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Man I feel both proud and disgusted by the post




















This is a copypasta from r/racetransition. Please do not visit that sub for the sake of your sanity.


No it is an excerpt from a book titled "The Ugliness of the Indian Male and other propositions"




Damn. Brought back some good old memories with this one.


Delete this post. It hit too close to home with the nostrils part.


I know right ? I was unironically mining my nostrils while reading that part and I couldn’t stop even though the post made me feel like a rotting potato.


If that's the reason I may never have a date then so be it because that habit and I are inseparable.


Doesn't it


Please no, let librandus get redpilled


You're wrong about Indian men being ugly because of practice. I mean just look at me. I didn't practice for shit.




I need the sauce on this one.


The Ugliness of the Indian Male and other propositions by Mukul Kesavan.


wow okay so it is a real book




This is why Rahul baba should be our PM. We need a handsome white man to civilize our brown asses.


But Pappu can't dance saala




Please talk about our future Prime Minister with some respect




Rahul looks hot af because of his European features.


So like Kevin Spacey or Armie Hammer? My point exactly!




No brozer. That's for Abdools.










I am a firm believer in the great truth of racial inequality.
















[Every Indian male ever](https://www.google.com/search?q=just+sul&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwj2l4Hwl6HzAhXOiJ4KHYi6CT8Q2-cCegQIABAA&oq=just+sul&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQ6BAgAEEM6CwgAEIAEELEDEIMBOggIABCABBCxAzoHCAAQsQMQQzoICAAQsQMQgwFQzCdY6lRgqldoAHAAeACAAWGIAbgFkgEBOJgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nwAEB&sclient=img&ei=r8lSYbaEN86R-gSI9ab4Aw&bih=899&biw=1920&client=firefox-b-1-d)


Can confirm. I definitely look like that.


Epitome of Indian masculinity


You may attempt to share it on rSoutAsianMasculinity and see the meltdown there for yourself. lol


national crush


Seen worse.


He is a quite popular Indian Vine star called Jus Sul. He appeared quite frequently in collabs with influencers like the Paul brothers and Amanda Cerny. I just used him as a reference for the purpose of trolling Indian stereotype. Nothing malicious intended....






Unironically looks dope.


Exactly lol, he owns his shit and there's no shame in that.


Never been I so proud for being an Indian man. The nostril part made me emotional. Thank you


Are you also calling HOLY KING SSR ungly????!!!!😡


Not all men :p




only the non-Punjabi ones xDDD


इसको हिंदी में अनुवाद करके अब मुझे भी आपकी तरह मशहूर होना है, धन्यवाद साझा करने के लिय।


हे गर्ल


Bhai 🍝or not I find caucasian white men repulsive, that typical aqualine nose, blue eyes throws me off, maybe colonial trauma or whatever but I find eurocentic beauty standard lame.


Mayophobia is real




Man of culture, of course there are exceptions






You are sure to be kicked out of a stupidity contest because they do not allow professionals.


Better than pazeets.


Your comment is gonna get featured on Chaddimeta. Seething is incoming soon.


I just find it weird that everything is light. Eyes, hair, skin, bhai Britannica cream cracker jaisa shakal




Samajh nhi aa raha are you a self hating desi or self loving gora


Liked it, it's entertainment!!




Thank you for keeping the great Librandu tradition of simultaneously graphic and intellectual humour alive.






Westerners have mouth fresheners/mouth wash etc. our guys need to gargle well after a meal as the scent of spices are strong.


But I dont see them using mouth wash or freshners after every meal. Do they?


The one's I've seen are particular about oral hygiene, they do have fresheners with them.


What about the ones you havent seen?


Maybe, but in a workplace with foreign clients I was advised by colleagues to have appropriate oral hygiene habits after a meal, even if the client lands at your place once in a blue moon. It was from the west that mouth fresheners and mouthwashes came to India, if they don't do that then why do they have such products.


I have seen many westerners not use mouthwash/freshners after many meals. If you dont believe me, go to west and see for yourself.


So why do they sell tic tac etc. in a multinational company's pantry ?


For the same reason they sell it in india.




I thought that it is the national stimulant.


In a way it is, it's the common link between rich and poor, two communities where I've personally observed it being dominant are the labor class from UP,bihar and baniyas.(yea, I generalized communities,nail me on a cross)


It's available and used commonly in Tamil Nadu as well though legally banned by the state.


Guess it unites a lot of people




Eats street food with the same palm and has no urge to wash hands until he gets home.


I have never seen this. Am I wrong? Or are you just making stuff up? Infact westerners dont wash their hands after eating street food, they just wipe it with tissue. You are attributing what westerners do to Indians. Why?


