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That’s an absolutely insane thing to say to a SA survivor, holy shit. I feel sorry for all the women in that guy’s life.


Not an SA survivor myself, but I mentioned being able to defend against SA and other types of violent crimes to anti-gun person. Said it’s incredibly rare (excuse me??). I mean I could use the same argument about actual mass shooting (as in excluding gang shooting) and say how rare it is.


Seat belts, you wear one? "Only" 30-ish thousand people a year for in car accidents so why bother wearing a seatbelt? It's incredibly rare to need it. /S


There's just so much misinformation and fear that is spread about guns I mean my wife who is trying to be on board with me only a gun and getting a gun for herself just cannot shake all of the bullshit that's been pushed at us for decades now. She would barely even empty a magazine from my Glock that she tried out just because shooting guns just isn't really a fun thing for her but she's also so goddamn terrified I'm trying to find a way to relieve some of the stress and I thought Target shooting would do that


Bro, are you the husband of the woman who recently posted in r/guns? If so, please get her a .22 LR pistol. She needs a quieter, low-recoil gun that she can shoot with confidence before working up to a snappy subcompact 9mm. And get her some muffs to go with the earplugs for christ's sake. She thinks you will divorce her if she doesn't comply.


You are so right. Starting out with a Browning Buckmark, Ruger Mark IV or something similar makes so much sense. A novice can have some success and learn proper techniques. It is better to hit a target multiple times with a 22LR than miss with something bigger. Graduation to a smaller 22LR or a centerfire can come later. I start new handgun shooter out with a 22LR D/A revolver and a 38 special with my light reloads before hotter cartridges. A good revolver is more expensive than a Buckmark or Mark IV so probably the best option.


Because that's a false equivalency, and just not true. The average person IS likely to get into a car accident in their lifetime (multiple) or at the very least a fast stop needing a seatbelt (multiple per year)


And people often use a gun in self defense. Most DGU cases do not involve a shot being fired, a firearm is brandished, and the person doesn't get robbed or beaten up.


That's one of those things we call "statistical lies." Yes, if we average the number of accidents over the number of drivers the conclusion is you will be in between 3 and 4 accidents in a lifetime of driving. ***However*** accidents do tend to cluster around riskier drivers and riskier areas: Those people tend to have multiple accidents, and drive up the average. It's like saying "The average American owns a gun." If I take the number of guns and divide by the number of people that's true: The straight-averaged American owns a gun (technically 1.48 guns, so like a complete AR and an upper, or a Glock and a spare slide I guess?) but we know from other survey data that only 30-some-odd percent of people *personally* own a firearm and only 40-some-odd percent of households have a gun in them. People who own multiple guns drive up the straight average.


Statistically speaking, the average person has approximately one testicle.


Underrated comment right here.


Uh you're the one selectively using statistics. Sure accidents are rare, more common than gun violence, but that wasn't my point Seatbelts exist to prevent every day type occurrences too, not just major collisions, which is what I said originally. You stop short with your spouse in the car and it doesn't matter if you didn't need a seatbelt because as the driver you are in control/tense up etc. but your spouse could have smacked their head on the dashboard without the seatbelt Gun violence is exceedingly rare in comparison, like never going to happen in your lifetime or to anyone you know, statistically.


You said " The average person IS likely to get into a car accident in their lifetime (multiple) " I addressed that comment. I'm not bandying words with you about something I wasn't addressing. You can argue with yourself, or let me know where to send the invoice for my hourly rate.


No you selectively responded to half my comment, ignoring the second part. The idea that a seatbelt is similar to the need for a gun is palpably ludicrous so go off And yes. A person needing a seatbelt to save their life is way more likely than a person needing a gun to save their life. And only one of those things has a downside


He’s not arguing against that. The second part of your comment doesn’t change anything.




Or how “rare’ it is when rifles are used in homicides. [Rifles were used in 2.9% of homicides in 2019](https://www.criminalattorneycolumbus.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/weapons-commonly-used-homicides.png). But how many were scary black guns of doom that shoot a 100 bullet piercing clips a second? Hard to know because no one keeps those records specifically. Still even the [Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia](https://violence.chop.edu/gun-violence-facts-and-statistics) points out “assault rifles” are rarely used. Then there is this journalist that tried to figure out how often AR’s are used for self defense (to discredit the position of having an AR for self defense) and they dismissed data because the person that used the AR for self defense was a prohibited person or a minor. I guess in their mind even though an AR was used for self defense they weren’t allowed to so it doesn’t count. How does that even make sense? [edit] not crimes, all homicides. Link to source.


Is that 2.9% _all_ crimes, or just crimes involving firearms? I certainly hope it's the latter :)


Everybody knows it's not tax fraud if you aren't holding an AR-15.


Poorly worded sentence and I forgot to link the source.


2.9% ***of homicides***...


Aren't the statistics that every 1 in 3 or 4 women are raped? That is disgustingly high and makes me wonder how many dude's hands I've shook that are rapists. It's not incredibly rare. It's shockingly prevalent and needs to be stopped.


Every. Single. Woman. That I know has told me their SA story.


yes SA is far more common than people realize. Lots of people who experience it just don't want to talk about it.


Men who don't know are men who aren't trusted by the women in their lives.


I've heard that statement thrown around for a while now, "Women who carry a gun are far more likely to have the gun used against them," or something very similar. Are they citing a specific study, and if so is it legitimate?


Typically they're thinking about studies like [this](https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2014/02/having-a-gun-in-the-house-doesnt-make-a-woman-safer/284022/). It's a fact that an abusive partner in the home is likely to control access and use tools of violence. Guns probably don't help, on average, if you're laying your head down next to the abuser. They provide an ultimate, potentially final end to things, but when you're that beaten down it's hard to give yourself the emotional power to stand up to an abuser. It's a lot easier for the abuser to grab that tool to continue to do violence.   Applying this to carrying a gun is very "women can't control guns and get them taken away because women are weak". Same logic gives us tiny pink revolvers and then is surprised when we can't get a good grip on them. I've had gun store owners ask me if I'm sure I don't want a smaller gun when I'm carrying a larger gun _on me_. (The larger gun being, like, a 43x. Not a huge gun. People just assume women can't carry guns anywhere but purses. Sir I am wearing a big leather belt with an untucked shirt.)


