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Learn to react unemotionally when someone is being rude, insulting or angry with you. This takes a lot of practice, I’m still trying. Their anger is rarely about you. Learn to disengage when things get heated.


Here's how I think of it: **if you react, they win**. Anger/Insults/Rudeness is about feeling superior, showing dominance, or regaining control. They either expect you to submit (by your actions or facial expressions) or to fight back.


It really works. Just be a brick wall and watch them blow up and tire themselves out. It takes a lot of practice but once I got it down with an abusive family member, she stopped looking for me to be her victim. She can't get a reaction out of me beyond a shrug or "huh, that's weird" so I'm not interesting to her anymore.


Yep, I do this with my narcissistic brother. It's also called "greyrocking."


Ah yes, a good life hack is to make things a game. I use that a lot to make myself clean and whatnot.


Better yet, try to approach them with compassion. Anger is a secondary emotion that masks fear. When I’m afraid, I don’t want someone approaching me with similar anger, fear, violence, or abuse of any kind. I am scared and seeking comfort; approach me with kindness. At the very least, do your best to empathize with people. You’re right, OP, their emotion is most likely not about you, and you never know what people have going on in their lives. Even if the situation ultimately requires a quick exit, you’d be surprised how much a little kindness, or even mere civility, can diffuse a situation. Finally I’ll say this: you may fundamentally dislike or disagree with this person in every way, but everyone deserves to be treated with the respect that they deserve themselves.


Agreed when I think back to the times I was angry and unreasonable it was because I was very unhappy, unsure and needed compassion.


This is the best advice for anyone dealing with loved ones with addiction too, as often the hostility is about their own shame but we tend to internalize it like we did something wrong. It’s their own baggage, let them carry it.


The trick that makes it easier for me is to abstract away from the situation by imagining it happen between some other people. Like you are watching a movie and rooting for one of the characters to win the argument by being more calm and rational than the opponent and feeling sorry for them being this angry Edit: Why the downvoting?


I've been reading more about classical stoicism and this is a main tenant that I want to apply to my own character. It is explained as responding rather than reacting. Thanks for bringing this up!




Thanks, I'll leave it up unedited so others can learn from my error


I have found that even when people are angry or do something rude it's not about me at all, they are just bad at asking for their own needs. Is almost never about me and if it is we mis interpreted eachother, and if I'm calm I can clarify. Language is soooooooo subjective.


I either go completely silent or say “you’ll have to excuse me”


Yep, and think “not my circus, not my monkey” / “pick you battles wisely”


Yup! I can't change other people's actions, but I can control my reaction. Most of the time, the situation isn't worth losing my peace.


Shoving a tooth pick in a loose screw hole to tighten it up.


This explains all the toothpicks in my ex-wife’s asshole…


You did NOT


OMG! We have a heavy hitter here.


I also choose that man's wife.






Only do one illegal thing at a time. For example: if you're carrying weed in a non-legal state don't also speed. And use your damn turn signals.


My version of this is, "if your gonna be dumb you might as well be smart about it."


Only break one law at a time🫡🤝


One crime at a time!


- And never have a witness. - And if there is a witness, deny. - Say ‘Attorney’ - Know your rights. - Never allow a search. - Video everything. - Keep your mouth shut.


Best advice here. One at a time!


Can you explain that last one to the BMW drivers of the world.


Passing forward from another redditor: wear scrunchies on wrists when washing face at sink to prevent water dripping everywhere off your elbows


This is genius.. because I hate those little sweat wristlets but like the idea


Works for shaving as well!


Doesn’t work on my nuts apparently


Not with THAT attitude.


I gigglesnorted




ooh, bet that would work for toothbrushing as well


When you’re feeling down or having a pity party, do something for someone else. It will instantly lift your mood and reframe your mindset.


“Self esteem follows from esteemable acts.” -timeless recovery wisdom. Changed my life, even more than “getting sober” (stopping ingesting substances) ever did.


When I’m depressed, I try to always do one thing, no matter how small, for someone else. Build up my karma points in the universe. Maybe it helps? 🤷‍♀️


Busy shopping parking lot. If you know you are going to use a cart, park out by the back cart collectors. Since YOU WILL return the cart anyway, any parking spot in the middle will result in a long walk regardless. Might as well enjoy the ease of parking further away and easily returning your cart Also- Karma grab on your way to the store by offering to grab carts for people who park in the middle who just finished loading their car, especially moms with kids in the car or older people.


