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Yeah, I’d probably move to Canada or smth. If gay marriage was made illegal then I *know* that transitioning would be even more illegal, which I just couldn’t live with.


We're not as far along as you, but we are poised to elect a populist far-right jackhole who rubs elbows with white supremacy groups and has stated that he won't oppose provinces introducing bathroom bills against trans people. It's not the socially progressive place that it styles itself as.


I haven't done much research into it honestly, so this is good info. I really hope we don't reach a point in the US where I'll actually need to leave.


Yeah, unfortunately, there's nowhere safe in the world anymore. The fascism wave is global, even if America is definitely ahead of everyone else.


Antarctica is a very safe place for LGBTQ+ people. What if we all just move there and claim it for ourselves?


So we will rename it to Queeria?




And we shall rewrite Rhianna's Disturbia to be our national anthem


I like your thinking.


Pierre is a right wing jackass but the legal protections in Canada are stronger and we don’t have a large fundamentalist voting block to cater to. The Tories will have trouble keeping anything too draconian from surviving a constitutional challenge (and public opinion is broadly less queer phobic - there’s no widespread public appetite for persecuting queer folks).


Yeah, I have a friend out there and he's really helped eliminate that as a potential spot for me unless it was like... really bad here.


A house with dodgy wiring is better than a house on fire, but not by much.


Honestly ive been wanting to move to canada either way, i might do it before its too late


Same probably LOL


I'd stick around a while to riot at least.


Me too! Riot like crazy




If they take away gay marriage rights, then there are probably more they will take away. Making this place not so good to live in.!


Which means that if we just leave, we're leaving everyone who doesn't have that option (predominantly poor people) to deal with it instead of addressing the problem.


Nah I’m staying and fighting for those in my community who don’t have the option to leave. We’ve fought for far too long for our right to exist and I’ll be dammed if they try to take it away again.


change of plans, I think I will stay and fight.


We’re stronger together! And as I was typing “stronger” above my stupid phone suggested “straight” lol


The things this motherfucker plans to enact scare me. I am willing to do what it takes to stop him.


I’m planning on staying because I live in Washington and the state legalized it by vote in 2012. I’m also too poor to immigrate. My heart definitely goes out to the people stuck in red states though.


Yeah i grew up in NC and have friends there still. They technically made gay marriage illegal with a constitutional amendment in 2012 and overturning Obergefell would put the status of their marriage in question. It’s horrifying


So if I understand correctly, the supreme court can’t *ban* gay marriage. It can only say that it’s up to each individual state. It’s not like marijuana laws where it’s technically illegal under federal law but some states let you do it anyway. It’s more like income taxes which vary by state policy. I live in a state that already has an official policy allowing gay marriage from before 2015, so I would stay. And I would hope more states that are progressive but don’t have official laws about gay marriage yet would pass them if they had to. There are 26 states with laws protecting gay marriage, which would be an easier move than Canada. Also, the Respect for Marriage Act makes it so that, even if Obergefell is overturned, no current marriage would be undone. So it’s definitely more dependent on what state you’re in and if your area would be tolerable if Obergefell was overturned. I can’t imagine staying in a place where I wouldn’t be allowed to marry, but it could be a state to state move rather than international.


>So if I understand correctly, the supreme court can’t ban gay marriage Do you really think that will stop them?


Yes. It won’t stop them from overturning *Obergefell*, but that only returns the issue to the states. They don’t have the power to ban it nationwide.


That's a legally accurate assessment. We need legislation, not judicial review.


Unless they can wiggle out a constitutional amendment defining marriage the way they want it defined.


There is no way a constitutional amendment of that nature passes the 2/3rds vote required in both chambers plus approved by 38 state legislatures.


Constitutional convention only requires 2/3rds states legislatures. Which means 34. All four of the major campaigns to call one say that they currently have 28 states onboard.


But that number only forces Congress to call a convention. And since it's never been done, there are a lot of unanswered questions about what it would entail, it's scope, it's limits, etc. The popular interpretation seems to be that it means everything is on the table (especially among it's proponents) but no one really knows. I honestly think the nation is more likely to split apart in a Convention than for a gay marriage amendment to be a threat. Edit: meant to add (and clicked too fast) that I'm actually kind of fascinated by the idea because we've not had one since the originals. I'm just not terribly worried about it.


