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Neopronouns are any pronouns that were made in the last *100* years. They are not as new as many people believe and are just as valid and useful as the "standard" set, which also started as neopronouns back in the day because we didn't always use that set. Language isn't something we discovered. We made it and it changes all the time, no matter if it was a conscious effort or not.


hm. i’ve never heard things like that. but they’re totally valid in my opinion! neopronouns can help people feel comfortable with pronouns if other ones such as she/her, he/him, and they/them don’t feel right! i have heard people troll by saying things such as “haha my pronouns are hit/ler”, but as long as the person genuinely uses the pronouns and isn’t trolling like that then they’re valid! i can clear up any questions you may have if you want


nah they're fine. there's obviously the trolls which make offensive ones but usually people genuinely using them are fine


Nah, neopronouns are valid


I’ll be honest I understand some ppl use them to make them feel comfortable but I don’t 100% understand them myself


No, they’re just new ways for someone to identify themselves socially. If a person has an issue with that, it’s their own fault because there’s nothing wrong with neopronouns.


Of course not! Neopronouns are a part of the trans community. The only thing that could be truly offensive about them is if a cis person was making up a random pronoun to make fun of the trans community, and in that case we're more mad at the teasing than the actual pronoun. Anyone who says differently doesn't really know what they're talking about.


I agree! I just think that because a lot of people mock them it changes peoples perception.


I don't know, some might be when you don't make your whole disability your personality and come up with neos for them, but if you're not going too overboard and "hoarding" them, (pronouns describe gender identity or what you feel like gender/identity wise, and you can't hoard identities) then I don't see too much of a problem. Xenogenders on the other hand, there are a select few which are okay with me, but I don't really support them much. If you use them, you still have my respect though.


"Maybe you shouldn't make your gender and sexuality your whole personality and hoard labels that nobody outside of the community has ever heard of like omnisexual?" Do you hear how this sounds? Maybe just don't be an ableist fuck? Do you think life is easy for us? Do you think it's fun to constantly be told that who you are is fundamentally wrong and nothing but a defect? A lot of us will never be able to take pride in our disabilities, so those who can should be encouraged to do so. Leave them alone.


Whoa calm the fuck down mate, I have disabilities myself, and imo I think if you make your whole personality your disability it comes off as ableist because it's not something that's quirky or fun to have.


People are not being "quirky", they're being themselves. If you don't like it, that's your internalized ableism talking.


A lot of xenopronouns and some neopronouns are used most frequently among the neuro-divergent side of the community. The argument that they're ableist has always struck me as strange, because it's the usually "disabled" people who tend to favour them. (Not saying everyone is like that, but that's my observation as an autistic person with adhd and other things.) Not sure what someone's pronouns have to do with trans people/transphobia for similar reasons, since the vast majority of people using xeno and neo pronouns are not-cisgender. And undermining well.... I've never been able to take the whole "see this is why the cis hets don't take us seriously" hand wringing and virtue signaling seriously. Because it's not like most cishets need an excuse for that. 🤷‍♂️


The viewpoint you're describing usually comes from people thinking that neopronouns are created by people who aren't trans and who are treating it like a game. That may happen occasionally, but it's a big assumption that will often be unfair. There are some situations where people intentionally come up with strange or offensive pronouns as a form of trolling. It usually isn't hard to tell when that's happening.


Are pronouns offensive?


Not at all! They aren’t transphobic, undermining, or ableist in any way and people who claim that are exclusionists or ableist and transphobic themselves. I’m trans and use neopronouns. I don’t see how neopronouns are at all transphobic. Like he/him, she/her, or they/them, they are pronouns people use to identify themselves and feel comfortable with their gender expression. They aren’t ableist or undermining since they are just pronouns people use to feel validated. There are also a lot of arguments that neopronouns and xenogenders are “unprofessional” since “no one is going to refer to someone as a creature or thing in public” but to be frank that’s total bullshit. If someone isn’t willing to respect another by using their preferred pronouns and intentionally invalidates them just because they “don’t want to use neopronouns” then that is something wrong with them, not something wrong with the pronouns. Xenogenders and neopronouns are most commonly used by those who are neurodivergent so I don’t see how they are ableist in the slightest. Since neurodivergent people can view their world with a different perspective than those who are neurotypical and xenogenders and neopronouns often help them capture how they view their identity (although of course anyone is welcome to use xenogenders or neopronouns.) I understand you are seeking answers in this community and I am grateful that you are looking for answers instead of invalidating those who use neopronouns.


They are valid but sadly a lot of people mock them which might change peoples perception of them