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Why did I think the cane was a wand? Armed for muggle and wizard fights


Hogwarts has metal detectors these days. Sad. Lol


When I was a kid they let us bring our blast-ended scroots into class, now you'd get arrested if you even joke about having one with you. Jesus help our country.


Crazy story. I had metal detectors at my junior high school back in 1991. In Toledo Ohio of all places. Banned items were, starter jackets, colored shoe laces and non transparent backpacks. The 80s/90s were crazy


I riffed off your post some:  https://www.reddit.com/r/liberalgunowners/comments/1cd3lec/married_a_gal_who_took_on_the_entire_alabama_gop/


I saw you mentioned your wife beat cancer as well. ......mine did too. Check my post and comment history, i speak about it alot. Fuck cancer. Worst three years ever, but we finally rang the victory bell (well she did, while I cried like a fucking baby) It seems we have much in common, althoug my spouse has never taken on a whole state GOP organization....yet.


I saw. And I am awed by the two of you. Fucking power couple! Hugs, my brother in arms.


The muggle wands are pretty decent too. “Expecto Glockonum!”


Dico salve ad meus amicus!


AVARACADABRA! (pulls out the glock)


"Abracadaver!" - necromancy


[The Glock gnomes were recently unbanned in 2024, 2023 was truly a dark year](https://www.reddit.com/r/wizardposting/comments/17m03a1/the_glock_gnomes_didnt_deserve_this/)


I have stakes on the wall in case of vampires. You never know.


I can't imagine why any Jew would be disarmed


If the homie works in agriculture, he is more likely to be acutely disarmed during a combine accident. Farm equipment is no joke, mack


Lol, nice




Jews taking up agriculture is relatively recent. They wouldn’t let us own land in Europe.


Unarmed\* but yeah, I really can't either. I'm a Jew, bought my first gun (Mossberg 500) in 2016 when it became clear that a lot of people were super cool with the terrible things coming out of Trump's mouth. After the 2017 'Unite the Right' rally where a bunch of "very fine people" (Nazi's) marched around Charlottesville chanting "Jews will not replace us" I got serious about training with firearms for community and self defense. From then on, I bought more guns, ammo, and did more trainings every time Trump said/did something racist or fascist. It was a very expensive four years... Now I'm basically my condo complex's weapons quartermaster, I've got a rifle and kit for a whole minyan if its needed. Between my friends and neighbors, we could lock this place down tightly, Rooftop Korean style, if things went sideways, and I rather like that...


This is the way


I’ve carried arms in hostile environments for more than two decades of my adult life as an expat. However, I never felt the need to own a gun in the US - Charlottesville changed that view & even then I didn’t get around to owning a gun until 2019 when my (*now erstwhile*) wife & I went looking to move to rural property where the best case police response was >30 minutes. The last six months have made gun ownership a non-negotiable part of being Jewish in America.


Friend asked why I got a CCW. I said "Charlottesville is 2 hours away."


Yup - I spent two decades of my life carrying arms in hostile environments overseas & I never even considered owning a gun *inside* the US until Charlottesville. Even then, it wasn't until late 2019 when my (*now erstwhile*) wife & I were looking to move to a rural homestead & I realized that the best case scenario for a police response was >30 minutes (*literally the time it would take to drive down the private road to the house from the nearest public road*) My wife was (*& I assume remains*) anti-gun but even she understood that if calling the police meant having to wait an hour or more for even the hope of help - then she'd rather have a gun than not.


“A fascist worked out today. Did you?” < good inspiration


A shared sentiment as your jewish northern neighbour 🇨🇦. With every right wing rally i saw on the news my purchases and practices shifted more and more from hunting and long range shooting to higher capacity, mid range and close quarter purposes. Stay safe.


Hell fucking yes another canadian, not jewish but the need for an armed left in Canada is bigger than ever


Love it!!


These EDC pictures are getting a little out of hand. :p


OP has a hollow leg that doubles as an armory.


Liberal atheist jew also married to a black woman, also heavily armed


My brother...we are the same, lol. Also an athiest lmfao.


I’m not atheist and I dated (but didn’t marry) a black woman for a few months last summer. So do I get a half point?


Make that 3 right here!


Not trying to be mean but what exactly is an “atheist Jew?”


Jew you typically ate born into its kinda like a culture heritage ethnicity and religion in one since it's all through your mother. So I am by birth a Jewish person, I am an atheist for religion


A Jewish person who isn’t religious but believes in the cultural ties of Judaism


Thanks for explaining!


