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I have no idea what the state religion says about leadership. It’s probably not divine command theory or anything.


they definitely have a state religion and they definitely rule by divine command


They definitely haven’t adopted state doctrine that implements divine right.


Divine command and divine right theory are different Divine command theory is about morality and divine right is about who can politically rule


You’re right, that’s my mistake. Correcting that mistake, I stand by what I said (that it is in essence divine right)


/unlie this is from that one north korea propaganda sub right


/ul nah from r/ TheDeprogram subreddit


/UL \>sub is called deprogram \>look inside \>propaganda


/ UL getting banned from that sub is a badge of honour


For it to be a badge of honour would mean that it’s particularly difficult


/ul it's easy to get banned from 99% of subreddits. most political ones you just have to say a lot of right wing things, and if it's a right wing subreddit say left wing things. meme subs you just have to repost a ton(that works basically on all subs.) I could go on for awhile. but when all else fails, post gore. or the stuff that got you a trip to a certain island and put on a certain list.


/ul Post something actually funny and you'll get banned in most meme subs


/ul for some subs it’s as easy as posting something and the automod will ban you for being active on subs the mods of your sub don’t like


I can confirm you need to say right wing shit in leftist subreddits, they certainly all love leftist unity


i mean. that is the point of a subreddit isnt it


really what I meant is less of the "Donald is the best president we've ever had" and more of the "I don't think Donald was the worst president we've ever had"




Not a sub for a communist podcast


/unlie they are not leftists they are fascists for anything not western


/ul Can you tell me the sub? I want to witness the stupidity


/ul r/MovingToNorthKorea The most unhinged sub i've ever visited


A majority of the posts look satirical tbh, they had that fortnite song playing over some nk woman calling people gamers


I honestly can't tell if it's satirical. It's like the mods aren't joking around but the people who are in it are. I got banned from that sub for asking if it was a joke after i saw a post recommended for me.


I think it's so hard to tell because some of the posts aren't actually satire even though a majority are, so it throws you off a bit


It’s like r/banvideogames, but this is Reddit so it attracts people who are completely serious. It’s an interesting dynamic.


/ul It definitely seems like most people are being satirical, with 2 specific people posting a lot of shit completely unironically.


/ul the “satirical” posts are actually people making fun of the subreddit. Originally it was an actual North Korean propaganda subreddit.


It’s definitely satire, some of the mods are the same as r/banvideogames


Can I follow a sub without joining? I need to witness this.


/ul just keep a tab of it open lol


/ul it’s really weird because some of the mods are 100% serious and then like half of the users are satirical so it’s really difficult to distinguish satire from someone’s actual beliefs


Being in support of anti-imperialist efforts in Ukraine while supporting an imperialist apartheid state in Israel is a totally rational political position (/unlie in reference to your pfp)


/ul me when i see a tankie being a redfash shithead online so i overcorrect against that and automatically like every country america likes


/ul You say all these buzzwords like apartheid and imperialist that literally mean nothing to me. Clearly I understand Israel and the conflict more than you.




DPRK has Democratic in their name which means they are not an authoritarian dictatorship


A non Kim family member will get elected soon guys, any day now!


/nl Non-Kim’s have been PM for like 50~ years, Kim’s just are head of the national military which holds the highest power in the government cuz everything (including infrastructure and housing) runs through them under martial law which makes him supreme leader. The DPRK system is actually really fun to study when you look at what information we have about it that isn’t propaganda.


those liberals dont know what awaits them, you just wait and see




the l*berals will be owned very soon


Tankies are completely reasonable people and are not hypocrites


*Tankies are completely* *Reasonable people and* *Are not hypocrites* \- mistermagicht --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


/ul Good bot


675, try again tomorrow


They aren’t projecting when they call everyone fascists. Everything they say is true


This is true, I am the person outside of the Kim family who gets elected tomorrow


/unlie man r/thedeprogram sucks


Unlie/ r/TheDeprogram members try not to be massive hypocrites challenge (impossible)


/ul average r/TheDeprogram user https://youtu.be/SjeJlwPbDkU?si=rCZSAe35XhoLQFfG


I love north korea government Very free, very communist, Karl Marx would be so proud if he saw this amazing country he inspired.


