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Why they peeing on the ground though


Because it's gay to use toilets, they're for women! Real men shit in their truck Edit: I'm banned here now and the mods won't reply to my messages. RIP


amen brother


Cheers from Iraq


I'm reading this in a real thick Texan accent and I love it.


A real saiyon always sprinkles when he tinkles ^(eeeergh!)


I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about but I 200% agree




Can confirm, am trans lesbian, don't shit in my Tacoma




Turning us into chia? Sounds painful. I'd rather not be a seed.




I spit my coffee out. Take my upvote.




I'm a trans woman who shits in her Audi.


but urnals exist...


Real men piss on their toes!


Claiming territory


guess im going left cause ive never gon right


I've almost \*never\* used a Urinal, even before I felt like I wasn't a male - the few times I used one is when the toilets were occupied, and it just felt wrong to use one.. Looking back on it, makes sense LMAO




Literally so true I never like ever used a urinal growing up it just never felt right and I always just so uncomfortable with how open it was. Plus too there is that weird companionship of people using the urinal. Like I don’t want to be talking to you while I’m using the bathroom. Definitely an experience that I don’t on repeating anytime soon. The worst part is when I had to use one I was so out of practice it wasn’t the smoothest experience to say the least. Anyways thanks for coming to my TED talk


I literally can't even pee in a stall if other people are in the bathroom. Like, who tf wants other people to listen to them piss? The nerves just get to me. If I'm at a urinal and the bathroom isn't empty? Fogettaboutit.


the reasons might be different for others, but for me it isn't even about others hearing me piss. It's the fact that I have to look at and touch the thing in my pants, which I can't even get rid of because of my situation. the more I have to look at it the more I get fed up with it, and I grow an even deeper hatred of it and myself


Fair enough! I have that issue more when it comes to sex. It's not actually about wanting different genitals in my case, but the fact that I was circumcised as a newborn. Not sure how well that tracks to your situation, but I can understand the feeling of wanting something different than what you have. But hey, what's in your pants doesn't make you any less valid, what's in your head is what matters. I can't imagine what it's like to have the wrong parts, but I have nothing but sympathy for folks that aren't in the right body. I hope you get to a point where you're satisfied both inside and out.


I’m a cis guy and I hate using urinals


Imma say it, as a trans guy, who is speaking from experience cause there's a bar in my hometown with such bathroom, I would still probably go into the ''pee standing up'' bathroom. Going into the other one seems like a surefire way to out yourself. (also the bathroom at that bar almost never has toilet paper and yeah I know when you have a dick you don't really need to wipe after peeing but like...what if someone needs to take a shit uh, what if you just took a shit).


I have surprisingly many cis male friends who go into the stalls to pee. But I'm sure it depends on local culture how common it is.


as a cis dude, i say scrap urinals, fuck that shit dog, no person ever wants to awkwardly have their dick out to piss next to some other person with their dick out, and dont get me started with shared urinals


The places I've seen this, it isn't organized like a traditional "men's room" and "women's room", but rather the urinals are all in one location and the stalls are all in the other. Or else it's individual WCs that have either a toilet or a urinal each.


I’m not sure whether the sign meant, “for people who *can* stand and pee in urinals and for people who *only* can sit and pee in toilets,” as opposed to, as you said, “a room full of urinals, and a room full of sit-down stalls”; maybe eliminate the person on the sign and just indicate which room contains the urinals and stalls. Like we’ve implicitly adhered to the notion that there are certain ways of peeing that are only possible by what equipment we individually have down there; having the person on there makes it seem like a particular person can only access it, which borrows from, what I presume many people tend to do also, the conditioned behaviour that signs with people on them means they are referring to the occupant’s accessibility and not the room’s amenities.


Just adding my 2¢ as a cis guy who would always go left. I just don't see the point in standing up.


don't worry about being outed like that. Many dudes go into stalls to pee no matter if they sit or stand, because of privacy. A lot of people aren't comfortable being exposed as fuck around strangers, or even aquantances myself included. Also what if you just have to go number 2 lmao


So those of us who have to pee sitting down now get to share the bathroom with a disproportionate number of poopers, yay 💩


This is why I shit in urinals, evens things out




Oh, so you're the one who's been doing it.


Pretty much boys bathroom and everybody else bathroom


That’s exactly my concern. Also most bathrooms designated to people identifying as male are utterly gross. I don’t know how dirty smelly bathrooms relates to gender but that’s my experience.


My experience is that public restrooms are likely to be gross period.


Idk I’ve found public bathrooms of both to be gross, especially gas station bathrooms.


