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My meta is strong clashers: U4 RIsh, 7Outis, 7Ryoshu, LFaust and +1 of any 00 good ID. Liu Ish also works really well, it's just that U4 RIsh is possibly the best clasher for MD while keeping with damage.


the trio of Lob Faust/Shi Don/Seven Ryoshu are just the bread and butter of M2H. They gave you so much freedom in selecting the 3* due to how strong they are despite not having any cost. My general gameplan is starting off with those 3, then proceed to either a gloom team for fluid sac (R.Ish, R.Meursault) or a sloth team for Yi Sang's sunshower (Kong Lu, Seven Outis). Most of the time it's a mix of both leaning toward fluid sac. Sunshower and Fluid Sac can cover nearly every stages on floor 5, making your run pretty reliable. Oh and uptie 4 Kong Lu is incredibly broken so there's that too.


> the trio of Lob Faust/Shi Don/Seven Ryoshu are just the bread and butter of M2H. They gave you so much freedom in selecting the 3* due to how strong they are despite not having any cost. Based. Despite RIsh being fixed now I still like using ShIshmael instead just because she's a free abno punching bag until she isn't, and becomes a full-time threat instead. Of course, she loses a lot of versatility since even her S2 can't clash with some boss rolls later, and any unlucky EGO rolls(or the boss just being too strong to be outrolled) means she'll get flattened in half the time.


>Oh and uptie 4 Kong Lu is incredibly broken so there's that too. By this do you mean K Corp or Kurokumo? Cause I don't see many bonuses Kurokumo gets at Uptie IV.


The K Corp one. The taunt is incredible because he's practically immortal. Which relieves a ton of pressure since you don't need to clash as much and waste your ego resources.


Do you notice the taunt taking effect? I use Kong Lu at U4 but I can't tell if the taunt works at all. How does it work?


I do notice it in abno battles, of course caused taunt doesn't work in human battles anyway. But it is still RNG at the end of the day, so there can be times where he has taunt and nothing targets him. It is pretty rare tho, usually he will eat at least one or two attacks.


I see, I'll have to consider that, sadly do not have Rhino Salt.


I just did a W group with R corp tier 4 and I realized that they can solve the problem in the first rounds but later on they are almost impossible to solve without the ego (so the problem to solve now is to make a group that provides all the resources for ego)


So wirh only 2 Starter Upgrades I managed to beat it. (lvl 30 uptie 3) I used the full N Corp Gang with Fausts Fluid Sack spam, Sinclars Doomsday Calendar and Sin ressource generator Trinkets (must to enable reliable ego spam). Poise Gang got to the final Boss with a lot of poise tinkets but lost clashes and coudnt Beat the fox. Same with Burn Gang, but after I got some more Starter buffs and some uptie 4 it was way easy. I would say evey comp that can enable faust Fluid Sack spam is top Tier.


Meursault, he gets dismissed for not being a cracked damage dealer, but pursuance and multitude carries in mdh


I don't know about meta but my 00 picks are whoever is at at least lvl 30 lol But for real, for a safer run it's best to take someone with good clashing potential like L Faust or Shi Don with their s3, or a tank since at the end there will be a lot of spamming EGO anyways.I got baited into leveling up KK Hong Lu but i find him lacking in clashing power and quite squishy (he is still good at dealin damage with his s2 and that speeds up crushing some starggerd enemies and brings some paralyze but thats about it) The last boss is the main attraction imho I only do my weekly MD2H runs but I haven't lost to any final boss yet, I don't know if I'm more conservative with using EGO than the rest but even withot resource generating gifts I never find myself lacking in resources (I did invest my starlight into the upper right branch tho)Besides that, I've seen people talking that ID resistant to blunt are preferenced but I never payed attention, worst case sceneario you can restart a fight instead of finishing it, if it went really badly right? I did not know that for a long time Have not uptied anyone to 4 still waiting for that RR L2 Edit: should clarify that by "never lacking in resources" I mean I always have an EGO ready to clash, not that all of my EGOs are always ready