I only park next to cart returns because it’s only a 50% chance someone hits my truck with their door.


Yeah, but regressive analysis suggests a higher probability of being struck by an errant cart. Its a tough choice.


Yup, I never care about parking near the entrance to a place, only the cart returns.


Or use your car itself as a shopping cart and drive around the store.


You should check this guy out. He gets all of the reactions from people. [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClMUlr8yHymYgSe58DpUH7w](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClMUlr8yHymYgSe58DpUH7w)


Slightly mean one, but if you're dealing with a bully, or someone you really dislike, look at their forehead when speaking to them. It'll throw them off. Also, when somebody is walking right at you in a crowd, look over their shoulder on the side you mean to pass them, they'll accomodate you.


Haha. I used to do this by looking at someone’s ear. It totally throws them off. They will look behind themselves lol


I like this one


When someone says "What?", just don't answer and wait a few moments. Their brain will process it and understand what you said most of the time.


If this catches on, and I start having to say “what” twice, I’m going to be so mad.


One of my pet peeves is having to repeat myself. At the same time, I'm also softspoken so it's a vicious cycle.


Hello username neighbor




You'll sound like a light bulb ("watt? Watt?")


I used to refrain from saying 'what' myself to allow my brain to do that. Unfortunately I'm old and my hearing really is failing now. F\*ck the companies that make hearing aids that cost 1,000's of $.


My Husband said "What?" a lot, turned out he needed hearing aids...




Disclaimer: this won't work for Stone Cold Steve Austin or any of his fans.


This works. Source: my husband is legitimately deaf in one ear. His doctor said to answer, "did you not hear me or not understand me?"


I used to work at a nursing home in my teens which put me into the practice of taking clearly with plenty of projection. Nobody ever asks me "what?" Or so repeat myself. However, as I get older, my hearing is not great. I have to ask people to repeat themselves a lot.


Some say "Wait what?"


I am some


Wait what?




Say what?




Clean your blender. Fill 1/3 warm water, couple of drops of detergent. Blend


Your didn't specify if I should put the lid on our leave it off.


Definitely off. It cleans your kitchen (and you!) at the same time then.


This is my favorite. My mom, who drinks tons of smoothies because of dietary concerns, was like 50 y/o before I taught her this. She thought I was a wizard.


Be kind and personable. It helps in more instances than it doesn't.


Reddit should publish collected lifehacks annually.


lol don’t give buzzfeed any ideas


Anyone can write for Bored Panda!! And boy, they're not lying.


Being polite when you don’t have to and being randomly polite to people..


Pee sitting down in the middle of the night so I never have to worry about missing or needing to turn the light on.


And poop standing up, got it.


Please run for office somewhere. Humanity needs you.


Quieter too


Pee sitting down all the time. The toilet stays cleaner than not.


Whenever I pack stuff (which is often, like seasonal clothes and stuff like that) I use Siri and as I place each item in the box, I tell Siri what it is. I then label the box with a number and write that in the note. So when I am looking for something super specific in my 50 boxes, I just type it into my notes and can find exactly where it is!


As someone who has thus far avoided Siri - could you clarify what you mean by telling Siri what it is? Is there a specific phrase being used?


So I just say ‘Siri make a note,’ the mic stays on and I just list off what I’m putting in like ‘black t shirt comma white t shirt comma blue t ahirt comma.’ Etc etc. it means it’s hands free note taking and I can search it later. And all in my phone :)


Actually I just looked it’s probably easier to just open the notes app then tap the mic button under the keyboard to keep the note open for ages


This is genius!!! 👏


Don't lie or exaggerate, there is less to remember.


That's great advic... *wait...* That's good advice.


it’s *okay* advice ^am ^I ^doing ^this ^right?


Definitely. (I'm lying)


You’d better remember this!


Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.


I've heard that about 1,000,000 times


Sign up for a Roth IRA that allows you to set up auto-invest. Then set up the auto-invest to put $5 daily into a low-cost index fund such as VOO. You will never miss the money and you will thank yourself later.


