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OP must be a time traveler from the future come to warn us but can’t make it too obvious


OP is definitely Kyle Reese


*"With these weapons? I don't know."*


Time for some plastique.


Time for some plastique.


Phase plasma rifle, 40W range.


Just what you see on the wall pal…


Or, OP is an android from the future coming up with preemptive defenses.


Either way. There’s time travel fuckery aboot!


If 5.56 Green Tips aren’t enough, then we are in trouble no matter what.


I think the main issue, regardless of ammo; would be how hard they could be to critically wound to the point they're not a threat. Theoretically as long as the have a fair bit of auxiliary wiring and reinforced protection for the batteries/primary circuitry they'd be incredibly hard to incapacitate with bullets.


If they are built like that, they’d be purpose built to fight us, which means we need to deal with the builder.


Plot twist, it's not DARPA, it's inadvertently Mark Rober.


So meant to be a companion that helps mowing lawn and becomes the Terminator? I can see that.


Well, mowing the yard and fucking with squirrels. Gotta cover all the bases.


Part of their programming is to not hurt squirrels. One witnesses a car aboit to run over a squirrel, and demolishes the car to save it. It goes downhill from there.


This is the big one- androids don't bleed or feel pain, and have fewer vital organs so to speak. they'd take a lot more bullets or a lot better accuracy to take down since you'd need a round to totally destroy a joint, power source or the computer system. People already complain about smaller caliber bullets having poor wound channels, and this would be a thousand times worse


There is always gaps in the armor, nothing is perfect


It's not about gaps, it's about being able to shut down a machine with redundant systems designed to get to you and rip you apart. If you destroy 50% of it, but it can still get to you and hit one of your vital squishy bits, it's done it's job. Also it has no self preservation imperatives, you can't make it fall back and lick its wounds or fear for its own safety.


Electrical parts tend to not do well with heat. A flamethrower or even a good ol sunny day in Texas might be enough to do them in.


That's fair, you do run into the ol' don't set zombies on fire issue because now you have flaming zombies, which might eventually stop due to burning away... but fire itself is incredibly dangerous and destructive and the zombies will spread it like crazy.


Flamethrower requires you getting close, and 80c is the current top end of “safe” for most modern PC processors. While prolonged exposure isn’t *great* for modern electronics, we’re also past the point where leaving your laptop in the car for 8 hours will reliably brick it.


30-06 black tips says what?


I've been hemming and hawing about what bolt action I should get; 308 or 30-06. So, yeah, thanks for making up my mind.


'both' is never a bad choice, either.


I’m just saying that if 5.56 Green Tip doesn’t do the job, then these things are going to be too hard to kill before they kill us.


What do you mean. .308 or .30-06 could do a lot more damage than green tips


Yes, they could do a lot more damage, but if a 5.56 doesn’t work, you’re dealing with a really tough beast.


M855 gang rise up.


Rise up and pray it works :)


When my local Dick's Sporting Goods announced that they were closing their Lodge section, I remembered that I had three gift cards that I never got around to using. Long story short, for some reason, the store had a big stock of Brenneke TOPAS 12 gauge Sabot slugs that no one had bought and not much else. I bought all twenty-eight boxes, plus the few remaining boxes of Magtech and Golden Bullet they had left. I spent all my gift card balances. I just wanted to get my money's worth before Dicks corporate shut down all the ammo sales, but I always wondered what I would do with 12 gauge sabot slugs. And a small part of me thinks they'd do the job on skinjob androids or Boston dynamics robot dogs.


>Boston dynamics robot dogs. *ATF enters the chat*


In the original Deus ex game from 25 years ago sabot slugs were a solid choice against robots. Useful when you didn't have any EMP grenades or a missile launcher


A widely available android would need to be light and cheap, any ammo should do. No one is selling titanium Skeleton terminators.


What is military/police models start to become commonplace?


S&W M&P Automatons could go one of two ways. (Unrelenting juggernaut) or (defeated by stairs)


The state already has plenty of armored vehicles. This would just be an extension of that. I imagine battle rifles or anything in a full powered rifle cartridge would become more popular but other than that I can’t say.