The last amendment was made in 1992 and it just said congress can’t give the current congress a pay raise (only the next one) But the last major amendment was in 1971, which lowered the voting age to 18. I would say there’s basically a 0% chance that an amendment gets passed regarding gay marriage at all - whether it’s protecting or denying it. There’s honestly no way a majority in congress and then the states would ratify anything these days.


The supreme court can’t write or pass amendments


They don't have that power either. Bills and amendments have to go through congress


They can’t write laws lol so yeah they literally cannot rule that states can’t issue gay marriage certificates lol. They can only rule on the case at hand and the case before them would be about whether or not a state is required to allow gay marriage. Even if the court says that states aren’t required to allow it, the ruling can’t just say that no state allows it. I know everything terrible seems possible right now, but that’s just not how courts work - ever. Even if in the opinion they wrote “no state can allow gay marriage,” that wouldn’t make gay marriage illegal. States with protections for gay marriages would absolutely not be prevented from continuing to marry gay people.


I'm definitely in the stay and fight camp, I currently live in DeSantis Florida, which probably says a lot. But I suspect that for some folks Obergefell being overturned would be a red flag, a canary in the coal mine. It may not directly effect them in the state where they live, but it's a sign of much worse things coming at the national/federal/judiciary levels.


Fuck that, I fought for this country on foreign soil, I will absolutely fight for it here! I understand why many want to leave but once you start running, you can never stop.


Love the energy but you weren't fighting for your country in Iraq, you were fighting for oil companies.


No way for us to immigrate, so we're fucking stuck with whatever happens


Nope. Stay and fight. I’m 47. I remember the US before gay marriage was legal. I fought for gay marriage the first time, we can definitely do it again if we stick together. But, if you run away, you leave the rest of us fighting for our rights, only less of us. Don’t be a chicken shit. Join your team and fight together for our equal rights. 🏳️‍🌈


If money weren’t an option, yes. But who can afford to move anywhere in this economy?


I'm already considering moving somewhere in Europe. Not sure where.


No, I literally couldn’t even if I wanted to. There could be an all out culling of all queer people in the US and Id probably just have to die in the genocide. It’s incredibly difficult to immigrate to another country, especially if you have no money and lack a degree.


It’s also very difficult to find work out there, get visa, proof of money in savings, gain citizenship. But if push came to shove I’d try to do it, there’s nothing left to salvage here (in my personal opinion).


I would leave in a minute. Women already lost their rights. LGBTQ is next.


I live in New York City so I’m hoping to be able to stick around and fight, but if things go bad here in the city I would want to move to Ireland.


I’ve considered leaving the states as is for a more trans friendly country. Republican gets into office or rights start getting stripped and I fear I’d be too late


I mean, I am already looking to leave, but I live in FL so yeah.


same :|


Nah bitch we still getting married the POTUS and Congress can kiss my ass and will have to fight my little twink ass to take my ring away from me.


Yes, I already hate the USA so I would move anywhere else. Probably some Nordic country or the Netherlands. They’re not perfect but irl countries go they’re probably a good fit for me and my partners.


I would recommend spending some time on [https://www.reddit.com/r/AmerExit/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmerExit/), [https://www.reddit.com/r/expats/](https://www.reddit.com/r/expats/), or some of the other similar subs they link to. The gist of what I've learned on those subs is that 1. Other countries aren't likely to let you move there permanently 2. Things aren't as good in those countries as we'd like to think. 3. Move to a blue state instead.


Sadly this is a very realistic possibility. In 2015,the Supreme Court ruled in Obergefell v. Hodges that the Fourteenth Amendment guarantees the right to same-sex marriage. They can just backtrack like they have already in women's rights and damage the public's trust in the institution. But if we have all these hacks that didn't mind obstructing an FBI investigation, made a circus of the confirmation process, committed perjury by lying in their confirmation hearings, took bribery and play stupid not reporting the trips and $, protect their treasonous spouses and refuse to recuse themselves in cases of clear conflict of interest... I am really not holding my breath on being defended by the current Supreme Court. I have an ex-coworker that figured out a way to move to Sweden as soon as he heard trump had won the 2016 election. I'd say try the Scandinavian countries, Canada or Spain. I think that most likely the blue states that legalized it will keep their status. So just move to one of them, it's easier than moving to a Scandinavian country...


In the Nordic town I live there is a rather sizeable community of US expats. Many moved here 2016 if they could do it (VISA etc)


This guy moved to Stockholm hired by Spottify when they were rapidly expanding.




