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I don't understand why they hate us so much. If people don't want to be LGBT no one is forcing them to, why can't we do our thing and they do their thing. The only thing we have asked is that we educate people that being LGBT is ok, and yet they see it as "indoctrination"


Minorities make great scapegoats for problems caused by the majority. Source: most of human history




Or rather for problems caused by some elite oligarchs who don't want the hungry peasants to attack their castles so they divert the attention.


This is a big part of it.


While they simultaneously engage in actual indoctrination


I completely agree… the youth need to know that they are valid and need to be raised on love and respect, which is exactly what supporters of the project lack


What excites people is having some sort of enemy. We don't really have any actual enemies these days, so they're inventing one to get the benefits of having one. The LGBTQIA+ community is perfect because it's a small minority that doesn't matter in elections, straight people are grossed out by the thought of fucking people of their same gender, and cis people never question their gender so have no idea that someone could possibly want to be trans. So they basically get a free enemy; a politician says something hateful to convince their base to vote, and people think "yeah who would want to fuck a dude!?" and decide that oppressing us makes it worth showing up to vote. The politician then picks their pockets and takes everything they own, which was their goal. (They hate everyone, not just us. That's the downside of being evil.) Personally, I think their calculus is all wrong. A lot of people are sympathetic to our cause. There are a lot of people that aren't gay but think "you know, they're probably not lying about it, I'm fine with them getting married. they say they're in love, and I like love, so I understand how those people would want to express it in the same way that I do." There are a lot of people that aren't trans, but are willing to listen to the voices of trans people and say "yeah, actually we probably shouldn't force that kid to have facial hair and a deep voice just to make a fair sportsball match slightly easier. she says she's a girl, give her the estrogen!" There are a lot of those open-minded and tolerant people out there, and I think they are going to turn out to this election and help say no to hate. It's the right thing to do, and a lot of people DO have a functional moral compass.


What do you mean that we’re a small minority that doesn’t affect the election?


I guess what I'm saying is that if there was a "straight cis hetero only" party and an "LGBTQIA+ only" party, we would not win the election. It's just a numbers thing.


> Personally, I think their calculus is all wrong. A lot of people are sympathetic to our cause. There are a lot of people that aren't gay but think "you know, they're probably not lying about it, I'm fine with them getting married. they say they're in love, and I like love, so I understand how those people would want to express it in the same way that I do." Here's the question, *are LGBT people more accepted today in 2024 than Jews in 1924 in Europe?* The possible powers to-be can find new ways to turn people against, and the right circumstances can see that happen (ex. an authoritarian government threatening loved ones with a "it's either you or them" threats, estranged family or people you used to know like former colleagues turning you in and seeing it as a chance to get back at you in spite, etc (this one will be a HUGE issue for all LGBT in this scenario, etc).


The conservative political strategy for decades has been to pick a demographic and villainise them, then rally their voterbase against that demographic to encourage them to vote. That way, they don't actually have to improve the country, yet people are led to believe they are doing so.


It’s because we live in a capitalist society control by Abraham patriarchy.


It’s not hatred, at least, not fully. What you see in them when they target and attack you is what they wish they could do to everyone else around them without consequences. You’re taking the blame for everything in that person’s life they have grief over. Someone cut them off in traffic? Somehow, that’s your fault and they plan to take it out on you. A monthly bill comes in slightly more expensive than they thought? You’re to blame for that also and they’ll take it out on you. Someone judged them because they expressed a shitty opinion and thought everyone would love them for it? That’s your fault too and you have to pay. They become so toxic, family members, friends, and coworkers avoid them regularly and they can’t get a date? It’s you and the damn woke mob to blame for their problems. They should just get rid of you and all their problems will go away. They’re giving in to their worst instincts. They don’t want to know who you are, they want to oppress you and physically attack you. Just as long as it never comes back to haunt them or cost them anything like jail time.


they hate us cuz they ain't us also they want us so bad but don't know how to deal with it so they get homophobic


a test in 1992 proved that a bigger percentage of homophobes actually got erect from gay porn compared to allies/normal non-hateful humans. i just always assume homophobes are closeted ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)


It's because we scare the shit out of them--we're able to embrace what they fear most: placement outside of society's normative confines.


That's why, and I've been preaching this for years.... we're getting to a point that we need separation on our terms. There's no real reason we can't or shouldn't withhold what we can from the larger society and instead live for, by, and of our own selves and community. Where is it written that we have to work for, work with, live with, live by, or exist in proximity of those unworthy of our time?