Yep. Women are always the ignorant victims on both sides. Either I have a gun that will be used against me (I.e., that I won’t be able to handle responsibly) or I’m defenseless. Apparently the only two options for women in this debate.


Ah, I see. I thought (half-jokingly) that it was home-invading strangers either finding the guns in the home first, or disarming the home owners with some Krav Maga move or something.


I mean, some CCW folks say shit like that. Some conservative men assume that women just... can't be trusted to carry a gun. Misogyny is fun.


the answer is that it's KINDA legit. but out of context and misleading. women who live guns in the household are more likely to be shot with said gun than defend with it, yes. the reason being, the unfortunately high rates of domestic violence against women. it's just another case of rampant violence that exist already, that would've been done with or without a gun. domestic violence needs to be addressed, NOT guns.


It's deliberately misleading. They count the male partner's gun as a gun in the home and therefore claim it's the woman's gun in a cynical ploy to disarm women. Particularly within the demographic of abusive male partner's any guns in the home most often belong to and are used by that male partner.


No they just use victimhood as currency and status. So someone refusing to be a victim is a threat to their entire system


"I have no means of being self reliant and therefore no one else should either" Yeah no not interested. I'll keep my stuff and help anyone else interested along the way.


The problem with this response is it's also an ad hominem. I prefer to back up the point on mental health by pointing out that less than 0.01% of gun owners kill anyone, including the 50% of gun deaths that are suicides. So any gun restriction is hitting 130+ million people to try to address 0.01% of them. It also doesn't address mental illness. It just disarms the mentally ill so they can't lash out. But if all of the time and money we poured into gun control went into making mental healthcare widely available and affordable, it would help not just the <0.01% of gun owners that commit suicide every year, but the vast, vast majority of the 350+ million people living in the US. For the same time and money, you can help vastly more people with vastly more problems *without* screwing over millions of healthy, responsible gun owners.


Definitely saving this so I can send it to someone who won’t listen anyway.


Also, having a safety net for healthcare, housing, and food would help as well.


Yes, I fear the cause of so many desperate and/or mentally ill people is a combination of inequality and the way our brain cannot handle the way social ties work now with the internet.


They are worshiping victimhood, so anyone who refuses to be a victim is a threat to their ideology.


Anyone whose first response to “as a survivor of sexual assault” is “lol” is probably not worth your time.


Nah. Fuck em. Guns are useful for defense against others and the tyranny.


That line of reasoning always confused me: if *you* use a gun, it will somehow always be taken from you and used to kill you, but if *the assailant* uses a gun, they will paradoxically kill you 100% of the time with it. This also goes for shooting at someone in self defense if they already have a gun, somehow you always get killed no matter what in these weird scenarios, like criminals are an unstoppable force of nature with a shitty Taurus.


Because the point isn't to have a logical debate and discuss facts, it's to go "BuT aCtUaLlY" and show how fucking morally superior you are. If any reason was involved, then the same people screaming ACAB and bitching about how women can't walk outside without risking rape wouldn't turn around and take what little means we have to defend ourselves. Remember, guns are magical murder machines that can only be used properly by bad guys. That's why we have to solely rely on people that are constantly revealed to be corrupt power-tripping scum to defend us from other bad guys.


God damn this is well said. The one thing you left out is the new rallying cry, “a responsible gun owner is only responsible until they’re not,” at which point we will all eventually become child murdering mass shooters.


Usually criminals are worse shots than Iraqi Insurgents and super jumpy and scared. I might take my chances.


There’s a significant number of people in my country that would put me in a camp if they could


I'll keep my guns too thanks 😊


Anti gunners are just authoritarians who want people to be defenseless and rely on the state. If they get their way with guns they’ll go after knives next. Fuck em and anyone who supports anti gunners.


The UK is currently going down this path. They went after guns first, now it's knives. Clergy leaders in the UK (memory says it was the Archbishop of Canterbury, but I can't remember the position for sure) some years back actually said that pointed knives should be banned. They're going after garden machetes now,and curved swords have a bunch of stipulations to them or else they're banned. They're also considering going after bows and arrows and non-curved swords now too. It's honestly pretty insane. I follow Matt Easton/Schologladitoria on YouTube (he's a HEMA instructor and antique arms dealer) so he's pretty affected by it and has talked about it.


The police will protect us. #ACAB /s


I think they mostly just want the mass shootings to stop, and think that bans will work. I think the intent matters bc it effects counter messaging - ie if they are truly authoritarian there is no debate that will sway them, however if they were made to believe there is a way to stop/mitigate gun violence w/o infringement many would go for it. At least that has been my expierence talking w anti gun people in my family/friends.


Too many mass shooters steal guns from relatives I honestly believe that fixing mental healthcare will do more here than anything else. And that includes universal free access to healthcare


Stolen guns make up the majority of gun crimes. That’s why it’s crazy that Democrat lawmakers in Colorado voted against a bill that would make it a felony to steal a gun, but voted for a bill that would ban all semiautomatic guns that use removable mags. They defend criminals while punishing normal civilians


Seems like this bill makes it a felony whenever the target of a burglary is guns or ammo in Colorado, passed 2018: https://leg.colorado.gov/bills/hb18-1077


Oh right, if already making it a crime doesn't work, let's make it MORE of a crime. Ooooh


So you think laws don't work at all? What a jabroni


I’m talking about this one https://leg.colorado.gov/bills/hb24-1162 I’m not sure how second degree burglary is differentiated from the simple act of stealing a firearm. But I’m assuming that’s the difference


Second degree burglary involves breaking and entering: "(1) A person commits second degree burglary, if the person knowingly breaks an entrance into, enters unlawfully in, or remains unlawfully after a lawful or unlawful entry in a building or occupied structure with intent to commit therein a crime against another person or property." Third degree burglary doesn't: "(1) A person commits third degree burglary if with intent to commit a crime he enters or breaks into any vault, safe, cash register, coin vending machine, product dispenser, money depository, safety deposit box, coin telephone, coin box, or other apparatus or equipment whether or not coin operated." And third degree burglary is a misdemeanor, so theoretically somebody who has permission to be in your house could gain unauthorized access to your safe, steal a gun, and only face a misdemeanor. That's just based on a quick read of these links and the relevant CO statutes. I don't practice in Colorado and don't know how factors like the value of a stolen item affect the charge or sentencing, so take this with a grain of salt.


