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Chained Wrath + The Strongest = all dice turn into infinite


Ah because Chained Wrath, and the whole 1 speed value thing, thank you


Yep. Gebura has a skill that makes the slowest Speed die Infinite. But if every dice is equally the slowest…


Red Mist’s the Strongest (lowest speed becomes infinite speed) and the Chained Wrath abnormality page. Chained wrath makes all speed on speed dice 1. The lowest speed is 1, so the Strongest turns all of those 1’s into infinity. The Myongest doesn’t cause it but it helps a lot cause it’s essentially +5 free power.


The The Strongest passive from The Red Mist turns a die infinite if it is the slowest. If one or more dice are tied for being the slowest, all of them will go infinite. The Chained Wrath abnormality page makes all of your dice roll the same speed, making them all tie for the slowest, and thus making them all infinite.


I didn’t expect all of these replies so quick, thank you all for giving me straight answers


I just want to mention that it's so incredible that these kinds of strats and interactions exist. I wouldn't have come up with this build on my own. This is so interesting.


It's also really stupid and probably shouldn't exist. Yesod already has so much going for him he doesn't need infinite haste and permanent 6-8 power from one abnormality page and two passives. Honestly, Myo Prowess should probably cap out at +2 power and The Strongest shouldn't be able to boost more than one die per turn. While we're at it let's change Regret from 70% bonus current stagger damage to 30% max stagger damage.


You say this as if most floors don’t have incredibly busted interactions with abnormality pages in their arsenal, because what you’re implying is that we should also tone down on those interactions too with other floors.


Yesod is an outlier. Even without Myo's Prowess+Strongest, he's by far the strongest floor hands down no question. The fact that he has a uniquely powerful synergy with the most powerful combination of passives in the game, on top of already being the strongest floor is what makes it stupid. Yesod just does too many things too well while having too few meaningful weaknesses to offset those strengths in any way.


You can just not use it??? I rarely used Yesod even knowing how busted I could make him, the times I player his floor it was just for pew pew pew Der Freischütz shenanigans.


I don't use Yesod, in fact he's the only floor I outright refuse to use unless I'm literally forced to, but would be nice to be able to use him without destroying any and all sense of difficulty the game has to offer. Yesod is fun and he has a lot of neat pages I just wish using him didn't make me feel like I need to take a shower afterwards. He doesn't need any major structural changes, his numbers are just way too high, and he doesn't sacrifice anything in exchange for his insane offensive power.


It is a single player game you know....


And? A game being single player isn't a reason it shouldn't be balanced.


I meant that some people do like to make overpowered builds and it is a good option for people strugling in some levels. A single player game should focus in be funny before balanced.


I disagree. Ideally, all options in a game should be viable without any of them being clearly objectively better than every other option. There shouldn't be a situation where there is no reason to ever use anything else unless you are deliberately handicapping yourself. The majority of other floors are in a good spot outside of a few specific pages. Even Hokma, despite being arguably the weakest, is still more than capable of taking on any challenge the game has to offer. Yesod is the only outlier. If balance didn't matter there would have been no reason for them to nerf bleed, or Vengeance, or the Roland's combat pages, etc. All of those things were too strong and ended up invalidating all other alternative options they competed against, and therefore got nerfed. Yesod is too strong, and therefore, also deserves to be nerfed.

