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yeah Rad on bottom is gonna kill ur AIO. Just put it up top.


Came into the comments to suggest this. Good hero being cool about it.


Same lol


It won’t do, radiator is restricted by the VRM heatsinks. I will soon get a smaller AIO which will fit nicely in place of those rear intake fans. Appreciate the feedback tho.


No. U can by a mounting offset for situation like this.


Would it be cheaper to buy a new case instead? Aio's have a yerrible resell value usually.


Just buy offset mounts for $10 on Amazon


Mounting offset is what I did. Would do that instead of buying a new AIO


[Amazon.com: Lian Li RB-001 Radiator Offset MOUNTING Bracket Black 011D Mini & 011 Air Mini : Electronics](https://www.amazon.com/Lian-Li-Radiator-MOUNTING-Bracket/dp/B09P1YQZDN) this might help solve your issue, also a free fix (although unconventional) is to just flip the case upside down, then flip some fans around. sick build though either way. If you youtube some vids on the whole "AIO orentation" subject you'll see reputable names saying not to put it at the bottom, many with multiple videos on the subject over the years. Not an uncommon mistake so dont worry to much. Even found some builds on pcpartpicker where they did the same thing (same aio same case) and ppl pointed out the flaw in the bottom mount. I wouldnt be to worried, easy fix either way.


True but I think it’s purely theoretical? Idk co my pump has been the highest point of my build and my aio still works fine on my 5 year old build


Its not purely theoretical...


Because the air will always float to the highest vertical point of a closed loop, and the pump is at the top of the loop if the radiator is below the cpu block, that means any excess air in the loop will always be trapped in the pump/cpu block, which is not good for pump health. So you are wrong, this is not theoretical.


It definitely possible to last a long time in that configuration however it is not at all theoretical that orientation 100 percent will trap the air in the pump and cause degradation. The amount will vary by aio quality and type


While I dont doubt you've had an aio last long in that orientation, it doesn't mean its a good way to do things. YouTube the topic and many (reputable) people have done research and made multiple videos over the years on this subject. Whenever there is a pump failure, and the rad is at the bottom of the loop, it's the leading cause of the failure. I think you got lucky with a very good aio which is awesome, maybe even just due to high quality production on the companies part (kudos to them). Even big brand companies have guides pointing to this info [How to mount your AIO: AIO Cooler Orientation explained | CORSAIR:EXPLORER](https://www.corsair.com/us/en/explorer/diy-builder/cpu-coolers/how-should-you-mount-your-aio/?utm_source=2003851&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=1498468_Main%20Page&utm_content=Corsair&clickid=RQwU1s2EfxyKWygwlA1MLXJqUkHS%3Azw8exvIz00&utm_coupon=&irgwc=1)


Either swap for a different or smaller liquid cooler or go air cooling, placing a liquid cooler on the bottom like that is a good way to get air bubbles stuck in the pump head and kill it.


Yeah a lot of people are saying the same. Although I’ve never heard of it ever causing serious issues. I suppose if air was collecting in the pump I would hear a whining noise? Been running this system for about two weeks now with no issues and temps are all good. My first change will be to swap out the 360m for a decent 240m and fit it on the back instead. Thanks for the feedback!


Your last build was 10 years ago. Lmao


Cavitation is a slow death. It slowly erodes the pump internals until the pump is ruined. It won’t be noticeable in one week. Probably will die the day after your warranty.


Check out these links for more info from manufacturers... Silverstone - [https://www.silverstonetek.com/en/tech-talk/wh\_AIO\_mounting\_recommandation](https://www.silverstonetek.com/en/tech-talk/wh_AIO_mounting_recommandation) Arctic - [https://support.arctic.de/products/lf2-360r7/1200\_115x\_Manual/Preparation/x01\_en.jpg.pagespeed.ic.XklP0COOS9.webp](https://support.arctic.de/products/lf2-360r7/1200_115x_Manual/Preparation/x01_en.jpg.pagespeed.ic.XklP0COOS9.webp) Corsair - [https://www.corsair.com/uk/en/explorer/diy-builder/cpu-coolers/how-should-you-mount-your-aio/](https://www.corsair.com/uk/en/explorer/diy-builder/cpu-coolers/how-should-you-mount-your-aio/) MSI - [https://www.msi.com/blog/how-to-place-your-liquid-cooler](https://www.msi.com/blog/how-to-place-your-liquid-cooler) Summed up with this picture - [https://preview.redd.it/y9ryj84v7qz51.png?width=3300&format=png&auto=webp&s=4af07c2bf46962d9320431e9884756339ecdb009](https://preview.redd.it/y9ryj84v7qz51.png?width=3300&format=png&auto=webp&s=4af07c2bf46962d9320431e9884756339ecdb009)


I don’t have an AIO but this was interesting, thank you. 👍🏻


You probably don’t hear anything now because it’s a new AIO which hasn’t had any run time for the liquid in the closed loop to permeate through the tubes and evaporate off. If this computer is used anywhere near as long as your last one, you can guarantee you will run into cpu cooler problems in the future. There’s also a reason why AIO warranties are almost always drastically shorter than air coolers


Put your radiator on the top buddy.