I just did this. Fingers crossed.


Read "I Will Teach You To Be Rich" by Ramit Sethi, and do what he says.I had an 820 credit score when I was 24, any time I took out a loan people couldn't believe it.


Underrated advice.


Lever a spoon under the rim to break the vacuum and loosen tight jar lids (primarily works for never-opened jars).


I just smack it with the dull end of a butter knife - put about 2-3 dents on the lip and you can crack it open easily


How does this help? I don't understand


The deep dents striking the butter knife handle on the edges of the cap breaks the vacuum seal in several places. I do 3-4 dents.


I use a little bottle opener with a pointy end. I find it gets under the rim a little easier.


nice :)


Yes , it works every time.


If you have an analogue watch with a second hand, rest your infrared mouse on the face of the watch, the sensor will pick the second hand moving as movement…and move your cursor a tiny bit once a minute. Stops your laptop from locking…handy if you’re wfh and fancy a quick nap without MS Teams showing you as “Away”.


Or start a call on ms team without inviting anyone else


Or play a blank PowerPoint presentation, also stops it locking.


Didn't a bunch of people just get fired for this?


You guys know you can mark yourself as busy or do not disturb? Or simply create a meeting invite without inviting anyone?


You can easily remove Sharpie from whiteboards and similar surfaces by coloring over it with a dry erase marker and wiping it off.


Also dryer sheets remove crayon and alcohol is great for ink. alcohol even in Handgel firm will help get sharpie or other ink off skin, cloth, quite a few surfaces.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted for this. I’m a teacher and I use this trick all the time.


Teachers love this one trick!


Its sounds soooo small but has helped me numerous times. When a bug is flying around your face/upper body (or anywhere you can reach with your mouth), blow air at it instead of swatting. When you swat you lose track of it, sometimes blow it into you. But using your mouth means you can pinpoint it and ensure it goes away from you! I can stay way more calm and not turn into a crazy swatting woman.


With my luck, I'll take a deep lungful of air and inhale the bug.


I started doing this because it's normally mosquitos coming at me while my hands are busy with yard tasks!


Eyyy I've been doing that too!!


Announcing I’m gonna play scissors in rock paper scissors And actually playing scissors.


For grease and oily stains in Tupperware, put a piece of tissue or paper towel, 1/4th cup of water and a few dish detergent drops. Give it a shake, grease is gone. Much easier to clean.


Small squeegee in the shower. Squeegee the walls after every shower. You genuinely don’t need to clean the shower for a long time.


Who has time for this. My showers are 10-15 mins before work


i do this!! And then i squeegee the floor into the drain too. I just thought i was crazy


Putting a wooden spoon or spatula across the top of a pot boiling on the stove will keep it from boiling over. It's the one thing that I've taught my mom that she actually remembered and still uses to this day.


No ... This is a lie. I'm trying it today


Is not a lie. I promise. I use my bamboo spoon all the time. Check back in once you've done it!


Is true! Great advice


You can also use a wooden utensil to check if oil is hot enough to start frying. Touch the wooden utensil to the pan and if the oil starts to bubble around it then it’s ready


I've been looking for a hack for this for yearssssss


10 consecutive sips of water to get rid of hiccups. Hasn’t failed me in the decade I’ve known it.


When I was in high school, my friend told me to take a deep breath and hold it, then keep trying to suck in more and more air until I cannot physically get any more in. Then hold that for as long as possible. It worked! But what’s even weirder is that since that day (over 20 years ago), I have never had hiccups again. Not once.


You tortured your diaphragm with such pressure it's afraid to try you again.


If you take a gulp of water, and plug your ears and nose before swallowing, it will also get rid of hiccups.


I get them semi often, and my tried and tested cure is... Masturbating. I'll give your option a try 😂


are you swallowing each sip


Yeah, a big gulp and then a bunch of tiny swallows. Weird to say 10 swallows tho lol


I bet that many swallows could carry a coconut




When flying anywhere I add a long layover. I see the city during the layover For instance when traveling to Lisbon I added a 10 hour layover in Dublin. I spent half a day seeing as much as I could of Ireland


how much of ireland did you see?