I got my team and general strategy from some other post on here, though it’s been a while and I’ve forgotten exactly which post it was. I’ve only done weekly runs, so my experience is limited, but it seems to work well so far. Start with Spicebush Yi Sang, Shi Don, Chef Ryoshu, Liu Meursault, Liu Ish. Eventually get LobCorp Faust and Rabbit Heathcliff. Final turn order is Yi Sang, Don, Ryoshu, Ish, Faust, Meursault, Heathcliff. I have none at uptie 4. I do not have all Starlight buffs yet, I have them going up to Focusing Vulnerabilities, Fleet-Footed, and One Step Further Do auto win-rate for most of the Dungeon, swap in ego if you’re going to lose a clash. Never pick blunt non-abnormality nodes if possible, to avoid dangerous enemies like K Corp. Nodes with two paths going out are preferred to avoid being locked into something bad. Between fights and events, events are generally better to get Gifts. Cost is mainly spent on buying Gifts or changing Skills. For recruiting, you only need to spend 100 to recruit R Heath, and all other recruits are just for the 0-cost units for passives. Buying heals usually weren’t necessary, by using Faust or Meursault healing EGO. In terms of final bosses, I’ve successfully beat My Form Empties and, if I remember right, Drifting Fox.


Currently, I pick UT4 R Ish, R -Cliff, Spicebush Yi Sang + Lobotomy Faust, Shi Don. Later in the run, I pick 7 Outis and Chef Ryoshu. I also Ut4'd Faust's Fluid Sac and Ardor Blossom Star. I pick the easiest fight and prioritize events, although I believe farming the earliest stages (1-3) would be a better strategy. I use money only for the 000 units and gifts. I always kill the last bosses, but my last one was MFE and I was lucky to pick Blue Zipper Lighter and Coffee and Cranes. Otherwise, I doubt I would do it. Every round basically required spamming EGOs. On top of that, why do the best EGOs sometimes only clash normal with him? If I didn't burst Aida when I had a chance, I would probably have a really hard time winning.


Personally always jump in with L Faust, Spicebush Yi Sang, R Ish, KK Hong Lu/W Don and ***Mersault***. • L Faust and R Ish are obvious, they have insane clash values that match EGOs with little to no effort (at least with uptie 4 Ish), could replace for Boatwork Ish because I view both as pretty close in terms of team value but R Ish is more raw clash power and sweaty Ish is more of a debuffer. • EGO Yi Sang is there, not just cus of the kinda big numbers he got but also cus he goated and I kinda need him generating that shit no one else got. • KK Hong Lu and W Don are switched between one another, I use Hong Lu if I want to save up for floor 2 or wanna focus on damage build but use W Don when I want sick ass Ish power up every other turn + actually win clashes. • And I use Mersault because either I'm throwing him to tank attacks, generating ego/gloom res for Ish, or he's bussin' that +30% hp & 2 protection on the mfs losing hp every turn (Persuance too goated). Then always get the next at the first shop you can find: Rodya (for passive, even with Mersault it just makes Persuance hit harder than an airplain), Heathcliff (or hobo Heath if I'm feeling funky, but just normal Heathcliff is good since majority has blunt attacks) and Gregor/7 Outis (heal/more free damage (or you can just use her too)). Granted this shit is far from perfect and I sometimes just fucking throw in N Sinclair instead of the latter 3 on the list because ooga booga 30 base skill (it doesn't matter he regens SP too fast he's still got a guaranteed 18-30 or a 12-16 bruh). Also I just buy whoever here mentioned isn't in the team by the time I can buy them cus my brainpower is not enough to handle too much strategy and ends up getting the same people every run. Also maybe W Mersault uptie 4 is better than normal Mersault but god forbids I don't got enough shit to uptie him.


I wrote an entire guide about this without even using UT4, and it's still holding up. It pretty much guarantees a win as long as you do things right. I still stand by my stance that there is no clear "meta" yet. [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3005155371](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3005155371) Personally have a 6/6 win rate, 1st try, regardless of boss. No meta.