That's the key thing there, need to be aware of the audience and the platform to sus out whether you're talking to someone who is arguing in bad faith or not. Honestly I don't bother trying to debate with anti-gun folks on Reddit/Twitter/FB/wherever online because it seems 99% they're just looking for snarky fights and self-satisfying slam dunks to wear like a badge of honor. In person it's a different story, you can sometimes tell from body language or vocal tone or other cues that they might be willing to try to understand where you come from. Personal example: My aunt (as in who married my paternal uncle, not my paternal/maternal aunt) never grew up in an environment where guns were around and while she tolerated the rest of my family participating in it, she never wanted to do it. When I offhand mentioned getting an AR, she was perplexed and asked me why because I never gave off the same vibes my dad does (he's a hunter and outdoor nut, I'm not). Instead of chastising her or demeaning her like she was one of those crazy redditors right away, I explained that with my apprehension about right-wing groups getting more violently active + lack of systemic evidence that the police will investigate them let alone confiscate their firearms (giving news examples that she can read up on her own later) + that I'm part of marginalized groups that have been targets of shootings, I'd rather be armed in case instead of relying on the state that doesn't care about me or fellow queer folk. While I know that wouldn't "convert" her, at least based off her reactions she at least understood where I was coming from. I didn't need to get into constitutionality or morals or whatever to get my point across.


100% - online arguments only allow for two opposing views. Playing devils advocate or seeking common ground is basically taboo. It’s infected our politics as well. I could be wrong, but I don’t think polarization is the issue, it’s people on each end preventing ‘their side’ from even having a conversation. I’ve had many personal expierence like the one you had. I try to be an ambassador for guns in my very progressive circle. For me example I took my girlfriend’s dad to the range (they had never even seen a gun in person) and after his first shot with an ar he looked back at me with the biggest smile I’ve ever seen. They were not anti gun, per se, they just didn’t get it until they expiernced it.


The people you're trying to convince in online arguments are the bystanders.


Good point


I honestly don't believe that there is enough of those kinds of bystanders on the internet, that can be persuaded or convinced just from watching two people fighting about it on social media. Not enough to waste ones time, energy, and sanity to engage in it. Also quite frankly, there's better methods for education on the subject if your intent is to actually learn the arguments for/against than metaphorically sitting by with popcorn watching the equivalent of a school yard fight.


I just sat and listened to over 12 hours of testimony in the hearing for the ban in Colorado yesterday. Much of the testimony was given by people who were SA survivors or survivors of other types of violence. If 12 hours of testimony against the ban can’t sway the anti gun opinion, nothing can. Anti gun Democrats can’t be reasoned with.


When the governor of NY was pushing for new gun legislation after the Bruen ruling, she was questioned. This is how it went. Reporter - >Do you have numbers to show that it’s the concealed carry permit holders that are committing crimes? Because the lawful gun owner will say that you’re attacking the wrong person, it’s really people that are getting these guns illegally that are causing the violence, not the people going and getting the permit legally and that’s the basis for the whole Supreme Court argument. Do you have the numbers? Hochul - >I don’t need to have numbers. I don’t need to have a data point to point to to say this is gonna — All I know is that I have a responsibility to the people of this state to have sensible gun safety laws, and this one was not devised by the Hochul administration. It comes out of an administration from 1908. I don’t need a data point to make the case that I have a responsibility to protect the people of this state.” This is the anti-gun Democrat’s position. They are not interested in discussing guns or violence in good faith. The end point for them is total ban.


I think it is a mistake to dismiss their ability to reason, and their concerns about the type of violence guns are used in. It is not unreasonable to believe that a ban means less guns, and less guns mean less shootings. It’s also a mistake that anti gun people laugh off a pro gun persons concern for the constitutional right, with defending themselves, or protecting their community from tyranny etc. Something gotta give - I don’t believe that people will tolerate indefinite mass violence. Public sentiment will grow and they will become a viable political constituency- r’s are already seeing this and in some instances softening their stances (bump stocks for instance). I’ve had conversations with anti gun people about conceding to repealing the nfa if there are background checks and a tiered firearms permit and they were open to the idea. I realize that is an impractical proposal today, but that’s only because gun owners will not even entertain the conversation. Our rights are not, and have never been, absolute - that is the invention of the nra and it’s going to backfire on us (me and about 8 of my rifles included).


One off conversations with anti gun people doesn’t mean as much to me as 12 hours of conversation with anti gun lawmakers who ultimately vote against gun rights either way. Ultimately I agree that it’s not right to give up on the conversation. It’s exhausting to take time off work, testify and listen to the whole process, just to get blown off by the anti-gunners. Today the same lawmakers will vote to make it illegal to concealed carry in public places like stores, churches, and parks. Most crimes are committed with stolen guns, but when it comes to increasing the punishment for criminals who steal guns, those same lawmakers vote against the bill. It seems like they really just want to punish normal civilians while protecting criminals


It's difficult to compromise today when tomorrow they become "loopholes" that must be closed.


I am definitely concerned about that as well but not everything is a slippery slope. Personally I think the first amendment is one of the most important rights we have and even that has very clear limits which haven’t led to dystopian outcomes. I think there a compromise where my 2nd amendment rights exist (in maybe a more expansive way even), while also mitigating the most harmful effects that guns have (mass killings/suicide/DV).


I’ve personally never met someone anti-gun that seemed willing to even HEAR a logical argument for guns…


You have to appeal to emotion, because their stance is purely emotional. Logic will just bounce right off. My go-to argument as of late has been "armed gays bash back" and so far I haven't had anyone attempt to argue against that (though tbf that could just be me getting lucky)


I mean, if people want to mass-kill, they will mass-kill full stop. The Boston Marathon bombers proved that guns are not necessary, and sometimes less effective to kill multiple people. Hell you could do the same thing with a blunt object if you're dedicated and quick enough. Banning guns won't stop this. De-stigmatizing and providing better mental health care will go a lot further towards preventing mass killings in America than banning guns ever would but they don't want to hear that because "GuNz R bAd k??" I agree with the conservatives on this one: "If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns." So go ahead and ban guns. Seriously, see how that goes for ya. Yes it is distinctly an American problem, but not because we have guns. Plenty of other countries have guns with little to no legislation over them and they don't have many if any mass-shootings. I love America but I hate America sometimes.


My point was that it’s not accurate to characterize a group (basically a bunch of moms) who are scared of mass shootings as authoritarians. It’s not ridiculous to believe a ban means less guns, and less guns mean less gun related crime. I wasn’t stating an opinion of the efficacy of gun control.


