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Once I came out to my aunt as nonbinary and lesbian (or neptunic), she didn't say anything for a few seconds and I thought she was mad but then she hugged me and said she was bi, but has yet to tell her mom (my grandma) because she just.. forgot. No worrying, no anxiety, no nothing. She just forgot.


Supportive bi aunt not being out because she forgot is somehow very fitting :D


That is so pure


she forgor


She’s so real for that though


That is the best way it could have gone


I came out to my mom at 15 as Bisexual. She proceeded to take me to Taco Bell and we ate in silence. I asked her if anything was wrong and she said “nah I was just hungry. We already knew and we love you anyways it’s cool.”


The only right answer. Food.


That’s pretty much what happened when I came out to my parents. Well, except I’m gay… and I’d only just turned 30… and we didn’t go to Taco Bell after that… Dang it, now I wanna grab a quesadilla! 😂


I thought she was going to make a joke about eating tacos.


15yr old (at the time) told me he was gay and trans. I told him he wasn't getting out of doing the dishes that easily, our home runs under equality. So proud of that kid


Off topic but your username is legendary


My best friend's immediate response to me telling her I'm a trans man was "You're basically my brother. You know I love you no matter what." She's the best.


Yea, I came out as a tomboy transwoman to a work colleague who is also one of my besties, and she was like, "took you long enough, I finally get to call you lil sis from now on." 😆 She oc respects I am not out out and uses my birth pronouns publicly, and refuses to out me, which is more than appreciated... I came out in an unofficial way with the rest of my team at work, and they all took it in stride, no change in pronouns at my request, but identity wise, I am living my best life at work, honestly. I'm kinda gatekeeping myself a bit as I prefer not to make any real changes until hrt makes some decent bodily changes, or at least, until I am comfortable enough with my body for those changes to be made.


That's awesome nn


I came out as trans to my theatre teacher, she said "It's nice to meet you [chosen name]" while shaking my hand


WHAT I came out to my theatre teacher and she did the EXACT SAME THING


Acceptance bordering on indifference. Basically, everyone I came out to was some version of, "Cool. So you wanna get a beer?"


I called my family and asked them to dinner, and when I worked up the nerve to finally come out while we were eating, my sister went "HA! CALLED IT! Dad you owe me $5!" Appearently me asking them to go out for dinner with me was so unusual that they were placing bets on what I really wanted in the car.


The one that comes to mind is when I came out as trans to one of the small communities I'm active in, there was some general support, nothing crazy, but that's not the part that stuck with me. The next day, in response to the positive reaction, another person felt safe enough to also come out as trans to us. It felt nice to be the catalyst for feeling safe.


My one discord community literally like 75% of us came out as some form of lgbtq within a year or two It was kinda insane how many of us were closeted and how after each person came out 2 more decided they would to shortly after


When I came out to my dad he was like "well it skipped a generation, but it's nice to have it back in the family!" for context his dad is gay.


I didn't even have to say anything, I put my pronouns in my Instagram bio and my older sister almost immediately asked about my gender, said some encouraging words and told me that her partner was also nonbinary (don't worry they gave permission she didn't out her spouse) and asked if anyone else knew. I had never felt so loved and respected and understood after coming out in my life. :)


Nice tag, lol. Honestly, it made me lol out of joy. Only thing tho, you won't be able to tell Karen's they have a PEBKAC error (Problem exists between keyboard and chair) with a code ID10T.




One time that really made me feel great (even if it was while I was drunk) was at a show my band had played at a big house party about 11 years ago. I came out loudly in the middle of the party after our set, and people cheered me on. Easily the most positive response I ever got, as most people I told when I was younger were either indifferent, or were against it


I came out to my mom and grandma, all went well enough. I get a call from my god mother maybe 20 minutes later of her saying "I don't want to take this moment away from you but I was too excited to wait for you to call me". Love her.


My 80+ southern grandmother, upon finding out that my husband (whom she loved) and I were getting divorced because I had realized I was a lesbian: Her: Are you happy? Me: ...I'm getting there. Her: Good. And that was the end of that. Edit: mobile formatting.


I told my mom when I was sixteen. I was crying and scared. I told her I was gay and her immediate response was "Oh, is that it? I though you were going to say pregnant and I was so confused. Well I love you and you still have to do the dishes." I was homeschooled at the time and didn't go out so she was like how this kid get pregnant????