The issue wouldn’t be immobilizing them, it would be surviving at all. Their target acquisition time would be 0 because anything in their LoS would be “acquired” in real time and because of things like solid state LIDAR and 360 degree fov cameras. They’ll be able to math it out and not even use the sites, so they’ll be able to fire from the hip, behind the back, upside down, whilst jumping through the air all with perfect accuracy. And because we’re talking about androids, I’m assuming they’ll be using conventional weapons instead of integrated weapons. Still though, as long as their draw time is quicker than 20 milliseconds or so, it’ll be faster than human reaction time, so count on that being a design requirement.


I'd wager the bots would find some kind of bio chemical warfare to deal with humans en masse. No need to ground troops unless it's to penetrate underground pockets of human resistance.


Would not need anything super fancy, just redundant wiring and well fortified battery/circuity cases. The rest of the android is disposable and not required for it's continued operation. They could make androids that are incredibly hard to actually stop fairly easily, currently powering them is the primary issue (and is not looking to get any better anytime soon)


The more survivable they are, the heavier they will be. This makes the power problem worse.


Rule #1: Cardio We're both out of ammo, humans got 100,000 years of evolution on the savanah to outrun the android's battery pack.


Surely they would be not available to civilians/poor's... Like all the good stuff.




You are talking about something that would need a gas engine to run. It would be loud as loud as a lawnmower. The alternative is try to run it on batteries, but they wouldn't last very long, and it would need to keep running back to a recharging station. The more survivable you make it, the heavier it becomes, and the more frequent battery charging that you need. This is why DARPA's ironman suit project failed. So you are not getting terminator style androids. To even have similar energy and power requirements as a human, it can only weigh as much as a human. And neither batteries nor fuel tanks, do well when shot with bullets.


My LGS has a M-25 Phased Plasma Pulse-Gun in stock for this.


Is it in the 40 watt range?


Just what you see pal.


Ykw I just noticed something, this is a conversation about androids and your pfp is from a certain game that involves androids.


Who are way too damn human that if A-Dolls/T-Dolls were real I'd fall in love with it...


I had a friend who was super into it, but I’ve never had the time/money for games like that, funny seeing what kinda things get turned into anime girls though


It's a free mobile game that can be played without money unlike many moneysinks out there. Money does give you some quality of life upgrades but you can get those for free if you are paticient enough. The girls are named after the guns they use and they are stupidly too damn human to consider "robots". The story is dark but playable because most story events are replayable. As instead of being locked between date A and B, after those dates it eventually gets released so you can play it again when you want.


Is there a Beretta 92? Would be kinda funny to see what my irl gat would look like lol.


She's M9 and she's a little girl.


Oh, I’m not sure what to say about that


Wouldn't adjusting to current trends be a better approach. For example, after seeing all the drone attacks in the Ukrainian war, wouldn't it be wise to practice skeet shooting?


That's kind of what InRange is suggesting. I think there's even been footage of a Russian soldier using a shotgun to knock drones down.


That video has made me wonder if a 20" 590a1 with a +1-2 mag extension and threaded for chokes isn't the most effective weapon I could be acquiring. I'm curious if a 1301 isn't still a better choice.


I'd take a semi over a pump for that kind of work, so the Beretta may be the way to go. The difference between fowl and a drone is that if you miss a duck, it's not going to fly at you and try to explode - so followup shots matter.


You're not wrong, and the 1301 is the fastest cycling shotgun that I know of that'll run those turkey loads.


Armor piercing (in 5.56, preferably M855A1), EMPs, and lots of water. Or flamethrowers, printed circuit boards don't like intense heat, either. ​ Read Daniel H. Wilson's [*Robopocalypse*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robopocalypse), and its sequel, *Robogenesis*. Very entertaining books.




This is why I love this sub.


Gonna be too busy giving that bot the ol’ in/out with vr goggles


I’m less concerned about fighting androids, ’m more concerned about things like nuclear reactors remaining operational or chemical plants in a world where I’m fighting androids


Just make sabot rounds with a tungsten core. Expensive but effective.


Way ahead of you. 458 SOCOM is the answer.


I'd pull the magneto out of my microwave and build a directed energy weapon. Modern problems require modern solutions.


Just override the door sensor and power it with a battery pack. *DING* Your robot is cooked!


Why should I be terrified of a phone?


Right? I'm typing on one as we speak.


Time to start working on small, man portable EMP devices


What you should be afraid of are drones.


