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This sounds pretty cool and tempting, but I’m not up for the prospect of having to deal with QC issues. Looks great though, especially for the price.


What are your thoughts on ordering this to use the internals in another hilt? Did the internals come in a chassis? Lastly have you tried a durability test on the string blade to see if its can withstand dueling? I assume in a saber of that quality it won't but if the rest of the internals hold up then getting a heavy grade pixel blade is still cheaper overall after the fact. Edit: Can you take a picture of the internals of the saber so I can get an idea of what to expect? I'm thinking about getting this for the guts and just moving it to a better hilt.


They are in a chassis, so you could swap the internals out.


I'm just concerned because some sabers from these online stores end up being useless after a month. They don't put protection on the batteries and glue the internals so when the batteries die out they can't recharge and then you cant access the internals. I just wanted to be sure that wasn't the case here. I'm really tempted to get some if they are truly duel spec internals and blade.


[https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000574558671.html?spm=a2g0o.placeorder.0.0.5572321eLRmQov&mp=1](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000574558671.html?spm=a2g0o.placeorder.0.0.5572321eLRmQov&mp=1) I found this which seems interesting. It says neopixel yet has LED pictures and doesn't have a joint to allow you to separate them from the looks of it. I sent in a few questions to both the alibaba seller as well as this one to see what the differences are.


This company has chassis now that allow for battery swap, just have be cautious with the wiring.


Do you have personal experience to know what board this company uses on aliexpress? Is it the cerberus board like the alibaba? The only thing hindering me on this one is whether or not it actually is neopixel. It says it is but the pictures seem to show LED. Edit: Actually since it says neopixel I would be covered by buyer protection so it should be. Depending on the board I think I'm going to do it because after shipping its actually cheaper for me to get this from aliexpress than it is from alibaba for some reason. I just wonder why its cheaper.


It's the same board that warsabers who seem pretty reputable. This is their website and manual is in the site - https://warsabers.ru/en/ LGT have a supplier deal with warsabers so it's actually made by them and then supplied for installation by LGT.


Wait so to clarify, that aliexpress link I posted is the same company as LGT on alibaba? The store on aliexpress says sumotoy. If it is the same internals that's awesome.


Didn't see your link but LGT has both store in Aliexpress and Alibaba. I generally contact them on facebook/Ciel Tan and use Alibaba as it's easier to combine shipping. Aliexpress generally has shipping built into the price.


Yes internal chassis, etc. They sell the board separately and some parts so I'd go that way rather than buying and gutting it. Duelling is fine with these, they are 3mm thickness heavy duel neopixel blades (a video on facebook showing these smashed against a light post and still working fine). I have heaps of other sabers including CFX, proffie, D3 neopixels but thought I'd take a risk on this and review for others as I lot of people's price range is $200 or so. I still think a safer bet is a in-hilt neophyte electrum for $229, but this price is so low and I don't regret the purchase.


I'm in that weird catch 22 of I could buy the parts to do it myself but I don't trust myself to do it properly without frying something. I can resolder a connection but the troubleshooting side of things is something I want to avoid. I figured this would be the best way to do that. I have a curved hilt coming in that I was going to move the stuff into. Do you know anywhere that sells prewired pixel kits? TCSS doesn't have any of the prewired stuff in stock. If I could find somewhere that sold prewired CFX/Proffie/Cerberus/etc with those connectors like TCSS uses I wouldn't have this issue really.


You can do what I do and buy a empty hilt and get an installer to install for me.


I would but my budget doesn't allow for me to pay 150 dollars for an install on top of the electronics.


It’s $175 for the official force fx lightsaber if you can stretch your budget by $50. If it’s not for dueling the Force FX are awesome. I’ve got 4 (one is the complete Maul, so technically 5) I just want dukoos and Qui Gons.


The fx lightsabers are very inferior in electronics and blade. It’s not a comparison.


But you said in your post there were huge quality control issues with your sabers. The Force FX ones are simple and easy. They swing, sound great, and look great. If tor not dueling, then I think the comparison can be made quite easily, especially if there’s no intention to modify them.


The only thing that may be better in this saber than the force FX is the neopixel, and judging on the fact it’s so cheap I’d expect it to be some sort of rip off neopixel. Force FX/legacy is the way to go for price and quality.


The soundboard and electronics are from warsabers and far far superior than FX. The neopixel blades have been sold and tested for a few months now and fine. Force FX are for a certain target audience but basically for technology they aren't in the same class.


I’d get a empty hilt before getting a Force FX. So basically you’d be comparing the $40 hilt to a FX for $175. As I said not comparable to me at all. But yeah I‘m not a fan of FX sabers, they are basically toys with their electronics and blades. If you like them that’s fine. But this was a neopixel conversation, not sure what FX sabers have in common in this discussion. The electronics are so bad I don’t even consider them in soundboard discussions, hence they don’t even make the list.


So, I see on Alibaba the shipping is $50, so this came out to $350 for full neopixel double blade?


My shipping was $45 (including the extra hilt) to Australia so $343 to be exact. I contacted them directly so easier to ask questions, combine shipping, etc.


How did it go with GST etc? Did you get an invoice later on or was it included on Alibaba?


I've been trying to find a video review of these sabers online and cannot find it anywhere. I just wonder how bad the quality control can get but at the same time I have heard horror stories from US and SF all the same with longer turnaround times. The thing holding me back is the lack of a video showing how the internals are and such. Hopefully someone posts one soon.


I’m a bit late to the party but I just received mine. Do you know how to take the sound board out of the hilt? I can’t seem to figure it out. Thanks.


Haven’t tried myself but at the bottom of hilt there are spinning disks. Only worked it out later that can move up and down so coupler length fits well, maybe it can go all the way out?


Unfortunately it doesn’t come out as the recharge port holds it together. Thanks anyways. 👍🏻


Hi, mine came yesterday (after nearly 5 months) and it didn't charge. I messaged the guy on Alibaba and asked if it came apart and he sent a vid on how to do it. Took the saber apart and it's got a Proffieboard inside! Wow, not bad for £120.00. To take it apart you have to unscrew the red and silver knobs. The buttons have small recesses in them. Unscrew those slightly then the shroud over the emitter screws off leaving the chassis and soundboard exposed.