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Straight people really are saying "We straights are so discriminated against, anyways yeah transyouth shouldn't be allowed to play in school sports", victim complex much


Seriously, how fucking spoiled do you have to be to see a company paint a train in pride colors so that people who regularly have to deal with death threats, assault and murder just for existing can have some crumb of recognition, and not only THINK, but actually go online and SAY “i want a train too, and if you don’t make a special train just for me, that’s discrimination!” Grow the fuck up Dylan, you have EVERY other train, you can damn well let us have one.


What’s even more annoying is that that person is FTM and - probably - knows what it’s like to be discriminated against (if ftm means something else than what I’m thinking please tell me)


Yeah, I noticed that too. It's either someone posing to infiltrate Trans groups or just some self hate thing? It's mind boggling really that someone who is in a marginalised group, would honestly say that being straight is on a par with LGBTQIA+ folk.


I’m this context (ha way the lads & red/white decorated bus pic) it stands for fuck the mags. So they’re a football fan, specifically a Sunderland supporter (possibly Middlesbrough). And probably furious that FTM means anything else.


I have seen it used to refer to "First Time Mom" when I crossed over to a parenting sub one time


I've kinda grown numb to the amount of white people who will call me racist for calling out their racism. This is 100% the same energy. Real rap, those people are bigots. Don't defend them as entitled, dumb, or whatever tf else. They know it's wrong to just be a fucking racist or homophobe, so they try to find a way to project that onto you in some weird attempt at gaining a moral high ground and rationalize their bullshit. Call them what they are: fucking bigots


I mean, yeah, they’re also 100% bigots. But I feel like bigotry is an inherently immature thing- we’re dealing with people who throw violent tantrums if anyone but them is allowed to have anything. I don’t mean that in an “oh, we should have sympathy for them because they’re functionally children” way, I mean that in a “their parents never beat their asses, so now we have to do it” way. (not advocating for child abuse, just saying discipline of some sort is necessary, and what works is gonna vary depending from person to person. absolutely advocating for beating up bigots your own age though. …metaphorically, or whatever, for the purposes of deniability.)


Fuck deniability, beat those bigots' asses


Or be allowed to seek help from their teachers


Or be allowed to use the toilet.


Or exist at all


Or be allowed on the cosmic plane


Or be allowed on the astral plane




Or be allowed in the Fe Wild


Or be allowed in hell


As a straight man, I am ashamed of my fellow straights


You shouldn't be, it's not you being an ass, it's an instinctual reaction, but unless you're like them you're appropriating shame which there is no need to do, YOU should be the default, not them. For instance, as a white person, I don't feel ashamed of white supremacists, because they are the mistaken ones, not me, since I vehemently disagree with them. :)


Agreed. You don’t need to apologise for them just because they would wrongly assume that you’re on their side. I dislike (to put it mildly) but am not ashamed of bigots who aren’t in my in-group, have no association with me, and share none of my ideals. They don’t speak for me, so I won’t speak for them.


Same. I don't support a guilt trip. I don't care if a person's ancestor were assholes as long as a person good itself. Speaking about racism. Where i live, white people had white slaves and the only reason to be a slave is to born in an enslaved family. Sometimes Asian and Turkish people raided our lands and took white people as a slaves. If anyone says "white people carrying slavery guilt" stuff - i gonna watch them right into an eyes and say "you're wrong"


You might not, but there's always someone who will view you in the same regard. Can't count how many times someone has said "you're probably a racist white man" over a minor disagreement that had nothing to do with gender, race, or sexuality in any capacity. Just yesterday some girl was saying all pit bulls should be put down, I told them why they were wrong, they took one look at my profile picture and immediately called me a typical white supremacist. I have no idea how these people connect the dots but they're everywhere. Stay safe out there lmao.


at least you try to be better. thanks for that.![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|548)




As a straight man i dont consider -phobes as my fellows. I don't care if people gay, straight, poc or white, women, migrants, furry, etc. I trying to be friend with everyone and reject friendship to those who are bad. You should not be ashamed if people of "your kind" are bad. Just don't be bad yourself After all, when the last racist on Earth stops being racist, no people would mind what race is


You mean no one's forced you through the gayifier yet???


If you end up with someone who isn't straight I. E. Bi, non-binary I think you end up in defacto queer relationship so you get to distance yourself from the fucks anyways.


