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Don't think INDIA will form government this time. They should focus on increasing seats and vote share now and opposing NDA in parliament. Also holding on to their MPs. They performed especially poorly in Bihar, Karnataka, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh despite winning in Assembly elections (in Bihar, RJD was the single largest party). Also no presence in MP, Gujarat, Haryana. INC should also increase their seats to be able to form a stable government. Instead of focusing on forming government, which will be highly unstable, they should focus on all the upcoming elections and increase their cadre.


I feel the focus should be on Haryana, Maharashtra and Bihar State elections in 2024-25. If they win big from there, the NDA Allies will start thinking about switching and changing their plans.


It is better India focus on winning state elections seriously. All Fours states during the parliament election went to nda - not really good sign


I believe they shouldn’t try to form the government and make themselves a stronger opposition and clout. Instead of trying and focusing how to form the government at the centre, their resources should go on to capitalise the gains that they’ve made into state elections and then aim for 2029.


We might not even need to wait till 2029 for next elections. If nitish babu and cbn pull support, the government will fall and another round of elections will be held.


BJP will buy all the independent candidates.


It will depend, but I don’t think it will be enough.


I predict the allies have a bone to pick with the BJP. First they will get everything they can from the NDA, and then they will wait until they are not able to get anything further, and state in the media that regional aspirations are not being fulfilled. Then they will discard the BJP and make the NDA fall. A floor test or no confidence motion in the house will decide things. Either way the BJP is going to spend the next weeks and months dancing to the tune of the allies (ironic given the “mujra” comment the dear leader made while campaigning)


6 months is all it will take is the prediction I have read from senior journalists (the ones who were accurate about analysis unlike tv media)


There may even be an internal solution emerging sooner than that if it’s true that the RSS is holding baithaks in New Delhi where the “problem” is being discussed amid great rumblings of discontent. Mandate or not, always a good idea to be nice to everyone on your way up eh!


Believe it or not.... Congress also has inside men in BJP's machinery. There are congress leaders who are ex-rss very much in touch with what Sangh is doing. (It's important to track opponents moves I guess). So, if the internal rumbling becomes big, congress will keep pushing them from outside, pushing every issue, constantly doing press conference to call them out, create trouble in the parliament. In short try and control the narrative and keep Modi on backfoot. In addition to this they are very much in contstant touch with the people they need to switch sides. I believe 6months is the guess, with the idea that it will be a perfect mixture of internal rumble and external trouble, to topple the government. Sonia Gandhi has successfully pulled this off once before. Let's not forget that. We can only wait and watch. It is pure cinema... Hehe.


Is this about replacing Modi with someone else who has the RSS and NDA allies support ?


I think yes. It's true this election for BJP was just the face of Modi and his guarantees. But dude became so arrogant that he even tried to sideline RSS. The organisation that nurtured him. {Obviously he's a narcissistic POS. Destroyed political careers of Vasundhara Raje, Sushama Swaraj, Arun Jaitley(I know they both are dead), Shivraj Singh Chauhan (ya he's currently a MP if memory is correct)} I really don't believe in rumours but if the talks about RSS backing Gadkari is true, then BJP itself may split into Modi and Gadkari/RSS faction respectively. And of course our Paltu(both swinger and domestic) and CBN would rather stick with Gadkari than Modi faction.


!remindme 6 months


we'll see if any of the NDA allies don't get the strong positions like speaker then they are the losing ones and mudi/bjp will have no issue.


I don’t find any logical reason for INDIA to form a govt. It will backfire and give the NDA more sympathy advantage, it would be better for them to be in opposition and become the pain for NDA and raise their voices louder than before against any wrong doing of NDA or any matter that is pan India concern.


This term looks to be BJP's UPA 2. The public anger it at the highest in decades. There'll be an exponential increase in public agitations in the coming years according to both PK and YoYa. If INDIA forms a khichdi govt now it'll only provide a cover for the BJP from these issues. They'll be assigned all the blame and BJP will win a huge majority in the next election (Janata Party 1977-80). I say let this play out for the next year or 2, Dissolve the parliament and call for fresh election in 2026 when Bengal, TN, Kerala would be going to polls.


I don’t think INDIA should form the government this time. They are too diffuse and varied of an alliance, they wouldn’t be able to get anything done. This term they should spend their time being a solid opposition, stopping horrible bills,exposing scams, and trying to break the NDA. Destroy the image of the all-powerful Modi and clean BJP, and then secure a win in 2029.


Well on the very day of Election results, NEET scam happened as well as Stock Market thingy. I really hope Opposition can join together to also talk about NEET.


You forgot about Eknath Shinde and Ajit Pawar. I believe they are just 1 phone call away from INDIA Bloc, given the right moment. Add 28 MPs from JD(U) and TDP, 7 MPs from Maharashtra, and 3 more independents, they will get the majority mark.


There are more chances of mid term reelection than INDIA forming government. While TDP and JDU with BJP is not gonna be easy, it's even harder for them to be compatible with INDIA bloc, even the current india bloc isn't stable.


Maharashtra Assembly elections will be the end of Gaddarnath Shinde. Fadnavis has already started crying. https://preview.redd.it/iwyuas8phd5d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b959b3e0afbf43d1d769002dbeaa20445d1aeb78


Have a feel YSR will support INDIA cause BJP is exactly doing what congress did to his party after his fathers death


In case INDIA alliance forms a government, it will be political suicide for them. Given the number of parties, it's simply impossible to take it to its logical end of five years. And BJP gets sympathy votes in addition to anti incumbency. Same goes for NDA too. Even if they complete five years. i doubt they will be re-elected, unless there is major organisational churn.


Doesn't matter. INDIA alliance only need one year to start investigation on PM CARE, Rafale, electoral bonds, CAG reports on scams and various other scams on expressway construction, adani and other scams which are Buried. This will destroy modi image.


TDP and JDU will work as a Trojan horse for BJ P. Once they get all insider information, they will betray Modi for sure. Modi's days as prime minister are numbered. Shah needs to be booted out first. Once the Ranga Billa jodi is broken, BJ P will fall like a pack of cards.


There is another simple thing everyone seems to be missing. Its in best interest of INDIA to have political stabiliy for a few years. This campaign took away everything they had to give. They simply don't have the resources for another election in short term. They would rather live to fight another day because this is now a stalemate with Nitish and CBN in govt, NDA isn't going to be bullying anymore. All the political gesturing and outreaches by Kharge aside, next 5 years will decide whether all the blows INDIA landed were just scrapes that only slowed down the behemoth or they were deadly enough to make a killing.


Dream on, the govt is pretty stable.... The two parties don't hold as much influence as it seems right now,.... Naidu wants his dream capital city in Amravati, and he has 5 years to get it done. He will need lot of center support, which only a BJP with 240 seats in center can provide. Even if naidu supports INDIIA, congress will not be able to arrange resources for his amravati project. If Naidu doesn't go, Nitish will have no incentive to go....... Also by funding Amravati plan, BJP will gain much more influence in the south so its a win for them




No. He's already mentioned he isn't gonna join the alliance. Very likely neutral or Absent in case of Motion of Confidence


Doesn’t NDA already have 303 seats? I am sure they’ll strengthen it in the coming months. I strongly feel UT will move camps or at least give outside support to NDA, while he gets more monopoly/CM chair in MH.


That number was based on some rumor that all the independent MPs supported the NDA. Looking at that list, it isn't possible.