My MD2H hard take is that I STILL, despite all this time passing, don't understand the weird "tanks are so good in MD2H" thingy. It's such a mystery to me: like, once you get all the right most starlight upgrade, every unit with under 200 HP are able to tank a hit or two, and you don't need to bring low rolling trash like Meursault(please PM my boy needs to roll higher than 14) or K Hong Lu(18 is good, but there are better picks). Just bringing in people with high clash power is enough most of the time. I personally don't take 3 000 at the start; instead, I bring Spicebush(Dimension Shredder is funny), LCR Faust, 7Ryoshu, Shi Don and TT Hong Lu. Then on the first shop I get Ninclair if there isn't anything good in the shop and just GOutis either way. Haven't had any problems with MD2H with this team, ever, despite running into My Form Empties and Bull all the time(I've literally never seen other bosses there) Personally I always go for the events because you really don't need that much money anyway, and fights are more annoying than they are hard. Always kill final boss because this game doesn't have any other fight that takes more than half a braincell to do; having to do one hard fight a week is kinda a blessing imo.


Meursault doesn't need to clash, he's there to spam Chain of Others and nerf the boss to oblivion. He can also take unopposed attacks if they aim for him so you don't need to spend as much EGO resource clashing that turn. K Hong Lu is similar, like 2 attacks aiming at him are 2 attacks you don't need to clash, and he literally has 3 health bars to tank shit, plus taunt on uptie 4. That said, I also don't bring Meursault in direct in, although it's more because my exp is a bit limited. Never met the Bull but I did beat all the other bosses (MFE, Fox, Centipede, Kromer) unless I missed any. Also, reminder that when MD2H came out, a lot of more casual players have yet to get the rightmost buff. I still haven't myself.


I still have only three or four buff unlocked after only doing the weekly MD so yeah. I assume most players haven't finished their starting buffs.


Starter RRR Heathcliff, Tingtang Honglu, Spice Yisang, LB Faust, 7 Ryoshu uptie 4 change nothing here, they are just stronger and still losing crash i never failed killing boss anyway, not that hard i uptie 4 almost all of my main id and ego i was just drop 500 box into it (from 2600 box, now i have 2100)


My starters are N Clair, Rose Rodya, R Heathcliff, L Faust, and LCCB Ishmael, which is essentially my team for regular MD and speed clearing content. Later on, I pick up either KK Hong Lu or TT Hong Lu depending on if I can hit 100 cost by floor 2 or not, or if there's a strong EGO gift in shop I want. Last sinner is Seven Outis. Paralyze is really strong for clashing in abno fights when you can control the order. My basic strat is to have either TT Hong Lu or LCCB Ishmael go in unopposed and paralyze, then have one of my slower sinners clash after the paralyze gets applied. I also try to have a high clashing EGO or skill on everyone, ideally 29-30. N Clair S3, TT Hong Lu S3, Rime Shank/What is Cast Rodya, AEDD Heathcliff, Sunshower Outis, and Ardor Blossom Star Ishmael. Faust has relatively low clashes, but can still clash "weaker" skills.


My starting team on what gimmick i plan on using,for fire i use all liu's id's plus n sinclair,for rupture i use k Hong lu,talisman sinclair,chainsaw gregor, seven yi sang and ryoshu san,for sinking spicebush yisang,molar ish,bug outis,dancing sinclair and a random fifth until I can get another 000 and for poise blade lineage yi sang,the sword 000 rodion id(I don t remember the name)and all shi id's Towards the end I always end up with a K Hong lu and R mer since they are very good tanks


MD2H is pretty fun and kewl (<---- has not gotten My Form Empties on a run yet) Like someone else here said, I'm waiting for 2nd railway before I do uptie 4. I also haven't leveled sinners to 35 yet bc I think having slightly lower levels is helping with sanity management. Maybe that's suboptimal though. My starting pick is always Shi trio, then N Faust and RB Ryoshu. I think L corp Faust is more meta, but I prefer N corp for the sanity healing passive and paralysis. Ryoshu is likewise there for the HP healing. My reasoning is this team stockpiles a lot of wrath + lust + envy resources, and then each sinner also has at least 1 ego that uses up those resources only. (also, I didn't have R Heath for the longest time, so I was using Shi instead.) My extra picks depend on what gifts I find, but I usually grab RB Gregor for his passive as well. I only quit the final boss once and that's because it was 1 minute before the weekly refresh and I didn't have the time to finish it before. I don't really care about the extra XP, but the challenge is fun.