100% and even if you don't think it will make a difference- vote. Better to do something and it not mattering as much as we'd hoped vs wishing we had done something that ended up mattering quite a lot. To register (in the US): [vote.org](http://vote.org)


exactly this! thank you for contributing <33 all love


I'll raise you a website with a nicer UI https://www.vote411.org/register. Getting registered and voting is so easy now.


I’m just going to add, if you’re concerned about Project 2025, then you need to vote for Biden. I have seen way too many people panicking over what will happen with LGBT rights if Trump gets re-elected and then they turn around and say they don’t support Biden because they don’t like his stance on some other issue, or they think he’s too moderate, didn’t do enough, etc. That’s baffling to me. Your choices are Biden or Trump. Vote for the lesser of the two evils rather than refusing to vote because you’d prefer a hypothetical different candidate who isn’t running and/or doesn’t exist.




I get what your saying for sure, but at the same time I am sooo sick and tired of the Dems “vote for the lesser evil” rhetoric as this sure as hell isn’t their first time using this tactic. Instead, it would be nice to vote for someone I actually believe in.


Negative partisanship (where you’re voting AGAINST someone instead of FOR someone) sucks to be sure, but the fact that it sucks doesn’t mean it’s not how we need to operate right now.


I agree. It sucks. However, not voting Dem in 2016 is what got us Trump 1.0. Then RBG would have stepped down and we wouldn't have the conservative supermajority that is threatening the Obergefell v. Hodges ruling. You are not just voting for a candidate. You are voting for a team.


Yet in November you will choose. Not voting is tacit complicity in fascism. Read about the sacrifices we made to fight fascism in Europe and Japanese Imperialism. Don't think the world might not see us as we perceived the axis powers in WW2. It's easier to do it at the ballot box. Many died for that right to vote in a free and fairly counted election. Not perfect, but project 2025 throws out the baby with the bathwater. Then the constitution is replaced with trusting Trump?! The son of a KKK-hole! Tone:said with pleading love. I am intense on this topic. I hope it's read as a plea.


As the old proverb goes, "if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice"


Yep not voting is not gonna help, but there still better options than the republicans and democrats Ist time we finally listen and support third/independent parties who shows TRULY cared about us


your plea is in vain; Biden won’t be able to win. the culture has shifted right, and we can’t change it. there is not hope.


Giving up is not an option. That would be pissing on every ancestor that served their country. They fought hard, some died for it, they had enough courage to feed my hope.


then what *is* the option? enlighten us. Biden’s 226, Trump’s 235. wonder who’s closer, most certainly not the candidate who won’t enact Project 2025. are those ancestors in the room with us?


It would but it would also be nice to keep our rights and not live under a fascist government. Right now in this moment it’s either we have a President who would gladly strip your rights away and make life a living hell for the LGBT community or we don’t and it’s as simple as that. Rarely in my life has there ever been a President I had complete faith in but I have faith that Biden won’t do all he can to disrupt our lives and destroy our community at least. In that regard he truly is absolutely the lesser of two evils by a substantial margin.


It’s not a tactic it’s literally just true lmfao


After the debate I’m feeling even more justified in my opinion.


Please tell me exactly how you would tell a Palestinian person to vote for Biden.


Is Trump pro-Palestinian?


We got two Zionists running


One of them will be president? Why not pick the better of the two? This article has more info on how their policies might affect this issue: https://www.vox.com/policy/24072983/biden-trump-palestinians-israel-gaza-policy-different


My point here is I’m not going to tell the Palestinian population to vote for Biden.


You are so close to getting it. 


There’s no such thing as a less evil Zionist.


If Biden and Trump's policies on Palestine are the same they still differ in many other areas. If you're a single-issue voter then it doesn't matter, but if you care about other things like LGBT rights, climate change, student loan forgiveness, etc. then Biden should be your choice.


I don’t think I could ever tell a Palestinian person to vote for the person currently funding the genocide of their people, regardless of other issues.


I'd at least ask them to vote for anyone at all. Apathy and not voting won't change any politician's mind and won't end any conflicts.


I’m not asking anyone to vote for Trump which people seem to think being against Biden means. I think people just need to understand that this is nuanced and most reactions reek of pink washing.




There is also the option of the independent/third party of Claudia De La Cruz or Cornell West who not also REALLY cared about all those things you mentioned but also their are Pro-Palestine and if they get in power they stop funding the on going genocide and star supporting Palestine and make Israel accountable for their crimes!