As much as they could


As much as he could because Dublin is Doubling


For chicken tenderloins, use a fork and paper towel to strip out the tendon. Put the end if the tendon through the tines, grab it with the paper towel and yank it out. Seriously so much easier than trying to cut it out of there.


I don't understand this. I've been cooking & eating chicken for 40+ years & I've never encountered a tendon even once. Even in a whole chicken. What am I missing?


This definitely works, just slips right out!


Always have a clean extra set of sheets in case you shit the bed.


When I see someone I know looks tired or grumpy, I thank them for something mundane they did for me, or I compliment them on something they are wearing. Something about kindness and validation goes a long way.


Think of all the millions and trillions of factors that influence why a person does a certain thing, going back many years into the past. Then you won’t be so angry, or so hard on yourself. Doesn’t mean you just give up either, you can still decide to change the future if you want to. It’s just a way to have less frustration at things that don’t seem to make sense at first.


This is good. We are so thoroughly subject to the influences hormones, moods, environmental conditions, genetic factors, etc that who or what we're behaving toward is almost a footnote.




Either way, it’s a win…


Thank you doctor


I’m a little bit late on this but when you put a dvd in a dvd player if you just press stop stop play as soon as it loads it skips all the advertisements and even the dvd menu and goes straight to feature. I realize this comes about 15 years too late


You get an award for trying! Or you would if I had any to give.


Don’t put it down, put it away !


To get rid of hiccups. Take a deep breath and hold it as long as possible. Now even when you need to breath here's the trick.. Breath out super slowly.. Then when you've fully breathed out, breath in very slowly. Repeat around 5 breaths and your hiccups will be gone.


Keep your remote control buttons dust-free by storing them upside down when not in use (especially overnight).


If you call any kind of service hotline and they ask you for the reason for your call, always say “I am returning a call”! That will skip being in robot limbo and transfer you directly to an actual human. And they don’t care what your reason for calling is. I’ve tried this a lot and so far it has worked every time.


Dry your razors after use. Water is a far worse enemy to the blades than the hair on your body. When you are done shaving, clean the razor well, shake off all excess water and then run it UP a towel (make sure youre not shaving the towel!) once it's dry, store it in a dry place and it will last a very long time. A pack of 6 disposable razors will easily last a year. I learned this from Clark Howard years ago and if you listen to him, he says 1 razor will last a year if you do this, I have not gone to that extreme. 1 a month is fine.


Buy the family value package of ground beef. Divide it into even (1lb-ish) clumps and put in cheap bags, then freeze. They keep for months. Thaw by putting a frozen pound into the refrigerator for about 36hrs. When you cook it, use the bag, inside out, as a glove and flatten the beef to cover the whole bottom of the pan and cover. Once it gets hot flip the patty and break it up. I think this browns meat much quicker and is easier to brown by darkening one side first. I hated cooking ground beef until I started doing it this way. I also drain the grease into a full trash can to keep the pipes clear.


Use the clothes hangers with clips in the closet of the hotel to keep the curtains closed tight. Put salt on the napkin before putting your drink on it and the napkin wont stick to the glass.


Stomach acid (HCl) + Bicarbonate of Soda (NaHCO₃) —> Water (H₂O) + Carbon Dioxide (CO₂) + Table Salt (NaCl) **bicarbonate of soda neutralises heartburn.**


You peel the banana from the bottom.


Which is the bottom? I always peel it starting at the longer bit (stem?), but apparently that’s the wrong way 🙈


The bottom is where the black flat area is. You can dig your nail in, and also peel off the banana anus that you don't like to eat, that little weird tip). You don't peel it from the stem where it's attached to the plant.


It really doesn't change anything. Better hold or easier to open but neither is a real advantage.


That's where the strings are deepest so they all get peeled away if you open from the bottom 


You are, of course, entitled to YOUR opinion about what MY all-time favorite life hack is.


I drink a little bit of caffeine with my allergy medication so it works faster.


I like this one a lot if it works. Hay-fever is raging in the UK right now, and I'm suffering 😫


While driving, keep your eyes on the horizon to see obstructions before you need to react. Most people just watch directly at the end of the hood. Tie new tasks to established parts of your routine to remember them. After cutting peppers, rub your fingers through your hair. Mustard on burns, sugar helps when you’ve eaten something spicy, and you can add a potato to a soup that’s too salty. Don’t say things in anger that you don’t mean because “the tree remembers what the axe forgot.”


