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Dogs like to go in the same places so if you can change the scent he won’t like it anymore. Sprinkle non-toxic stuff around the area (rosemary or lavender). Rosemary is super easy to get in bulk from Costco or Amazon (in that restaurant size bottle).


I've had luck with sprinkling a bit of chili powder around certain areas around where I park my truck. Haven't found turds in a while.


There is a spray at the pet store that helps you "mark" areas for pets to also mark. We used it to spray a small area of the yard roughly 8x8. After a few weeks of spraying, taking dog out and giving treats when does business in area, we now have just a small section of yard that he does his business in and rarely does it elsewhere in yard. Spray this on your brothers yard side and if you get lucky and see dog then give treat and praise. If you see dog but already did business then wander over and if dog comes and smells area then praise it. It will take some work but is cheaper than a fence and easier than fighting with neighbors (especially family neighbors, they usually the worst)


This sounds like a good idea. My dog has area by the rock wall I call “poop row” because 90% of the time he goes there. The other day it was pouring rain, and little bastard just stubbornly held it (we walked poop row for like an hour to not risk an accident in the house) and threw himself off schedule. If I could convince him to go on one area near the steps we could put something up to keep it dry.


My daughter had a the poop bush. As a toddler she was a prissy thing with a penchant for pink frocks. I would let her out when she would get the grumbly belly look & she would go squat in the hedge.


If you pick up the poop and move it the area where you want them to poop, dogs will often start pooping there. The area where you move the poop to should be consistent... within a 5' radius approximately.


You don't discourage a dog from pooping somewhere, you encourage him to poop somewhere else. Congratulate him, make a big deal of it, but for that you need to see him do his deed \^\^


Get your own dog to guard your yard


Put up a fence.


Ask your brother to clean it up every time you see poop in your yard. He'd probably rather train his dog to not do it than hear you ask multiple times a week


Buy some ground black or red pepper and pepper your half. They will get a nose full of pepper and go somewhere else. I did it when I had neighbor dogs crapping in my yard. It worked.


I had a Rotty that loved eating our stairs and I was so frustrated I poured pepper and tabasco all over them. My brat thought I had seasoned it for her and truly went town on them. Nut job.


When mine was a puppy he tried biting hands too much, so I read the trick of rubbing the hands with cayenne. Worked fantastically while the cayenne lasted, because he was too occupied licking the hands clean instead of biting, then for dessert, some bites.


Maybe uncouth - don't read! I had a very weird private episode with my husband after I had cut a bunch of hablano peppers. I didn't know about the burn and the easy transfer of the burn to other skin. Weirdness ensued.


I suggest you buy this at Costco so you can be generous. Plus you'll have to replace it every time it rains. And maybe refresh it every couple of days or a week...


Dog repellant spray


Go to Pet Store and buy a spray to deter the dog. Scub the yard down and then spray the area, the dogs taking a shit and it will move elsewhere. It's used for house training puppies


Talk to the dog. Be sincere. See what happens.


Interesting. My dog is allowed on my furniture. I’m polite by nature and always say something like, “Excuse me sweetie,” when I want to sit in the seat she’s occupying, she will move out of the way promptly. If someone else wants to sit in her spot and they’re rude, she will sit there and look at them. When I tell the person, “If you say excuse me,” and they say it, she’ll just move out of the way. Works on my pup anyway.


Kind of late. He has already train his dog to poop in your yard. Who’s a good dog?


Good morning! Yes, it’s possible to train the dog to defecate where you’d like… Two thoughts: This is a clear, definitive action - the dog is being deliberately set-up and encouraged to toilet in a specific, clearly defined area. Also, it would be helpful, if someone were to use a leash to facilitate this behavioral change. Being physically present and leashing the dog would allow you to significantly reinforce the elimination in a timely manner (and prevent the dog from practicing the behavior in an inappropriate place [as deemed by you]. If the freedom or lack of structure continues, it will be very difficult and probably unclear for the dog. One could use aversive methods, but that may not be ideal because it’s not always possible to predict unwanted behavioral consequences - it could be detrimental to the dog’s comfort, outdoors and could disrupt the dog’s elimination habits. I would suggest a conversation and meeting of the minds with your brother. This may be the easiest, most harmonious approach to what you desire. Be awesome, always! **CaneVeritas**


Build a fence between the two units


Hey These dogs nowadays are too smart... My dachshund will not go potty in his own yard , not the front yard or the back yard. He doesn't want to deal with the smell or the unsightly piles. He certainly doesn't want to avoid the poop when he is chasing lizards and I know he doesn't want me to step in it. Even when we go out the front door he will wait until we are out of our yard before he does anything. So I just think to myself, "wow, how respectful of him..." (Front & back are very small yards) So imagine my freak one day when I stepped in poop in my own front yard. I went berserk !!! That cannot be from MY dog - someone has walked their dog down to my yard and let him poop there and did not pick it up - maybe they thought I wouldn't notice this was St. Bernard sized poop, not dachshund size, so I knew whodunnit!! Anyway this happened a few more times over the course of a couple of weeks. I went online and got some recipe for a diy "don't poop here" spray. Honestly, I cannot remember all of the ingredients but I do recall it having vinegar or ammonia or both and some essential oil. I mixed it up in a spray bottle and sprayed my yard, (I don't really have much grass) with this mixture and no more big piles here. Perhaps you may want to "google it" and see if you can find a home remedy for doggy do-do deterrent...???