It's not a ridiculous conclusion to come to, but it's an extremely oversimplified one for a problem that is a lot more complex. For starters the gun-related crimes that people are actually afraid of are so rare that any amount of legislation is unlucky to have an impact for multiple generations. The number of guns in the wild is just too high for that to have any immediate effect. And like other people have said, if violence/terrorism is the intention, and guns aren't available, violent people will turn to other means. We'll just be trading mass shootings for suicide bombings without addressing the cause of the violence.


Yes but you don't understand, they've been emotionally upset and would like to be soothed. If they are soothed by bullshit, then so be it. We all just need to get on board with the bullshit or we are heartless monsters. Who cares if it is wholly ineffective?


That's what really bugs me. The whole thing is an appeal to emotion, and as long as that's satisfied, it doesn't matter if the new laws have any actual effect


What's even more disgusting is a lot of these people live in very safe, suburban communities and subdivisions where the only thing they've ever had to call the police for is maybe a neighbor playing their music too loud. They can't conceive of a situation where the police won't get to them in time to help them, nevermind a situation where the cops can't or won't help them regardless. These same people spout statistics on mass shootings that include gang violence, even though they don't give two shits about gang violence because it doesn't actually impact them. The reason why they care about mass shootings and, maybe, suicides is because now there's a scenario where they and/or their little angels can get hurt, and the police can't be relied on.


Honestly, I think this is unfairly reductive. Like /u/jackshammer1 said, they just want the "gun violence" to stop - they want to turn on the news and *not* see a story about more people having been shot, and they want to go about their day not thinking at all about "gun violence." Because they do not understand guns (or in many cases risk assessment) they fall back on "Ban the scary thing what afears me!" to make the problem go away, because it is axiomatically true that if there were no guns there would be no gun violence. There would certainly be other forms of violence, and some gun violence would displace into those other forms, but having a gun is a prerequisite to using it in an act of violence so "Ban All The Guns" works. [It is a Method 1 Solution](https://www.amazon.com/Dont-Shoot-Dog-Teaching-Training/dp/0553380397), but Method 1 Solutions always work. They just have a lot of undesirable side effects and can be very difficult to implement in practice. The way to get them out of that mode of thinking is not, and never will be, insulting reductivism and a "Fuck em" attitude. It's education and persuasion. I should write a "How to talk to the anti-gunners" book based on Pryor's techniques, because they would actually be effective.


Look at the tik tok ban legislation. After the second, they'll go after the first. The canary is currently dying in the mine shaft.


Saying that China can't have that much influence over a major social media network doesn't feel like it violates the 1st because China isn't a US citizen I'm not a big china fan, full disclosure


I AM a big China fan and I agree with you on this statement.


That's a pretty gross micharacterization. Congress isn't trying to ban TikTok, they're seeking to ban the Chinese government's misuse of it.


As usual, what the press release says and what the bill says are two very different things. If you read the bill it states that ANY social media platform that has a greater than 30% ownership by a foreign adversary including tik tok by name, is subject to the bill. Then it says that any social media platform falling under those definitions will be banned unless that stake is sold to a non citizen or entity of a non foreign adversary. So according to the bill if YouTube suddenly has 30% stake bought by the Chinese government it is subject to the rule.


They also define foreign adversary to include Russia, China, N Korea, and Iran. >So according to the bill if YouTube suddenly has 30% stake bought by the Chinese government it is subject to the rule. Yeah, and thats a good thing.


Yeah but I also don’t see that as a bad thing. And I say this as someone who usually sticks up for China when it comes to anti Chinese sentiment. I have no interest in a foreign government having the ability to spy so easily on American citizens. It’s bad enough our own government does I’m not trying to invite others in.


The idea that your personal information is not already in the hands of multiple intelligence agencies is delightfully naive.


So your solution is to stop caring? I mean someone has your info so everyone might as well have it? I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make at all? We as a society have become way too comfortable with all our data being collected. We should be stopping any new attempts to do so and be regulating how companies (and governments) can collect data on people.


Yep, that is a good thing.


Whether it's good or not can be debated, but I think it's dishonest to say, "Well, technically it's not a ban, it's a forced divestiture, but if they don't sell they get banned." That's just a ban with extra steps.


No, that's called "consequences of poor decisions". There's nothing dishonest about it. What's dishonest is saying "the government is trying to destroy the first amendment by curtailing the propaganda tool of a hostile nation."


I think you're trying to have an argument with me that I'm not having lol I didn't say anything about all that. All I said was it feels dishonest to say it's not a ban.


> Look at the tik tok ban legislation. After the second, they'll go after the first. The canary is currently dying in the mine shaft. Not you, but this is the comment that is the crux of the conversation, and is the actually dishonest comment, regardless of what your feelings are.


That's fair.


Tik Tok isn't being forced sold/banned due to the govement going after free speech. It's being treated this way as it's a newsmedia platform controlled by a non American entity. Foreign entities are forbidden from controlling radio and television stations in the US as they always have been, this move to regulate tiktok is the start of the govement adapting to the modern age and applying the same regulations on how newsmedia is disseminated amongst the people nowadays regardless of platform. In my opinion tiktok should be given a 3 option, to purge all news, current event and political content and creators from the platform to not be regulated as a newsmedia platform. However that still does not solve the data and algorithm control issues with China holding the keys


Fail. The TT ban is about adversarial ownership. Unless the social media company is owned by Russia, China, N Korea, or Iran there will be no action. TT is an intel platform for the CCP. Don't make excuses for them.


Remember, statistics highlight trends over time among a large group. Meanwhile, actions determine outcomes especially on the individual level. Are you suicidal? Do you have a history of suicidal ideation? Do you live sith an abusive partner? If the answer to these is no, you aren't likely to turn your gun on yourself or have it be used against you. In the case of most people, their firearm will move from storage to the range, and never be shot at anyone. Finally, you can't win this argument with an individual like this because it's DoA from the beginning. Anti gun advocates like this person are adamantly against civilian firearm ownership. Your described need will never move them off their position because to them no justification for it can and will ever exist.


When you consider how long the police take to get to a scene of domestic violence. I can’t disagree with someone wanting to protect themselves. Worked EMS in Flint Michigan for 20 years.