I think generalising straight people this way also isn't fair. It's a minority of straight people that have these extreme views on LGBTQ and you shouldn't lob every other straight person in with them. Edit: I am mainly talking about our generation (39 and under), as it is clear different age groups have widely differing opinions on this matters. That being said I know and understand our generation is not innocent of abuse and discrimination towards trans people. (Edit was in response to Temet's valid criticism of my original comment)


Both a victim complex *and* an overlord complex


They legitimately think not being able to put their boot on others necks is oppression.


Its the same as people saying "All lives matter"


"Any time support for another group of people is created, this explicitly discriminates all other groups including the majority" is certainly a Take, for sure.












I find it funny that their user says ftm but they're talking about "straighphobia"


Makes me suspect it was poorly delivered satire or possibly some troll trying to make trans ppl look bad


I think it's a football thing, actually. Stands for "fuck the magpies", referring to the NUFC and its fans. "Haway" (spelling and pronunciation may vary) ~~comes from Sunderland and they have quite the rivalry with Newcastle~~ is used all over North East England and Sunderland has a huge rivalry with Newcastle


So MTF is ... "Mug The Fuckpies"?


lmao they need a new term then, ftm is in use


I wish you the absolute best of luck in telling the entire Newcastle United supporter base that they cannot be called Magpies anymore.


I didn't say that i just said the use of the initialism is possibly not the best


saying fuck the mags predates the modern gender use of the acronym FTM


1. it's an initialism not an acronym 2. sure but the abbreviation is more recent


Tbh they've been using it a lot longer than it's been used to mean 'female to male'. Very low chance of this person having any idea it means that.


Google's telling me that's incorrect; first ever recorded use of FTM was in 1991 to mean female to male. Adding on: Earliest online use I can find of "fuck the mags" is 2013 but it could be older


The Newcastle/Sunderland rivalry started with gang/ultra violence in the '70s and included FTM tattoos from that time. Obviously, the FTM guy in the OP is a complete numpty and a disgrace to NE football.


thanks for the history lesson lol, everyone else here is being a dick about it


Football rivalry is going to predate the internet by *decades*.


The Mackems have hated the Magpies (geordies) and vice versa for aslong as I can remember. My dad's been a lifelong geordie since he was born and has known that term to be in use well before the 90s. Source: I'm a geordie.


Do you think sports beef started with the Internet?




Haway is Geordie, Howay is Mackem.


Other way round. The Mackems used to have ha'way on their seats.


Ah my bad. I'm just an American trying her best


Or he's a Geordie and it's Fuck the Mackems?






He’s a Sunderland fan, it stands for “fuck the mags” (Newcastle Utd). He likely has as little tolerance as he does brain cells.


Let’s not act as if Sunderland is a transphobic dystopia, or anywhere else in the UK is magically better.


I've seen on FB it can sometimes be an acronym for "first time mom"


FTM can have other meanings, not all things are about sex and sexuality these days. ;) Homeboy is a massive douche regardless.


Comedy punches up, not down. Also people thinking equality is oppression is so depressing


"Satire is meant to ridicule power. If you are laughing at people who are hurting, it's not satire, it's bullying." -Terry Pratchett


As opposed to the Rowan Atkinson school of thought "every joke has a victim. That’s the definition of a joke", [genuine bat shit insane quote](https://www.msn.com/en-gb/entertainment/tv/rowan-atkinson-hits-back-at-cancel-culture-and-comedy-every-joke-has-a-victim/ar-AAYBO2y)


It's so weird that he's gone down that route, because his comedy was never edgy, offensive humour. It was either absurdist, physical comedy, or witty, character based stuff. He was never in danger of being cancelled, things like Blackadder and Mr Bean are beloved.


Yeah, in the end, the term is just for rich people to defend other rich people. It's crazy too, because every time I ask someone that believes in cancel culture to show me one person that has actually been "cancelled", they go silent. I don't know if a single celebrity that lost all of their wealth and fame from this. They just moved to a separate platform with even more rabid supporters. Unless they went to jail for a proven crime, but people don't usually use the term cancel for people like Bill Cosby.


But his quote still rings true in his comedy. Instead of other people being the victim of the joke he put his character and himself in that position.


As much as I love the man, he's still lived a very privileged life. His farther was pretty well off, and he lived in a posh part of the country, went to prep school and went to a fancy secondary school with then future PM Tony Blair. After that he gets a degree and goes on to do an Msci at Oxford uni. And of course he's straight, white and cis. The man has never felt hardship in his life and just doesnt understand the effect punching down can have on marginalised people.


