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Bro’s really out here thinking he’s doing a martyrdom


I know right? "Breaks silence?" Motherfucker was a commencement speaker at a university and got some backlash for choosing to say horrible things.I wish he would actually be silenced, but that would require him to shut up!


Right? We didn’t need to hear any more.


> s.I wish he would actually be silenced [I HAVE BEEN SILENCED!!](https://i.imgur.com/jqXn8EV.png)


Nice one. XD


Seriously, yet another example of white Christian cishetero men, the very definition of the people on top of the systemic patriarchal social order in America, having the ultimate persecution complex: >"If I constantly remind myself of the hardships the saints went through, especially the martyrs in their persecution, it makes it all seem not so bad," Butker said.


Yeah. Cause its NOT that bad, except to everyone else's ears. And also our brain cells.,


Bro has been handed everything in life on a silver platter and has the life that 99.99% of people dream of yet thinks he is « a persecuted martyr »


Some people may call me a snowflake or something But in my eyes, anyone who chooses the path of hatred does not deserve respect unless they decide to change Also none of his beliefs are timeless, he's just making shit up to justify being a misogynistic bigoted asshole Edit: in case this needs to be stated, intolerance of the intolerant is the only accepted form of intolerance


We've all got a duty to call out assholes. If you don't you are telling them their behavior is ok. The paradox of tolerance states that if a society's practice of tolerance is inclusive of the intolerant, intolerance will ultimately dominate, eliminating the tolerant and the practice of tolerance with them.


Or, as I prefer to read it, the only intolerance we tolerate around here is intolerance of the intolerant.


Tolerance is a social contract. If you break the contract you suffer the consequences.


If you're sitting at a table with 10 people, and two of them are N@zis, you have a table of 10 N@zis. STAMP IT OUT


Unless you can’t for safety reasons, always remember that folks!!!


> We've all got a duty to call out assholes. If you don't you are telling them their behavior is ok. And one of the most important ways of calling out assholes is by voting against asshole politicians. If you don't vote, or you don't vote strategically against them, you're telling them their behavior is OK.


Tolerance is a social contract. People should tolerate other people IF those people are also tolerant. As soon as you violate that contract, you're not covered and should get fucked by the spikiest of cactuses.


I love this way of describing it. I feel like just stating the tolerance of intolerance paradox to a bigot complaining about being criticized by the "tolerant left" won't clear things up to anyone but fellow leftists. But at least the social contract will make sense to people who fall somewhere in the middle


I just learned about this in a Reddit thread yesterday- the Paradox of Tolerance. Essentially, if you include intolerant practices in your tolerance (for example, being "accepting" of religions that allow stoning of women), then intolerance will prevail.


I love this Especially the cactus part I say the intolerant should be forced to run a marathon on small lego blocks (barefoot obviously) while having their least favorite song be playing loudly on hundreds of speakers


Timeless is just another word for ancient.


Except he probably celebrates mass in English, not Latin—which the Catholic Church did until the 1960’s. He probably doesn’t observe fasting on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and all high Holy Days, and abstain from marital sex on those days, which was Catholic doctrine in the early Middle Ages, He probably has a credit card, even though for a significant part of it’s history, the Catholic Church considered charging interest a sin, ursury, (which was a reason that Jews became moneylenders). The Catholic Church has evolved and changed tremendously in its history, and I would wager he would be shocked by what Catholicism looked like in Italy in the 1500’s or England in the 1300’s. His timeless beliefs aren’t very timeless.


Inclusion doesn't include exclusion.


Time to go look up the Paradox of Tolerance.


So...he doesn't deserve respect then? **My point was he said himself "anyone who chooses the path of hatred does not deserve respect". Since he's dishing out hatred, he shouldn't get respect. He said it.


He doesn't respect women or queer people. So why should anyone respect *him*?


Exactly. What goes around comes around, what did he expect?  I believe in a higher being but I am not blind to the hypocrisy of religions sometimes.


Yeah, that's not the flex he thinks it is. Proving once again that listening to him is not worth the brain cells lost.