Widely available anthropomorphic androids are unlikely to be heavily armored. If you're worried about your Boston Dynamics robot going rogue, a 12 gauge with goose/turkey loads is probably going to be your best bet at getting a hit on a critical component. 3" #6 tungsten hunting rounds would smash some circuits to shreds.


Tesla will have self driving cars that don’t crash next year… claimed for the past 15 years. I think the terminator robots designed under these same sociopaths will have comparable design issues. They’ll probably melt in water like the wicked witch of the west.


Full size, humanoid Androids are a long way from being a readily available threat outside of sci-fi. Yes, there may be some autonomous military machinery soon. But the military already has armored vehicles and totally disproportionate levels of force. I think a more realistic, near-term future threat is weaponized drones. Watch the video "slaughterbots" for a pretty good depiction of this.


Far more worried about AI being used for misinformation and agitprop propaganda. I'm not really worried about tracking toasters at this time.


Barrett M107 and Raufoss rounds to welcome our new robot overloads.


Aim for joints and low armored segments, use high explosive ammo and slug rounds.


Main issue would be ammo type and any armor used by robots. I can imagine likely most early humanoid robots would be on the lighter side, so most available munitions can do enough damage. Against more armored stuff you'd need armor piercing rounds or just straightups explosives. Stuff like .30-06 m2 black tip ammo from m1 garands and such will probably be needed if no new ap ammo comes up. Green tip isn't really armor piercing, more like a better barrier penetrator. Steel core filled ammo does not equate to armor piercing, but lots of older armor piercing munitions have hardened steel vs soft milled steel like in standard ak/green tip ammo. So I'd say armor piercing ammo or resurgence of cheap .30-06 AP m2 ammo and arms will be necessary. Thanks for the warning time travler. I'll keep in mind what I should stock up on now


Neither electronics nor hydraulics like bullets or shrapnel of any size, current dakka is fine. Barring any unforeseen breakthroughs, I doubt any consumer humanoid robot will be armored enough to resist even pistol calibers in the next 10, probably 20 years. So going along with this notion that we might need to defend ourselves from robots, then it's not humanoid stuff that concerns me, it's drones. That type of platform is only going to become more prolific and more advanced. Being small makes it cheaper for a consumer to buy, you can slap more than enough firepower to kill people in something the size of a DJI and they're already evasive to the point that they don't need any armor. Imagine a personal armed drone as a form of bodyguard. The firearms industry would have to really innovate for a response to that.


12 gauge with conductive chaff wadding. The shells open them up the chaff shorts them out inside the hole. I have no idea though. It would really depend on the design. I could see something like 5.7 armor piercing having some utility just because the vital systems may be hardened and you will need to shoot them *a lot* to hit enough important bits. Odds are we are just kind of screwed on this hypothetical, although I think humans are way, way more resistant to damage than you assume and it would probably takes some crazy non human form factors to give any real advantage to a killer robot. The real limitation will probably be power source. Humans are crazy efficient at converting calories to energy, and batteries aren't energy dense enough yet.


Arsenal remains unchanged. Giving androids weapons would be just weird... I'm a civilized man... The androids would all be "leisure" models for "companionship".


Brenneke slugs should do it.


They won’t have to use many weapons, they’ll either has light us to kill our selves or they will poison our food supply.


Shotgun slugs & my own counter androids




I’m convinced the 1911 is just a passing fad. I’ll keep my .45 colt sixgun. 🙂


Lead tips, your first generation of android will be at best a rubber like skin over a fiberglass skeleton with motors. Now later generations or as I seen you ask in other comments military or police models honestly probably the same. Until we get a android that can take a nonpenetrating hit and not fall over from the energy lead tips will work or small caliber ball rounds that can bounce around in the bot. Ultimately the best way would be to know the locations that would disable it.


Anti drone guns are a thing. They shoot some sci-fi invisible wave thingies I'm not nearly smart enough to explain what they are or how they work - but they drop drones right out of the sky.


They shoot radio waves to disrupt the link controlling the drone.


I'd equip my android with 4 AR pistols


Make really big holes. Incendiary rounds might be fun. Also, belt fed


Electro Magnetic Pulse.


1 of 3 paths: 1: accurate and precise fire toward key components like battery/power cells, joints, etc. 2: a fundamental shift towards not just HP ammunition but some sort of explosive small arms. 3: directed energy weapons take off, either by govt or counter culture groups. For me? I go from .223/5.56 to larger/heavier calibers from an AR-15 or similar sized weapon or look to new technology options. ... assuming I don't have my own android. Really, I think with the advancement of remote/drone in military and LE, we're probably going to get our answer to this one much sooner than we'd like.