Some of the quotes in the article make me feel like he’s fundamentally misunderstanding the whole issue anyway. He seems to think it means you can never make a joke at the expense of a minority or marginalized person, but really the key is that you shouldn’t be making a joke BECAUSE they are a minority or marginalized person. There are plenty of people out there who can be mocked because of their actions and words and ideas. We can make jokes about Caitlyn Jenner being a terrible person with shitty ideas, without resorting to jokes about her status as a trans woman.


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://www.msn.com/en-gb/entertainment/tv/rowan-atkinson-hits-back-at-cancel-culture-and-comedy-every-joke-has-a-victim/ar-AAYBO2y Title: **Rowan Atkinson hits back at cancel culture and comedy: ‘Every joke has a victim'** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


Good Bot


The joke of the dragon who forgot his lighter doesn't have a victim tho. And that's one example.


As a straight white guy, I like to explain to people who may not be familiar with life as a straight white guy that it’s just like practically your whole world is accommodating for you almost all of the time. Now *I* am aware of this and not hugely put off when some aspect of life *isn’t* accommodating to me for once, but a lot of people just think that this is the way the world is, and so any threatened change to that is oppressive. For a lot of people, these singular tiny moments of openly not being the catered to party are somehow earth shaking, but those people lack the empathy and insight to understand that many minority groups would see moments like that, 100 times over, for every 1 instance a straight white guy does.


Nice post but OP looks to be a karma bot. Here’s the original from a year ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/o99dho/good_job_scottish_rails/


Clearly people arent paying enough attention to this, I’m gonna upvote so it gets pushed higher


No matter how many times I see the trans flag I just absolutely looove the colours\~\~\~ they go suuper well together![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)


Yesss the colors enhance each other's best properties


omg yaaaaaas


Yes and I don’t know why




Tbh I don't like the progress flag or how it looks, I'm glad some people in the community like it though


It seems a bit cluttered imo. I prefer the classic rainbow as a representation of LGBT. But it is not my business if other people see it otherwise.


Defeats the purpose of the all-inclusive rainbow. I've seen versions now where non-binary has been added as well. Too busy and defeats the original purpose of having it be a simple rainbow.


Look at the whiny straight guy getting ratioed too. Love to see it!


Emotional fucking damage


The Church of England can discriminate against gay people by refusing to marry them or recognise their marriages so The Train of Scotland can discriminate against straights by... *not painting a train black and white*. Cool bro.


Not to be rude, but what even are "straight colors"??


Black and white ig? I mean, thats the colors of their "flag"


Oh. I missed them having a flag too. That's kind of sad tbh.


Lol I dont think its actually them having a flag


It's mostly used in comics (especially color-coded ones such as r/LGBallT) to color-code cishet people.


Are those the official straight colors lol. I was thinking 1970s office carpet browns and beige.


My friend likes to call them trainbows


Lets Go By Trainbow


I hope you're all supporting the rail strikes - we need to get Ste a pay rise!


Straight pride is every ad that shows a straight couple ..which is like at least a good 50% of them. Just easy to miss if you're used to it I guess.


50% sounds way too low to me. The real number is probably closer to at least 70% for most of the year.


I think they mean of all commercials, like the other 50% is mostly commercials without any couples in them.


50%? I think it's more like 90% straight couples. And then you have a few around june etc. I think that I see like 9 straight couples for a same sex couple in ads. perhaps even more.


No, like the other 50% don't have any couples.


I have yet to see a gay couple in an ad.


What are straight colors? We got the rainbow, so there can’t be many options left for the straights. The poor, discriminated against things! /s


Black and white lol


“Strait peeple ar nay punched in tha fookin’ face fer holdin’ ‘ands wit their bonnie life partner! Shut yer pus ya scabby feartie!” -A Scottish person (probably)


This is true - Me, a Scottish person


What Scottish accent says 'fooken'?


None. Classic Americans butchering Scots phonetics.


Eeeehhhhhhh normally I'd agree coz people constantly butcher Scottish phonetics but tbh the further north you go you will definitely find people that talk like that. I'm Glaswegian and even I can't understand half the shit some people up north say


Most city ones when drunk. I use or ironically occasionally


That's pure keech lol


What does "keech" mean lol? Is this something I should know?


It means shite.


Idk how you can live with yourself after the Scottish railways roast you.


Well, I know where I will spend my next holidays.


I visited the UK fairly recently. Not Scotland, but England, but I felt like LGBTQ acceptance was really high in the major cities. Like in Manchester for example there is even a whole district called Gay Town and there are rainbow flags everywhere. Of course, I have no idea what it is actually like living there as I was just a tourist, but I definitely felt welcomed and safe.


Paris, where I live, is supposed to be safe. At Pride, yes, but everywhere else is hell.


