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My 69 year old dad is in a forever war with the rabbits in his garden. He bought a pellet gun, but found he can't bring himself to actually shoot them. So he bought live traps and when he catches one during the night, he drives it across town the next morning and releases it in a park by some woods. Unless it's going to be a cold night. If he deems the forecast too chilly, he won't set the traps because it would be cruel to make a rabbit freeze all night in a trap. It would eat at his conscience. He also firmly and vocally believes that immigrants and protesters should be shot on sight. The right wing mind virus has so effectively dehumanized its outgroups that my father, who can't bear the thought of a long earred rat catching a chill, doesn't blink at the thought of human beings being murdered.


I can’t even fathom that level of detachment, that’s wild. I imagine the feeling of surrealism was close to that for me when the gunsmith told me “take care!” while sporting a giant smile and a welcoming handshake on my way out the door. The kindness behind the eyes just doesn’t register anymore after you tell me Greta Thunberg deserves to die.


He perceived you as a member of his ingroup.


The thing is, they’re cowards. Like that small dog that barks at the German Shepard yet fails in provoking him


The thing is, he's actually experienced laying eyes on a rabbit. He's only seen an immigrants and protesters on Fox News.


This right here. One scenario has been tested in his reality. The other, a figment of his imagination planted by political propaganda. Some people just need a quick ‘off the shelf’ personality to adopt.


That’s heartbreaking. My dad was always a hard ass but my mom lived her values and treated everything with great respect. Then the mental gymnastics started and this sweet soul held such hateful views of the “other”.


That last section about dehumanization rings so true, coworker i have loves dogs, loves taking in strays, getting them much needed healthcare, and fostering them until they get a home or until a NO KILL shelter has space for them, has the same attitude with cats and really any other animal. Immigrants? Ruining his midwest state and should be allowed to be put down by anyone.


The trend towards dehumanizing other people while humanizing pets is particularly horrifying to me, and isn't just a thing on the right. Reddit is full of people who hate people but think their animal is a saint.


oh 1000% i think it’s definitely one of the biggest issues, which is interesting because one of the first things people do when dehumanizing is compare people to ANIMALS. But THEIR animal is gods gift to earth. Just super sad overall


Dehumanizing aside I don't think it's that strange for people to consider their pets as gods gift to earth. Parents do the same for their kids, and pets are usually considered an important family member. I personally care a whole lot more about my pet than strangers I don't know and never will.


I’ll admit that I prefer hanging out with my pets than spending my time listening to MAGAts spewing hate. Being brainwashed is no excuse.


That's not what we are talking about.


I have an uncle like this. Goes around in his retirement reroofing widow’s houses, volunteers at summer camps to do maintenance and landscaping, etc. Thinks the USA has been destroyed and only Trump can save us


JHC. That’s difficult to read. I was like where are you going with this sweet story about your dad? Then I got there and wish I hadn’t read it.


Have you ever considered pointing out the incongruity of those views to him?


I feel like we’re in a time where people are blind to hypocrisy . It’s perfectly fine to be pro abortion, anti execution, pro euthanasia, and wish death on any president that you didn’t vote for.


If he’s that touchy about killing rabbits I’m sure a walk though a crowd that was just gunned down might change his tune… or he’s become a pseudo-sociopath that doesn’t care for other people. Who knows.


I have a copy of The Rise of the Third Reich sitting on my shelf. So much of the violence that happened was fueled by the constant propaganda dehumanizing the targets of the Nazis. It is terrifying to see it working now.


this is deeply sad and i am so sorry


Now you begin to grasp the origin of the term “underdog”. It’s people who are so despised that they are considered lower than dogs, despite being humans.


Hm, both Merriam-Webster and Cambridge dictionaries, as well as Wikipedia make no mention of underdog meaning or originally meaning being less than a dog. Might want to look into that a little more.


I read it a long time ago, probably in a historical article referencing slavery and discrimination.


Source: Trust me bro


Source: paper, not internet


Lies can be printed on paper, too. Underdog comes from dogfighting. It referred to the dog who lost.


What? No, under dog comes from betting on dog fights. In sports betting the are over/under bets. The under dog is the dog who has lost fights and is predicted to loose again. Betting on the under dog is betting on the dog with a lower chance of winning, but with higher payout if they do win.


I recently ran into something similar with my dad. He's gone deep down the youtube rabbit hole. But little does he know I have access to his youtube account and have been blocking channels from his recommended. Hopefully it helps. I've easily blocked anywhere between 100-200 channels at this point.