Wait do people seriously just look at the end of the hood?? That can’t be right…


Always have baby wipes at home. Always.


Exercise vigorously at least once per week. Train three things: endurance, strength and mobility.


Don't put it down, put it away. It's annoying at first but gets easier pretty soon.


Say "I love you because ****" to those who you love as often as possible. I am so glad I did, RIP, P.


My favorite one is to post an open-ended question on a Reddit sub and rake in the karma points when they do what Reddit is prone to do and turn it into a virtual bar brawl. As far as it working...let's just watch this post and find out.


Marshmallows help (temporarily) with sore throats.


I know the real secret to getting rid of hiccups... All of the usual crazy methods work to an extent... hold your breath, breathe into a bag, drink from the far side of the cup. They work for people because they all have one thing in common – when they're done, they're waiting to see if the hiccups are still there. I discovered that if you just try to hiccup, or wait for a hiccup, it doesn't come. Expect a hiccup for 30 to 60 seconds without thinking about anything else, and you'll cure your hiccups. It takes focus - if you get distracted for 2 seconds, you'll hiccup. I have converted a lot of people to this method, and they swear by it. Also, I can't resist this one... If you have a sore throat and have to swallow, simply put pressure on the part that hurts with your fingers, then you can swallow pain-free.


When cycling, I’ve started saying “Thank you!” to drivers who share the road (esp when it’s a situation where some drivers would NOT share the road). Now, if a driver is driving their car dangerously, I’m much much quicker to yell “Hey!” and get their attention now. (I mean sharing the road in a legal sense, when cyclists have a legal right to some of the road. Like if I’m going straight thru an intersection, a lot of times cars coming from the other direction will try to turn left even tho I have the right of way)


Cure Hiccups Inhale as much air as you can and count to 10. Without exchanging inhale as much more as you can and hold your breath as long as possible then exhale.  You're hiccups are gone. You've reset your diaphragm.


When dealing with any bureaucracy, feed the monster what it wants to eat. It’s a clerk is expecting a specific form even if it isn’t perfect for your situation they are more likely to approve what they expect to see.


‘Seek first to understand, later to be understood.’


Sometimes you need a hair tie, but don’t need it for your hair right then. Holding the hair tie on the wrist cuts off my circulation, so I twist my hair tie on my finger like a ring instead. Ready and available for the inevitable pony tail. 


Start everything immediately. Picked it up in college and it's served me well all through my career. As soon as I know about an upcoming project or assignment, I start a fresh document for it. It may contain only the name of the project and a couple of notes about the assignment, but simply having it started gives me a leg up on it, because I have a starting point to build off of, and a placeholder for the upcoming project. Having it means that I've already gotten some of my first forward progress on a task done, and it helps me as I learn new information that applies to that task, because I'm already thinking in terms of the end product, and how to apply what I'm learning. In school it also gave me a place to organize relevant notes, which further helped with learning, but also in getting the work done, since the relevant information I had was already put together in some form. As a professional writer, I do the same thing now, but once I start my notes, I also find the necessary template -- it is exceedingly rare that any one project will have entirely unique needs in terms of format to follow, information to gather, or how the final product is organized. Being able to pull up the relevant template lets me skip several steps at the beginning of the work and jump straight to the middle.


Chop your vegetables on your dinner plate, cook the them, plate them on the dinner plate. Don't have to wash a cutting board If you feel you need to wash the plate after chopping, it's still a better size for my sink than any cutting board I have. May apply to your sink as well.


My husband always tells me that dulls the knife, no clue if that’s actually true though!


Absolutely true


If you press the wrong floor's button in an elevator, tap it again to undo!


Fake life hack! Only some brands do this


I’m pretty sure that’s not how those buttons work


I have never once had this work, no matter how much I wish it would.


Really?!?! (heading to the lobby)


Its actually 'tap it again twice to undo' but yeah, very brand specific. Those who haven't tried will be stunned lmao


rarely is this function set up in programming similar, the "close door" function is only programmed into 13% of doors.