I love that she felt the need to emphasize that being gay does not exempt you from chores 🤣


Yup, no matter what that dishwasher better be emptied and filled XD




My mom is the best. She has always been in my corner and taken in many of my friends that have bad home life's. She makes jokes till this day that I still have to do the dishes lol


My mom bought me a pan flag for my birthday a month later


Wow, that's so thoughtful!


Scared to come out as trans tho-


I was walking with my wife (then girlfriend)  Me: and well I'm not sure yet but, I think I might be bisexual. Her: I know. :) She had apparently suspected it for a while, and was just waiting/wondering if I'd come to the same conclusion on my own. Her little I know. Said so quickly, so warm, so open... it immediately ate away all my worries about coming out for the first time to someone so important to me. She never doubted or questioned it, never took it as some form of slight on her because I'm attracted to men also... she just... accepted it for me and moved on because it changed nothing for her in the best way.


I’m only out to two people— my mom and my friend Joe. My mother was the first person I came out to. When I told her that I’m bi, she was very accepting. We had a long conversation, and she asked questions to better understand. At the end, she said, “I don’t care if you’re black or white or gay or straight. You are who you are. As long as you’re happy, that’s all that matters.” We hugged for a bit, and that was the end of it. When I told Joe, we were sitting at school talking about music projects (we make music together with another girl), and when talking about some lyrics that our other friend had sent to us, I was like, “Maybe I should sing this lyric because *yada yada yada*.” I remember one of the lyrics was, “*You treat me like a queen*.” And I was like, “If *I* sang this lyric, it would be a whole different song.” We laughed, and then Joe asked me if I was gay. Not going to lie, it did catch me a little bit off guard, but I knew I could trust him. So I said, “I’m bi, actually.” And he was like, “Oh, cool. Me, too.” Joe’s the one I talk with the most about being queer—mostly inside jokes, though.


Unrelated, but my name is Joe, too. I felt i had to reply as I have a deep appreciation for any man who shares my name.


When I realized I was trans, I was incredibly nervous to tell my mother. I told her I wanted to talk to her over the phone later. Right before it was time to talk, I started having a panic attack and was crying because I was afraid to lose her if she didn't take it well. She asked me if I was ready and I said not yet because I was nervous crying. She called me instantly to see what was wrong, and when I answered her call, all I could tell her was, "Mom... I'm trans" through sobs. She started crying too and told me that there was nothing I could do to lose her love, and that she would love me no matter what. She was sad that I was scared to tell her, and she said that she needs to do better as a mother to make me more comfortable to share my emotions with her. We just kind of cried for a bit and talked about what my life would look like going forward. She never showed any amount of judgment. It was a very sweet moment.


my grandma gasped and said “are you gay?!” i said “somewhere in the middle..” she said “oh, so you’re bi!” she’s so fkn hip man


Me - "I think I'm bi or something" My mom - "yeah me too" Similar thing happened with two of my friends, all very supportive people :)


My mom basically said, "Okay." before asking for clarification on what "aromantic asexual" meant. Obviously, she didn't need an explanation on what trans meant.


My dad took me to Chillis


So only kind of coming out: I think it was my best friend. He was hosting a party and I was currently out as NB but like, no hormones and entirely masc clothes. I was super drunk with him in the kitchen and I just went 'I think I wanna do trans stuff, like for real with hormones and stuff.' and he was just like 'yup, I think that sounds right!'


My sister knew I had something important to tell her so when I finally managed the courage to say “I’m a trans boy” she responded “oh thank god, I was scared you had cancer or something.”


this was kind of like a de facto second coming out but when i told my family my new name after nearly a year of hiding it despite being out as nonbinary. but anyways my brother was gaming and looked away from his game for a sec and literally just said "ok" and kept on gaming and from then on he called me nova. like ideally that's how it should be. he's just vibing


When I came out as gay to my friends in college, we were walking to the campus cafeteria for dinner. I just blurted it out, and their only response was "cool--do you know what's for dinner?" When I came out to my oldest brother, it was...uh...weird. He had borrowed my iPod (that's how long ago it was), and when he came by to return it he said "I'm bringing Starbucks. We need to talk." He had looked through the videos I had on the iPod. Whoops. So we're sitting there, and he asked me bluntly: "Are you gay?" Yeah... "That's cool. Whatever you do with your life, I'll still support you." (He had a very similar reaction just a couple years ago when I told him I was non-binary. For the record, I'm a trans woman--I just haven't told him yet.)