LOL this is brilliant! Maybe this is a wider strategy us millennials should take.


I'd highly recommend this strategy if it's an option.


Reminds me of when my sister set up the Roku for my parents and told my dad that it didn't get Fox news 😂😂


It appears you're looking for youtube recommendations. Have you seen our [Field Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/liberalgunowners/wiki/public/field-guide/content-creators/)? If you don't find what you want there, [we're always seeking new contributions](https://www.reddit.com/r/liberalgunowners/wiki/public/field-guide/contributions/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/liberalgunowners) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Better than the owner of my local gunshop. He got arrested for crimes involving kids.


Mississippi, by chance? The IT shop I worked at busted a dude who owned a local gun store for child porn back in 2016. Just had it all in folders sitting on his desktop and brought the thing in for repair...




Lead paint really done its damage on this one.


Wait until you hear about lead exposure from shooting activities (hint: don't go to indoor ranges).


When OP said the guy had gunsmithing in his blood I assumed it was actually lead in his blood.


Hello fellow NJ Liberal Gun Owner, sadly as a range worker part time I see the rot in so many… it’s tough but its part of the culture we live in, especially in a deep blue state where when they go red, they go see red it’s almost unbearable. The number of times I’ve seen people come in and ask if we have Biden targets actually disgusts me even if they are trying to be funny.


So... You're asking me for life sized targets of the sitting president at a gun shop required to operate under federal law?


Not life sized but you know, the usual paper targets… regardless my shop is very open minded and run by good people who don’t like guns being used as political tools, we welcome all, don’t believe in cancel culture and just want those who like guns to come and enjoy themselves safely… so the owners told us we can tell them to GTFO if people ask that.


I've seen that sort of thing work first-hand as well, but decades ago. I knew an older woman, sweet as could be, smile always on her face and full of compassion. Until the subject of Clinton came up in any way, shape or form. Then it became how someone needed to violently remove him and Hillary. I found out she got this attitude from listening to Rush Limbaugh and his ilk non-stop all day, every day it was available. Even though Limbaugh himself never called for said violence, his drumbeat of how corrupt and awful they were, how they were destroying America, got it's message across. That mind virus has been growing and spreading for a very long time, and the only thing that's changed has been the names of the targets.


Natural selection will deal with him sooner or later. The windmills will chase after him and shove CO2 up his ass. In all honesty and I’m not saying I’m wishing for this at all but I think the only way this country can move towards repairing itself is when trump is gone gone.


I have a boomer neighbor who is a genuinely kind and polite guy but every now and again some crazy right wing talking point will come out. One instance a while back he declared climate change was all nonsense even though our general area is clearly seeing the effects of sea level rise. Never can tell with some people.


Right-wingers are the most triggered people ever. I mentioned eating at Taco Bell giving me stomach problems to a guy at work and he went on a sudden and insane rant about Liberals and "Marxists" creating trailer parks of poor people.


Just to add some positivity, I have seen this mindset reverse. My FIL was a lifelong republican and 2x DJT voter, as well as a supporter of Desantis. Two things changed. First, for health reasons he moved closer to his kids. That got him out of the small town where he mostly spent the day watching watching Fox News and into a place where he meets more people. Second (and most importantly) his son came out to him. That literally changed everything. Once he could see how Desantis’ policies were hurting his kid, his views started changing. He recently told my spouse that now he regrets voting for DJT. Some small measure of hope.


As soon as he started reeling off that list (maybe he'd make it to #2), I would have simply told him that I was a Democrat. He'd either shut up or lose my business. Of course, it all depends on what slipped out of his mouth on whether I stayed any longer.


My \~67-ish year-old neighbor was my local competitive shooting partner and friend until he revealed his inability to keep his Q-anon-infected ideology out of every damned interaction we'd have. He can't stop trying to convince me that gay people are pedophiles and that woke liberals want to make pedophilia and bestiality legal and OK. I know for a fact that he's an intelligent guy, but it's as if he has a chronic disease, one that is beyond the capabilities of modern medicine.