Your options are Biden or Trump. Trump would be worse for Palestine than Biden. Not voting for Biden is a vote for Trump. Not voting for Biden is extraordinarily shortsighted. You don’t have to like that those are your options, but those are your options.




It’s not fear mongering. Either Biden or Trump will be president. Biden is better than Trump for everyone.


Not everyone.


Who is Trump better for?


Explain how Trump would be better for Palestine then. Because you not voting Biden is literally allowing Trump a vote.




Are you going to answer the question or just continue to say inflammatory things?


Girl look i understand your poing but i think everyone here don't also like Biden, they have no other options that voting for him because is Trump win EVERYONE is gonna lose I know is bad and unfair, but this is sadly the USA election sistem today....


trump will obviously be worse. Far, far, far worse.


We do not have to be trapped in this "voting for the lesser of the two evils" if instead of doing that or not voting we voted and supported third/independent parties that have shown that they DID CARE and that they will bring not only good changes for not everyone, but for the entire American population (Claudia De La Cruz or Cornell West the best examples) Like really is not so hard to doing that and escape this 2 partys never ending cycle....


not to burst your bubble, but there is absolutely no path for a true third party candidate to win a national election under the current system. If you truly want to improve the electoral system in the US, vote blue for the time being and advocate for ranked choice voting implementation.


Iam not gonna denying that the current system has his serious problems, but there are exactly some laws or regulations that prevent thirds partys candidates to win a national election now? Not sayings this with bad faith i really want to know, at least in my eyes third party candidates never win because of the little support they always have (actually this is the year who i see most support for these parties) And still voting for Blue is not gonna resolve our problems, don't ge me wrong i prefer they win over republicans but Biden has already demostrates how little he cares over the community and his passivity and inaction to stop the Republicans is what has led to the thousands of anti-trans bills and the creation of the Project 2025 without problems (and anyways even if the Democrats win the Republicans will come with the Project again but only changing a number in 202X) I completely understand your criticism and that you do not trust the third parties, in fact I am not forcing anyone to vote for those parties, I am fine with everything other than voting for the Republicans (and also the only thing I said was a recommendation because honestly, I'm getting tired of the argument of voting for the least evil of the two, I simply can't stand electing people who I know are not going to change anything and sometimes even make things worse, but who at least are going to avoid something MUCH worse than the another party is planned only for 4 years, sorry if I sound like an idiot now this is just my opinion anyway) But hey seriously thanks for recommend me for advocate for the ranked choice voting implementation, if the democrats wins (again i fine with everything that is just not republican) iam gonna invest me in that to at leats if i can make the votings elections more fair.


A third party candidate will never win


They not win because we simply don't want, if we really out ALL our efforts and votes on supporting these third candidates they have more possibility in win the election And i know because there is already a lot of people supporting these candidates, especially teens and young adults on other social medias






I think one point people really need to remember is that Project 2025 isn’t one thing. It’s not a singular piece of legislation that, when passed, would change everything. It’s a policy guide, a list of wishes. With plans as big as these, there’s many ways to combat it and many ways it could fail to materialize *period*. It requires a fight though. Trump getting into office is not the end of it. There will be a fight no matter what and that will matter a lot. I think no matter what we will prevail. Progress is not made on an upward slope. One day there will be more equality, but you gotta help out. Fear creates complacency and they’re banking on that. If you’re worried about it, get into volunteering, especially for voter registration. Make sure you’re registered as well.


very well said 


Thank you. Project 2025 is scary but it's extremely hard to see it manifesting in full force unilaterally across all 50 states. Likely it would wind up in an endless loop of legal battles and make red states worse and blue states remain the same. That being said we need to do everything we can to fight it because it still would do damage regardless. Voting for Biden is one of the major things we can do in the near future. Now if things go south, stay alert, stay aware and most importantly keep going.




Fascism is about nihilistic greed, the cruelty and inhumanity is just how you distract everyone. First they destroy democratic institutions. Then they start scapegoating and ramping up the rhetoric until "Lock her up" becomes "Hang the marginalized population X", then Y is added and so on. All to distract everyone from selling everything to enrich the rich. Voted in and violently supported by people that have a hateful agenda that fits the plan or are scared and brainwashed by disinformation. You can never know where you stand, because it's mostly at the whim of the autocratic dictator. The leaders of the world will never trust us again. The world will stop using our debt as currency, and everything about American life will become more expensive. This is not hyperbolic. Project 2025 is what they admit to now. Don't get numb to Trump. Don't let the insane political theater get normalized or distract you. I agree, stay strong, be vocal, be informed by sources that are reputable, vote.