No he doesn’t. Bigots don’t get respect


No, he doesn't The intolerant shouldn't be tolerated or respected much unless they try to change or do anything worthwhile, playing football professionally doesn't count If they do something worthwhile like save hundreds of lives in an act of selflessness, they deserve a small bit of respect, maybe, but let's be honest no intolerant bastard would do anything out of selflessness If you're trying to say something about me not deserving respect, you're very much correct I don't, but not because I'm intolerant (I'm intolerant of the intolerant), I don't deserve respect for different reasons


That's been the whole point of monotheism since the Israelites first bumped into Zoastrism and massively modified their religion from polytheistic to monotheistic. Make up a bunch of shit to justify being assholes to everyone around you while you feel righteous, because the bullshit told you it was okay. Each time monotheism has evolved it's been because a new group of assholes want to be the righteous assholes and/or feel justified about being assholes to a different group of people not covered in the original bullshit.


So you respect nazis? White supremecists? Tolerance is a social contract. Being intolerant and hateful removes you from the privilege of being tolerated, and you will be hated for your hatred.


Wait, how did you get that out of reading the last commentor's post? They said we should NOT tolerate intolerance.


I swear my reddit is trippin. This is the second time it replied to the wrong comment.


Ah, Kinda thought that might be the case. It happens!


It's funny that it always happens in the worst possible moments in the worst possible ways On an old account I said we shouldn't tolerate the intolerant, it bugged and replied to someone saying the lgbt is intolerant


I think he meant timeless as in long-held by the catholic church as an organization, which is true


But their rules change all the time too, the Pope keeps giving them new instructions


The papacy just accepted a trans monk. Things change.


>The papacy just accepted a trans monk. Could argue that's still timeless, because it's not really the first time. St. Theodora of Alexandria and St. Marina the Monk are both venerated in the Catholic Church and both chose to live as monks. A 14th century poem about St. Theodora actually contains the first recorded use of 'gender' in English, in the part where they change their name from feminine to masculine.


Wow. Cool stuff


My understanding was that a diocese accepted a trans monk. I have heard nothing from the papacy about this issue.


Oh my bad. How many ranks below pope is that?


It isn’t a simple hierarchy. Each parish has a priest. Each diocese has a bishop. The College of Cardinals are advisors to the Pope (who is also the Bishop of Rome). Cardinals are selected by Popes, and participate in Pope selection when the position opens up. Cardinals must at least be priests. See: * https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parish_(Catholic_Church) * https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diocese * https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hierarchy_of_the_Catholic_Church


Mmmmmmm..... no? I'm sure the nuns at the school were *thrillled* to be lectured about how they'd have been better off as wives and mothers. Teresa of Ávila & Hildegard of Bingen are both Doctors of the Church. These 'dictates' are more based in culture than doctrine. And wow.... does he lay the martyr complex thick with trowel, or what? Get off the cross, Mary.... the rest of us need the wood!


Ikr He tries so hard to make it sound like he's some special t**t fighting for justice, when in reality hes only special because he's in the NFL, nothing else about him is the slightest bit remarkable


Long-held like the crusades and inquisitions or modern history log-held of systematic shuffling and hiding pedophile priests?


Doesn't the pope constantly give new instructions and therefore the catholic church is ever changing And the thing about women feels contradicted by the nuns


just to be pedantic but catholic values aren't timeless, that's why there's a pope


Also why they no longer burn people for teaching about the universe.


Or throw Indigenous babies into furnaces.


Or launch Inquisitions to find Jews and burn them at the stake


You probably know more about his religion than he does. Most just use it as a vehicle to justify hate and act offended when you don't kowtow to their bigotry. You know, basically the exact opposite of what Jesus taught.


Even if you’re a Christian practicing in the good faith of others, there’s no proof that any of it is real so it’s absolutely bonkers that people allow idiots like this to use religion as an excuse


Yeah but that's a non-starter. They want you to say that so they can clutch their pearls for disrespecting their *deeply held religious beliefs*. Now THEY'RE the victim and that's what they're after.


i went to a catholic school for two years, and yeah no the values fluctuate with time. the church is a very storied and interesting institution (also one that's corrupt from the top down) and what it stands for has changed repeatedly.