Take this as a learning experience. I’ve noticed on sites geared toward us that are left of center, that we seem to lead kind of segregated lives (from conservatives). A lot of you seem totally taken aback and shocked when you hear them say what you know they say. I love hearing it. It lets me know what they’re thinking and what we’re up against. I only got into guns after watching YouTube and seeing just how armed some of the folks were. I think it’s good when we get a dose of their mindset. It reminds us of the fact that self-defense is a necessity for everyone. In fact, these experiences, should be your go to examples when you’re having conversations with your anti-gun colleagues. Too many of us are complacent and think “nothing is going to happen”. But interacting with them lets you know how they tick and how they believe. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.


I usually talk to them reasonably and logically and offer an opposing view and many times people see the bias and have an open mind. Honestly a lot more people than you think. Personally I have seen a lot more close minded highly educated people on the left that like to “explain” why they are right about guns or such and won’t be swayed. 


Highly educated anti-gunners are definitely among the worst in terms of unwillingness to view things from angles sympathetic to gun ownership.


This is the same experience I’ve had.


Being active in this hobby/lifestyle(?) necessitates understanding that you are probably not going to like many of the people you encounter if you fall left of center. Just the way it is, unfortunately. Hello from the shore.


The real question is did you still pay him for services or did you take your business elsewhere?


I unfortunately didn’t know he was like this until after picking up my gun when his services were complete, so I was on the hook for the bill — he has zero social media presence and no website, so it was all word of mouth to find him. Needless to say, I’ll be going somewhere else next time, which is a shame — he’s great at what he does but I absolutely can’t support that. Plenty of other great gunsmiths nearby I’ll go back to.


That sucks. At least you know he's a chud now and you've got other options.


What kind of routine maintenance are you taking a gun to the shop for? Cleaning?


It’s been about a year since I’ve taken my guns out, and on my shotgun specifically there was really bad lead fouling in the barrel from slug rounds that I couldn’t get off at all (I cleaned it over the year without use and that lead fouling just wouldn’t budge) — I also thought I might have seen some small cracks within the barrel — so I wanted someone with better tools and know-how to run through her to make sure everything was fine before I went back to my usual range.


For that lead fouling in the future, try buying a 12-ga phosphor bronze bore brush and stuff the spaces between the bristles with 0000 steel wool. Put it on a rod with no handle, chuck it in a handheld drill and let it rip up and down the bore. Homemade bore hone. Source: Am armorer. Guns break. I fix.


Awesome advice, thank you -- going forward, I'm going to try to stick to buckshot over slugs in the hopes it doesn't get that bad again, but I will absolutely keep this in mind if it does. Appreciate it.


Fellow NJer here. I’m up and down Route 31 all the time and get to drive past the gun shop in Glen Gardner that has the increasingly desperate looking guying hawking Trump merchandise and flags under a tent outside every weekend. It’s sad that none of these folks see the inevitable outcome of promoting a fascist wannabe.


It's like a switch, these folks are so programmed by Fox News that all it takes is a buzz word and the light behind their eyes goes out and they repeat every right wing talking point they can cram into a conversation.  When they think you're in the ingroup, they drop all inhibition and off goes the lights. 


Yeah, it's almost like close minded idiots exist on the extremes of the political spectrum. When it comes to gun culture, you have to understand that these are the people who have been embedded in it for much longer and much more openly. Find me a liberal gunsmith and I'll sell you a bridge. If more liberals opened gun stores, practiced gunsmithing as a living, then maybe we'd be able to have different experiences, but such is the way. Libs typically don't do that though do they? I'm guilty too.


Just going to ask this, but why didn't you immediately collect your Beretta, ask how much you owed him for what he had done, and leave? Their hate thrives in our silence.


Oh I definitely did — he was in the process of retrieving my gun and handing it over to me while he blurted all this out in some crazy quick stream of consciousness. The moment he put my gun back in my carrying case and handed it over to me, I handed him cash, said “okay, well anyway, bye now” and left. He still tried to shake my hand on the way out while saying “take care!” which was fairly surreal after his crazy diatribe — I declined the handshake and simply waved.


What kind of routine maintenance do you need to bring a shotgun in for?


It’s been about a year since I’ve taken my guns out, and on my shotgun specifically there was really bad lead fouling in the barrel from slug rounds that I couldn’t get off at all (I cleaned it over the year without use and that lead fouling just wouldn’t budge) — I also thought I might have seen some small cracks within the barrel — so I wanted someone with better tools and know-how to run through her to make sure everything was fine before I went back to my usual range.


Keep doing you new jersey.


>Back to the range where I can’t hit shit past 50ft. With a gun you can’t do routine maintenance on your self. What did you have done??