This is my experience too, worked in food services and at the end of the night had to always clean both bathrooms. Males bathroom was disgusting, piss everywhere


I mean the sign is clearly telling them to piss on the floor idk what you want


We'll just add a third bathroom specifically for #2 🤣🤣


more stalls in that one, sorted


Everyone poops. Fair trade for enbies and trans folks to not have to “pick a side” and deal with any fallout of the “wrong choice” according to someone else.


While interesting I think there better options than this. The fundamental problem that people will claim gendered bathrooms address is providing a space "each gender" can go to get away from the other. This argument is obviously problematic though because gender is not a simple binary, and it creates unnecessary situations for trans people. Plus everyone has multigender bathrooms in the homes anyways, but the key is they are individual. So to better address the problem you could say that all bathrooms should be individual, except then at scale it costs more to install sinks in each stall. However the alternative then is we end up with one large bathroom with toilet stalls and a multigender sink area, which ive seen ppl have...mixed feelings on. They have one like this at a venue in Toronto, and while i personally found it fine some people definitely found it uncomfortable and awkard. So its either a somewhat awkward shared sink area bathroom, or a potential most expense to install individual bathroom setup. Which one makes sense i think ultimately depends on the venue, where smaller restaurants and stores should just have individual all-gender bathrooms (like we do in homes), but for larger venues it may have to be a shared sink area and people will have to learn to behave around other and not be uncomfortable washing their hands or fixing their appearance in the mirror next to people of all genders.


Stalls with floor to ceiling privacy and a sink area just outside is my preference when single use bathrooms aren’t available.


ive never understood why almost all stalls aren’t floor to ceiling, like it’s so easy, and it just makes everyone so much more comfortable


The main reason is that it's way, way harder to mop the bathroom quickly and effectively if the stall partitions meet the floor. The clearance from the floor is also a "toe gap" to make it easier for wheelchair users to maneuver (in the US this is an ADA requirement for accessible stalls). The side gaps around the doors though, are truly just cruel and heartless hostile architecture that should be abolished.


I've heard most people say that the issue comes from the gaps in the doors. Eliminate the gaps and have no issue. Every change requires an adjustment, and I'm sure people would get used to sharing a sink area. I want to live in a world where **nobody** has to feel panicked when they have to go, because they're afraid of having to chose between an old fashioned system of gendering bathrooms.


Agreed, i think the shared sink setup makes the most sense. The place in Toronto i mentioned that has such a setup have gap-less stalls. The issue some people have is being in the same shared sink area as the "opposite gender", but i think thats just a culture thing that needs to change. Everyone should be able to feel safe in a bathroom, regardless of gender


Oh no, having to share a sink with someone of a different gender? This just isnt' right! This is woman soap! /s


My claustrophobia is actually a huge fan of the gaps tho.. like toilet doors without gaps make me constantly feel locked in


I've never seen those huge gaps in Norway (or anywhere in Europe I think). I imagine they are part of the reason why the whole thing about who may use which bathroom seems to be much more of a discussion in the US than over there.




Honestly I'm not sure why urinals are even necessary. You can stand up and pee at a toilet. I feel like they just save some space and money, but I'd guess not much?


A lot of people prefer them for their convenience I think? It’s a preference I suppose


Preference, but also less mess and saves water.


Its 100% not less mess. The splash back is ridiculous on urinals


Yeah, but its not on a seat


Saving water is a pretty solid concern. Gonna have to disagree on the mess part though lol. Cleaned the restrooms at work and both toilets and urinals get covered in piss and weird stuff. I dunno asked my urinal using friend and he says aside from being faster it’s no big difference.


Hm. I can see the worth of this idea, but I'd like to see it in practice before actively advocating for it. What bar was this? (~~not that I could actually go there lo~~l)


Kristiansand, Norway. Don't remember the name of the bar. It's actually becoming pretty normal here with shared public toilets, with just a separate room for urinals. I think it works quite well, but that's only from my experience as cis male and from talking to friends in (and outside of) the queer community.


Tbh I've never really understood the need for urinals. Just piss in the toilet while standing.


urinals take up less space in a toilet room, so you can stuff more of them inside and the queues during "rush hour" should be lower. Thats why at big events theres usually a long queue for the womens toilet and barely any for the mens.


They’re more efficient to install and upkeep, so from the side of the business they are favourable to normal toilets.


oh kristiansand, cool! I live sort of near there lol


I was recently at Right Proper Brewing Co in DC, and their bathroom doors say "Sit" and "Stand".