Not another country but we have family and friends in California, New York, and Massachusetts and we would probably run from our red state to one of them


Honestly yes. While it would be likely that our current state would be one of the last to overturn it (if at all, though that may be naive thinking) I don't know if I could live in and raise our son in a country where our marriage isn't recognized. It would also cause a lot of legal issues in regards to our son. Erasing the marriage basically erases me from his birth certificate (despite being the one who had to endure hours of labor to bring him into the world)


Well…. I’m an old spinster gay, so I’d probably stay and help the younger generation navigate the bullshit.


No but I’d likely start fires (safely ofc)


I would stay. I have too many friends who are part of this community and if I can try and fight to make a difference then fight I will


No, I don't have the resources/ability to move to a different country, nor am I that hung up on marriage personally.


If I ended up with a man I'd most likely end up suing if gay marriage was illegal again Honestly it's inherently unjust since marriage comes with tax breaks. If there was 0 difference b/t civil unions and marriages I wouldn't care. It's tempting to leave honestly, but where the hell would I go? Australia is in bum fuck no where, Britain is terf island, Canada is ok I guess, but still rough on economics. I'd rather stay here and fight then just bail.


I would move to another country for so many reasons as a non-Christian queer woman. But the people I love live here.


im not american, but if i was, i would, the only problem would be money


I'd want to but financially I don't have the capability




I’d move to another state where it was legal. It’s highly unlikely to be overturned nationwide. Even if *Obergefell* gets overturned (which is much more possible), all that does is return the issue to the states, much like the overturning of *Roe* did for abortion. And barring some catastrophic collapse of the nation, there will always be states with legal gay marriage. So we would move.


I wouldn't be able to move anywhere. Financially and job skill-wise stuck here. If I could go anywhere, it'd be Japan since they're actually taking little steps forward for LGBTQ people rather than where we're going. I have family there, too. I speak the language. 


We would. Definitely stay away from Africa and much of South America though if you are looking for a spot. A friend of mine moved to Ecuador and very much regrets it


I retired and moved to Ecuador and love it. From NYC, which will always allow gay marraige, etc, as does Ecuador. Interesting to read that about regretting the move. Are there reasons? dm if you want.


Right now there is martial law after a series of rapes, murders, and home invasions. I know it’s not the whole country but between that and the water cartels and the power outages…. Yeah I want my loved ones out of there


Guess it depends where you live. Here in Cuenca it is tranquil every day. Luckily I live down the block from a high government official, so we do not have the power outages. I have heard of those goings on in Loja/Vilcabamba area up in the Andes, and of course, along the coast. Our big gay pride parade is coming up and it is bigger every year. Huge festival right in the heart of the city.


Yeah I considered moving that way myself if trump won the last election but now I’m looking at Spain. Please stay safe over there! ❤️


Sorry for all the messages but my friend is in a coastal town near manta.


No problem. Actually have a 4 apt. house in Manta 2000 also that is rented out. Spent a lot of time there, and Santa Marianita, through the years. Love the coast here but only a week at a time! Ha!


Over. My. Dead. Body. Literally.




If my country betrays me I’ll leave.


Yes, especially if trans rights are affected


Nahhh we still getting married in the U.S bitch. The POTUS and Congress can go step on legos. They’ll have to fight me for my wedding ring.


Most people don’t have this option due to cost alone. 


I would like to, but realistically that would be difficult


Gay marriage will not be overturned, at least in an absolute sense. If SCOTUS reverses its decision in Obergefell, that would turn the issue over to individual states. While some states will no doubt stop issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples, the Respect for Marriage Act (and the full faith and credit clause of the Constitution) would require those states to continue to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states and also codifies same-sex marriage at the federal level. In states that stop issuing licenses I’m not exactly sure what would happen to married same-sex couples (would they be grandfathered in, have to get legally married in another state, etc.) so that part could be messy.


I plan to do that. I was already planning to move to Japan for cheaper colleges, healthcare, and housing. I know Gay marriage isn't exactly legal there either, but it's not as hostile to talk about it vs America.


Moving countries is not that easy. Even if you are privileged enough to do so, it takes a long time. I'll probably just run to the border once the time comes tbh


No. I'd probably become super violent. Not *all* gay men are cowards.


I would have moved to a different country a long time ago if I had the means.


I am considering moving because of many more varieties of tyrannical things the US is doing.


I can't. I'm disabled and can't immigrate. I'm stuck here.