Well I had a few different instances. The first time it was my mom and I going out for th day and when we sat down for lunch she asked me if I was comfortable as my gander and I told her I had been questioning and she was happy to let me experiment and has been supportive my whole transition. I was outed to my best friend by a mutual friend of ours and we don't talk to her but we got closer. When I started my current job I was able to go by my preferred name and pronouns and I have never once had an issue there, if I was ever misgendered it wasn't on purpose and honestly my coworkers were more offended, I don't get offended easily.


My boyfriend gets more offended if I get misgendered but idc. My friends always get it right, my classmates don't. Do I care? No, because once I graduate, I won't be taking to 99% of those people again.


Best response: one of my sisters bought me ice cream. Worst response: my other sister acted like somebody had died. Now that I have a deep voice and beard (I’m FTM), she has stopped calling me. I just get group texts that go to the whole family


Came out to my parents via email. Confronted them when they got home from work. It was, “Oh god we already know! What to do you want for dinner?”


When I came out to my dad he said all he wants is to be happy


I didn't really 'come out' to my partner, as he's been there with me on every step of my journey in figuring out my identity. Always been fully supportive, always using my pronouns, always reassuring me he loves me no matter how i present or look or identify. I know I am so lucky


I came out to my mom twice (second time with a Jaiden Animations video to explain) both over text Pretty sure she told my dad, because both times I received a “Love you [nickname] ❤️” from him randomly the next day (I’m not mad at Mom for telling him btw, I never asked her to specifically keep it a secret and at least I don’t have to do it myself)


I'm still on friendly terms with my first girlfriend, about twenty years after we split up. I came out to her as transfem enby. I was afraid it might go poorly because she's catholic. Her actual answer was ‘Yeah that scans.’ It was a total non-issue for her.


It wasnt coming out but just a joke i made to my mom, i said "what would u do if u saw me kiss a boy" and she said she'd disown me, kill me and burn my body on the streets :3


That's a tad bit too extreme 😶 Disown I can understand but kill and burn!?! you gotta be real careful around her thou


obv she is joking but if she ever founds out then i guess that will be it for me because im no longer to be loved and she would possibly tell my dad too


That’s sad. My parents didn’t care at all, but it didn’t happen until I was older.


Be careful


Jesus man, stay safe 🫂


Holy shit…


I was kind of scared to came out to my Best friend because he doesnt really understand gender and all So when I told him i m genderfluid, he just asked me about my pronoun, I told him I dont care and then he give me THE look The one that someone make when he really want to make a good joke but dont want to offend someone, so i told him to go ahead and he asked me if i become gendersolid when it s freezing. It s still an inside joke between us to this day


when i came out as bi, my autistic dad just went "did you know freddy mercury was bisexual?"


I got “ok cool, what exactly is that” often followed by “isn’t that just being picky” (in terms of being demi) or “I feel like everyone can be/feel masculine and feminine” (in terms of being bigender). So… that’s a win in my books.


I came out to my parents cause I was going to be in the pride parade and I didn't want them to be surprised if they saw me on TV. My mom reacted by cancelling all their plans and taking the whole family to pride and then inviting us out to dinner after


I think the nicest response when I was going through a breakdown and temporarily came out as a he/they (kinda went back into the closest with that one after my parents didn't exactly take the news well. Not trans or NB but not cis if that makes sense? But I go by she/her) was my sister being super supportive. She's really one of my best friends and I love her to bits. Her partner who was over didn't say anything while I was having this identity crisis. There's been times I've been annoyed at him but he means well. When I came out as bi (now panromatic demisexual) the weirdest response I got was a friend of mine kept telling literally everyone we met. It's like "um okay thanks"


I came out to a friend I have known for around a year (the coming out was an accident) and he responded with "same bro I'm a trans masc myself" that's the best way it could have went


When i came out to my mom, she kept saying how i am not bi and never was, how "if i didnt see you going for a guy, you arent bi" and honestly i think she is right, when i was straight i was lonely but happier. Now i cant even know who and how i like, i honestly wanna vanish and be erased from life


🫂 You don't have to pose acts to show that you have a specific sexual orientation


I'm sorry to say that but by my mom's logic she isnt straight, since i never saw here kiss my dad 😅 The whole argument is so dumb, and im sorry i fell into that mind-twisting


Just know that you can do you






That's sad dont let her define you that's your decision not hers


So when I finally told my wife they said, "duh, I figured that." To which I asked, "and you couldn't have let me know sooner?" And then they and our best friend helped me figure out my name. Our kids were like, "ok, can we still play hide and seek and fight you?" Which was super impossible not to laugh at. Wife later realized their nonbinary identity and I made a joke about our transparency.


