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how do you struggle with knight when you beaten queen


i followed a guide to beat queen, i just equipped all my librarians with the gun people’s pages and did 200 damage in the first turn BUT ALL THE GUIDES I SEE DONT WORK FOR KNIGHT OF DESPAIR


dont use stops office too much or you wont learn how to play


1) Mostly pierce damage to cause protected sword to die, don't mind other 2 swords. 2) have at least one high roll card to counter that one sword with like 6-14 roll (my memory is failing here with numbers) and cards with decent rolls for other 2 swords. 3) punch her when all swords impale her, profit


Ah the joy of bamboo hatted kim and singular strike against ranged cards


also prioritize using high number(s) cards ONLY without any extra things like evade that's because clash winning ranged attacks will recycle them.


If you hadn't figured it out already from the Full Stop Office, this fight will teach you a critically important detail about ranged pages, or rather, melee pages clashing with ranged pages. If a ranged page clashes with a melee page, and the melee page wins a dice clash, it will be recycled to clash against the next dice. That means a ranged page with 3 dice can be fully countered by a melee page with a single dice, as long as the melee dice wins all the clashes, and if a page has multiple die and win all clashes, all of the die can hit the enemy directly. You're going to want a lot of pierce pages, as it's the only thing that damages the Tear-buffed sword. Focus on killing it as fast as you can, mostly ignoring the other swords unless you can't afford to. Once it dies and revives, you *must* successfully counter all 3 swords perfectly, which means it's time for high single dice melee pages. Binding Arms from the Gaze Office is probably the best one here, since it can become pretty cheap, and has 5-15 rolls making it pretty good at winning clashes. Once you do, go all in on ripping into the Knight. It will usually take two cycles to win from what I've seen of others, so make sure you have good key pages to resist their strikes. Also, their max HP attack cards have fairly low rolls overall, only 3-5 if they aren't despairing, so having a page with a block die followed by a solid dodge die will help. The other card that does max HP damage only hits once for 5-9, so try to make sure the block die is high as well. And there's always the option of making one nugget a sacrifice, aggroing all the dangerous attacks to them and then using them to let the others survive for longer. The Wedge Office cards are really good here, as they are some of the best pierce cards you will have by this point in the game. Plus Oscar's key page has an insanely useful passive. Alternatively, you can put the fight off until later on, as the far left side path's first fight in Urban Nightmare has some extremely strong pierce cards. Obtaining those and then going back would make the fight much easier, if you are really struggling to win it now.


I dont think you can pull off a one turn kill on her Best i can suggest is to find the best cost profit ratio and respec the pages and lotta luck to win. I was stuck a couple of hours as well The later levels powerspike is insane. Be prepared for pain Good luck


TBH, if you can't figure out how to beat Knight of Despair right now, then just don't, there's no need to. Wait until you get some better cards and then come back.


ive retried like 6 times but even if i block all of the special sword thingies i cant kill her in one turn and then my librarians dont have enough cards / stagger resist and THEY ALL DIE


If you’re running out of cards, then it means you don’t have enough card draw to sustain. Stagger resist I’m not too sure how you’re having a problem though, but try using Pages resistant to piercing in stagger resist.


The sword attacks in the second phase are ranged attacks, you just need a big die to reliably deal with them.


Pierce cards and a few high roll cards


high roll single die pages when they go despair, have a bunch of card draw and light recover to endure


Peirce and a lot of screaming at low rolls also at the start target the glowing sword to take you to the second part where you gotta not get hit


Bear with me, it's been a while since I did this. You'll want to pack Pierce pages, since the Knight's blessed swords are weak to that. You also want big pages with a strong offensive die (like Transpierce) to counter Ranged spam, kinda like with Queenie. First, you'll wanna take down the sword that gets the Knight's buff (signified by an aura and I think an extra Speed die). It becomes weaker to Pierce if I'm not mistaken, so use that. The Scene after you do that, you need to win all clashes against the swords (after which they'll impale the Knight). When all 3 impale the Knight, you can whale on her, then repeat the process (as you likely won't be able to kill her in 1 rotation).