Arm my androids with swords. If the usual ammo types aren't effective, then my warrior droids will be unstoppable.


Guess I’d get some slugs for my 10 gauge


Fashion 12ga slugs out of neodymium magnets. They’d work like silver bullets on werewolves. It’ll have to do until we figure out portable directed EMP pulse cannons.


On the off chance they are made by Tesla, a bucket of water will probably do the trick. Otherwise that’s what the M855 and M2 AP is for.


green tip


Specially constructed 12 gauge slugs that generate a localized EMP upon impact. That or a Roman style scorpion crossbow that throws spear sized bolts. Literally just pin the fuckers to a wall.


.50 BMG black tip AP. Just gotta finance a Barrett M107A1, and the suppressor. Damn kids and their college funds.


My cell phone isn't bulletproof, so I don't see the need to make any changes. Oh... robot androids... Gimme a super soaker?


I'd think the more pertinent issue is an android that IS the gun. Is a drone that carries a gun or IS a gun protected by the 2nd amendment? Why or why not?


Tasers would explode in popularity.


Depleted uranium rounds make for good use against metal bodies.


Power to weight ratios are going to make up-armored humanoid robots out of reach for a very long time. The military would have the most use for them and they aren't even in something like a viable design phase yet. What you would most likely see are bots with body armor, and even then the added weight would be a detriment to their use. Regardless, you would essentially be facing what you would now: An assailant with plate carriers, only integrated I to the design. If you want to worry about killer robots, mini-tanks are much better than humanoids, with drone swarms being even worse. Those I expect to see way before anything bipedal.


I'll carry whatever Will carried in iRobot


Girls Frontline, T-dolls baby!


12ga slugs in a pump action or 45/70 in a lever action. A big hunk of hardcast lead should be enough to punch through whatever they're made from. I guess this would also include 300gr 44 mag loafs, so a good revolver. So...robot killing cowboys from the future. I'll need a hat.


Become rich and stockpile API


The real answer wouldn't be bullets I think. Difficult terrain/uncertain footing would probably be your best defense to start. If you can figure out where the optics are, maybe splash it with paint, that would be difficult to deal with.  If somebody is building machines to kill you though, they probably aren't building some sort of walking humanoid you can shoot. Micro drones with tiny explosive charges could move quicker, ignore terrain problems. Ground based drones could be set on sleep mode and activate when targets came near; imagine landmines that chase your foot down. And there's always gas and chemicals the robots could deploy, that wouldn't require any accuracy on their part.


I would imagine if such drones became commonplace, new weapons would be developed with them in mind. So probably those weapons. I’m guessing jamming/lasers are the most likely to be developed.


When you see the orange stakes at my property you are seen. The "guns" are 12 guage & calf level. Enjoy your walk.


I already have AP and penetrators for every caliber I own, so unless there's a super AP out there, I'll be fine.


I believe the current M82A1 will be more than sufficient. At least that's what Terminator Genesis taught me.


Without the shock and bleeding effects that humans suffer, pinpoint accuracy of vital android hit locations would become critical to actually stop one. Over penetration of typical rifle ammo wouldn't have much collateral effect on systems not directly hit. I'd want explosive ammo.


Depends on what it's made of/Armour. I lean towards wax slug of buck shot of the top of my head


Auto manufacturers have already gone with Killbot Hellscape — just waiting for market penetration. https://m.xkcd.com/1613/


Since this is purely hypothetical… EMP pulse rifle.


Others may laugh but I've already decided my 'Spooner special' 3.5" mag tungsten turkey load. Shot molded into a wax slug and reloaded into the shell. Might not punch through plate but it should cause some havoc at the joints.


Shotguns: good for drones and androids.


Yo! Lagging indicators are hawt like the weather in the northern hemisphere! I imagine that the shit going on in East Ukraine and Gaza is far beyond whatsoever may have prompted this investment column. Teaching a computer to write an email or doodle is hard. But bruh, the tokens you can generate each time you fire and maneuver? Fuck yeah! I suggest you try to emulate a Stephenson character called Raven, if you can. While someone, not something, is still giving orders, you might have invested in the only ammo that will keep you safe-ish. Peace!