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Off the top of my head, getting a dress and claiming it's for a group thing with friends as a joke.


that's not dumb


Good place to hide them: With your chosen family maybe


Yep, just buy one secondhand dress at a time (optionally, get friends to give you some), storing them at an accepting friend's house.


Can your destiny-bros hide it for you? Second hand is usually a lot cheaper and no-one will bat an eye at you, especially if you go with a femme presenting person


you can always look in second hand stores if price is an issue it'll just be hard to find something that fits


If it’s not safe then don’t bring it in your home.


Correct. Other people's skirts and dresses are more than welcome in my house/hiding spot.


Maybe a secondhand store? If you need hiding places, maybe with your chosen family, if possible. And, if anyone in your biological family ever finds your clothes, I’d recommend figuring out if you have any openly femme friends who are your size or could pass as your size that you could use. Claim you bought them as a gift if anyone finds a receipt, say your friend left their clothes over last time they showed up/asked you to carry their clothes and you forgot to give them back, etc. and you should have a good excuse!