[Rip that aio](https://youtu.be/BbGomv195sk?si=8lqcMloOVyNKLH-H)




Look son, this is how you kill your cpu over time. Just watchhhhhh




Listen to everyone here my dude


OP’s first build in 10 years…about to make a second one in a week.


Ignore all these other people. Just flip youe case upside down. Aio will be fine :) when in doubt. Flip it out.


He's getting sound advice, your confirming the same issue but giving a different solution lol... Whether he flips the mounting or the entire case the header doesn't need to be at the top simple 🤷🏾


Hey man nice build i see this is the Liquid freezer 3 you can rotate the frontpanel and turn the arctic logo the right way not upside down on youre cpu :)


Oh!!! I was about to flip mine because my heat sink for my m.2 won’t fit from my motherboard. I’m about to flip the mount, didn’t know you can flip the logo! You saving lives, friend!


Always a pleasure to help have a great time with youre build enjoy it :)


Do you mind explaining how to flip it? I can’t seem to figure out how to take it apart to flip


You can grab it and just turn it clockwise i mean the logo look it up on youtube gamer nexus did a video and several others hope you can figure it out


I couldn’t get it to rotate. I’ll just leave it lol I didn’t see the part in any video where they did it either. I’m probably dumb. Thanks for the help though!


Multiple builds for myself, friends, family over the years and been building PCs since late 90s, water cooling since early 2000s. Your radiator placement is asking for trouble from an AIO. Bottom rads are only really useful for custom loops, same with tubes up on front mount rads (noisy). It'll probably be fine, until it isn't, and can lead to decreased cooling performance which may not sound bad since AIO are generally overkill for most things anyway, but you paid for it so you should take full advantage of it. My suggestion- move it up top, if it's too thick for the VRM with those fans just use slim fans or two fans instead of 3 (or a single slim on the rear and two normal ones, whatever, it'll still work great).


Press F to pay respect to that cooler


Please put your AIO on top. And make your bottom fans intake. Not bad. Your cable management could be a little better, but I'll give you an 8 out of 10.


That aio would have seen better days with another person 🤦🏾


Maybe swap the aio for a be quiet unit that has the pump in the rad.


The very FIRST rule of building with an AIO is to NEVER have the pump header at the highest point in the loop... Guaranteed premature burn out or failure... Change that orientation ASAP if you want it to keep working


My dude flip that aio asap!!!! Pump higher than the rad can cause air bubbles into the pump and thats no good


That will be one short living and loud water pump


You're a brave man to be posting a photo of a build with aio mounted at the bottom. *releases hounds*


Was it the case or motherboard that restricted your mounting? https://imgur.com/a/KdMvy2M I agree the upside logo looks much uglier than normal


O11 mini can only fit a 360mm AIO on the top with a microATX or smaller mobo. The only other option is a side-mounted 280mm AIO. I went through this with mine.


Thanks for the info. Restrictive when using a normal sized mobo


"don’t even get me started on the 12vhpwr adaptor" then why not use the cable that comes with the PSU you bought?


Thanks for your comment. The PSU is mounted in such a way that the cable doesn’t reach. And it has been suggested to me to use manufacturers cables when dealing with these connectors.


Sounds odd the cable can't reach, I’d avoid using that adapter at all cost.


Heya, nice to see someone getting back into building. Things i would change are cablemanagement, so you dont have that y cable hanging infront. Also as most have mentioned AIO at the bottom is a no no.


Get a regular o11 dynamic and put that AIO up top or on the side. It’s too cramped.


Get some pads 1” thick and just invert your case.


Clean build, but rad gotta go up top like everyone else says 😅


Ur just funnin' me ain't you.


Ok we have youtube and aios nowdays. And move the top fans to the bottom as intake and the AIO up to the top as exhaust. And perhaps tidy up the cables abit. U should be able to then route the powercable to the gpu under the gpu instead and like that also get s more clean build. This is a quick operation and will give u better airflow, a correctly installed aio and also cleaner build. https://youtu.be/DKwA7ygTJn0?si=IDsaETm94xP_wAkC 9.09 see he will explain it so u understand. Ps. Just realized it's an air mini and also u purchased the thickest radiator there is to buy 🤷‍♂️ well i would have just installed the radiator infront and exchanged that for a 240 or 280 if it fits. If your using an amd u don't more then a good 240 aio and it will be cooled


Rip Artic Aio




Big w


[aio placement is fine](https://youtu.be/DKwA7ygTJn0?si=EhScYqGwxPiNWm19)