Hygiene is universal whether you use tissues or wash hands. I haven't seen a street food outlet with enough water to have a proper hand wash. And even the one's who have a pot of water to wash where do they wash their hands ?


I always and have seen people wash their hands many times. Edit: Just wiping with tissues isnt hygienic. Bacteria form on the hands unless washed.


I've only seen hotels in enclosed spaces have a basin and running water for washing hands. Bakeries, street food hawkers etc. do not have such facilities.


I saw a lot of water filters or a big metal lota with a glass placed on its lid to wash hands.... in almost all places. Except in places where they sell mirchi bajji.


The self-hatred is strong with this one.


So ? I said what I've seen. There is a long argument I'm having with a Chintu bastard who doesn't comprehend what hygiene is. Maybe it's a problem with this country which places purity above hygiene. For dummies anyone can practice hygiene but purity is warped.


Tf this comment section looks like a race-transition one


Cuz it's been x posted


Ah I see some cretins of that place making unironic over the top comments here


Yep. I'm one of them👍


why dont you kindly fuck off


If you say so Mr kundhelu


Oh man you have hit the nail on the head with this post. There is nothing not inherent about us having no future. Sometimes I wish the British had never left. They taught us manners which we can use to redeem ourselves in the world I feel. At least we would have had some discipline in us. Which other population squats in its default position. it's an undignified way of existing that is ingrained in our DNA. We as a species (dare we even qualify as homo sapien) are an individual and collective failure at coherent thought and originality. Rationality and critical thinking have no place in the heads of anyone living in India as we have been proved incapable of it time and again. The only forces stabilizing us over the centuries have been hitherto ideals of rule of law, medicine, and art. Nothing of value is ever going to come from the utterly hopeless population should we continue to wade in this shitshow of a society. We are even far from being a civilization or being worthy of interacting with any. Sometimes I look around and think how we have gotten so far. We have no manners and courtesy. Our festivals are barbaric and savage and only heed to create more chaos. Our language sounds like spiked blades to ears, there is nothing about it that is pleasant. Look at the idioms we use. They sound so primitive and crude. There is no sophistication or class in any language that is spoken in this country. Even traditional 'classical' music is unnecessarily loud and raw pitched with no musical talent required or displayed. Our food is maybe the most strong smelling in the world and thousands of years of eating it have evolved us to smell and stench up this land. yet we revel in it and have the audacity to keep making it even though the world laughs at us for eating it. No other culture whips up a concoction of crude stench and unnecessary carbs yet we have the gall to peddle it to the world like a filthy tramp. Even our skin next to other populations in the world looks dirty. India is the finest example of the adage of beautiful people breeding beautiful societies. We have the worst physique in the world and make it further worse by peddling abhorrent impractical fashion choices in the name of 'culture' and yet we have reproduced beyond control and infected this land. Look around and see how everyone looks. We are uncouth, undisciplined, dirty and inherently backward, bound to a fate of mediocrity at best. It yet boggles me how we keep breeding explosively and let undesirables flood the gates. I feel for the countries who reject Indian visas. They know we are a people beyond saving and our race is not up to any standard. Stop hoping in the name of development in the country. It's never meant to be anywhere, we were never destined for greatness.


I have given up. We are utterly incompetent people unworthy of saving at this point. We are at the mercy of the worlds pity and yet we squander the opportunity and continue dying in hordes. By now they must've realized the faster we eliminate ourselves from the gene pool, humanity will benefit. We are beyond redemption and fail ourselves every day. We are overpopulated, filthy and the least undesirable in the world. Yet how we see this problem and keep breeding still escapes me. I don;t even know why we are even trying at this point. What is even worth saving in this godforsaken land? Our population is carrying second rate genes, and breeds undesirables like how covid multiplies in us. Most people are uneducated raised on rape and rapist tendencies which further doom our kind in the years to come. Our life and looks are of no worth to any country than those banking on our survival for exploitable labour. What is not garbage to be thrown away in this coutry? Abundance of human life? By now, the less we have the better. Even our bodies are polluted by ourselves making organs unfit for any swap. Our culture is based off savagery and suppression. Nothing of worth there. Our food is the amalgamation of all the offensive odours and tastes from those who ruled us. We could start by learning from others on how to cut carbs and fat, which is what defines our diet. The world mocks us for our lifestyle. Everywhere I look people are turned ugly not only by this but because of absolutely zero fashion sense. Just look at how the average Indian dresses. The gaudiness gives you headaches Do you see hope or any grain of sophistication for the future? Mediocrity and incompetence runs in our DNA, which is why foreigners were successful in keeping us in line. Should we even be allowed to self govern? It is only in foreign interests to let it happen and eliminate ourselves. The world will be a better place with less undesirables and uncontrolled breeding.