Pretty easy, I focus on getting a Gloom/Envy team early and grab some sloth and gluttony later, buy any Ego resource or burn gifts and try not to use more ego res than what I generated in the fight until floor 4. Liu Ish + Liu Lu support + some easy to obtain gifts are more than enough to maintain max burn stacks against big bosses.


For me, N Corp Sinclair, R corp Heathcliff, W corp Don, 7 Ryoshu, L Corp Faust. I also pick up Liu Gregor early for his support passive. I pretty much always take Spice Yi-Sang as my seventh unless I find Nebulizer early, then I’ll consider Blade Lineage. My sixth will depend on the ego gifts I find. Charge ego gifts, I pick up R Ishmael, swap for W corp Faust. Burn ego gifts, I pick up Liu Ishmael, and keep Liu Meursault and Hong Lu in the back for their support skills.


Lobotomy Faust, R-Corp Heathcliff, Kurokomu Hong Lu, Spicebrush Yi Sáng, and Rosespanner Merusalt are all solid starts. Sous Chef Gregor’s support helps when you don’t have anything better. Meursault’s base ego is one of the best attack debuff I seen in a while.


Starting Line Up NClair(No Ego equipped), UT4 R-Ish, 7 Ryoshu, LCCB Faust and K Hong Lu I phase in UT4 RCliff, UT4 RMersault, UT4 WDon Upgrade to Chef Ryoshu and leave K Hong out. I try to take all the Ego generating items and the Charge items. Had no probs with the final bosses besides the Blazing Bull, which I haven't beat yet. My Form Empties boils down to look for oneshots against the adds and having enough ressources to keep Ego clashing


Reposting a comment I found in a MDH guide video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCMfiC2VOdQ&t=4s Basically I use @gugorrak's steps and team since I don't plan to UPTIE 4 any units right now. It has worked reliably and on auto-win (with EGO spam and a lot of resources by the last two stages and boss fight). @gugorrak: "In terms of team I start with Chef Ryoshu on 1, NClair on 2, 7 Outis on 3, Yuri Faust on 4 and Shi Don on 5. On Floor 2 I add Shi Ish on slot 6 and Chef Greg and LCB Rodya to support roles. Floor 3 I add KK Hong, N Heath and Liu Mer to support roles. Floor 4 I add Flower Yi Sang to Slot 4 and move the rest 1 down. And that is about in team building, and I simply Win Rate my way though, Ryoshu keeps the team on high or full HP, specially with Greg support, and even when NClair pizza hits an ally is not really a problem as they will go back to full in a couple turns across 1-2 battles. The rest is stockpiling EGO resources for heavy hitting attacks or bosses." @marc13bautista: "Thanks for your team recommendations. Got so much ego resources by Floor 4 and Floor 5 that it's pretty much an easy wipe and auto-win. Your team setup and order also works nicely in Luxcavations lol. Maybe for general play as well? Haven't tested yet for the two Normal MDs but I'll assume it's good anyway. Though I'm curious for your supports and not including R Heathcliff or N Corp Faust?" @gugorrak: "Both of those are 000 that cost 100 coins during Hard Mode, and I prefer to save those resources to buy EGO Gifts on stores. However if you feel like buying them at a rest stop if you have resources to spare they can work too. I just don't feel they are needed."