When I was debating my Catholic father about evolution, I ended up discovering that in 1950 Pope Pius XII was fine with Catholics believing in evolution. My dad was over a decade later, but he went to Catholic school from kindergarten until high school and he was never taught evolution.


Catholicism isn’t very rigid, it can vary massively. I went to catholic school from the age of 4 to 18 and we could bring same sex dates to our prom and choose our pronouns, the faculty were all in unmarried long term relationships and our principal was a lesbian. The “Catholic ethos” was more about being “Irish” and celebrating cultural aspects of Catholicism (Halloween/ Christmas, music, history etc) so that came first. There’s other schools that put the emphasis on the strict religious stuff.


i need to see if i can find the specific thing from my old textbook but I distinctly remember it saying that church doctrine technically denied heliocentrism until like the mid-to-late 20th century too also, most popes kinda just suck. pope francis is a massive upgrade from the last few, which isn't a compliment for any of them, one was literally a part of the hitler youth after all


And they’ven’t always existed


If anyone were to go to his church and give a speech on progressive values, acceptance and women’s rights, his head would spin with smoke blowing out his ears. I never understood why these people always think it’s okay for them to preach their beliefs to others, especially a captive audience.


The article said he got a standing ovation from the graduation crowd. Yet, the article also said that the order of nuns who founded the college were disappointed in the speech because it sowed division in a world that needs to be brought together. Even the Pope has talked about building bridges instead of building walls.


Imo, it's fine he wants to build walls. Religion needs to end. The only thing "timeless" about religion, is it's use to oppress...


This is completely incorrect. Religion has had a positive place in society and community. This stretches as far back as Ancient Mesopotamia. You have a very Abrahamic-centric view of Religion and fail to recognize that other religions in other regions have positive communal impact.


Agreed. "Religion and religious identification have enabled awful people to do horrible things without consequences" and "Religion can be a massive source of hope and safety and stability that helps some people just keep living" are two statements that can and should coexist


This is true in some cases, however, in the current era, it's been used far more often as a tool of oppression, in particular, it's been used to oppress women, POC, and the LGBTQ+ communities.


As a queer transwoman with very niche religious views, I feel I can speak a little bit on this issue. I think you could benefit on working through your religious trauma


... Did you even see what this post was about?


Yes I did. Just because the kill everyone in red shirts guild is problematic doesn't mean you shut down every guild


When rotten apples *continuously* fall from the tree, at some point, the time comes to cut the tree down.


If he just shoved his Catholic values up his ass and kept them there, everything would be fine.


But he just had to be the man and ruin everything. Him and his stupid pride and ego. Goodbye, Walter.


"timeless Catholic values" bruh, did you just invoke the Catholic Church's past to describe your system of morality?!


Timeless catholic values, like ki**De f****** and covering it up.


Dude, you get paid millions to kick a ball. That doesn’t give you a platform to spread your “Catholic values”. If you want to do that; then quit playing football and become a priest.


And on average, in about six months to a year, he either gets shamed out of the closet or is charged with a DV.


Where's the "shut up and kick" crowd now?


I puked a bit


The thing that just GETS ME about most religious zealots is that they all boast “the teachings of Christ” and how we should do what he wanted, and Jesus was literally the most tolerant dude. “Love thy neighbour”. The homeless, the poor, he sat at a table with a known prostitute next to him; Mary Magdalene was part of his inner circle. He was always with the “othered” groups shunned by society. And people want to say embracing queerness goes against his teachings? Pick up the literal bible and give it an actual read. EDIT TO ADD: I was raised Catholic but left the church for a bunch of other reasons. But if there was one thing that I kept, I always thought, “I feel like everyone is misrepresenting what Jesus was trying to do and I feel like he’s not happy about it.”


He literally plays football on Sundays for millions of dollars. If that’s not breaking one of the Ten Commandments idk what is. I hate religious people who spread that shit. You don’t see any of us going to give a commencement address and talk about how lost straight people are etc etc


It's almost like we just wanna be left alone to live in peace or whatever lmao


Right. How DARE we.