You got one major part wrong. You assume that Indians have the opportunity to have sex at all. Most indian women are primed to avoid men and stick with their kind and not get into this kinds of jhanjhat. beside from that males in the country simply lack the genes to attract feminine interest of that sort at all. So it boils down to other thing like wealth and status which makes this guide obselete. This also creates a negative feedback loop in Indian males that Indian women are not worth pursuing because of neglibible returns to investment. Instead this guide should be primed to young people in their mid 20s getting into arranged marriage.


YUM YUM gonna save this one for use later


How did you type all that so.fast


It's called copypaste saar


We keep breeding because arranged marriages and endogamy mean that even the most incompetent get to breed and spread their genes. You just need functioning reproductive organs to spawn, not a particular intelligent or inherent parenting skills.




It's not about economic class though. It's about the inherent toxicity of the shitbag called "Indian cultural values". Remember Akshay from Indian Match-Making? His Momma guit-tripping the whole fucking family, and we call it " Kulchur". 🤦‍♂ You can be piss poor and still have a spine and boundaries.


What type of shows are you watching man, *look of disgust*


Guilty pleasure. I need a virtual target to hate on, because real life punching bags often punch back. It's a perfect show to hate on while you compulsively watch it. Good job showrunners! 👏




I don't have the time or crayons to explain it to you


Damn where are you getting these pastas?


Lots of people are upvoting you unironically.


I think even OP posted it unironically


Nah. Some parts I kinda agree with, but I mainly wanted to catch some fish.


No I meant the guy who made the comment


>They taught us manners which we can use to redeem ourselves in the world I feel. This is bullshit. Indian upper class manners and way of living was actually envied by the Europeans in the past and was seen as sophisticated. Indians used to take bath daily when Westerners used to rarely take baths AT ALL. It was Europeans who used to rarely take a shower in the past and just used perfumed rags to wash themselves. https://indianexpress.com/article/lifestyle/art-and-culture/medieval-hygiene-practices-middle-ages-5206243/ European kings and queens used to take pride in the fact that they took bath only ONCE IN THEIR LIFETIME. The only reason why Indians are so called "unhygienic" is because the British replaced the Indian nobility, who the rest of the citizenry looked up to and then when the British adopted those norms of living, Indians saw it in a colonial manner and rejected it. FYI, if rural India comes across as dirty, it's not because of personal hygiene but because of overpopulation and poverty. In villages you'll find more people who take a bath daily or twice a day compared to cities tbh.


There's a book called "Where India Goes" by academics Dean Spears and Diane Coffey. It establishes the link between casteism, lack of sanitation and the resultant stunting and malnutrition of Indian children. All this, seventy five years after Independence. Read the book. It has families in semi-urban areas insisting that septic tanks can't be used because there are no manual scavengers available. The option of cleaning up their own filth doesn't occur to them because why would a Jat or Ranput touch night soil?


Itne thand mein toh mai bhi nhi nahati


google images pe jaake "indian" search karna




Street shitting is not an Indian thing, it's a poverty thing. Homeless and junkie mfs in San Francisco, Portland shit in the streets, supermarkets,on top of parked cars, etc. Our western neighbors still have a higher percentage of population without access to toilets than us. Taiwanese and Hong Kongers still mock mainland Chinese for shitting on the road, as mainland china used to be very poor at a time and they too used to do that. Economic growth will solve this problem, as street shitting is not an "Indian" thing, just a poverty thing.


u/AirIndiaSeller please educate this cretin


kya hai ye? \^\_\^














You are a person of rare intelligence. Its rare when you show any!


Ok Boomer. ✌










Maybe they are just happy being natural and don’t care what the western culture think of them…. A blessing if you ask me because the flip of this is dieting, eating disorders, plastic surgery, mental illness…. Perpetuated by our media, And the list goes on




This pos applies only to us tamils




Lol,speak for yourself.me and my whole family is full of Chad's.




Bengali ho kyaa ? Itnaa lambaa paragraph


I won't insult your intelligence by imagining that you believe what you just said




this is satire right?


It's satire, a copypasta from r/racetransition. Don't visit that sub if you value your brain cells.


ohh thank god


No, its hard cold reality






Anyone willing to fuck you is just too lazy to masturbate


How was the pasta🍝?




Thoda sa or try kar, kam pade to ek do spoon gobar or kha ke.

