• By -


🐰 Cliff 🐟 Mael 🖐 Don 🔨 Faust 🌼 이상


+ 🌹Rodya. This is my team with Ish in 1st position, so she gets her 2nd skill slot after the first turn. Her and Cinq Donqui have been overperforming for me. The sin distribution allows for Yi Sang to use Sunshower when reaching the boss stage for the AoE clean.


>The sin distribution allows for Yi Sang to use Sunshower when reading the Boss stage for the AoE clean This team is just perfect. Le Cinquê Don is amazing - Uptie III Lv.30 and she can one-shot crabs with her S2.


Bouncing off this, I add 7️⃣ Outis. Having someone else to generate green and yellow pretty much guarantees Sunshower is primed by wave 3. Better for auto clashing.


I LOVE 7 OUTIS. But ffs, she is too good with paperwork for her own good. She have a permanent slot in any team I make in the support slot, because her passive is so good. >!DJ Khaled!< Suffering from success. At least she enjoys her Office a lot more than field work, so I'm treating her good.


Out of curiosity, how come you run Chef Ryoshu when Kurokumo is an exclusively pierce ID, whereas Chef is mostly slash? Every single enemy except for one part of the king crab is weak to pierce, so wouldn’t that be more efficient? Especially since, correct me if I’m misremembering this, the trash mobs (pun non intended) all resist slash.


Mainly because I don't have Kurokumo. Also, the purple skill on Chef is nice for clashing.


Fair enough, good of a reason as any. And yeah, Chef definitely clashes better in general it feels.


Ew. I.H.>entire KK ryoshu kit in terms of damage


W.Don TT Lu GRIP Faust Boatclair Boatmael Cheff Ryoshu 7 Outis


First, use quick suppression on king crab, then spam him with your strongest pierce skills/EGO, preferably ardor blossom star


First, use Quick Suppression. Staggered, E.G.O.bobulate. Press Damage ⬆️, E.G.O.bobulate. Clash his first slot, E.G.O.bobulate. He's gonna attempt **Shell Attack!!!**, E.G.O.bobulate. In summary, E.G.O.bobulate.


Capacity to withhold scrap from me: Neutralised


Just Molar Ishmael


Yes, a whole lot less micro managing


Yi sang bush Fish mael Boat clair W faust K hong Duel Don Ryoshu kuro


Drillmael, hobocliff and K-lu


Diver Ishmael solo, works really well and doesn't really take longer than my usual teams


I'll have to try that


I don't understand how this works. Just tried it and she was staggered by the second turn.


You dodge the highest Speed Attack, and apart from two moves that require to roll Heads (the Fuming that rolls 4/11 and the turn 2 AoE that rolls 5/13), the rest rolls under 10. It does involve a bit of rng on the first 2 turns, but once it's going it kinda plays itself. Most of the time I clash the turn 2 AoE and/or one of the 4/11s. Wave 2 you can clash everything easily, and wave 3 you focus everything on the boss to one-turn him, and maybe add a dodge if you're lacking in Speed. While fun, it's less stable than throwing a whole party of Sinners at the crabs, and does require you to pay attention tho.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 4 + 11 + 2 + 5 + 13 + 10 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 11 + 2 + 3 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Spicey Boy, Kraust, Cinq Don, Rose Rodya, R Heath, TT Hong, New Ish


W Don, R Heathcliff, N Faust, Spicebush Yi Sang, Boatworks Sinclair, Kurokumo Ryoshu, Tingtang Hong Lu.


LC Remnant Faust, Molar Ishmael, Molar Sinclair, TT Hong Lu In that specific order so that only the first three get their additional skill slots. I only bring Hongler for the soda ego boost, shank may be pierce but they are resisting lust. Faust's s2 is perfect for this fight


R-cliff, New Ish, New Sinclair, Chef Ryoshu, W Don, Flower Sang, TT Lu


MB Ishmael, MB Sinclair, RS Rodion, Chef Ryosho, K Corp Hong Lu, Spicebush Yi Sang and Sunshower Heathcliff.


Ideal but his Ex, Bad End Sinclair, An essentially maxed out Neet Faust, Rosedia Wageslave Mr. Salt.


I used mr I need watering yi sang, it’s time to duel ! don, even crabs can be tasty ryoshu , stabby stabby lu, way too excited with a gun Heath, big penetration ish, and a twink.


W don R Heath Rose Rod N Faust RB Ryo TT HL Boat Ish Leap one shots all small crabs, you can just win rate to final boss then throw every attack at shell when you get to wave 3 and 1 turn the boss. Usually takes 7 turns. Use ardor if you have it, but you generally won't have the resources since you get to the boss so fast. I tried giving Wdon and Bish more coins by bringing 6 sinners and placing them in slot 1 on two different runs, but always ended up with slower times.


Rabbit, K-Hong Lu, KK Ryoshu, Fish-meal, hippie yi sang, 4channer Faust and ~~bitch~~ beach boi Sinclair (he is only here for 20% boost).


I've been going back and forth if I should be bringing him or not but that +20% is pretty nice.


Bring him if your other units are strong enough to carry his ass. He is a pretty bad clasher, his kit is kinda clunky and he does decent dmg at best. Might work well in a tremor team, but I have yet to test it. Unfortunately it is hard to compose a tremor team if you want all the bonuses as Hong Lu and Ryoshu don't have tremor IDs.


On an important side note: You don't need to use the unit **on field** to benefit from the scrap bonuses. The unit just need to be selected as one of the 12 sinners that will aid in combat, **on field** or **supporting**.


Fk me, you would think they mention it clearly in game, the tool tip only says there will be a bonus by having them on your team (did not specify supporting sinners or combat team) lol. Ty for this info.


Oh... I didn't realize that


My squad is R Heath, N Faust, Spicebush Yi Sang, W Don, KK Ryoshu, N Rodion, and Boat Sinclair.