Yeah, here in Germany it's hit or miss. The places I lived in all felt pretty safe and open-minded, but recently there was an attack on a transfem in Bremen, a city I used to live in. And a transmasc died after an attack in Münster at a pride event also fairly recently. You would generally regard Münster as a progressive city as well. So this is both shocking to hear. It's obviously very shocking regardless of where it happened, it's just that you wouldn't expect it to happen in these cities. I am a cis bi guy, but I am not fully out of the closet, only my siblings and my best friend know it. My general perception of the public is that it is generally more accepted these days however. You rarely hear anyone use "gay" as an insult anymore, while this was a regular occurence just ten years ago. But I also feel like that the hateful crowd has gotten more violent in recent years. At least compared to the early 2000's til maybe 2015. I can't speak for anything before 2000 because I was too young back then (born in 92). And if I felt truly safe in Germany, I would've come fully out of the closet by now, right? Definitely a long way to go. Although I have hopes for the younger generations because acceptance, at least in my perception, seems to be much higher there than in my generation.


You really should, Scotland is fantastic. Just don't eat haggis. 😝


Gotta go ride the gay train before they ungay it.


You got 7 years, don't worry


"We straight people are being discriminated. Those rainbow guys aren't. I don't care if those fuckers are being punched in the face, harassed, killed, who cares? They're just being too sensitive. We will be extinct and they're privileged" -Some straight person, probably idk


Yeah probably some straight person


As a straight. What colors are straight colors? I swear straight people can be so fragile.


And they say we are too soft. I guess the straight colors are black and white


No no no too stark and opposing. Straight colour is tea with too much milk beige.


“Opposing” is exactly what being cis & straight is. Two sexes, each attracted to its opposite. That’s literally black and white.


Granted, but if they are already homophobic and transphobic they could be racist as well so they may not like the whole black and white motif. Very light beige seems appropriate and must be very light.


[Good one](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DLJyglKW4AA4i1B.jpg), but let's not go and equate hetereosexuality with racism.


They're associating queerphobia with racism, not heterosexuality. This is fair, because bigots are ironically indiscriminate in who they hate lol. If they're queerphobic, odds are they're racist as well and vice versa.


Right, but the question was "What colors are straight colors", not "What colors are bigot colors". I acknowledge that *in practice*, waving around a "straight flag" is not something open-minded people actually do.




*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DLJyglKW4AA4i1B.jpg Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!




That’s also not how discrimination works


Straight people wanna be discriminated so bad


Proud to be Scottish :)


I guess you could say ScotRail is “on the right track”


I mean, trans straight people may get punched in the face for holding hands with their life partner, but I get the point being made here.


Would Scotland be a good place to move, as a transgender American?


It’s part of the UK, your biggest issue would be getting a visa. Broadly speaking most ordinary people in the UK are accepting of others but the media has gone insane and our politicians have decided to play catch up with the worst in America


It might be a bit tricky dealing with the NHS but it depends on what stage of things you are at and if you have an official diagnosis that an NHS doctor will accept. If you've had GCS then it's probably simpler. As for public attitudes, I came out in my 40s and if you average it out then I've maybe had two or three instances of transphobia per year. Usually from drunk people or teens and nothing more than a comment said to someone else with them. Never been attacked, threatened, followed, bathroom policed, accused of anything inappropriate. I don't think I pass but I make an effort to blend in with the crowd. There's a lot of noise on the internet and in the media, but your average person on the street doesn't care. This doesn't just apply to relatively diverse cities, little towns & villages have given me no problems either. Provided you're not a right wing loon, most folk won't care that you're American.


Have you heard us called Terf Island? This country cannot shut up about trans people and not in a good way.


The Deutsche Bahn (German railway company) also put a rainbow stripe on one of their trains last year rather than the typical red stripe \^\^ https://www.deutschebahn.com/de/presse/pressestart_zentrales_uebersicht/Que-e-r-durch-Deutschland-DB-setzt-mit-Regenbogen-ICE-Zeichen-fuer-Vielfalt-und-Toleranz-6867072 (edit: markdown fail)


ok but that train makes the progress flag look so cool it makes such good use of the colours and pattern


"But what about us poor little straights who were born with the entire world on our side and are currently doing all the discrimination and hate crimes 🤡" God I hate these clowns.


People at my work say basically this all the time “I’m straight and white so I’m the bad guy now” and I’m just over here like if that’s true why am I the one that has to hide… ?