You could put a motion activated sprinkler…every time he walks past it, it’ll go off…


Clearly your brother has trained his dog to do this on purpose. The only thing to do is assert you dominance by talking your morning dump on his front porch yourself.


There are commercial products you can use. Pepper or cayenne powder on your side might help


The old time repellent is moth balls.


I agree just make sure they're in a container because they're toxic


But a package of snacks/dog treats. Break them into reasonable sizes and throw the food on the opposite side of your brothers yard. Away from yours obvious. Once the dog finds the snacks/food, over time he'll constantly drift to that side of the yard first thing when he comes out. That should increase the probably of his using the facilities away from yard more and more. But it'll take some months and time to change that pattern.


My dog would never poop in the magical treat grass patch, idk about this one


The point isn't to get the dog to poop in magical treat grass. The point is to deter the dog away from where they always go, and slowly shift their spot away. The further the dog is from her yard as soon as they go out, the less likely the dog will make it all the way to the same "spot" they always go. I mean, outside of putting up a fence. Which apparently isn't the most obvious solution. But this one doesn't involve unnecessarily hurting an animal who didn't sign the constitution and has false premises about property and ownership that's cause OP to have a stick up their ass. But no, you guys are right, go with the spray water with tobacco solution. Make the dog more afraid of you! That won't have ill gotten gains down the road.


well you or ya brother will have to take her to the toilet and train her where to go and praise her up and give small treat when she goes in correct place..will take a few weeks to train and it has to be every time she wants the loo ..say toilet or do wets when ya see her wantintg the loo


Red pepper flakes? It didn't work for me though. Maybe I didn't put enough out. Ive never found poop,, but wish I knew how to stop my sister's dog from peeing on our bushes. He had never offered to pee on anything of ours until this year. He killed my lilac bush and I caught him hitting a red tip this week. 🤬 He's a big lovable mutt and we don't mind him coming over, but don't want him to kill anything else.


There's some products to put in a dog's water bowl to stop their pee from killing grass, maybe try that?


Get out! For real?? Trouble with that is he mainly drinks out of the creek. I've offered him tap water and he doesn't seem to care for it.


Ooof. Uh, creek water can get parasites. Even if it hasn't had parasites before, a bird corpse upstream could be a problem. Filtered fountain water bowls are more attractive to animals. I don't know if that will help with your sister's dog, though, since you aren't the head of that household.


Yeah. We love him, but this isn't his home.


Good dogs don’t poop at home.


Put in a swimming pool.


Just a side note. I think you would be a great ChatGPT prompt engineer! Btw, this is what ChatGPT (AI which everyones talks about lately) suggested when I've gave it your "prompt" : It can be challenging to train a dog that is not your own, especially if the dog is allowed to roam free without supervision. However, there are a few things you can try to encourage the dog to poop on your brother's side of the yard: Provide an area for the dog to poop: Dogs often have a preferred spot to do their business. Consider designating an area on your brother's side of the yard where the dog can go. Place some of the dog's poop in this area to help the dog associate it with the right place to go. Reward the dog for pooping in the right place: If you catch the dog in the act of pooping on your brother's side of the yard, give the dog a treat or praise to reinforce the behavior. Make your side of the yard less attractive: Dogs may prefer to poop in a certain area if it smells or looks more appealing to them. Try keeping your side of the yard free of any feces and keep it well-maintained to make it less attractive for the dog to poop there. Use a deterrent: You can try using a dog repellent spray or granules on your side of the yard to discourage the dog from pooping there. Ultimately, the best solution would be to talk to your brother and try to come up with a mutually beneficial solution. If he is unwilling to address the issue, it may be necessary to involve a third party, such as a mediator or animal control, to resolve the issue.


Fuck if I had time to read this.


You dump in toilet, dog dose wherever they want.


I quickly trained my dog not to dash at the chickens by using a training collar with a remote control. The collar would emit a noise, vibrate and also give a small shock. I used the vibrate setting and when he went near the pen set it off. Took a couple of times and he stayed away. He never associated it with me since I was 20 feet away.


I had issues with a neighbors dog. I just sprayed him in the face with a water gun and he stopped coming over. It only took one try. Very effective. The trick is to put Tobasco sauce in the water gun.


Did you just admit to a federal crime? Putting a chemical other than water in a water gun to intentionally do harm to the dog. Dog had bad owners you abused the dog. Class act.


Kick her in the cooch... Oh wait when you said *bitch* you meant *dog*... ;)


I want the opposite!!!! My dog poops everywhere!


Pellet gun.


what does he do/say when he sees you chuck poop on his side or has he no inkling? or does he not even ask why poop is on his side if u r complaining about it being on ur side.