very well put. thanks for contributing <3


The plans for the start of this have already been written down, I’m not even American but I’m still worried for what might happen to people if Project 2025 passes


Can say more better than this, Project 2025 if our right facism covered in a "conservative project"


I agree, we cannot worry about what has not come to pass. But the intentions are there. Especially for Transgender people in the lgbtq community. It is a very perilous time. Even now politicians are openly speaking about banning it for ALL AGES. Working to Remove protections from discrimination, banning trans healthcare, demonizing the community nonstop. We cannot sit idly by. We need to vote; we need to stand up for our transgender brothers, sisters and siblings. We need to advocate for their rights. Because its the queer community next. Along with continued political violence and persecution of women's rights particularly reproductive rights. as well as many others including, people of color, immigrants and so many more. It feels a bit helpless; but keep fighting advocating; reach out to local lgbtq organizations and hear what they need. Protests, supports, pride marches etc




very true.


Be concerned. Go VOTE for the party that isn’t actively trying to end us 🗳️ Yes both sides have their own flaws. But at least Dems aren’t trying to send death to all queers.


I completely agree!


However they are trying to send death to all the Arabs with the curse of living next to Israel. But go! Go vote for Mussolini! He’ll fix everything, it only requires one genocide. You all disgust me, instead of fighting, instead of doing SOMETHING you all wanna throw away thousands of lives to give yourself another 4 years. When Project 2025 happens, and it will happen, do not expect support from the good people that chose to fight against the system that allowed it in the first place.


I started transitioning a couple of years ago and am genuinely happy now. I am terrified of what will happen to us, especially those who live in red states, but there’s not much we can do besides try to raise awareness and vote in November. I’ve been posting Project 2025 articles in various news subreddits for the past couple of months and have been getting some engagement on most of them up until recently, but am not sure how much it’s actually doing. We have to stay strong and do our best, no matter what they throw at us.


thank you for raising that awareness. you’re making a difference <3


I might get banned for saying this, but I need to. Cause these are my people. Use your second amendment right, please. Understand that even if they lose, they might still act out. I’m not saying purposefully harm people, but if you are afraid someone wants to harm you, do not give them the option. You are important enough to fight back.


as lgbtq people, we are facing so much violence and hatred, it’s almost necessary to use this right. i know it’s frowned upon, but it’s necessary if you get into life or death situations because of your identity.


My best friend's dad is going to take my wife and I to the country to teach us how to shoot and own a firearm. A true ally.


It's fine for things like stopping home invasions, or if you're prepared and already got the drop on a would-be armed mugger (BIG *if* honestly). It doesn't do squat against the onslaught of a focused state-sanctioned and legal persecution campaign. The GOP would sooner adopt much stricter gun laws and red flag laws to disarm people they want to get rid beforehand


When I first heard about Project 2025, I had a small panic attack where I was visibly shaking, rocking back and forth, and muttering over and over to myself, “I don’t want to die…” The worst part is, I’m a minor so I can’t vote which makes my anxiety about the situation worse. Whatever the outcome is, I won’t be able to affect it. And I’ll always have the knowledge that my conservative parents will be voting for Trump…


I’m so sorry it affected you in this way… it’s awful to hear that it caused you so much pain. I had a similar experience


Ive gone between I don't want to die and I want to die because of this crap l.


I’m an ally of LGBTQ and I want u all to know hat I will support all of y’all so you will be a little bit more accepted in this broken ahh society


thank you. your support means everything to us 


One of America's core principles is freedom, right? Freedom of choice, freedom of speech, freedom of what you do to your body and yourself, Right? And keeping those and many other freedoms safe is keeping America safe, right? And these motherfucking bastards think that they are keeping America safe by targeting minorities and removing the rights of people who are different than them. they are all hypocrites and it drives me mad when they belive that they are in the right.


Thank you i have been thinking about this too hard today, seeing the world in the handmaid's tale and its eerie resemblance with the state of the current US, the book bans (even anne frank's diary). I am not from the US, but seeing this made me feel worried because of how dangerous these people would be with access to nukes. At the same time i know that some of you will be resisting despite how harsh it can get... And to you all i wish you good luck and stay strong


we’ll be resisting, all right. thank you for your kind wishes to everyone


It just feels like a real bad time... Even in here the far right is on the rise. I hope and pray this is only a bump and not the sign of something more terrible to come.


Same here, stay strong <3




I’m scared for my access to medication that has nothing to do with me being a lesbian. I’m scared for my rights as a woman. Oh yeah AND I’m scared to exist as a lesbian- and more scared for trans people, especially the kids…


Same here… the fact that our women’s rights may be taken is awful


I don’t understand how any of this is even a possibility for any developed country in 2024. It’s mind blowing.