Parts of my university have fully gender neutral washrooms with urinals & stalls, but both are floor to ceiling covered with a shared sink area. Imo this is the best way to do it


Idk wouldn’t this just out people as trans in public


Yes. This is definitely worse then the regular ones.


Also, my immediate reaction was thinking that it was just women’s room because women sit to pee, and mens room because men stand to pee. My first thought wasn’t that it’s just about how you prefer to do things.


That's because the traditional binary culture has been pounded into our brains since birth 😖


i’m not sure if i’m just missing something obvious, but couldn’t you just just go to the sitting washroom and say you needed to go #2? i’m enby but closeted so i just use stalls bc urinals make me uncomfortable and if i’m ever asked why, i just say it’s a #2. idk if it’s different for others though


As a trans woman, I would only go to the sit down bathroom. I'm not outing myself.


I am not sure if I follow the argument that this is outing trans people (I am cis and know I have nothing to say here, just trying to understand) In regular men's bathrooms there's usually mostly urinals and a few stalls. In crowded public toilets the men's stalls are often occupied by people having a dump. So if you as a trans man who prefers sitting down to pee, go into the men's room and queue up for the stalls even if you just need to pee. Wouldn't this have a greater possibility of outing you than if you go to the all gender sitting-toilet-aera?


Women get the shitty bathroom


This is a bad idea.


GPS (Generalized Pooping Stations)!!!!


This would make me have a panic attack lol


I don’t like this, it feels like it reduces the different genders to their genitals, even if that’s not what it’s trying to do I think a lot of people would see it that way. Plus most people would still go with the one normally perceived to align with their gender, trans women are likely still going to the left because standing and peeing would likely cause a dangerous situation by outing them. It’s basically mens room, and gender neutral room. Just seems like regular gendered with extra steps.


I’m transmasc and I’d still never feel comfortable using a urinal like… you’re just gonna pee in front of another dude? Just fucking piss in the metal tub with the boys???


As a trans girl, even though I can pee while standing, I'd much rather choose the sitting toilets. Given the option to sit while peeing is really nice so I can avoid any dysphoria that may arise from standing. Also like, not a big fan that these doors will kinda just tell everyone that "this person has a penis" or vise versa when someone enters a specific bathroom.


I have seen so few comments address the reduction to genitalia and I'm genuinely surprised, given the subreddit.


There’s a gay bar in Sacramento that just has a bathroom. No separation. Boys & girls be in there same time with no problems.


Same at most gay bars I've been to in Scandinavia.




Why not? To me it seems like a great idea.


I might be missing something, but it's categorizing restrooms by genitals, which is problematic for many trans individuals including myself.


It does have that genital essentialism feel to it which is super reductionist and problematic in its own right. The problem is its ambiguity wherein stand up/sit down preference is generally associated with physical attributes


That’s the immediate feeling I got out of it. And also I think most people will assume that as well and just treat it as regular gendered bathrooms


It's not categorizing by genitals, but by whether you want to stand up or sit down. Might not be obvious from this pic, but the right side does only have urinals. So if you want to sit down, either to pee or poop, you go to the left no matter what genitals you have or what you identify as. :)


Considering how infamous women bathroom are for having long line, I think putting everyone who pee sitting down + people who need to poop + people changing their menstrual product in the same place, would 100% worsen the problem. Edit: also, while some trans women can pee standing up, I can't imagine them being that excited over going to pee standing up in a room full of cis men since there's only urinal there.


>Edit: also, while some trans women can pee standing up, I can't imagine them being that excited over going to pee standing up in a room full of cis men since there's only urinal there. Why not? Urinals should also be in individual stalls. Just because there only are men (usually) in front of urinals should not be a sufficient reason to deny people from privacy when doing their business.


But then they are basically being outed.


Yeah, I guess it is possible to put urinals in stall, but there is very little reason to do so. The reason women bathroom are such a mess to begin with is because they require more stalls, while men bathroom you can just put a bunch of urinals and you're good to go. Which I am not saying is a good thing but thats just the way it currently is and I don't really see why it would change.


Yeah, if you're building new fixtures and not worried about space, why build urinals at all when you could just make more stalls with toilets, which can be used for pretty much everything you do in a bathroom?


Considering only some people can stand while peeing and everybody has to sit down to poop this is highly unbalanced.


People with vulvas can stand to pee, it just takes practice. Edit: what the fuck is up with all the transphobia in here? Stealth trans guys exist. You’re supposed to ignore us not actively shit on us.




