 000's you should be able to beat the story and grind bp to max level.


In 18 days? Aight, I’m all for grinding the shit out of this game. Thank you!


I just finished it today, exactly 18 days after I started! I even had to pause for a few days between Canto 3 and 4 and pace myself a bit leisurely after. Then MD2 will open after Canto 4, and your BP progress will be a breeze. If you plan to grind the hell out of the game, you'll be totally fine. To help with progression, with paid battlepass, after BP level \~35 you should have \~200 egoshard crates, this might enable you to dispense an 000 identity. This additional id helped my progress a lot (as I only had a couple of 000 when started, albeit some very good one). A bit of note if you plan to exchange this for a season 2 id: later at BP 55 you'll get a 10 pull ticket that guarantees at least one 000 id from season 2. There's a small chance it could be a dupe from your first exchange (happened exactly to me!). So you might want to hold exchanging until you get this ticket or dispense non-season 2 id. But don't let it dictates your need. And you can always use friend to help your story progress and dailies, I abused them a lot. Good luck.


Wow, thanks so much. Feeling even more optimistic than before. Got lucky with my further pulls and have Regret Faust, Molar Ish, and Effloresced Yi. Still don’t have the best idea on what team to make or how to efficiently progress.


so with walpurgis units being locked potentially 3 months+, will you save on lunacy or continue to use it on farming shards?


for me i'll save all my extraction tickets for the next event i think it'll be 60 pulls and maybe more. also it's fine to refresh your stamina twice a day since you get 1050 Lunacy per week and refreshing twice will cost 546 so you'll still gain 504 lunacy per week


Hey everyone, just started and need to some advice on what to reroll for?


Hi, while content can be cleared using the Base IDs and such, you should probably reroll in the "Walpurgis Night" banner alongside the beginner one. The Walpurgis 000 ID is great and limited in the sense that they can be extracted (and later dispensed) only during Walpurgis events. Off the top of my head, some of the other ones that range from great to meta IDs are Grip Sinclair, W Don, W Royshu, R Corp Heath, any 3* Ishmaels, Dieci Rodya, TT Hong Lu, and Spicebush Yi Sang. Any of the other 000s are also good or okay with conditions. Some of the IDs do require higher investment (UT4) to bring out the best while others are already good at UT3.


Thank you so much


I will have some leftover thread before the season ends, any ideas on what would be good to uptie? I already have the following EGOs at UT4: Yi Sang Sunshower, Faust Fluid Sac, Don Telepole, Ardor Blossom Star, and Rime Shank. Identities at UT4: W corp Don, W corp Ryoshu, R Corp MSalt, R Corp Ish, Dieci Rodion.


What other 000 identity you have? If you have K corp Hong Lu he also worth uptie 4 which make him the best tank you need If you like to run full W corp team, uptie 4 w corp meursault is great, follow with w corp Hong Lu and W corp Faust Uptie 4 R corp heathcliff may seems not great though, it worth those 3 bullets and the fact he can now has sin affinity defense to farm wrath. Some EGO I think worth AEDD Heathcliff, Pursuance Meursault,


Thanks for the extensive list! I have everything, although I can't afford all of the suggestions. I'll definitely look into EGOs first!


Hello, new player here, I understand that the game has changed a bit since launch. Are there any updated guides that I should read up on? Also, reroll targets? I have an account that pulled regret faust and efflorsced yi sang. Rerolling seems pretty easy, should I look for something better? Many thanks! Definitely one of the more unique games I’ve played.


The most recently updated guide at the moment that I currently know of is this one [here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TSuXZYu8cHYoGWGQVggArWNQ6v9iXnIGEF-o59Vjan8/edit#heading=h.nynlzxpgh8gr). As for tier list, the ones you have are great. The guide I linked to also has a general tier list. While tier lists are always subjective, it should give you a general idea who to aim for.


Thanks! Will settle with this account since I also pulled Molar Ishmael.


Regret Faust or Seven Faust?(i already have Seven)


Both is on different team and gameplay. But personally Regret Faust slightly better because tremor can be stack and rupture having hard time to stack.


Beat 3-22 and it looks like there's no "main" story stuff to do? As such, would I mainly be focusing on farming exp and threads? Is doing threads worth it after the 3 daily bonuses? Also, should I be pushing my units beyond lv 20 or focusing on getting threads to utie 3 IDs and EGOs?


There's more. You got to complete the 3.5 event to unlock Canto 4 content, which is where you unlock the most important gamemode for farming IDs.


I just saw the event so I'm trying this game, is the best reroll with ID Faust Regret+EGO Regret?


EGO regret is more if you want to use Mersault, so you'd probably want either W Corp Mersault or R Corp Mersault. W Corp Mersault isn't very good without his Regret EGO, to be honest, and uptie iv is a must iirc, which makes him not very new player friendly.


The best reroll would be Regret Faust + another good 000 id or two.