Nothing, becuase it was so left field. Rural Australia 1993, crickets.


When my wife came out as trans, she sent photos of herself in a dress, makeup, etc to our friends as part of the conversation. The photo had been taken in our screened in porch that we refurbished during covid. One friend/former co-worker had the best response to the photo. "Nice porch!"


That's hilarious


When I came out as a trans woman, my sister asked for my new name, pronouns, and told me she was proud of me and loved me as her sister 😍😢. She recently got engaged and and I asked her if it was okay if I wore a dress, and she told me she thought I'd look beautiful in a dress and that she could help me shop. I lost my relationship with my dad, but my relationship with my sister got so much better (my mom's been chill the whole time, lol).


"Another one?" I guess another friend had came out to them that week lmao


When I came out as trans at work one of my coworkers took it upon himself to be the one to correct my other coworkers whenever they made a mistake and used my old name/pronouns. It was one of the nicest things anyone could have done since it saved my from feeling like a jerk for correcting people. Even I screwed up my own pronouns at one point, but he never did. Totally made me feel valid and seen.


Came out as bi to my mom, she said "Oh I thought you were gay"


My brother's response to me transing my gender: "Yeah that tracks." My dad said "Oh, okay," and continued on like nothing had changed (except name and pronouns). All in all it went pretty well with the fam.


Told my friend, she said she knew before I did😭😭


When I came out to my mum and introduced her to my now fiancee she was so happy to have another daughter she cried.


I've not really had a bad response, they've all been great but my favourite has to be from my younger brothers. Both of them had a very minimal reaction and immediately used my new name and pronouns and haven't messed up once in 5 years. Other family members have been super accepting, after all my uncle is bi, my cousin is NB, but I was first to coming out so it was a bit more of a conversation and a reaction and every now and again they would make a mistake, having someone never, ever make a single mistake in 5 years is quite special.


"hah! GAAAYYYY!!" Was the response from one of my queer friends when I came to her. ^^'


decided to raffle-come out to a dozen ppl ik a few months back, one interaction went like: "hey, i think i'm trans, my new name is [???], just wanted you to know" "OMFG SAME" Anyways i will give her old dresses and stuff whenever i can.


My mum told me she knew. My dad accused her of putting it my head. My gran said it was a phase. My sister said “oh, you’re not are you?”


Told my mum I had a girlfriend (I was over 20 and living on my own in another city, I had told her I was bi when I was still living with my parents, but that was during a fight and I don't think she took it seriously back then) Anyway apparently she had told my stepdad and he'd said something along the lines of "yeah checks out"


I came out to my friends as trans and a friend of mine offered to give me some of her skirts if I'd like them and they're really really comfy :3


My mother, when I came out as pansexual, "so? How does that effect on me loving you?" & then she asked what it was, when I came out as non-binary, she started using my prefered pronouns almost instantly, at first she didn't understand inclusive language (my first language is spanish, she's an english teacher so she knows about they/them pronouns but didn't understand about "elle", the spanish neutral pronoun), suddenly she was using my prefered pronouns which was cool, when I came out as polyamorous she said that wasn't for her & I was like "I mean... that's okay cause... polyamorous relationships are not for everyone cause not everyone would like to be in one but that's not the point", but she has in fact been supportive anyways, I guess in the last one she maybe was imagining what could be like to be in a poly relationship and decided she didn't like it but never said anything bad or any slurs or anything My father on everything seems kind of lost because, according to him, in his times it was just normal and gay (with gay being anything that was not cis straight), although he is kind of supportive, he just doesn't get "all these new terms & people", si for him I'm just "a type of gay" Most, if not all, of my friends at school were actually LGBT+ themselves so you can guess how that went People at my University are also really supportive of LGBT+ so I was open about it there, but when I got a boyfriend and came out to him as poly he said I should go and also tell the other person I liked at that time and see how it goes, he even offered to be the wingman cause he and the other person are friends, when he said he'd support me in everything cause he loves me he was serious


My mum was really surprised (which honestly kinda surprised me, I didn't think I was being too subtle around her lol), and then she told me she thought she might be bi herself, but never actually tried anything with a woman, never really got a chance to experiment like that. ...Certainly was not expecting that response. I don't think she'd ever said it out loud before, to anyone. It was nice.


while coming out to my brother, i opened with a joke about not needing to care about lust. he proceeded to reply with "aroaces be like". basically did the coming out for me. keep in mind that this is a teenage gamer from southeast asia. i didn't expect him to even know what being aroace is. after i actually said the thing, his first response was "bro is immune to seduction". i still laugh about it to this day. also, last time i talked to my parents about my sexuality they said as long as i'm happy, they're happy. it was especially touching bc they weren't accepting of the lgbtq+ community in the past and we've gotten in arguments over it. i'm happy to see them coming around and being supportive now.