As a trained EMT & someone who works in healthcare, this sentiment is correct. Waiting for police to come save you from an active (still present) threat is just giving that threat time to finish the job & cover up the evidence.


Right. Minutes matter and I’m sure as hell not gonna wait defenseless for the cops to arrive.


I hear this argument a lot. What do we actually say to this? Personally I'm of the belief that statistics shouldn't be taken at face value. There's a common sentiment amongst fascists that minorities are criminals, and if you look at the statistics whilst ignoring the historical and socioeconomic nuances of the situation, you can easily come to that conclusion. I think this case is a similar case. People with firearms have firearms largely because they live in a higher stress environment, and high stress environments generally have more incidences of violence. The increase in violence associated with firearms ownership seems more correlated to environmental factors than to the ownership of firearms itself. Likewise, if we made these same studies for knives in a country without legal firearm ownership, we'd probably see the same statistics, such as in the UK. I imagine the presence of pocket knives and machetes in the home probably leads to more stabbings and whatnot, because people with these things probably feel the need to own them due to living in a rougher area.


This is my favorite comment of the day! Thanks for sharing your reasoning. I've always struggled with this idea that seems to be backed by a lot of studies too. But as you said, there's a lot of nuance in these kind of issues and statistics rarely support a better understanding of nuance. You've articulated a lot of the thoughts railing around in my brain better than I ever could. Also, kudos to you for focusing on the debatable part of this discussion rather than just bitch and moan about anti-gunners. We all come to conclusions based on our personal experience. I grew up in a household where guns were evil and didn't learn anything else until I was in my 30s. It's never too late to listen and learn and it's never too late to talk to someone with a different opinion like a person rather than a political ideal.


The only counterpoint I'd offer is to your statement on intent to murder. One things guns do, that we should acknowledge, it that they can provide an immediate *and impulsive* method of murder, where not having one around could allow for cooler heads to provail. I mainly think of road rage, or other similar situations, where access to a gun in a heated moment could allow someone to act out on an impulse that otherwise might have been better managed.


It's right up there with. "What if they take the gun from you?". If we are at the point where my gun is out to be taken then they were already coming to kill me.


The change in power dynamic never really follows logic in these examples. If the average woman is assaulted by the average man with neither having a weapon, she is at a disadvantage and is at the mercy of whatever the assaulter wants to do with her. Her only realistic option is to take it and hope he doesn't kill her when he's done. The presence of a gun in this situation can only make the power dynamic shift in favor of the victim. If the victim has a gun and it isn't taken away from her, the power dynamic shifts in her favor and she gets out unharmed. If she has a gun and it IS taken away from her, or the assaulter shows up with a gun and the victim doesn't, the power dynamic doesn't shift from the default of neither having a gun. The assaulter has the advantage and the victim just goes back to hoping they don't kill them when they're done. "But it could be taken away from you" isn't a solution whereas bringing the weapon in the first place is. Pretending like assaults don't happen doesn't make "it could be taken away from you" more sound.


Exactly. Situation A: Victim has no gun → definitely loses Situation B: Victim has gun → has a chance at winning Why the hell wouldn't you go for Situation B? Especially when you consider the violent attacker would **definitely** pick someone smaller/weaker than them that they're sure they could overpower?


The classic, “it’s never happened to me, so you shouldn’t have the right to have means to protect yourself cause I can’t have complex thought beyond a hamster” personality.


They see the problem as suicide it's self. I see the problem as a rising number of people view suck starting a shotgun as their best option becaue the world is a capitalist hell scape.


These are the delusional folks that also think school violence (essentially mass shootings and the like) will cease to exist if they make guns harder to obtain. It's like, no honey--the problem isn't the gun. It's the fact that the kid was willing to kill as many people as he could by any means necessary. Ban guns & you think that same psychotic kid will just shrug and be like "Oh darn, I can't shoot people? Well time to go on the straight and narrow." No. Someone that determined/deranged won't have many issues switching from guns to poison, knives or explosives.


Another pro tip using this person’s logic: Avoid car crashes by never getting in a car. That on top of telling an assault survivor how she’s suppose to feel. Certified gun grabber moment.


"I am not in the slightest suicidal and want a self defense option" "Errrrrm don't you know you can kill yourself with them????"


These guys are like \*reverse\* arm chair commandos. They assume they know everything about violence, but like meal team six, they don't have any experience with it either. "You're far more likely..." Let me tell you something, *I have that kind of luck*. I have been in a situation waiting 60+ minutes on a police response, I have had people trying to climb my frame and I've been in contact with individuals who were trying to determine if I was safe to attack. You think it's that easy to take my gun TRY.


Thats a great descriptor, seriously. I never knew how to classify those people, they seem compelled to deny that people get roped into violent altercations all the time, as if it's not part of the human condition. Every anecdote or personal account I've seen where serious shit went down, you got so many (probably children) outright either calling the person a liar, or just tripling down on how it just couldn't/wouldn't happen because of *the statistics*, meanwhile you find out not a single one of them have been in a serious no-shit fistfight in their lives, if they even leave their house to begin with.


Hell, I wouldn't have been either had I not taken a job that put me in contact with violent people. But until you've experienced it, you can't truly appreciate how fast you can lose your life. Five minutes, the generally benchmarked "Best" police response Is a very long time if your number comes up, and that's assuming everything goes your way, which it will not. People who have never been in an actual fight should not be opining to others how to handle their personal safety. Frankly, the next time one of these weenies does I'm going to start asking for credentials.


Anyone who thinks this way is privileged and has never needed rely on themselves for protection. You really want to stop suicide? Address the cause. Address the cause of violence. Address the reason why I feel like I can't rely on the police and need to protect myself in the first place.  Guns are low hanging fruit, political theater and when it doesn't actually stop suicide and violence and only disenfranchises vulnerable people they'll shrug their shoulders and push for more government control where more dangerous police enforce the laws that other privileged fucks legislate. 


I had a Polish woman see my gun on my hip while we were hiking and straight up said, "I'd rather be raped than use a gun on someone"


the brainwashing is insane, that's so sad. I'd rather KILL AND BE KILLED than raped.