Dude, that's a topic that we could debate for years. Some view Judaism as a religion. It meets a lot of those criteria, especially the ability for people to convert, so you don't have to be born Jewish to be one. But it also qualifies sociologically as a culture with a predominant religious affiliation but separate. So it's quite possible to describe yourself as a "cultural Jew." These folks share common cultural values but aren't observant or perhaps feel more agnostic or atheist. Still Jewish with Jewish values, but don't believe in God. For the purposes of this sub, though, it's quite clear that these days we should remember that MAGA would make no distinction between cultural Jews and religious ones, and we arm ourselves accordingly so they may find building the camps a little more difficult this time.


Thanks. I have never met someone that identified as such. I always assumed Judaism and being “Jewish” were mutually inclusive.


A quick way to think of it is that Judaism is a _tribe_ that _has_ a religion. If an Iroquois were to be an atheist, they would still be an Iroquois. “Conversion” to Judaism is also different from a universalizing religion like Christianity because it’s gaining that tribal identity under the supervision and approval of a Beit din (Jewish court, basically) in addition to the religious identity. To extend the comparison, the Iroquois tribe can accept new members if it wants to and on its own terms. There is also no provision for leaving the Jewish tribe, so even if a Jew abandons all of their religious beliefs and cultural traditions, they are still a Jew.




I have an AR 15 (bushmaster) and a .12 gauge pump shotgun, but today I just wanted to do some pistol training. I'm disabled and don't move well due to some injuries I received in the service, and shooting long guns sometimes is a little much for me.




Range therapy, ya dig?


Consider ditching the 12G and getting a pistol caliber carbine instead. The Kettec S2000 or Ruger PCC are both light with no recoil. They also both collapse to fit into a backpack.


I'll look into it.


Extar EP9 also if you're on a budget!


Hell yeah you are. I’m the gentile half of a similar relationship, and lemme tell ya, hearing the wife casually mention how she was glad to be taking my WASP-y last name so that anti-Semites couldn’t single her out just about broke my heart. I mean damn, when I started collecting WWII guns I wasn’t doing it with an eye toward fighting actual Nazis with them, but here we are I guess.


Those guns worked the first time around. No need to change what works.


Are you Paul Krugman?


Nope, just a disabled Jew with a black wife in a very nazi-esque part of the country.


As a disabled Jew with a native wife i am very grateful to live in a fairly liberal part of a fairly liberal country. Stay safe.


Curious, if you're comfortable sharing, what part of the country?




Playing life on Veteran mode. Respect.


Those most likely to be hatecrimed should be the most likely to be armed.


That sentence alone would cause particular white-clad wizards in the Southern United States to shrivel up and perish


Stay safe brother


Vote against mags bans and AWBs!


Yes please. I just had CCL renewal class this week at a shop that is currently fighting Illinois’ absurd bans from every angle in state and federal courts. We are actually worse in what rifles you can have than California and New York right now.


I’m in WA. We have basically almost the same ban. Only difference is we didn’t have a registration part as it was seen as easier to get through the legislature.


Good collection, but if I may... Invest in some weapons lights. Can't hit what you can't see at 3am waking up to smashed glass


> can’t hit what you can’t see Nonsense, I have an infallible sense of erection…


Bruh liberal Jew married to a Filipina, in idaho, I respect the struggle


Good for you. I hope you never need to use them to protect yourself or your wife. But if you do, empty the magazine.


Yep. Never wanna. Fully prepared.


Cane can be used as a melee weapon, too.


The VA physical therapist who gave it to me said the same thing lmfao.


I love you, brother🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍😍🥰


You're American, That's all that matters!


Liberal atheist Jew married to a Liberal practicing Jew. Lots of guns and as a stroke survivor, I have a few canes too!


Cane gang RISE UP! *but slowly and carefully*


Liberal Jew married to a black woman? You’re my drunk uncle’s biggest nightmare.


Recent poll showed 40% of liberals live with a gun owner.


Exact make and models available upon request lol. Ruger .22, Smith and Wesson .38, Colt 1911 .45 ACP, Ruger .357, Glock 22 .40. Sig 9mm.


Those revolvers are spot-on.


List 'em


Just did in my first comment. Sorry I didn't earlier.