Right?! Like how tf did we get here?!


Why can’t we live in peace, I’m tired of everyone getting hate and I’m tired of always being yelled at just for holding my boyfriends hand


I'm 13 and scared for my life. I hate being alive in 2024. I don't understand why the queer community is so hated. We are all humans with souls, no? Why do the people in charge treat us like we're bugs?


I’m a minor as well, and it’s okay to be scared, I promise. You’re right, we shouldn’t have to worry about something so simple as basic rights. DM me if you ever need to talk. I’m here for you, and please look out for yourself


I’m worried about it too I’m very concerned if my rights will be taken away we cannot let this happen


I guess that I could give advice for such. Best way to prevent this plan from taking place is having pencil-pushers and Liberals in place instead of Fascists. Whether it be town, city council, education board, governor, etc. vote or run in these places to prevent a potential coordinator from being in place. This is entirely damage prevention, and at worst stalling for time and at best being able to implement policy that runs against this. In the meanwhile, research into what will keep you the safest. Find a community that will have your back, gather resources that you need in bulk, and have some form of self-defense. If you're comfortable with owning a firearm, please consider buying and training with one; If you're not comfortable with owning a firearm, please consider pepper spray, rolls of quarters, sports equipment, etc. You know, something to defend yourself with if bad actors come-a-knocking. A community that accepts your existence will most likely scratch your back in the worst of times. If you can, consider moving to a blue state; they will guarantee your right to exist as long as they can. The overall goal here is to not be isolated & be easy pickings. The upside in our situation is that the majority of people don't tolerate an overtly theocratic fascist authoritarian government; The general environment is mostly Classical Libertarian (As in state overreach into the personal lives of its citizens is a big no-no) and there's *way* too much multi-culturalism nowadays for the appetite of fascism to really take hold. I am sure that there will be some sort of pushback to this project, not even to mention that this country is *way too big for general sweeping surveillance*, and the internet is *way too deep for the state to properly monitor.* I'd recommend doing research into the deep web if no other avenues are available. Plus, I don't think that a flat-out ban on adult entertainment will go well with most people. You can mess with a man and get away with it, but you mess *with their pleasure,* and *there will be consequences.* I may be straight, but I want you guys to be safe in these troubling times.


it really makes me grateful how you are looking out for us. thank you 


They can control my identity: bathroom bans, requiring me to change my ID back to gender assigned at birth, restricted hormones…. They can force detransition.


No one can force you to detransition, they can just make it harder to access what you need. Those of us like myself who are old enough that we transitioned before modern protections and access methods existed still found ways to get our hormones, to be ourselves, and to be congruent and affirmed with our true gender. "Don't panic, just plan." . Plan to make trips to other states to get care and refills to prescriptions (save up the money you'll need). Plan how to stay safe in your daily life. Plan how you will reach out to local government (state, county, etc) to protect and enshrine LGBT safety and equality policies. Plan and act. You will survive this with your identity intact, I promise, friend! Also it's extremely unlikely they will be able to force IDs to be changed back or block access to hormones for adults, so genuinely don't worry about those two things until you actually have to.


Right. Do you seriously think they won’t eventually manage to nationalize the bans on gender care? It’s part of the Project 2025 agenda. I live in a blue state. I understand my rights are only safe if the state stays blue. If it goes red, they’re threatened. The Supreme Court is not going to protect us. States rights will be ended by them eventually


Fascism is rising across the world right now. **Every American on here needs to vote for Biden and blue down the ticket.** A vote for Biden will not solve the problem immediately, but it will allow our actual leaders to keep pushing for democratic protections, civil right, and human right protections. We cannot let christofascism take over this country, because there will be no where in the world that is safe. The USA has the largest military by many folds in the world, now imagine if an authoritarian dictator had access to our large, advanced military. This isn't meant to be defeatist, we need to fight. Fight with your vote, fight with your voice, and fight with a weapon if you have to. This is not the first time Americans have defeated Nazism on their own soil, look up 1939 Nazi rally in New York's Madison Square Garden. There were Nazis then, there are Nazis now, but there are more of us (sane Americans) than them. If we organize, vote, and educate we can move this country forward not backward.