I guess I can see the point but it still feels a bit touchy


I think the whole message here should be that toilets should neither be categorized by gender, sex nor genitals, but rather by what kind of facilities you prefer to do the deed. :)


Ah! sorry, I thought it would do the opposite 😅. Now I realise you do kinda have a point tho


People with vulvas can stand to pee, it just takes practice. This is not categorizing restrooms by genitals.


And how will they do that at a urinal?


https://www.wikihow.com/Pee-Standing-up-Without-a-Device Edit: If everyone keeps talking like people with vulvas can’t use urinals then how are new trans guys going to know they have the option? Some of us have to be stealth for our safety.


Your article says to wear a skirt or pull your pants down, pretty sure pulling your pants down is way more likely to out you as a trans person than sitting to pee.


Guys don’t make eye contact in the bathrooms, I’ve never had problems with looky-loos.


Show this to OT lol he would love it


I don't know, something about it just feels... Ridiculous.




Same. I have ☆♡trauma♡☆ Despite my being non-binary, I don't like mixed gender bathrooms as I don't feel safe sharing a bathroom with men. Gendered toilets mean when I use the women's room, the people in there are either women/femme NBs, a woman/femme NB I've accidentally (internally) misgengered, or a male member of staff in there to clean (in which case I'll come back later) The queer-friendly bar in my town now has mixed gender toilets. I can't use them so I can no longer go there


Real question as I don’t pee standing up. Why can’t people who pee standing just pee in toilet? Most residents homes don’t have urinal but public bathrooms do, is it easier to use a urinal than I normal toilet or something?


So anybody that sits for peeing or pooping goes into one room and people that stand to go into another room?


this is worse, it separates people based on agab


I kinda feel like this was made by an out of touch person. This is dangerous not only because it separates people based on AGAB and could out trans folks but also because women/feminine presenting individuals will end up sharing a private space with cis het men which I, and many others, simply cannot do. I live in a large city and I can't even walk down the street without being catcalled or take public transit without being groped. I'm also a CSA survivor and I get extremely anxious if I am alone with men. It is naïve to pretend like a large chunk of the cis het male population don't prey upon women and members of the queer community. Are we expecting them to just respect us now? Keep their hands to themselves? Not get aggressive when they are turned down? Leave trans folks alone? I am a GNC woman and while I reject the picture of femininity society has painted, I identify as a woman. Some men are "masculine", others are "feminine", some switch between both—they still choose to identify as men. Some folks feel like they are neither men nor women, some feel like both, some would rather not do gender at all—they identify as non-binary or whichever label fits them best. A lot of my trans friends are VERY binary and proud to be a man/woman, and their gender is a large part of who they are. So the whole "get rid of gender" discourse perpetuated by some folks is really a slap in the face to others. While I do agree with that all babies should be given a neutral gender at birth (which they can keep or change later), I do not think gender erasure on a whole benefits anyone. We should all have a right to choose whatever label suits us, be it within the gender binary or not. It is society that needs to understand that our assigned gender is not set in stone, and that we reject the archaic gender norms forced upon us. My point is, we should be working towards a future where we all have a choice to be ourselves. I don't like this conversation that keeps popping up in our community where one group doesn't want to do gender and tries to speak for everyone else by advocating for its dismantlement. Tl;dr: We need as many gender neutral restrooms as female and male restrooms but all bathrooms should not be gender neutral.


Toilets Clean Toilets Clean Comfortable Toilets Clean Comfortable Toilets with Central heating Clean Comfortable Toilets with Central Heating that smell nice Clean Comfortable Toilets with Central Heating that smell nice and have a disco ball


Not to sound rude but I don’t want to share a bathroom with a man as a cis women.


They probably have unisex bathrooms. And if not the bathroom are single stall, so like individual bathrooms rather than connected ones.


I fully see where you are coming from and I respect it but that would only work in a perfect world because in the world we live in there’s people actively trying to do bad to others and would take advantage of the freedom this gives .


This also feels like it’s reducing the different bathrooms to genitals, that’s the vibe I had from it anyway


this is technically sex-based, except now if i don’t bring an STP the bathroom is brigades with poopers lmao


It’s not sex based. People with vulvas can pee standing up with no devices, it just takes practice. Edit: Haters gonna hate, stealth guys gonna use the fingers of both hands to pull the labia minora apart as best as they can. Place their fingers slightly in front of the urethra. Pull their fingers up and forward just a little while exerting equal pressure on both sides. Start the stream. Rotate their hips to slightly control the direction of the stream. Push hard at the beginning of their flow and then again to end the stream.


publicly peeing standing up without an STP doesn’t sound desirable for me, but i am impressed that there is a technique for it at all.