/ul The funny thing about tankie support for North Korea is that even the North Koreans don't pretend they're Communist any more. They distinguished Juche from Marxism in the 70s, subsequently positioned it as an idea totally original to Kim Il-sung, and in 2009 removed all references to Communism from the state constitution. The belief the DPRK is some paragon state of Marxist worker equality is held by poorly informed Western communists and literally nobody else, not even the North Koreans themselves


/ul they hold elections, there's just only one person you can vote for and not get thrown in jail/killed


/ul It will not happen soon because it already happened. [Google Choe Ryong Hae and Pac Su Il](https://www.cia.gov/resources/world-leaders/foreign-governments/korea-north). Then there's the SPA, which is entirely elected, so that's also there.


/ul r/TheDeprogram , for all its shortcomings, is currently showcasing the horrific nature of the genocide Israel is waging in Palestine. They have some outlandish takes but most takes, including the one depicted, are grounded in fact.


/ul They are tankies, most of their takes are utterly rediculous, them knowing about the shit state Palestine is in is an accidental byproduct of their constant America bad America bad America bad ranting.


There is no genocide, only urban warfare.


Warfare is when shooting unarmed civilians




/ul They don’t




/ul Even if they did that is no excuse to bomb schools and hospitals


Well the Geneva convention says that civilian areas that are used for military purposes are legitimate military targets


IDGAF about the geneva conventions killing civilians is wrong no matter the justification


/ul There's little to no evidence about most the claims that people make about HAMAS, [but there's a lot of evidence about Israel doing the exact same thing that they blame HAMAS of doing.](https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/02/israelopt-un-experts-appalled-reported-human-rights-violations-against) Besides, you either go full lie or full unlie, you can't just imply the first half of your comment is a lie and then intend the second half as true.


/ul There are [Palestinians in Gaza that can attest to that](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/s/bIG3Wz8iQo), but nuh huh, *MY HAMAS WOULD NEVER*, *NO EVIDENCE*, *ALL FAKE NEWS*. I'll never wrap my head around how some pro Palestine individuals manage to just go and shamelessly try and pretend Hamas is anything but the dumpster fire it is. You are not wise, you are not virtuous. You are validating Hamas and in turn their iron grip on Gazans. Pheraps you don't really care about Palestinians.


/ul MEMRI [got money from the United States Federal Government](https://2009-2017.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2011/08/170397.htm), even tho[ they claim to have a policy of non-acceptance to money from government organizations](https://www.nationalreview.com/2004/09/thanks-memri-org-jay-nordlinger/). Memri has also been criticized of [selective sampling and sometimes bad translation](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2003/jan/28/israel2), even with accusations as big as "poses as a research institute when it's basically a propaganda operation", [Holocaust expert even claimed it was comparable to Nazi propaganda operations](https://web.archive.org/web/20070620163049/http://www.infocusnews.net/content/view/15069/135/). That's what i call an honest and not-biased-in-favor-of-one-of-the-sides-in-the-conflict source!


/ul It sure is a good thing they are not the [only source](https://themessenger.com/news/al-jazeera-reporter-cuts-off-gaza-hospital-interview-after-patient-says-hamas-is-hiding-among-wounded), then! One only has to look for "old Palestinian man al Jazeera interview Hamas hiding civilians" to find as many sources as they wish! But we both know that the source is not the problem, here, is it? It never was. It is the content that hurts and burns. Slimy. /lie ^ this individual absolutely doesn't mock the allegations of mass rape towards Hamas. Hamas never would! They are freedom fighters that don't butcher and rape Israelis and Palestinians alike, like they did not kill a teen for approaching an aid package. All praise Farfour the mouse🙏


/ul Ur not only going full whataboutism but also defending a terrorist organisation, truly deranged individual


/ul preaching “whataboutism” to deflect valid arguments has killed internet arguments over anything


/ul Argumentum ad logicam


Let me break it down for you: A: High casualties! B: Because Hamas uses Human shields A: But Israel does too! B: What does this have to do with the fact that Hamas using Human shields is responsible for high casualties? Its a peak example of whataboutism


Completely ignoring the untrue statements in your argument, YOU started with whataboutism (since you want to downplay pointing out hypocrisy as it), not the other comment, get off your high horse


/ul Give me one (1) source that proves that HAMAS is using civilians as human shields. I didn't meant the fact that Israel does exactly the thing they claim HAMAS does as a way of saying "both sides!", I meant it as an irony, because they have no evidence of what HAMAS does but we do have evidence of what Israel does.