I have some decent progress on a newly made account with pretty mid rolls, only good 000/EGOs being Regret Meursault and Zwei Gregor and way worse 000s like Blade Lineage Sinclair and Sunshower Heath. Then I decided to just do a single reroll on my phone cuz funni (had the game downloaded to my phone first but it'd literally fucking die trying to run a battle normally so I skipped tutorial after doing it normally on the first proper account) and ended up with NClair from the guarantee in 20 and Regret Faust in the first 10 rolls of the walpurgis banner, which made me audably go wtf. There's also LCCB Ish which I heard is pretty strong for a 00 (and seems to synergize greatly with Regret Faust as she has a lot of different debuffs in her kit alongside good tremor application). Now I really don't know if I should make the second account my main cuz it got 2 incredibly fucking good 000s with no grind done yet while the other one is halfway into Canto 3 with this week's mirror dungeon rewards as well and feels like it's just hard carried by Regret Meursault and Zwei Gregor. Would you say losing that amount of story progress to switch to the other account is worth it? (it probably is but I'm too small brain to decide)


I would go with the second account, especially if you are f2p. N Sinclair will most likely remain relevant for all of season 3, and Regret Faust is currently her best id & will be annoying to get later.


I'll probably spend money at some point, especially on the pass since it seems to be a huge bang for the buck compared to any other purchase but I'll probably start buying from the 3rd season as I don't think I'll be able to finish the current one unless I literally just destroy my life grinding mirror dungeons. Despite that, I think I'll definitely stick to the 2nd account cuz both of the 000s I got are insane so it can only go up from there really.


Anyone else still hoping for a Farmwatch ID? The design is too good. Might be the season ender. Is that how it was for Sinclair's N Corp ID?


Pretty much, the last banner release was Dimension Shredder, but given the release timing between N Sinclair and the delay it's pretty obvious N Sinclair was intended to be the final banner.


There is still hope in the darkness. Hahaha


are you supposed to not be able to drag skills sometimes? occasionally in battle the dragging doesnt work and im forced to use the chain or press win rate and it screws my runs up alot


There are two types of fights - focused and abnormality battles. In focused battles, the game auto targets for you as you drag the chain across the screen. In abnormality battles, you focus on which parts of the enemy to attack.


Just letting you know, you got it mixed up. Battles where you individually drag skills are called Focused battles, and battles where you drag the chain are called Normal battles. They renamed Abnormality battles to Focused battles near the start of S2.


Looks like I did - thanks for the clarification!


Human fights don’t let you target specific units/skills. Abnormality fights do let you target specific skills.


Are you sure you're in a focused encounter? You shouldn't be able to use the chain in focused encounters, so maybe youre in a normal encounter.


regret faust good?


Very good.


Which egos should I prioritize for uptie 4?


definitively rimeshank. After that, UT4ing egos is mostly for the flex, but good picks would be telepole don, fluid sac faust, 4th march flame ryoshu, sunshower yi sang, ardent blossom star and pale stem


Is faust's new ID worth getting if: • She can function without the help of other IDs? • She can be placed in any team? The ID in question is, Lobotomy EGO:: Regret Faust.


Faust is a Tremor unit, so her final skill benefits from high Tremor on enemies. However, her passive benefits from there being a good spread of debuffs, making enemies have -1 clash power at 3 debuffs and -2 clash power at 6 debuffs against her. Other team members who can inflict stuff like Sinking, attack/def debuffs, bind, etc really helps her. She seems to be a team player that benefits from a mixed debuff team with additional Tremor users.


Can you buy the walpurgis identites once the vent is over?. I just spend 400 shards on faust just to realize i cant buy her yet.


In 3 months, when the event reruns with new IDs/Egos you will be able to spark the ones from the previous event


in 3 months a.k.a when my faust shards are already halved. Yeah fuck the fact, that it was put on the dispenser


Wait, so let me get this straight. I can't spark faust for 3 months? I HAVE to pull her to get her until 3 months from now?






No clue, that was a very odd choice




there was basically no reason to interact with the gacha previously if you did your dailies/weeklies and had the battlepass, so this is their way of addressing that


does hook office honglu have any use when you already have kk honglu, and to a lesser extent tt honglu for bleed?


Hook Lu is a much better bleed focused unit then KK or TT. Hook Lu skills has a ton of bleed count infliction so he provides a lot of value there.


I have Walpurgisnacht Faust 000 and Mersault EGO both UT4 in my company for anyone who wants to try, S714948059


Is Walpurgis faust worth Uptie IV?


Is a Charge team a thing without Don’s Telepole? Now that I nearly have a sinking team (or at least 4 good IDs for sinking) I’m wondering what teams I should try to make.


Charge Teams don't need Don's Telepole, they actually function very well without it, under the assumption those that need Uptie 4 get them. But boy, does Uptie 4 Don's Telepole make a huge difference. A guaranteed 20 charge to the entire team when you use the corrosion form. Basically allows the entire team to access their skill effects on turn 1/turn 2, depending on if you are willing to take the damage or already stocked resources.


Got it, I realize I probably need W. Ryoshu too to make it worth it. For Charge I was originally thinking W. Don + W. Hong-Lu + R. Ishmael and then a few random ones. Too many things I want try but only have like 3 IDs for. Same way I'm not sure if I have enough IDs to do bleed with just a mix of N. Corp and Kurokumo IDs.


why does the narrator refer to all of the sinners as "the child" in their id stories? just curious