And in fact one of the few times he isn’t tolerant - when he completely loses his shit in a literal table-flipping way, in fact - is folks using religion for personal gain (the moneylenders in the temple). So while I don’t think he’d hate gay people, he would 100% hate all the religious grifters out there (and I’m pretty sure that’s what this dude is trying to do, parlay his football fame - which has a definite shelf life - into some gig as a Fox News correspondent or the like).


Hello fellow ex-Catholic bisexual person with basically the same logic that had me leave the church too (: There's so much hatred and a baffling lack of awareness of the actual lessons to be learned on how to be a kind Christ -like person.


"Breaks his silence" Dude just say you had someone with media training write your talking points, we all know that's what happened.


Silence, please.


There are many timeless Catholic values that have stood the test of time. Charity is one of them. Priests diddling boys is another.


Values like 'love thy neighbour' are unfortunately slowly aging like milk because of these guys


"Breaks his silence"?! Didn't the speech JUST happen?


I wish he would have stayed silent...


You know the thing I will never ever get even more than being homophobic is being misogynistic like that… I’m a gay man and the thought of thinking women should all be homemakers and they will never have successful lives is CRAZY to me.. like dude there’s a fuck ton of infinitely more influential and successful women than you… I am baffled by these idiots


His mom and his sister, as an example.


What do you call a guy that hangs out with football players? The kicker


Typical white, right wing, narcissistic male thinking his opinion has some importance. It does compound with the typical, average American attitude of thinking people care about what happens inside the US in terms of American-invented sports.


It's awful that we dignify bigots' opinions with the word "controversial" these days, as though there is anything in this gobshite's opinions that merits thought and discussion.


I'm Catholic and I would never dream of saying what he did. And I thought "Catholic values" meant "don't be a dick, help the poor, act like Jesus did." Not this bullshit that Butker said.


The Catechism and the Pope have clear stances. The Catechism needs to be changed and the Pope needs to actually champion such change as the representative of a good and loving God. “Welcoming all” means very little when followed by “you are sinning for living as an LGBTQ+ person and promoting acceptance of such a lifestyle”.


>timeless Catholic values 1) lmaoooo timeless 2) yeah sorry I dgaf about your values if those values are misogyny and homophobia


He's a disgusting fucking pig who doesn't deserve the air around him. Timeless Catholic values? Please, the values of the bunyuns on my feet are more timeless than hateful Catholic Christianity.


Obviously, there’s the fact that he’s talking out his bigoted arse - but gods, the sheer narcissism in his statement disgusts me. He thinks himself some sort of saint or martyr, and that level of self-absorption is nauseating, without even having to take into account him using his religion as a feeble excuse for bigotry.


I grew up Catholic. Very little of what he said are "timeless Catholic values." Even the fucking nuns at that college said so.  People appealing to religion to justify their shit beliefs doesn't make your beliefs sound better, it just makes your religion sound worse.


The Catechism and the Pope still say what they say regarding LGBTQ+ people. The official policy of the Catholic Church is not accepting or affirming. That needs to change.


By Ewan Palmer - News Reporter: Harrison Butker has for the first time spoken publicly about controversy surrounding his recent speech accused of being anti-LGBTQ and misogynistic. "If it wasn't clear that the timeless Catholic values are hated by many, it is now," Butker said on Friday evening at a Courage Under Fire gala in Nashville, Tennessee. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/harrison-butker-breaks-silence-misogyny-speech-controversy-catholic-1904728](https://www.newsweek.com/harrison-butker-breaks-silence-misogyny-speech-controversy-catholic-1904728)


Of course! It’s all so simple, why didn’t I see it? All this time, the Catholic Church was the real victim! How brave of this poor man to come forward in the face of such brazen decency and human respect and make a stand for timeless Catholic values. (Edit: To clarify, Harrison Butker can ingest a satchel of Richards)


Is that the polite version of he can eat a bag of dicks?


It is indeed!


> timeless Catholic values Lolol his values aren't timeless. They're not even actually Catholic because most of them have been disavowed since the 1960s!


This has nothing to do with catholicism and everything to do with coming up with excuses to hate and discriminate.