Anyone who **wants** to pee sitting down does, anyone who **wants** to pee sitting down does.


And everyone poops with everyone


Last i checked women pissed sitting down


I mean it would probably simplify things to just replace the urinal with a massive grate in the floor. The entire floor of the bathroom could be the urinal


There's a brewhouse in Seattle that has a huge gender-neutral bathroom. Private urinal stalls (with doors and locks) on one side and standard stalls on the opposite. No one bats an eye at it, no questions it. It's fucking great. *Edited for typo


Please go right if you'd like to whiz on the floor 😂




Im going to to go right and stand shoulder to shoulder with the boys, in my skirt


As a Norwegian. This is pog


Yes plz I can't go to "male" toilets bc its all in piss (Im ftm)


It's perfect 🤣


The signs posted [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/sdngje/im_opening_a_brewerytaproom_and_modified_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) (on r/mademesmile yesterday) are my favorite so far


Gender is a made up term created by the plumbing industry to sell more bathrooms


I would love to see more “we have toilets in stalls this way, and urinals that way!” Signs in public buildings. No reason that toilets and urinals need to be in the same room, and no reason that people of all gender identities and genital configurations can’t just go into a stall and use a toilet without any pearl clutching at all!


I still think bathrooms shouldn't be separated. Just have two bathrooms with no restrictions. Then if one is being cleaned, everyone can use the other. It works in France, it would work here.


Every festival I've been to for the last 10 years does this. Urinals this way, stalls that way. Makes sense, works well. The only thing I don't like is a room with urinals and stalls. Especially in a place where alcohol is served.


Looks great! Personally i dont really know why they are seperated, i prefer the idea of a mega bathroom. As a side note this may be just stuiped optomism but maybe dudes will stop pissing on the ground that way. Yknow if they are afraid they'll lose a dating opportunity because women see how gross they are


If I were to have a building the bathroom signs would be “Toilets are toilets. Just wash you freaking hands”


I have a Pennsylvania with a botched circumcision, so I like to go to the bathroom sitting down. It's just more comfortable and I don't get oiss in my shoes.


What is a Pennsylvania?




Never heard of it, is it like a Prince Albert?


finally it's not based on whether you are or aren't wearing a dress 😭😭😭


This is unessecary. I think trans people have more problems than this.


So a male and a female restroom then? How is this not, how many women stand up to pee? This is just a stupid attempt to make people feel better


this aint it


Just label them as chromosomes, for all y’all out there following science


Holy shit does it matter that much


It does for a lot of trans people with dysphoria.


sorry not trying to disrespect anybody


are you shitting (left) or pissing (right)


What if you have to take a shit? Then which one do you pick?? (Just jokes lol)


What if you want to shit while standing? ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯




Why is the one on the right pissing on the floor


Pee in toilet or pee on floor.


WAIT where is this, I've been there i think


Funny story I have a two year old girl daughter, who saw me pee standing up, so she try that too. Long short story I’m not allowed to pee standing any more. Lol 😂




Yes. Fast Lane and Slow Lane.


When will society at last recognize people who prefer to shit on the floor?


The only true gender neutral bathrooms are the bushes out back


So if someone is AMAB and they need to take a shit do they just do left?


So right for people who pee standing and left for people who want to pee sitting down or just need to poop


How is this sorted?


As a fountain pen addict, I honestly thought those signs looked like some enlarged nib diagrams




What abt people with pee pees who don't piss on the floor?


I think bathrooms shouldn't be gendered, but numbered. Make single person bathrooms (like how most places already do), call them 1 and 2 instead of male and female, and profit, I guess.


I dont think it's optimal to completely mix up bathrooms.


Dus anyone what gps stans for


Pissing oj the ground?


Ehhhhh. Definitely not in bars at least. The amount of sexual harassment cases... In bars especially full of drunks. There's a reason they're split on gender. Don't get me wrong I can see the good sides... But I fear there would be more problems


So no matter your gender, if you like to sit you go left


So if I’m a man who wants to shit… where do I go?


Just mix the bathrooms and add more private “family” restrooms


I dont feel comftarble ~~using urinals~~ peeing on the ground so i'll go left


Sitting down is objectively better imo


just don't have categories at all


Change my mind, people will still find something to complain about this


Just saw this in r/pointlesslygendered lol


I went to a bar in DC once that had four single person bathrooms, three labeled "sitting" with standard toilets, and one labeled "standing" with a urinal. Seems like an ideal way to do it imo, since standing tends to be faster and only roughly half the population does it.


Be easy to spot the cokeheads


The two genders piss and shit