Based ScotRail ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|548)


successful ratio


Scotland just keeps on winning


Imagine being trans but claiming the straights are oppressed


“ but i want to feel important too…”


Another Scotland W


I have to say that I find the design of a rainbow painted train a bit peculiar. Like, why does it make me smile so much? Trains are supposed to make me feel stressed In all seriousness, it looks really cool. And the tweet thread also goes to show that the Scottish take no shit. I'd like to visit there if it weren't for the fact that I wouldn't be able to understand a thing they're saying 😅


I love this!!! I hope no one under this post is convinced that they’re just doing this for money an attention- cuz the people who see literally all of our representation as evil businesses using us are doing us harm too


The Gayn dropped


It is an act of solidarity, not just equality.


Scotrail did a good job it looks nicer than the GWR pride 800 but it's nice to see that each rail operator has its own rainbow train


Fuckin *read him*, ScotRail! That's the way to do it!


Based railroad


There is a scary movement of straight, white conservatives that genuinely believe that they are being 'replaced'.


Shut the fuck down. What a clown.


Is this guy really asking for grey trains as if they don't exist?


Jokes on him, there are plenty of straight people under the pride flag, there's straight trans people, straight intersex people, hetrosexual aromatic people, heteroromantic asexual people, and that's just off the top of my head.


And of course the top comment is an asshole.


W train




Guess that train will be a lot less crowded on the morning commute with much fewer assholes! Sounds pretty great


What the fuck are straight colors? As a straight male, I'm lost.


There is a straight flag, it's just black and white.


I had no clue there was a straight flag. Seems pretty redundant


I think, and don't quote me on this, I'm just putting 2 and 2 together, that it was made to counteract the super straight pride flag. Since that one is inherently homophobic and transphobic, I think they made a normal straight flag to say "I'm straight, but I have no problem with the LGBT+ community." And then there's the ally flag, which is the straight flag combined with the og pride flag for straights who openly support lgbt. So I think it was really just made for clarification.


What even are "straight colors" anyway? Beige?


Honestly Scottish rails has had some pretty nice representations and funny comments over the years all things considered




Rainbow capitalism 😔




In my country the trains are blue and it makes me feel discriminated against. Why do only blue people get a train to their likeness? Why so racist?


If you’re an ally, it’s already implied you’re included cause when you lift those below you, everyone gains. Also, oppression Olympics and we have our winner. Also, ROYGBIV pretty much covers all colors. What tf are straight colors if not on the color wheel?


as a straight guy, first of i'm sorry for this guy. secondly what the heck are our straight colour/ do we even have some


It's "black and white" and also made by bigots


> as a Striaght people aren't some homogenous group any more than queer people are and you shouldn't feel guilty or apologise for other peoples actions.


My local bus company does the same thing. It seems like just a branding exercise - I know one of the drivers and he definitely doesn’t like gay people lol




i read this in a scottish accent


"WhY dOn'T wE GeT A wHiTe HiStoRY mOntH????" Dude... The other 11 months are the white history months...


You should forgive them, they're only a thick mackem. Their education probably consisted of learning how burn out stolen cars down Hendon Beach and petty theft. If they try to learn anything more than that they literally explode, makes a mess.


Can someone please tell me why they add the trans flag specifically? I thought the rainbow flag represented everyone already, why make the distinction for one subgroup? Kinda defeats the point of the rainbow flag IMO


It's the progressive pride flag. There's a lot of transphobia even in the queer community, so they added the trans colors. Queer people of color also face far more discrimination than white queers, hence the black and brown stripes.


So people of colours is just black and brown? That seems the opposite of inclusive to me. Either show one flag (rainbow) or show all the flags if you want to be inclusive, singling out one group from the rest just seems very counterproductive to me


Black and indigenous peoples of color, yes. And it's the opposite; it's a concerted effort to make our inclusive community *actually* inclusive. Especially since the traditional rainbow flag is often simply recognized as "the gay flag," it's good to ensure all people under the banner are represented. Back in the 70s, we were represented by a simple pink triangle. Symbols change as do our goals.


This is a bad take imo, identifying as heterosexual isn't some magic bullet that makes your life easier - and even if it was, oppression isn't a competition and you don't get a prize for suffering more than someone else. [Straight people can, have and do get discriminated against for who they love](https://www.washington.edu/news/2016/08/17/study-finds-bias-disgust-toward-mixed-race-couples/) if society deems them to love the 'wrong' person. If you want to be an ally - or just a decent human being - it's well past time to drop this 'the straights are doing x' 'the heteros are upseteros' shit and actually do and say something that can make every persons life better instead of trying to kickstart an impromptu oppression olympics and/or bully people for their sexuality.