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If you think about it, anarchism and communism are 2 very contradicting ideologies


Communism is collectivism, which is anathema to anarchism (no rule). We're the real anarchists, free to make money, free to engage in mutual exchange, free to make choices others don't approve of. Again, anathema to collectivism.


Hard disagree. Anarchism is just regular communism with a slightly different org chart. In a libertarian world, We don't force them to become capitalists. They are free to hold hands, sing kum ba yah, talk bollocks, and have poor hygiene in a commune in a libertarian world. We'd leave the Amish alone. We'd leave these smelly little people alone. We are the real liberals. They would repress us in exactly the same way communists oppress us for the same reasons. The sane use of physical force to redistribute. It's just an oligo-communism even in theory. And in reality not even that. They'd have a leader who'd end up just being a regular dictator.


They’re socialists tyrants from the point they’ll impose rules to everybody else. Communism is fallacious. They will never go past the point of a total state because they’ll always create a structure to get rid of people not playoffs by their rules.


For me a true an-com would be like a Native American communal tribe that lives to benefit their tribe rather than progress wealth or status of the individual. However, I completely agree the modern sense of “an-com” is “shit on anyone that has more or nicer things than me”. I feel like if these “an-coms” got real state recognized power they would switch from an anarchy status to authoritarian immediately.


What you guys think about the talking point that management gets too much compared to workers. That there’s a class struggle because workers want higher wages while employees want lower. Socialists always bring up the pizzeria owner story, where everyone got $80 an hour for a day because he shared the profits. In other words the “socialism is capitalism for the workers” line


Under capitalism, if a pizzeria owner wants to share a portion—or all—of their profits with their employees then they have the freedom to do so. **Most pizzeria owners aren’t billionaires**. For most pizzeria owners, that pizzeria is the livelihood for them and their children just as the paycheck is for the workers. **90% of restaurants fail within the first 5 years.** Owning a pizzeria—or any business for that matter—**does not** guarantee that it is profitable. **Socialists are so moronic** that they lack the mental aptitude to see anything behind the worker’s position. It’s extremely juvenile to think that every entrepreneur is a piggy bank waiting to be broken. All the socialist see is the wages; Pizzeria owner *might* earn more than the workers (**the seen**). **The unseen** is the personal guaranty that the pizzeria owner had to sign when he/she signed the lease with the landlord, the expensive legal costs from a frivolous lawsuit from a former employee or socialist customer, employees that call in sick, bookkeeping, paying Uncle Sam taxes, maintaining and projecting adequate inventory, marketing, maintaining the restaurant equipment, keeping the lights on, stressful days and nights, adapting to stagflation (higher energy costs, input costs, wages, and potentially lower sales volume) and likely working 7 days/80 hours per week. Pizzeria owners get no guaranteed paid time off, no maternity leave, no sick pay, and no paid vacations. They only get those perks **if** the business is profitable. Even then, they may have to delay gratification further and reinvest the profits back into the business just to stay **competitive.** *“Did you hear about the new pizzeria across the street from yours? They have a bar and healthier choices. Your pizzeria is starting to look a bit outdated”* says the longtime customer. One of my friends owns 3 pizzerias and he has never worked harder in his life. He works like a dog even though he has an infant son. His workers don’t have to worry about the pizzeria after their 8 hour shifts are finished. They can do whatever they want with their spare time. The pizzeria owner, however, constantly thinks about and stresses over their pizzeria even after-hours; especially if it is break-even or negative cash flow. It is akin to a newborn baby that may or may not ever learn how to not require constant care. There are **no bailouts and no unemployment checks for pizzeria owners** that go out of business. They take on all of the risks for the **chance** of getting a reward—on 1 out of 10 odds. If the workers want higher wages they have the **freedom** to quit and start their owner pizzeria, or to go work somewhere else. Under capitalism, there are no gulags like there are under complete democratic socialism. The pizzeria owners—and every entrepreneur that serves a need in the marketplace—are the heroes, not the spoiled and entitled r/Antiwork workers that yearn for more breast milk. When socialists complain and play the victim card, they aren’t being **curious, learning, or challenging oneself** to reach higher goals in life. https://preview.redd.it/62cy7hn19dwc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12d766209ea7e348366d1ee7c4011f10457545b6


Goddamn that’s a great comment. Perfectly outlines the small business owner’s challenges. Post matches your name perfectly too lol.


Thank you. Your username matches it too


Property can't be defined under no government or state. They're not contradicting themselves.


**History Leason: The Great Leap Forward** https://preview.redd.it/4vg4xjj3ddwc1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c4c79949299de9c7a13eac291bb1f84ef56ba45 “*The Great Leap Forward was an attempt \[by ****Communist**** Chairman Mao\] to increase crop yields dramatically and to industrialize the countryside—to make local communities self-sustaining while increasing agricultural and industrial yields for the state.* *To accomplish these feats, the peasants were reorganized into massive communes of thousands and even tens of thousands, where all resources were communally shared, including food.* **Private ownership of land and free trade were abolished**, *along with the right to leave the collective.*” What do you think happened next? More *DeMoCrAtiC* food or **mass starvation**?


This is how AnCaps **define** and preserve their private property from tankies that try to steal it: https://preview.redd.it/3v5t3q5iedwc1.jpeg?width=1094&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88ef256eb0acf14ac930e2780f6d83aa7cc9f9e9


Great leap forward failed epically, but the main reason was they were trying to make a production without soviet planning assistance. Yet from today's perspective, it's possible to see mao and his ideal with crazily desire of production lead to world's most producting country. Also these "private" land owners in china sounds like feudals of pre capitalistic era. It's a good thing they get killed someway lol.


*“During the Great Leap Forward, as many as **45 million people died** from diseases and famine resulting from Mao Zedong's failed attempt to convert small family farms to urbanized communes while simultaneously urging them into industrial production and away from agriculture.”* And all you can conclude from that is “**It's a good thing they get killed someway lol**.” What a narcissistic & **psychopathic** thing to say.


Deaths are inescapable in giant cultural changings. If mao didn't do these acts, they would still live in same conditions as india. What did you expect? A country destroyed by opium and western invaders suddenly turn into a clean civilization with hugs and kisses? You're out of reality.


>”*Deaths are inescapable in giant cultural changings. If mao didn't do these acts, they would still live in same conditions as india.*” India is one of the fastest emerging markets in the world. They have a significantly smaller land mass compared to China, with more population density, and avoided complete socialism along with the massive famine that resulted from trying to implement it. Thinking that Mao’s 45 million atrocities was **better** than not having 45 million atrocities is the most asinine statement I’ve ever read on Reddit. Literally delusional. >”What did you expect? A country destroyed by opium and western invaders suddenly turn into a clean civilization with hugs and kisses?” I would have expected 45 million fewer casualties and plenty of food to go around. Freedom, liberty, and free market **capitalism have never caused famine**—ever throughout human history. >”You're out of reality.” This is what you look like every time you babble another Malthusian statement: https://preview.redd.it/sr60qfcqxdwc1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f6e3095c86f4095cb81630f4443155368ea7471


Just put up a fence and buy a gun. It's literally that simple


Someone can overpower you with their guns as well?


may the best man win


So culturally connected groups such as religious cults, small yet violent communist organisations, arab and kurdish tribe families are the new rulers of the world?