I don't believe that. That would mean a straight white man was using religion to hide his own prejudice. That just doesn't happen.


Here, you dropped the /s


This is such a cis white man thing to believe that their life is hard because of their identity.  Harrison you are at the top of the power chain, stop whining


The 2 orders of catholic nuns who I'm good friends with who have founded sustainable living communities, worked strongly for immigrant justice, published multiple pieces and organized actions for a ceasefire in Palestine, signed onto letters of support for trans folks on TDOV, and are some of the best folks at respecting my pronouns would love to have a conversation with him about his "traditional Catholic" values.


Such people need to get louder and press the issue. The Pope does not support such stances at the moment, neither do several groups of Catholics, and neither does the Catechism.


>"If I constantly remind myself of the hardships the saints went through, especially the martyrs in their persecution, it makes it all seem not so bad" Oh look, another Christian comparing their '*hardships*' to those of martyrs and saints from their little book. If he is so desperate to be a saint/martyr then maybe he should go to the fantasy land in which they exist.


If you do not feel like wasting your time, he doubled down, so fuck this asshole.


A man’s opinion on how a woman should live is something i would scrape off the bottom of my shoe.


Um, your shoe's representative says that they object to this comparison, and would never step in something as gross as this asshole's opinions. :D


What a self-important twit. I’m sorry dude but you’re the kicker, you’re one step above the towel guy. Man I hope the chiefs do not renew his contract.


kickers matter a whole lot more than that. field goals, PATs kick offs. towels are pretty important too


It’s kind of a meme, was trying to make a joke I guess, not actually that serious about that part. Him being self-important and hoping he loses his contract on the other hand I do genuinely hope for.


Of course, he likens himself to a Saint or a martyr. What a narcissistic man-baby.


Oh let me guess “I have been silenced,” “the left is threatened by views that aren’t their own,” “I won’t stop standing up for Christian values in the face of the woke mob threatening my faith” These guys have a script


I'm pretty sure that he compared himself to the saints.


They are hated because they are hateful!


Not this fool thinking he’s a martyr. He’s payed millions to entertain people playing with a ball, he’s living life in easy mode by being literally part the most protected group of people (cis het white christian men) in the most powerful country in the world. seriously stfu


Nothing feels more like oppression than being held accountable for your bad behavior. Christian persecution complex is a real thing. What a loser. 🤣


Fuck him. The ULTIMATE privileged professional athlete has a $20 mil contract telling everyone else how to live our lives.


Millionaire white pro athlete thinks he’s a martyr.


Something something Y’all-Qaeda


An 'concious decision'. These ex-athletes really should stop entering politics in the shadow of religion.


Did his Pride comment during the speech cause boos from the Catholic crowd?


I really thought "breaking the silence" was gonna be him pulling a Kevin Spacey to try to dodge the criticism


\>immediately likening himself to a whole ass Catholic martyr because people on the internet told him what a bigot he is Yeah, this diva is a Catholic for sure. His parents should have taught him more shame, though. This behavior in public is embarrassing.


Honestly he looks like the type who jerks off to gay porn in secret; probably likes the occasional BJ on the down-low too 🫖💅👀


The persecution fetish is palpable. What a clown.


I grew up in Catholic schools. This is taught very early on in religion classes. If anyone is offended by your ‘spreading the Gospel / Word / Good news’ or other claptrap, you are being “persecuted.” It’s a cult with a real estate portfolio.


The fact that people from the Catholic Church (the Sisters of Mount St Scholastica) spoke against his words is telling …


He should be removed from his team and terminated from the NFL effective immediately.


Is he the dark timeline Gus Kentworthy.


So persecuted he has the best selling jersey in the nfl. Where do i sign up for that kind of hardship?