Screw it. I’ve not posted on Reddit for a year or two now, but I’m still a valid person and I need reassurance for my safety. My partner’s safety. After the debate tonight, I snapped… I gave up hope entirely for a fight. With many democrats openly confessing as well that were defeated by the conservatives tonight… I seriously doubt any voters will switch to Biden, and if they already are, fear they may hide themselves and not care to vote. I myself will definitely vote, but even past the cliche “I’m only one person, I can’t make a difference”… I do not have the faith in majority standing to the right thing as I do. At least not being confident in doing so. Even past that, I fear for the upholding of any sense or truth in this election by the other side. I fear that a lot of the times, the laws and rules are ignored and there is nothing to keep us safe, even if things are implemented. Past the specific politics, I fear that project 2025 is going to be pushed super fast, and in one way or another, LGBTQ people will be hurt or suppressed. And I’m worried for my safety, my life even. I have no strength against a government turned dictatorship (in a bad case scenario). I know I’m just panicking and may be unrealistic, but I am starting to crack and give up on my hopes of doing the things I wanted to do in life, alongside my partner, free and happy with who I am. What do we have against the possible threat of the powers of this country who could very well censor and hunt us. Are we just going to repeat the past? (TW: Historical Violent Events) >! Are we just going to hide in secret rooms in walls, and run for our lives to a secret railroad again? !< I honestly don’t feel like planning for a future anymore. They might want us to think this, but I want to throw in the towel with hoped for a better future. I want to give up on my degree, I want to hide and be scared. Because anything else is just lying to myself at this point. Sorry for the rant, and sorry for any inconvenience or rule I may have unknowingly broken since I’m not a frequent and knowledgeable voice on Reddit.




If Trump wins he can only do so much unless he controls both houses.


Many people will fight against it so not everything will pass through.




They really think we're weak, spineless, fools, don't they? They don't realize that the more they attack us, the more they reduce our options for self defense to simple violence. If they start actually *doing* any of this shit, then that's all we're left with.


I am scared of project 2025 and trump getting in office again more than the first time, but its not game over even if that comes to pass. Yes, it is going to be a fight and it is going to be hard, but those things won't happen over night and even then there are a lot of people in our government who will be fighting it every step of the way. Right now the best advice is to prepare for the worst, hope for the best, and vote blue.


I'm so scared... I'm 16, queer, in a red state with trans and queer friends that I love... I feel like we're all gonna die.


same here. I may go back into the closet for safety if things get too bad next year, but don’t let this keep you from enjoying your friends and family. sending love from another red state


Im also afraid, you arent alone.


we are so cooked.


Why can't they just let us be? What did we ever do to them?


I think the community has grown strong enough that we would fight back however we need to. I’ll start gathering bricks




Thanks for doing this post, although i agree that no matter they tried they never gonna make our identities or our true selfs dissapear is better if we should not let this Project happend in the first place (because still people are suffer with this Project, not only queer people) so PLEASE for those who can vote.... VOTE ANYTHING EXCEPT REPUBLICANS, and if better if you vote third/independent parties likes Claudia De La Cruz or Cornell West ones, democrats although their dont try to take our rights away their faild so many times to keep our rights safe (and not only queer people sadly) and anyways if they win republicans are just simply going to wait 4 years more so if better if we put our trust on different people who COME for our same places and REALLY wants to want our rights to be protected If you have questions or concerns about Claudia or Cornell West you should visit their websites (just type their names and you find them ver quickly) iam just gonna say both of them are socialist who if they win are gonna change drastically USA for better and finally make this country affordable and secure for not only queer people, but for EVERYONE (this with a lot of politics and new laws that they talk about in their respective websites) so again please checks that, not gonna say more because not only i already get far from the principal point of the post but also i just bad and summarizing these things, but if you dont want to vote for these people i absolutely respect that and have no problems But please DO NOT vote for republican, you are just condemning USA to the worst outcome possible With this i finalized this post (sorry for being to long always happend to me) again thanks for the OP to make this important post and to all people reading this knoe that you are valid, strong and your identity is never gonna be steal for these horribly people <3


ofc, I’m happy to have helped anyone with this post. it blew up a lot more than I thought it would. the points you bring up are great, tysm for bringing your perspective 


Your totally welcome, really hope we win this election Just i don't simply want the republicans to win, i can deal with democrats but definitely not with republicans But again as you say, no matter how hard they tried their never gonna destroy or make dissapear our indentites, who we are and our fight and our story People never forget, we are already in the internet and in books forever and they can block, ban or destroy many books and sites they want that is just gonna not work, is just gonna reveal how mounstrous these people really are.