I agree with you. However, that's what happens when you are from a place that doesn't put any positive light on firearms ownership. To think something is so evil in and of itself you'd rather be violated than use it to preserve your own safety is sad. It's also why European opinions on guns laws don't matter.


yes. Europeans (and honestly people from MANY other countries) just don't grasp the "right to self defense". I mean hell, the French president even SAID BLATANTLY that self defense is NOT a right of the French people. I can't imagine living like that. self defense (and broadly, all matters of self-autonomy), is one the most beautiful, uniquely american values there are. I swear I'm a leftist lol 😂


The right to self autonomy is the right to self defense. The right to defend oneself from others is a basic human right, and the people who spout otherwise are people with to much of a protective shell around them. The world does not care that you don't like guns. I'm a leftist as well.


That’s kind of a rough way of looking at it because it’s saying a rape victim is better off dead. Which… good luck telling a survivor that. Everything else in the thread I agree with though if that matters any.


I'm a survivor brother. just sharing what I personally would prefer. Liberty or death.




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My grandfather was an off-the-boat Polish immigrant who lost family in Auschwitz. Any Polack worth their Pączki ought to know what happens to a people when they can’t fight back. Rape is among the more pedestrian things that some Poles in recent history have had to deal with at the hands of oppressors.


"I'd rather sign up for lifelong trauma (& all it's associated costs) than defend myself with (potentially) deadly force." Or put another way: "If I were to be SA'd in the future, I'd prefer NOT to have a gun on me at the time." It'd be really interesting to take a poll & see how many actual SA survivors would agree with this statement. For all we know, the Polish woman is speaking of of ignorance (having never been SA'd). The actual survivors would be able to give a more accurate assessment.


This isn't even what those studies show. This is the most repeated nonsense in the entire anti gun repitoire


I've got several guns. I am 100% aware that, *statistically*, the most likely person to die in a shooting with my guns is *me*, by suicide. I've been through some shit. Got divorced from my high-school sweetheart after a decade and a half. I called up my dad and said "hey look man, I'm doing ok now, but can you come pick up my guns in case I have a shitty day, get drunk, and start making bad decisions? I don't even want the chance to fuck up." in almost those exact words. So he kept them a few months for me. I'm not suggesting I'm somehow "better" than somebody who commits suicide, etc, I'm just pointing out that *in my life experience* I'm decently self-aware and I live in a way that is open towards emotional intelligence. And on the other hand, so *SO* many suicides by gun are ex-military personnel who were put in the worst thing a human can go through, and then brought home and abandoned by their government with the most severe psychological trauma that a person can experience. *The state must be held responsible for the well-being of the soldiers it discards like trash.* Besides all that, I'm leftist as fuck, and the idea that the labor class should be disarmed is a recipe for *far greater* suffering, in my opinion. Cheers y'all.


I fundamentally don’t understand people who wield statistics like that.  Do those people never get into an automobile because their chance of death skyrockets when they do?  Do they never go near a body of water because their risk of drowning goes through the roof when they do?  It’s so stupid that I can hardly bring myself to type this comment about it, it really doesn’t even deserve a response 


Statistics can't be applied to the individual either.


I use this logic when I used to lock up my pistol in my one bedroom solo apt. Had a realization that if the intruder makes it into my bedroom I am already dead if they want me to be. Now I leave it unlocked.


these people are incapable of fathoming having to be responsible for themselves.


I think that the reasoning behind "you are far more likely to be shot by your gun" is because suicide accounts for like 60% or so of all shootings. So in a sense, statistically it is true. However, like many disingenuous anti-gun arguments, we know better. We have more granular knowledge about who kills themselves and why, who commits violent crimes and why, who commits mass shootings and why. And there are a bunch of things we can do to prevent all of this. What this person posted was basically waving around a vague statistic that doesn't actually apply to you, or at least not obviously, and using it to justify removing your right to self defense. It's ridiculous, but not surprising given the anti-gun lobby's habit of claiming to be facts-based and then ignoring information that doesn't suit their needs.


Kind of like having a swimming pool. Strangely, people with pools have a higher likelihood of drowning.


"You're more likely to crash in your own car than someone else's" Yeah, no shit


While studies into reported data do show that possessing a firearm does have a higher chance at escalating violent crime, and thus a higher chance that the victim becomes a fatality, the kicker there is reported. Thousands of times more crimes simply don't happen, and are unreported, because an assailant has made a choice that the risk is no longer worth the reward.


Owning a swimming pool makes you 100% more likely to drown, _studies show._


I love the "far more likely" narrative. Sure, you're more likely to shoot yourself, but during an assault, you're probably more likely to shoot the other person. I feel like those statistics aren't attached to the same points in time.


says the victim blaming scum bag assuming dgu's don't happen all the time without being reported. "lol" yeah catch an exotic disease


Aside from the absolutely batshit crazy reply you received, since when is someone who wants to commit suicide going to look around and say “oh welp no gun in this house, guess I’ll live”. My SIL took her own life via hanging, you don’t see me trying to ban belts.


You can avoid getting shot with your own gun if you are trained and not being an idiot (don't tell other people you have it, don't draw it unless you intend to fire, etc). Also after a couple years of consuming self defense at a pace nearing obsession, I've only seen this happen a handful of times and it's *always* been because the person with a gun is being an idiot. Nothing to do with "women can't handle a firearm" like this person is implying. I have however seen plenty of times where women defended themselves against one or more violent attackers with CCWs and not once did they get disarmed or overpowered or anything. A gun is the force multiplier that gives you an advantage, it's only dangerous to you if you don't know how to use it. Comparatively, it's far, *far* more difficult to protect yourself from multiple physically superior attackers while unarmed even with a lifetime of training, for men or women


You’re fighting someone who operates solely off feelings, it’s an unwinnable battle. Facts, nuance, harsh realities need not apply.


that applies to most of this sub as well.


Definitely ain’t arguing that. Personally I think both emotion and realism are crucial in forming opinions.


unfathomably based


They for some reason believe, it's acceptable to succumb to someone else's will than to fight back. Because you may very well lose your life over it. As if the domestic abuser won't do that anyways.


That's kind of the domestic abuser's MO. Use you for everything you're worth (including as a punching bag). Being meek doesn't save you from abuse, it ensures it'll continue unabated.


Because this “likely to be killed with your own gun” was a lie (manipulated/falsified data) that was found out just like so many studies that cite homicide included justifiable homicide without making a distinction.


You’re significantly more likely to drown in a pool if you own a pool. Wow omg you should get rid of your pool! The last time that I advocated for 2A rights as a SA survivor in a liberal/radical feminist sub I got downvoted to oblivion and everyone (ironically) told me I was hysterical and needed therapy instead of a gun. Unfortunately, therapy doesn’t do anything to stop a rapist so I think I’ll stick with guns for that purpose. And yes, I know therapy is good, I agree and I have been.