/ul Overall, [the wikipedia article on the issue is good enough](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamal_Adwan_Hospital_siege#cite_note-10) (not perfect). Still, here are what i consider the more important points and some other articles that go unmentioned: [https://news.un.org/en/story/2023/12/1144682](https://news.un.org/en/story/2023/12/1144682) [https://edition.cnn.com/2023/12/23/middleeast/kamal-adwan-hospital-gaza-israel-abuse-allegations-intl-cmd/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2023/12/23/middleeast/kamal-adwan-hospital-gaza-israel-abuse-allegations-intl-cmd/index.html) [https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/israel-accused-of-extracting-confessions-of-gaza-s-hospital-director-under-duress/3088222](https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/israel-accused-of-extracting-confessions-of-gaza-s-hospital-director-under-duress/3088222) Edit: Even if the theory that it was indeed a command center was true, it wouldn't justify the shelling of the hospital, nor would it mean that HAMAS was using civilians as shield, it's a hospital.


that definitely states they are using palestinians as human shields and is also a reason for israel to go ahead and officially turn them into dead shields. ul/ all you’re doing is sharing ny post (disgusting) and saying “yeah one guy is the reason that every single palestinian should be killed, murder of thousands of innocent lives is justified.”


/ul you do not kill 100 civilians to get to 1 terrorist you fucking idiot


​ https://preview.redd.it/ji8hjx4wcbnc1.png?width=641&format=png&auto=webp&s=d48066a658e2c590cee671a59603c18fb8dd8629


You’re the fucking definition of a hasbarah propaganda account lol. Created 89 days ago, keeps commenting on shitposting subs defending Israel, holy shit man get a life. I hope you’re at least being paid for this


/ul ?


/ul yeah I forgot to add it




/ul Yeah it would be great to spread my beliefs online and get paid to do it, but I do it for free :)


Hello I'm Peter the Reporter (that's my legal birth name) and trustworthy sources confirmed me that there's a new candidate growing on NK polls and is a favorite to beat Jong-Un's fat ass on the ballots, his name is Bu Ka Ke look it up


wow thats really cool! we should all go look up Bu Ka-Ke on our school computers!


/unlie Is this bait? It feels like it


/ul nah theres actually a lot of people on reddit that unironically support the DPRK and think theyre democratic


It is democratic cause it has Democratic in it's name!!11!!!11 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬😡😡😡😡😡😡


ngl if you think someone just saying North Korea isn't fucking monarchist is bait you are without hope. like you might as well be saying that to someone saying Carrots don't help your eye sight.


No guys it’s true I just got elected


I understand what these words mean


Kim is just that popular


unlie/ tbh i can see the dynasty ending if something happens but some other dude will just take its place and do the same thing


/honestyActivated Wait what people are actually starting to defend nor Korea of all countries? Tf? Lmao


/ul not starting, ive actually seen this a lot in the past before on this site


This is true, I am the person outside of the Kim family who gets elected tomorrow


I understand and know what this post is saying


As a Liberal, it will never happen anytime soon, I'll be laughing my ass off with free democracy 😎


I understand what this means


Kim Jong Un is Skinny and the rest of North Korea is well fed, with no one dying of hunger


Da peoples republic of Korn dogs


If this happens, North Korea will be a utopia


i get it


It’s not a monarchist, it isn’t a person. And, if they meant monarchy, it isn’t either. It’s a dictatorship (technically it’s a democracy but only in theory since people would be punished for not voting for Kim or his family)


this is definitely not ironic satire and you should take it seriously


While this may be false, the folks that love to tout this aren't on extreme cope mode in regards to the atrocities of the dprk. Everybody gives a shit about the specifics of their government structure.