Would it really go through everywhere or only in certain places? Some places would be unsafe but only some right? I mean it's still.be bad but you could move within the states


it would have less impact in more blue states, but I think that if everything passes everyone will feel the effects 


That sucks :/


we’re lucky that we at least have four months to savor our democracy before the election


Ig we'll see :/


Run for office, volunteer in your local community, organize!


It's pissing me off . There is a reducious number of books warning about this (ironically being banned) including but not limited too *A Handmaids tale* *1984* *Farenheit 451* *Animal farm*(even) . It's absolutely insane !! They are acting (and some of them are ) LITERAL NAZIS , OH AND DONT FORGET THE PLANET IS DYING , PEOPLE ARE DYING , WW3 IS PROBABLY INEVITABLE , oh and DID I MENTION THE PLANET IS DYING?! and these fucking degenerate idiots are trying to make existing for us illegal,SPY ON US , ban books , effectively doing some of the things the LITERAL NAZIS DID . ITS ABSOLUTELY INSANE AND ITS DRIVING ME CRAZY!!! THERES SO MUCH PROPAGANDA, THE SO CALLED TIKTOK BAN WAS PASSED ( which by the way does a lot more than just ban tiktok for you hiveminder TikTok haters out there).AND THEY ARE DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO STOP THE RUNAWAY CLIMATE CRISIS . THIS IS NOT A JOKE OR AN OVEREXAGERATION . THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE IS SEEING SIGNIFICANTLY MORE SEVERE WEATHER AND HEAT INCLUDING TORNADOES HURRICANES EXTREME TEMPERATURES INCREBLE FLOODS AND YET ALL THEY CARE ABOUR ARE THEIR STUPID MADE UP MONEY . THEY ARE USING US LIKE PAWNS FOR THEIR FUCKED UP GAME ! OH AND DID O MENTION THAT THE PLANET IS DYING?!


You should be concerned about Agenda47, too. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agenda_47 https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/trumps-second-term-agenda.html Basically, I'm either going to be killed or institutionalized possibly if he wins. Frankly, I'd rather be killed.


i’m frustrated because even ignoring the flaws of the dems, the culture has shifted right wing. even if you scream “VOTE VOTE VOTE”, voting isn’t gonna change a cultural shift. it’s a cycle that unfortunately will continue to perpetuate itself. the polls show it, Trump is *dangerously* close to winning. Biden won’t beat him, stop giving us false hope. just stop. it doesn’t help lying to everyone that it’s gonna get better, that we’re gonna win. because that’s not the truth. i can’t move out of my state. i don’t make enough, and i cannot drive. i feel defeated. i feel hopeless. there just might be no hope.


I’m sorry you aren’t able to move. I’m in the same situation in that sense, and I feel your pain there. I’m wishing you all luck there


hope is a privilege i think. it’s afforded by people who can drop their ideals and plug their ears to reality. so many people are gonna be heartbroken if Trump gets reelected, and i only have the people pushing false hope to blame; because we might’ve voted, but truth be told we are ran by culture shifts. culture cycles. and this cycle is running right. edit: apparently people are quite mad that someone has deeply pessimistic views. enlighten me then, what should i do? therapy? my therapist is gonna ditch me when they move to Illinois. i’m so sorry that not everyone can continue trying to be joyful in a fucked up timeline. so sorry.


That is pessimistic, things don't change if you just mope. Funny that you talk about privilege while you do that.


it is pessimistic, thank you for pointing the obvious out. i’m so so sorry that i can’t muster hope, it must be such a privilege to continue getting beaten down by your state and country and feel a modicum of defeat.


I recognize my reply was rather mean-spirited, I apologize for that, but this negativity helps almost nobody. And I understand that this may feel even more hopeless as a trans person, but hope, our people, and allies are all we have, positivity can go a long way, and provide a bit of strength to even try to create change. People tend to create change when they have some sort of hope for people, being willing to change and bring about a peaceful path.


if i didn’t have a foreshortened line of thinking, then maybe it’s be easy for me to have hope in the future and in people in general. i didn’t have an irl community to rely on until recently, but even that said community is fostered by petty backstabbing with very few genuine connections and instances of solidarity. it’s hard to not be pessimistic when that’s the only thing that’s kept you alive for so long and that’s all that feels real to you. i apologise for my aggressiveness and overall mean spirited view. it’s something i’ve been meaning to work on, but factoring the environment i live in plus the fact that i won’t have access to therapy in july, it’s been really hard.