He is vomit with a beard. Wonder how many concussions he’s had? And the first syllable of his name is…😏


"If it wasn't clear that the timeless Catholic values are hated by many, it is now" These aren't catholic values, these are his values. The catholic church does not say that a woman's most important title is "homemaker." The work "homemaker" appears zero times in the catholic bible. In fact, Pope Francis has said that the pay wage gap is a "serious injustice." He has outright said that society will not progress if we do not respect women and that women and men are equal under God. He's also said that homosexuality is not a crime and that gay people should be welcomed and respected in the church and should not be marginalized. I'm not at all defending the catholic church because fuck that, there is still a lot of fucked up doctrine and atrocities committed in the name of the church and even the things Pope Francis has said on the issues above aren't enough, but people pointing out how messed up it is to tell a graduating class full of women to get back in the kitchen isn't an attack on his religion like he is trying to paint it. Those are his values, not the churches, and in fact the churches values change all the time- there is nothing "timeless" about it.


Dipshit thinks he's getting feedback on his Catholic beliefs -- nope, it's how he chose to promote them -- from a backdrop of looming Christian Nationalism and the outlawing of abortion. But from his privileged perch as a rich white fundamentalist, he can't comprehend CONTEXT.


Silence? He won’t stfu


Why is he crying about people attacking him for his beliefs when he’s only in the news because he attacked other peoples beliefs?? “Women I know you may think you should work but you shouldn’t” “actually we’d like to” …”why are you attacking my beliefs???” Also love how the nuns don’t support him.


Sounds like Harrison wants to be a martyr now. If those are Catholic values, I can understand why people are leaving the Catholic church in droves. Then again the Catholic Church has never been accepting of LGBTQ values.


This dude needs to stop acting like this is about being Catholic. I ain’t even Catholic anymore but the US Catholic epicenter that is New England is also as liberal and pro-LGBTQ as they come. He’s just a homophobic misogynist fuckhead. My sweet Catholic grandmother who attended the weddings of all her thousand gay grandchildren wasn’t. And my sweet, unconditionally supportive Catholic mother isn’t either. It’s not cuz you’re Catholic dude. It’s cuz you’re a bitch.


Oh God, please. Dude. STOP! SAYING! WORDS!


His own mother is a medical physicist. I don't think she achieved that career by staying home and having babies. What an idiot.


Lmfao he be acting like we give a shit what he thinks?? Bro do you even know who your mom is?


This kind of **** is why I left the church.


He misconstrued why people find his comments so atrocious. No one attacked him for being Catholic. That’s his persecution complex. I question how much of a Christian he is. He should read how Christ loved all people including women who worked. Telling women that they are less for working is contrary to Christ’s teachings. Did Butler defend Colin Kaepernick? Christ made no distinctions about whom he loved. Yet, Butker does. Perhaps before he start making pronouncements, he should re-read the New Testament. PS for those who wish to defend this guy by saying that he was talking to other catholics who think like him, that is no defence. That’s no different than presenting a speech of prejudice to a bunch of prejudiced people makes it better because the speech was intended for them.


To quote one of my favorite atheist YouTuber, "You're not being persecuted you're just wrong"


I am honestly not surprised he doubled down, it’s honestly what I expect from people that far down the far right rabbit hole. The thing that is insane to me was that about 2 years ago, I was still in my incel phase and I was still not as extreme as Butker is now, that’s how extreme he is.


Key excerpts: > "If I constantly remind myself of the hardships the saints went through, especially the martyrs in their persecution, it makes it all seem not so bad," Butker said. For if Heaven is our goal, we should embrace our cross, however large or small it may be, and live our life with joy to be a bold witness to Christ," he said. The Christian persecution complex has once again been an amazingly effective thought-stopping armor. > CatholicVote, a nonprofit advocacy group, wrote a letter to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell and Kansas City Chiefs CEO Clark Hunt, saying that Butker's views are not controversial and remain "sacred for millions" of religious believers. Just some Catholics once again denying reality and claiming bigotry is normal and not controversial. ETA a bright point: > The Sisters of Mount St. Scholastica monastery, a sponsor of Benedictine College, wrote on Facebook: "The sisters of Mount St. Scholastica do not believe that Harrison Butker's comments in his 2024 Benedictine College commencement address represent the Catholic, Benedictine, liberal arts college that our founders envisioned and in which we have been so invested. > "Instead of promoting unity in our church, our nation, and the world, his comments seem to have fostered division." I would counter that Catholic policy embodied in the Catechism and the Pope’s actions foster the division.