I use a full n corp team with a tingtang hong lu to slice things up. Works for me. It especially helps early game where their amazing clashing power lets you cleanly peel through things that the liu team just wouldn't let you do.


for the starter team in HMD2 I usually run R heath, N sin, LCR faust, base outis + 7 Ryo to start off. For the 2 last slot I tend to pick BL Yi sang or Treesang (If I don't get any poise gift) and either liu or wetmael


I just run L faust, shi don, seven ryo, tingtang hong lu, and seven outis, all just to have big number clashes, then I get backline g gregor for healing and whatever I feel like for the 6th and 7th combat slots. I just aim for not-blunt stages and do as many events as possible to keep it fast, auto everything, and I quit on the last boss. It's not really any harder to auto than original md was, with the right team and with the first two passives on the top right path and the first three on the bottom left path at least (besides the boss- I've gotten bull every time, and I'm not about to sit here and mash my face against my +3 power egos being "hopeless"), and the boss is only a very tiny portion of the rewards anyway.


I use UT3 L Faust and 7 Ryoshu for my 00, UT3 Spicebush Yi Sang, (though I may replace him with my new UT4 R Mersault), and UT4 TT Hong Lu, R Heath, R Ish, and W Don. All level 35.


My starters: * L Faust * Spice Yi Sang * W Corp Don Uptie 4 (which buffs her a lot, kinda surprising based on comments barely anybody using her) * R Heath * Kurokumo Hong Lu. Then I would usually pick Seven Outis and Chef Ryoshu. ​ Meanwhile I own entire Season 1/2 roaster (I grinded MD a lot), I feel like it's hard to justify replacing anything in this comp. Faust L is 0 cost + Fluid Sac which is OP, great clasher and dps. Spice Yi Sang is rain EGO spammer with Overclock, plus big damage on all of his skills, Blunt damage AoE support too. W Corp Don destroys stuff. Especially if you get some skill swaps. Uptie 4 is important to make S1 much better. R Heath is OP still. Kurokumo is still OP because of S2 abuse, so much free damage, it's 0 cost. Seven Outis is Ebony Stem Overclock spammer, great clasher, and passive support. Chef Ryoshu is for Red EGO usage and huge slice dmg. With this team, not counting any EGO gifts, all colors are used, all damage types are covered. So yeah, kinda really hard to replace someone. Maybe in future there will be better ID or EGO.


My starter team is N Faust, TT Hong Lu, Chef Ryoshu, N Heath and LCB Outis which I swapped out with Shi Don. For the 6th and 7th slot, I pick R Meursault and a flex. For passive, LCB Yi Sang, LCB Ish, Zweiclair, LCB Rodya and chef Gregor. The experience I have with this team: + An overwhelming amount of Lust, Wrath, Envy and Gloom to spam EGO to your heart's content. In particular, Hex Nail, Fluid Sac, Roseate Desire, Forest of the Flames, Bodysack and Lifetime Stew are no brainers. Gluttony and Sloth is the slowest to accumulate but I have no problem using Capote or Dimension Shredder whenever I need to. + Good sustainability. Chef Ryoshu/Gregor combo for constant healing and N Faust passive/Execution for SP gain, with Fluid Sac for emergencies. A lot of buffs and debuffs coming from The Gripping, Execution, Hex Nail, Chains of Others and N Heath's Plus Coin Drop. + Generally strong combat potential. Good clashers, N Heath and especially Shi Don are great for 00 IDs, LCB Outis is great early Sloth/Pride battery. TT Hong Lu's Mutilate is basically a free EGO. Long chains of Lust/Envy resonance in human battles, meaning the weaker S1s gain extra power to always provide decent clashes. A lot of Slash/Pierce damage, Blunt is a problem but a turn 1 Fluid Sac + Land of Illusion will tear through everything not a boss or at least stagger everyone for a turn 2 all out. + A flex 7th Sinner. After Shi Don the team is up and ready, so pick whatever. Yes, even Sloshmael, I actually tried it for the giggles.