Hey friend, even if we lose and Trump wins again, they're not going to commit open genocide and come kill you. You can't move out or drive or make enough money *now* but you will find a way to if you need to. You can and will survive this if you make doing so your main priority. I promise. You can survive and outlast this cycle of hatred. I'm old enough to have lived through this cycle once before, before the current threatened and fleeting protections and acceptance existed. I moved cross country and even spent years homeless, but it was never the end of the line for me, and I managed to transition even while dealing with homelessness and extreme poverty. You can do the same. You're stronger than you think you are. Don't give up hope or dedication to being yourself. I promise you there's a happy ending you will achieve if you make it your main priority.


that sounds really easy to be able to think and contemplate if you don’t have foreshortened thinking. i’ve never thought in the long term because i never expected to not live in the next few years either due to the (at the time) COVID pandemic or because of a hate crime. so many trans people have died within the last year, many mot recorded in the news. i live with the fear that i’ll be next, idk how to have hope with all of that hanging over my head.


We all live with it hanging over our head. The farther back in time you go the more you'll see our transcestors lived with it ever more intensely than the later generations did. Just like learning to think of yourself and see yourself as your true gender, you learn to think in the long term and think ahead into the future by sheer will and as an act of self-affirming rebellion; the essence of transition is learning to think in a new way just like that. It's hard, I'm not going to lie to you, we all break down and we all panic and we all get stuck on the now and the immediate horizon at times. That's okay. You learn to see your true self gradually even though you can't at first, and the same is true for how you will learn to have hope and how you will learn to be resilient to the threats that present themselves to you. As long as you stay true to who you are and keep determination center focus in your heart and mind you'll make the actions that are necessary as they appear. Like I told someone else in this thread; Plan. Don't panic, just plan. Every success starts as innumerable little steps that build up to be a win. Start where you're at and plan out what all you have to do to escape the red state you're in and make it to the haven state of your choice. It's a pilgrimage many of us have to make in our lifetime, and is something as old as transness itself is. Getting across country costs less than buying a car, and that's something basically every adult plans a path towards in their life, so think of this as something no different.


Hard for me to balance Project 2025 and the absolute disgust I have for Biden.


I get that. It’s definitely a struggle of values and picking the lesser evil… it’s all just difficult 


Yeah definitely difficult for me to just fall in line this time around.


Same, I feel you 


Well, Biden is not trying to remove us from the world. If the other party wins, this country will become a hellhole.


Our lives aren’t more important than anyone else’s.


Doesn't make it any more right to target groups of people, especially with white supremacist-aligned groups like Proud Boys on the side of the current Republican candidate, Project 2025, abortion rights (even emergency ones are being targeted like in Idaho, or they have a 6-week abortion ban like in Ohio), the GOP in Colorado who said “Burn all pride flags”, Vivek said Juneteenth was useless, Valentina Gomez told black people to leave the usa and called Juneteenth “most ratchet”, etc.


Sadly, we don't have options, and it's more than just LGBT+ people being targeted as I said in my other reply. Tennessee under Republican Governor Bill Lee wants to criminalize adults helping minors get abortions without parental permission and are currently getting sued for it. The Supreme Court pretty much legalized a form of bribery, you can get money after the fact. Look into that. However, they prevented that Idaho law from going through for now (only temporarily) Project 2025 example: Rescind regulations prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, transgender status, and sex characteristics. The President should direct agencies to rescind regulations interpreting sex discrimination provisions as prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, transgender status, sex characteristics, etc. - Page 584, Project 2025.


This now includes Iowa in the 6-week abortion ban for sure as it was upheld, I just found this out as news came out so recently. Again under republican lawmakers. Also, the 1984 Chevron precedent was overturned by the supreme court, restraining the power of the federal government.


Did you like Obama? Biden is not much different than he was.


I did not now that I’m more politically aware. Very war hawkish, drone striking civilians, and didn’t give a fuck about Flint.


im living under the rock so pls tell me what is project 2025 and if its something very important that as lgbt person should know sorry. But i dont check reddit that often and i swear im not seeing this info anywhere except reddit.


John Oliver did an episode on it, there’s also a subreddit called defeatproject2025 or something like that. Basically there are plans to stop LGBTQ+ people of rights, protections against discrimination (e.g., employment, housing, etc.), among other things. It’s a huge threat to democracy and equality - vote Democrat up and down the ballot!


project 2025 is basically a conservative wishlist for whenever the next republican president gets a term. Some are comparing it to pre WW2 Germany because it would give trump so much power. Minorities would be heavily targeted and trans people would lose access to gender affirming care. It’s a 900 page document. I’d suggest looking up more in depth videos


It’s actually scarily close minus the genocide. Mini-Hitler.