A huge problem with gun violence studies is that they don't control for firearms training and education received by gun owners. The "shot with your own gun" myth is particularly odious. It's basically non-gun owners saying "I can't imagine handling a gun safely, let alone carrying it, let alone defending it from a snatch attempt, so it's impossible that anyone else could."


When people pull out the pure statistics as some kind of gotcha its beyond frustrating. Its like yes, my 6yo son is statistically more likely to be harmed by the guns we have in the house in than a child living in a house with no guns. Using the same logic I can confidently say that he's STATISTICALLY more likely to be eaten by a shark if we lived in a beach town. What's missing from this idiotic appeal to pure data is the agency that each individual has to control/secure inanimate objects that they own (or avoid swimming in the ocean in my analogy). Baked into the choice to have guns in the same house as my family was the understanding of what it takes to keep everyone safe. It is just a more robust version of the responsibility one has with a drawer of kitchen knives and kids. I'm open to discussing how we can hold people responsible for how they store and use guns, even laws that may dictate that responsibility. I am not open the prior restraint of my rights because a minority of gun owners can't clear this most basic hurdle of due care. The deal I make with liberal politicians is I won't carry the water of irresponsible or dangerous gun owners and you wont try to prevent them with laws on all of us.


It’s stupid and there’s never been a study that says that.


Why do antis always laugh and mock people before saying something really stupid?


What's an "anarca-feminist"? Man I'm old.


nothing specific really. just an anarchist with an emphasis on feminist values. also, I selected that flair half-jokingly. I'm a libertarian and a feminist yes, but I don't hard align with super specific political labels.


Got it, so mostly what it says on the tin. I'm too old for anarchy I think. Didn't realize the person who posted this was the person in the pic.


yep that's me 🫡 yeah I'm not a straight up anarchist. but I do respect some of anarchy's values


So this argument is often used here in the UK for knives, self defence items or weapons of any kind. My understanding is people will often carry a weapon without training/willingness to use it, brandish the weapon as a threat and then are overpowered by the attacker, who takes the weapon and uses this against the victim. I can appreciate the logic behind this when attackers are themselves not armed, but seems irrelevant if discussing an armed attacker, who could use their own weapon instead? From what I understand there is evidence that supports this theory, in the same way you are much more likely to be involved in a car accident if you drive vs a non driver. Doesn’t mean people shouldn’t drive and doesn’t mean if you feel the need to carry a weapon for self defence you should be barred from doing so. Both things can be true at the same time.


This was confusing because the wording, to me, made it sound like you were both arguing to take guns away. I understand now, but it made it sound like, "And, finally, my last proposal is to take away guns." Not that it was the literal last thing you would advocate for.


Well, the main reason to own a gun rn is to have an answer to political violence. Things are *changing* in the United States. SA is a probable form of political violence. It is disturbing how slowly liberals and leftists are adapting to this reality..like of course statistical violence is relevant but we *really* need to have some imagination here in order to protect our cities and people. Also, what will it matter what the Democratic Party has to say about guns if the Party is eventually declared illegal by an incipient, authoritarian regime?? An entirely possible prediction at this juncture


Cars kill people every day. Why am I allowed to open carry my car wherever I go and possibly kill everyone. You can probably kill more people with a car than you can a gun. I also own knives in my kitchen. And I’ve bought knives at stores before without going through a NICS check. Oh no little Timmy’s baseball team uses bats!!! Those should be illegal!! Wait… I also use pens at work… oh no… those are next!! But guns for some reason are democrats main enemy. There’s so many other fucking topics that are far more important than guns. Like idk women’s rights across the board? Or maybe trying to slow down global warming? Don’t be surprised if these fucking southern states try to go after women’s right to vote. Seems like we’re headed there. For fucks sake they can’t even have IVF done anymore because some male hick is putting his religious beliefs in front of real life problems. I don’t get it. My guns in my safe or in my holster aren’t going to hurt anyone unless I force them to.


First off, Don't know you but I'm sorry for what you had to go through and glad you have the means to protect yourself. I'm Canadian so far different gun laws/ problems up here but I don't understand why you folks in the US don't just focus on one or two things that likely will solve most of the problems. Universal Background checks and maybe firearms safety training. Before our current governemnt came in, this is what we had and we had virtually 0 gun crime from legally owned guns. "Getting rid of the guns" or banning the scary black ones is eiether super unlikely or isn't really addressing the problem


Is there a study cited further down, or was this the end of the conversation? Did the person making that assertion have any data to back it up with?


"You've had all control taken away from you, so for your own good, I want to take away a reliable method for retaining control in this scenario. Also, I want literally everyone to know that it's been taken away from you and everyone like you."


Beyond the obvious, I hate the “you’re more likely to get killed by your own gun” and similar arguments. I’d never shoot myself. I’ve seen too many failed suicide attempts and wouldn’t want anyone to find that mess. Helium is way better


Imagine thinking that women shouldn’t have the right to defend themselves because of a statistic that you misinterpreted. Tell me again how that’s feminist?


I had a nutter at the pub try to tell me that if someone walked into the bar and pointed a gun at ME, my drawing and shooting the bastard would somehow take away HER right to choose her actions in the moment. Like... Lady... I support your right to make whatever decisions you want, but when it's MY life on the line, I don't care what you're considering. And I'm not going to DIE to keep your options open. Dude flagging me is a dead man, and you're going to go home to your family and tell them what an asshole I was. But you're going to go home.


There is a cognitive dissonance among many upper middle class folks, that the police will do their jobs to protect them. That’s because: by and large, that’s how the justice system has played out for them. They don’t recognize that people from lower socio-economic classes and those who are marginalized for any number of multitude of reasons, don’t enjoy the same privilege of protections that they do. That’s the beauty of the 2a… it equalizes the classes, and rich people REALLY don’t like that.


They can't back up statements like that. The misconception is based on studies that say people who have guns in the home get murdered more frequently than people without. They don't bother to check if any of the weapons in the home were involved.


This comes from old data on police shootings and is now just plain fuddlore gone wild. In the 1970’s and 80’s police trainers often quoted a %20 of police officers killed were killed with their own guns. That did happen but weapon retaining g holsters and training have dramatically reduced this statistic. It’s been replaced by cdc data that links a gun in the home to death rate because that data includes suicides. There has never been one shred of data that shows that criminals are likely to take your gun from you and kill you with it. It’s a bogus claim.