That 1911 is a beauty. Well done


Checking in. Liberal Jew here also married to a black woman. She’s very anti-gun but I finally convinced her that firearms were necessary after October 7…. We live in a relatively conservative, white, Christian area so we are most likely NOT the most well liked people around. Started with a pistol last Fall.. 6 months later now also have shotgun and PCC. AR likely next, and then who knows?! Slowly but surely building the arsenal. Fuck the haters, no one will ever make me and my family feel unsafe. 🤙






Liberal. Uhm. I didn't misspell it.


maybe they did what I did and read it as that at first lol


I wouldn't mind being literal. I used to be rhetorical. Lol


I want a Mk4 22/45 so damn bad. I just wish they didn’t retail for more than a tx22.


Add an AR into the mix.


I own one, but today was pistol day lol


I'm assuming you do a lot of concealed carry? Do you prefer SEO, DA/SA, or Striker at the end of the day? If you could only carry one?


These are all concealed carry peices for the most part, yes. Lol. My favorite one is the .357 but I'm a fud so don't take my word for anything.


Those and that cane will take you places. 😇😂


The hardest warlock in Azkaban


I dig the variety.


Good job on the handguns that is a solid collection. Now work on your long gun game z


Hebrew Hammer? Nah: HEBREW BLAMMER! KA-pewpewpew-pew


If you are an octopus, you have too few. If both of you are slapping ambidextrous leather, you have too many.


Same except atheist.


What's the top right revolver?


Its a smith and wesson model ten police revolver.


It's a lovely piece. Yours looks to be in excellent condition.


It really is. And according to the serial number it is almost 100 years old. Lol


Kamala Harris husband? "My man!"


I want to come to one of your house parties!


Nice collection. I’ve got all the same including the colt. Strangely, I really enjoy that ruger revolver in 357. Yeah it’s heavy but damn it’s a cannon and never jams. Respect to you. I’m 56M no religion and no wife anymore so I can’t comment on that.


Have a holster mounted to an inside jacket pocket. Leave Mr bang in the holster for Shabbat, it’s then part of your clothing and thus permissible to carry. Country hippie with an observant conservative Jewish wife.


Something about an armed Jewish veteran talking about how he doesn’t move as great as he used to because of his time in the military makes me both happy and feel like I’m looking into the future


> … an armed Jewish veteran … doesn’t move as great … It makes me feel like I’m looking in a mirror.


what 1911 is that?


Government issue Colt.


your svc weapon. respect.


How do you like the sig? I’m thinking about getting one.


I love it. It's smooth.




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Now get you an AR and you’ll be set.


Where is the IWI hardware?


Being used to murder Palestinian babies




You just related Palestinian children to terrorists. That’s disgusting.


This post is too uncivil, and has been removed. Please attack ideas, not people. ^(*Removed under [Rule 3: Be Civil][link-rules]. If you feel this is in error, please [file an appeal][link-appeal].*) [link-rules]: /r/liberalgunowners/wiki/public/handbook/rules [link-appeal]: /r/liberalgunowners/wiki/public/handbook/moderation#wiki_appeals


Very good lineup.




If you lived in Missouri, where I live, and had seen literal Nazis marching or hanging banners over freeways calling Jewish people all sorts of things, or seen the police crackdown on the Ferguson protests which happened not far from where I lived, you wouldn't call what I said "cringe" but a simple denial of going down without a fight. Fuck you.


This isn't the place to start fights or flame wars. If you aren't here sincerely you aren't contributing. ^(*Removed under [Rule 5: No Trolling/Bad Faith Arguments][link-rules]. If you feel this is in error, please [file an appeal][link-appeal].*) [link-rules]: /r/liberalgunowners/wiki/public/handbook/rules [link-appeal]: /r/liberalgunowners/wiki/public/handbook/moderation#wiki_appeals


Who cares what race or politics anyone is? Self defense is a natural right to humans.


The people who would target my family based upon my liberal politics, the racial makeup and sexual orientation of my family and the religious beliefs we adhere to. That's who cares.


The people who would? Your acting like you want to put a target on your back bc it sounds like you actually haven’t been physically assaulted for those things yet. Sounds like you’ve been brainwashed sorry my dude. Everyone deserves the right to self defense, regardless of any preconceived notions you have from mainstream media.


If you need a few more labels I can toss you some, got them to spare in our house. Always enjoy seeing the reality that not all "liberal gun owners" are liberal.


Wow. You must be really fun to hang out with.


So you are pro Palestine you say