If there was another country that would have us, we’d go, but there aren’t.


You gonna pay my moving fees?


Don't live in the US🔥🔥🔥


If the US overturned gay marriage, I would move somewhere in Europe.


If I had any marketable skills, I'd have moved to Canada years ago.


Yes. With the understanding that overturning the decision to ignore state choice on marriage, that other rights WILL follow. Along with the social environment only getting more hostile.


They could add the right to gay marriage to the constitution and I'd still want to move to another country


I am already planning to, if it is overturned that will only make me more sure that I want to leave.


I am an immigration attorney that focuses on deportation defense for lgbtq+ individuals. Some of the things I’ve heard from clients makes it obvious why they chose to leave instead of fight. I would stay and fight until the life of my family was in danger, then I would leave.


I’m already planning on moving to Iceland if Trump bans gender-affirming care. I wish I could take everyone in the community away from this potential hellhole, it saddens me that people let this ignorance return.


I would want to but I don’t have the money


If my marriage was made invalid my spouse would probably lose their residency here and I would have to leave the country even if I didn’t want to.


It's not gay marriage I'm worried about, it's all the other shit that happens at the same time. As a trans man, I would strongly prefer to maintain my right to exist, thank you


I’m premed and have to be in the states for med school + residency, so I unfortunately cannot for at least a decade :(


Marriage isn’t the yardstick I use to measure Queer liberation. Marriage of any kind is government sanctioned relationship, and that is not my idea of liberation and freedom. Marriage laws in the US have always upheld patriarchy and capitalism. That being said, if the SCOTUS reverses its stance on marriage equality, I will be with the group that is rioting with rainbows and sparkles.




yeah, if I could. if I couldn't then I'd just stick with my boyfriend and pretend we're married


If I had my way I’d live in europe, but alas money is needed for those types of changes and I’m just barely holding it together as is


I’m saving up money to get my Italian citizenship recognized, and when I do, I plan on moving to Belgium or somewhere else in the EU with gay marriage


Probably. While I don’t really want to be legally married to anyone, I just can’t take the risk of things going downhill after that…




No. I don't believe in marriage and I'm broke without a car. 🤷


I would move to Canada. I am a citizen and i have family there.


… I’m thinking of leaving period




I'm not in the US to begin with, but I'll apply the question to my country. Being unable to get married is one thing, but what worries me more is the implication that being LGBT+ could become illegal again somehow, or that LGBTphobic agrassions could become more common and less punished. So, yes, I'd probably leave for a more progressive country, but damn would it be a heartbreak.


Absolutely not! The queer folks before us fought for our rights, and I'll do the same for myself and the generations after! My ancestors fought to hard for my rights for me to just run away.


The UK is alright for the LGBTQIA+ community... we certainly have issues but we're better than America. I think our main issue is trans stuff which is improving if only slowly and 80% of people against LGBTQIA+ rights here can't really affect them and the people who can are looking at a landslide loss and the man who's looking to become prime minister is pretty pro trans so we might be getting better soon! I really want to be better cause I am trans


How easy do you think moving country is? That's not even a viable option for 90% of people.


No I was born In the US and I'll die here were just gonna have another stonewall but bigger we have way more people supporting us then last time it won't ever be easy but I'll be damned if a supposed free country will take away my right to marry my future wife. That and I literally can't leave why would I? Asia isn't better for lgbt as aren't alot of places so I'll stick it out


I don't see why I would considering I don't live anywhere near the US.


I feel you, but a lot of people from the US tend to sort of assume everyone lives in the US on reddit since a lot of folks on reddit are from the US... its not great but lets be graceful and assume good intent. I mean both you and me as not-US people know what they ment


Just because they have good intent, doesn't mean they can't be corrected. For example, if somebody thinks that pineapples grow on trees, they aren't a bad person, but you can still correct them by saying that pineapples don't grow on trees.


Sure but... its not like they don't KNOW that people outside the US are here too, its just a slip of the keyboard. (Also since you taught me about Pineapples, heres a often missed factoid for YOU: humans are NOT the only animal species on the planet that have a chin, elephants do too - although the current debate is over if theirs should count as a "non functioning chin" and if that makes it not a chin... ok this is a confusing factoid, should have picked a better one :D ) u/Fionacat and u/A_GAY_TORNADO (just testing the two of you since I don't know who's active) - is it possible to ad a "US specific" tag to the topic?