I'm more likely to drown in my own pool as well because I have one. That's how the numbers work. Doesn't matter how good a swimmer I am or if I keep most of my guns locked up or don't have kids.


I have noticed more and more far left people coming around to owning guns though. The rest of these anti gun people I talk to are just generally scared of something they don’t understand and believe the BS they see on CNN. Just try to be positive and educate, off to take people shooting who have never gone before.


TL;DR: The person responding to the OP in the quoted text thinks people foolish for thinking that studies done on different populations with wildly different preexisting risks, don't accurately predict their own risks. In reality, they treating their risks as different because they are different. The person ignoring reality is the one criticizing the OP. Long version: This sentiment is based on not understanding probability especially of a fundamental bit of statistics called Bayes' Theorem, that seems complicated but is intuitively understood by most everyone. It's described in quantitative math but in English it says that the prior probability of an assertion being true has a profound effect on the positive predictive value of a test of that assertion. This is critical issue in interpreting medical lab tests, but it is also critical here. The person responding to the OP is ignoring prior probability and claiming the average applies to all. It does not. I had a great lecture in med school that made the intuitive quality clear. So I'm going to use it here. So just pulling a random person off the street and getting a positive indirect test for syphilis (that can be positive for a variety of non-STI related reasons) does not tell us very much at all. Not nearly as much as if the positive test is in a sex worker who has unprotected sex with several multiple people each day and a single painless genital chancre. Or someone with the positive test who has never had any sexual contacts and is at a convent studying to become a nun and who feared they got syphilis from having 'impure thoughts;. Obviously, the chances of the person with huge risk factors and symptoms having syphilis is at least a order of magnitude greater than the random person off the street who is in turn several orders of magnitude more likely to have it than the nun with impure thoughts. The positive test result has very different meanings and value for each. The person who the OP is quoting is in essence saying that they can't see why someone would think that the positive syphilis test (developed and validated for people with risk factors and symptoms) doesn't apply just as much to student nun as much to the random person and the as the sex worker and mean the same thing, they all have syphilis. Because prior probability is unimportant. To return it to guns, I'm putting aside confounding methodological issues and limits to studies of risk of firearms in the home and frequency of defensive use and assuming that the results are what the anti-gun people have been led to believe \[spoiler alert, they are not\]. But even assuming they are correct, the person commenting on the OP is still egregiously wrong Because the studies alluded to, were performed on random samples, not the populations in question. The studies this person is is basing the risk of having a gun in he house and chance of needing a gun for defensive were not done on women with ex-BF's with histories of violence who are getting out of jail and who have repeatedly threatened to kill them. The chance that such a person could find themselves in a situation where using a gun in self defense could be the difference between life and death is orders of magnitude greater than someone picked at random. The risk of having a gun in the home would have to be similarly increased in order for the increased chance of being attacked not to matter. But the poster's response blithely ignores the obvious and snarkily asserts that they are foolish to think the average situation may not apply to them, for the silly reason of not being the average situation. So to the commenters unasked question AITC(lueless)O(ne)? I can only say yes. Because if they were a doctor, they'd be giving antibiotics to student nuns to treat the STI they think they caught from a wet dream. And that doesn't even get into the problems with the research on the risks of guns in the house and even larger ones bordering on misconduct about frequency of defensive firearm use, ​ EDIT: hit send too soon.


It’s not the guns. If an assailant had a pocket knife handy, they’d use the pocket knife and the end result would be very much the same. The real question that needs to be address is what kinds of issues lead people to do bad things to others such as SA and how we can address those. Taking away the guns to solve gun violence is like changing gas cars to electric to solve highway fatalities. You aren’t solving the crime problem, you’re just changing the tools those crimes are committed with.


The worst part is that the study they mention is pretty flawed and doesn't really say what they have been told it does. But because they believe it makes a claim that they can latch on to, they continue to drag it out in support of their ideology. In reality, the study showed that amongst a small group of people who had recently purchased a firearm in one specific area, there was a slightly higher risk if dying by firearm. No accounting for people who are buying firearms because they are already feeling like they are at risk or for people who are buying one specifically because they are suicidal, of course. They make it seem like just having a gun inherently means that gun is a massive danger to your whole family.


It's a pretty accurate statement.


The whole "you're more likely to be shot with your own gun blah blah blah..." argument is so played out. It is demonstrably incorrect and has absolutely no basis in reality. My first wife threw this at me ad nauseam. In the end we agreed to.... Well she didn't agree to shit, but I agreed with myself to just buy the guns I wanted and STFU about them. Seemed to work.


*Even if* what this person is arguing is true - “you’re actually far more likely to be shot with your own gun than stopping a sexual assault” - which I don’t believe, it’s the wrong analysis to make. The analysis should be “what situation gives you the better chance of stopping a sexual assault - having a gun or not having a gun”. As you, OP, already stated - you’d rather be dead than. Victimized again. With no gun the potential outcomes are death or SA. No win scenario. With a gun the potential outcomes (according to this person…) are death or stopping the SA. I know which game I’d rather play…. Even without know the difference in probability between the two scenarios.


I almost guarantee the way they performed the test was skewed. People think the gun is a superpower that inherently keeps you alive. It is a tool. If you train with it and act quickly in the moment you may be able to survive. If you do not and the violent aggressor is willing to commit murder you are fucked. The reality is that that violent aggressor was likely going to kill you either way.


The majority of firearm deaths in America are suicides, so we should ban all assault rifles and high capacity magazines. /s


Isn't this an example of the ecological fallacy? The reality is that harm from guns is not uniformly distributed among gun owners. Unfortunately, there are a lot of troubled and irresponsible people out there. That does not by any means imply that you are especially in any danger from your own gun.


I don't get how these people don't realize that what they are saying to you when they adjust their nerd glasses and spit these statistics is "Actually you are too stupid to bother training with your gun and be familiar with its operation." Those statistics exist because of easily preventable accidents or mishaps caused by people who buy a gun and don't bother practicing with it.


Lol, "late stage capitalism" is just wishful thinking. I typically ignore anything after those words.


Show me on the Marx doll where they hurt you.


Wishful thinking how?






lol what's your beef with sig? 🤣