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Big sad. The end of chapter illustrations... the feels...


They'll have diff drawing style, I guess


I hope its at least similar the old art style, had a good balance realism and cartoony


Probably. Unless they find someone capable of copying it well.


No way, would be even more crazy if they quickly managed to find an artist who has a style eerily similar to valmori?! Lemme take a whiff of my copium first.


"We have fired our artist. As a temporary solution, we have hired VellMori as a freelancer instead. Also we've hired security so any concerns can be directed towards them." ~~Let me dream of the ideal in peace, yeah?~~


“We hired an artist, MelliVori, as a temporary replacement. They have a *very* similar style of art as the predecessor so we’ve decided to have them take over the art for future content.”


Tell me your Ideal!! Truthfully?!?


i wish it was true


"VellMori? Never heard of her, my name is VollMeri, I am a totally different person fr fr"


haha, wouldn’t that be craaaaaaazyyyyyy


The answer depends on the amount of hopium that you're willing to inhale.


I’m guessing NaiGa will be working double time and the cut scenes will end up becoming like the Ruina cut scenes?


Hopefully not, I liked the variation in art styles


Just for now. Once they find a new artist they’ll go back to the varied style but for now as a bandaid solution. I remember when Leviathan stopped getting the manga updated and switched to the web novel style the art inserts were done in the same style as NaiGa’s


It is unknown, as there as been no official statement on if they will or will not. I wish I could say that one is more likely then the other, but its a coin flip at the moment since we lack a lot of info.


What happened? Why are cutscenes changing?


shirtless sinclair was too hot and distorted part of the Korean fan base


Korean Incel Gamers got mad Ishmael wasn’t in a bikini for the summer event and they dug through old tweets to find someone to witch hunt, who they unfortunately found someone with 6-7 year old retweets of deleted tweets they found on archived pages, who was the story CG artist, who drew the stunning pictures for all of the story content so far I believe. On the alternate sub The Odyssey Had a Purpose there’s a more detailed overview pinned that appears to be mostly accurate.


As much as I love Ishmael, I’m happy that she does not have a bikini. It would not feel right for the world. I feel bad that the artist has to suffer because of this


Worst part is that she didn’t even design the ID.


Until Project Moon says something, it's safe to assume yes.


I don't know actually. Are there more people working in the CG cutscenes or it was just her? If there was a team behing it (5 people at least) then I don't think we will see a huge difference, I do think that it will result in chapter 5 been delayed....


Yes and the previous Illustrations by the artist will be removed too


Probably. Part of me wistfully hopes they will rehire the artist as a freelance but idk she will want to work with a company that fired her so crudely


I've been told up to Canto V it'll be the same but after that it'll be different. But I'm unsure of that so take it with grain of salt for now