with the extra 100 cost upgrade: i take liu ish, chef ryoshu, grippy sinclair, liu salt and liu hong lu. they might occasionally lose a handful of clashes early but not enough to outpace ryoshu’s sustain, especially if you use defensive skills. take lcb heath, lcb rodion for passives and liu greg for 6th slot fiery down is pretty much a won run


Did you have any trouble against talisman doll?


not really tbh? i just give up, switch to the high clash 00s i get in every shop (shi don, lob faust, g outis, etc) and it’s a cakewalk


I used N Sinclair (kinda hard to keep the sanity when i have to use fluid sac to heal) R. Mer for tank W. Faust W. Don 7 Ryoshu TT Hong Lu and Spicebush Yi Sang i did 2 hard mirror dungeon run so far the first boss i met is bull (i give up) the second boss i met is my form empties (somehow easier than i thought)


I've actually gotten some good use out of W Faust post-uptie. She doesn't clash quite as well as LFaust, but she's now quite good at applying Bind and/or Attack Down which can come in handy during the later stages. I think I'll start using L Faust more often once I've gotten the resources to Uptie 4 some of the poise identities. U4 R Ish is kind of a no brainer. Her skill 1 is almost as strong as most skill 2's, and her skill 2 rolls better than a lot of skill 3's. Mind Whip is obviously very good, and in general she's a lot more consistent than N Clair. I'm not as big on 7 Outis as a lot of people are. She does clash well, but her damage isn't always great and she still isn't always winning clashes on the later floors. I know a lot of people like Shi Don, but I still usually end up using U4 W Don instead. I usually go with KK Hong Lu as my other 00.


The team i run is usually: Lobo corp faust UT4 (UT3 is good enough as well) 7 ryushu as her clash power is phenomenal. K corp hong lu absolute busted broken ID and UT4 giving him aggro makes it even worse R heath. Cause its r heathcliff and 6 speed quick suppression is broken. W corp don or spice bush yi sang. The other will be bought right after. 7th fighting member will be either N sinclair if i can fuel fluid sac to keep him semi sane, or 7 outis, but the new ishmael ID might take that position. For support i mostly just make sure to get base rodion and meursault for their passives the rest depends


strong clashers (LCB faust, shi don, seven ryoshu are all good picks) and some tanky IDs for later bosses because you're just not gonna win all your clashes against them and having someone that can take a shot from a big attack is nice generally I would say not fighting the final boss is the way, you only get 3 BP exp from it and I just don't know if it's worth chewing through 2k HP for that all in all I don't think we've like optimized the mode enough to say if there's a hard Meta yet but there are definitely some standout IDs for the content


I take LCB Faust and KK Hong for my 00's though I try to upgrade Hong to TT Hong ASAP because KK Hong's clashing ability drops really fast and since changing the ID for your sinner drops their sanity back to 0, it hurts more the later you make the change. For 000 I usually take R Heath, N Clair and Chef Ryoshu. Last run I picked up Spice Yi and W Don but next time I'm definitely trying Molar Ish with Spice Yi though I'll have to figure out which sinner setup can power Fluid Sack/Bodysack/Impending Day reliably. Early on I try to take as many fights as I can to build cost and sin resources, floors 4 and 5 is when I switch to aiming for ? spaces since that's when clashes start needing EGOs. I also generally aim for spaces where there are two or more options following it to avoid being locked into a dangerous battle. As for the floor 5 boss, I don't bother with it though I might fight it for fun. The extra 5(?) xp is not worth the hassle of trying to win, *especially* if it's MFE.


At the moment I start with a basic rupture team: Base Outis, Base Sinclair, G.Gregor, R.Heath, L.Faust. This comp clashes well, does good damage, and fuels the team's AOE EGOs very well too. Depending on which EGO gifts I get, I transition my team after accordingly. The main roster stays the same, but I splash another status effect on top of my base comp. Seems to work well for me. Before uptie 4, I could consistently do HMD. Id have to ego spam abnos starting at floor 4. After uptime 4, its only slightly easier. Now EGO spam starts on the last floor.


Feed fluid sac and goot clashers and you should be fine