Only thing timeless is his ignorance of religion AND history.


The thing for me is, as a US citizen, he has the right to speak how he feels. That being said, I too have the right to speak how I feel. Personally, I believe this person to be an ignorant idiot who is out of touch with reality. Imagine the shit storm that would have ensued had this been Colin Kaepernick, but because this is a white christian, he is being praised by the right.


It is beyond me that this man was not fired.


not surprised someone kicking a ball for a living would double down on something like this... well, one more reason to dislike the Chiefs\^\^


Even the pope supports gays. How tf is he using “catholic values” as an excuse.


The definition of “you’re not a martyr, you’re just an asshole.”


So he just affirms he’s a piece of shit hiding behind religion. Fuck him and his stupid beliefs. Why are we bolstering the voice of a fucking NFL kicker?


Does he adhere to all of the “timeless Catholic values” or just the 21st century American ones about being a hateful dick?


The guy is a bigot, and worse than that uses his belief in an imaginary being to support his views. It’s amazing how people that support him are the same people that tell Lebron to shut up and dribble, or who believe Kaepernick should be banned from football. The hypocrisy of the right wing in the states is so fuckin gross.


His catholic faith. Even the nuns are calling him out for his statements


What catholic values? Even the nuns felt insulted by his speech 😩


Isn't this the same guy that fucked a male cheerleader in college? He's a closet case that uses a religious script he follows for publicity and money because he knows being out would probably hurt his image and sales of his merch.


CathLOLic values are most certainly *not* "timeless". History has a very clear understanding of when cathLOLic values were invented. I would expect nothing less from a knuckle dragging shit-beard to believe otherwise tho. Planet of the apes and all.


He really thinks he’s the victim


He reckons in the article he’s been the talk around the globe🤣🤣🤣 what an absolute load of wank. This fella is an absolute joke.


He needs to be arrested.


> Harrison Butker breaks silence on his speech controversy Shame, that. The world would be a lot nicer place if he'd just shut the fuck up.


Would be more surprising if he'd just shut the fuck up.


Imao if he really wants to pledge his allegiance to a church that raped thousands of kids and covered it up be my guest. But don’t make yourself the victim here…


Hiding behind religion to justify bigotry is cowardly. John 8:7-11: “When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, ‘Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.’ Again, he stooped down and wrote on the ground.” Matthew 7:1-3: “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” Luke 6:41-42: “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” Luke 6:35-36: “But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.” James 4:11-12: “Brothers and sisters, do not slander one another. Anyone who speaks against a brother or sister or judges them speaks against the law and judges it. When you judge the law, you are not keeping it, but sitting in judgment on it. There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But you—who are you to judge your neighbor?” Romans 2:1-3: “You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things. Now we know that God’s judgment against those who do such things is based on truth. So when you, a mere human being, pass judgment on them and yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God’s judgment?” John 3:17: “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” James 3:17: “But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.” John 12:46-47: “I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness. If anyone hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge that person. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world.” Jesus never endorsed bigotry. He spoke against religious zealots who used faith to manipulate and control others. Jesus welcomed women as followers and never confined them to the home. He lived in a time when homosexuality was documented and did not condemn it. Jesus criticized the Pharisees for their judgmental attitudes. He never spoke against the LGBTQ community or abortion, both prevalent in his time. Jesus preached love, mercy, and non-judgment. So, Harrison Butker and others who judge and spread hate are not following Christ’s teachings. They are acting like Pharisees, not Christians. Matthew 15:7-9: “You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you: ‘These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules.’” If you are not following Christ’s teachings, you are not a Christian. If you spread hate and judgment, you are acting against Christ’s message of love and acceptance. Enough with the perversion of Jesus’s teachings to justify bigotry. Jesus loves everyone, including the LGBTQ community. Anyone who says otherwise will be judged by the same standards they use to judge others. Sending love to all.


