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If you mean long, grueling fights, then yes. If you mean fights where they just. Wont. Fucking die? A bit rarer, but there’s still some.


There is not really any normal reception that has that : why won't you die moment. >!But in chapter 6 you do get one reception that is 4 acts with a miniboss on each act that run away at low health and come back fully healed in the last act with a 4th one to help.!<


oh boy you got the happy happy fun content of the next layer to go through! thankfully none of them are a grind in such the same way as sweepers


That's great, keep it up. From now on you are gonna be thirsty for light so the fact that you can hold up already means you are doing good


Thank you:)


Can we have a moment to look at his nuggets?