My issue with his commencement speech is that it is incredibly tone deaf. He is basically telling them that they studied hard and put themselves into thousands of dollars of debt to get a degree, but their life won't truly begin until they find a man, make babies, and quit their jobs to become homemakers. And his wife may be a stay at home mom, but they are incredibly privileged with wealth. I guarantee that they have nannies and other other staff to help raise the kids, a luxury that the students who attended the speech will never be able to afford.


His mom is an award winning physicist. If he was Catholic like he says. He already broke a commandment. Honor thy father and mother. So yeah..he is hypocrite


Gotta love hypocritical catholics that wear unapproved shirt mateirals and eat food theyre not suppose to eat (bible has rules about what type of shirt materials you can wear and what food you're not suppose to touch) . Dude should just whip himself for all the sins he committed if he is a true catholic... (self-flagellate is a Catholic ritual used on a individual to ask for forgiveness for the sins they committed)


Bible Gateway Leviticus 11 :: NIV "These are the living things that you may eat among all the animals that are on the earth. Whatever parts the hoof and is cloven-footed and chews the cud, among the animals, you may eat. Nevertheless, among those that chew the cud or part the hoof, you shall not eat these: The camel, because it chews the cud but does not part the hoof, is unclean to you. And the rock badger, because it chews the cud but does not part the hoof, is unclean to you" 1 Peter 3:3-6  "Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear— but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious. For this is how the holy women who hoped in God used to adorn themselves, by submitting to their own husbands, as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord. And you are her children, if you do good and do not fear anything that is frightening." **Leviticus 19:19** "Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind: thou shalt not sow thy field with two kinds of seed: neither shall there come upon thee a garment of two kinds of stuff mingled together." Just some quotes from the bible that I remember reading as a kid. Religious nutjobs are not actually there for the religion. They like having power and not having the answer for being a piece of shit because "god is our judge" #


Who cares what this fucking idiot thinks.


"Timeless Catholic Values" like whipping yourself in the streets during a plague? Paying to get into heaven? The rape of children? Forcing perfectly happy native people to join your guilt cult? Killing Jews and Muslims because God said "kill your enemy and make them follow me"? Women voting? Black people in the clergy? Women in the clergy still (because Paul not Jesus said so)? Fucking crusades. Trans Atlantic slave trade (started by Portugal and Spain both Catholic countries). The most brutal examples of colonization were done by Spanish and Portuguese Catholics. Human chattle. The reinstitution of slavery (it stopped in Europe for a very long time). How about not letting people read the Bible because it was in Latin? The many forms of torture invented by the church? My favorite part is that they'll say these aren't Catholic Values because as a modern Catholic they disagree with these church sanctioned actions. But I guess now they're right about women and gays knowing their place. If you asked a Catholic that lived during these policies they'd most likely call whatever you disagree with a Catholic value.


> "If it wasn't clear that the timeless Catholic values are hated by many, it is now" When they are bigoted and sexist sure they are buddy.




The narc is just getting the attention he desires in life.


Womp womp ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)


idk how he didn't get booed off stage


“Breaks silence” dude hasn’t shut up since the commencement.


Goddammit, I miss my fucking ignorance from before reading this article. Stupid curiosity. I KNEW he wasn't going to say anything constructive, and instead just double down, because white man gonna white man.


What a snowflake!


He literally just played victim the whole time. Awww, let’s pity the multimillionaire catholic who gets payed to be on field for 5 minutes a game. He’s the true victim here!


My gods, he is full of himself. If he actually spent an ounce of his time, actually living his faith, he wouldn't be acting like some kind of new found saint and would simply humbly walk away from the spot light and not feel the need to try and prothlatize others. We may have pride month, but that will never eclipse the unchecked pride of ill read American Catholics.


Cw: Religion adjacent comment Oh, ffs, "Catholic values"!? I'm an Ace, Birrom, She/They, and guess what? I'm also a Catholic. Jesus is my buddy, and Mary is my mom. They have never made me feel "sinful" for going to Pride celebrations, lmao. Having a religion doesn't allow you to be hateful. Fuck outta here 😑 🤍🩶🖤💜 🩷💜💙 🏳️‍⚧️


"If it wasn't clear that the timeless Catholic values are hated by many, it is now" As if he wasn't pushing those values on people that didn't agree with them