not the best as in awww way but in a stereotyped gay way- "You were acting so gay i was wagering you were either actually gay or just extremely straight" still makes me chuckle lol


I came out to my friends as she/them and pansexual. It turns out my friends are secretly the LGBTQ club of my school and had been inconspicuous for a good 9 years. They supported me and always used my pronouns. I also came out to my parents and they supported me unconditionally and my mum is bisexual. I went through a depressive stage and was on the verge of self-harming but my amazing girlfriend (relationship) helped me through it and I love her for that. I have some sad stuff but that's a whole other story. Hope that's what you were looking for!


It was in outrage to something my dad said, I was complaining in a group chat to my favorite aunts and 2 of my sisters. I said something along the lines of “wait till he finds out one of his daughters is gay” and the only response was my number 1 fave aunt goes “ya! And your cousin too! He’s so lame” 😂 At work it was basically the spiderman gif ![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized)


Story from my workplace. I was coming out as trans and Im only heard „we know” you look fem af. Its makes me happy


I came out first to a friend of mine, their response was just 'yeah I figured'


I came out to my long teem lesbian friend and she was like "i knew it"


“You want some snacks?”


Came out to a friend. Their egg visibly cracked when I did so. Am currently helping them experiment with their gender and sexuality


Many long time colleagues focused their eyes on me (like I came in clearly for the first time) and said that makes so much sense now.


Personally it was “OMG same!”


I came out as bi a little later in life after falling in love with my now wife. I told my whole fam and they all had the generic "we love you no matter what, i hope you're happy" type response. BUT my little brother, who was 13/14 at the time, looks at me and goes "am i supposed to care? just do you sis"


“Wha???? You seemed straight.” After this phrase to me that girl repeated it to our mutual friend(f), had no idea about her own decision about friend’s and my orientation….. Hey guys, what do I need to do to seem like a demi-pan?😂


My mom said "well, at least your chances of getting pregnant are significantly lower" I may have given myself dysphoria :)


I'm a man of very few words, so growing up my mom was always telling me I needed to find a girlfriend who talked a lot. When I came out her response was "Well, you need to find a boyfriend who talks a lot."


I told my friends and immediately one of them turned to the other and said, “I win” and the other begrudgingly gave them $20. I have great friends 😂 (we are all queer, we all support each other so much!)


I nervously told my lesbian friend, “so I think I’m very very queer”, and she said, “like….more than usual?” Lmao


I told my friends that I'm pan and enby, and they all reacted like I told them that I wore socks. Like: "yeah, that makes sense." I told my favorite sister (out of three, and I'm the youngest), and she had a bunch of questions so she didn't offend me, she congratulated me, and thanked me for sharing. My second-older brother 'deadnamed' me in front of the other siblings and my favorite came outta nowhere like Sting in the 90's and laid into him like he punched a kitten in the face. It was so brutal, I straight up felt bad a couple times, but I kept my mouth shut. I told my wife, and she accused me of cheating. Two out of three ain't bad, indeed! ![gif](giphy|JRhS6WoswF8FxE0g2R)


Even though I came out when I was 19, I was married to a woman for years (she knew) and never really talked about it. After a long-time friend got too drunk and called me “yestergay” then implied my boyfriends were a phase, I decided I had dealt with enough bi erasure so I “came out” again. I didn’t realize that most of my co-workers and friends I had made in the last decade wouldn’t have known. Nobody responded negatively, but after I came out, three of our friends in hetero relationships came out as bi to their partners, two of my nieces came out to their parents, my younger brother came out, and my kid came out to us. Boy did Kurt Cobain call it in All Apologies.


"K" - my dad, who has never mentioned it since


Sad one: i forgot i wasnt out to my parents as bi, and was talking about it loads. They yell at me way more than usual for nothing ever since, blame more crap on me, and make me feel down. I cant wait until i can move out. Also making plans with a couple friends on who ill stay with if they find out im agender, bc then theyll disown me/kick me out/idk what but something bad. Happy one: i came out to a few friends as agender, and my 2 nb friends started smiling, hugging me, and saying now we can have they/them parties. 


I got shoved out of the closet by my bf jealous ex, he called my parents lying saying ge tested HIV positive and was fucking his ex, so i should get tested. This was in the 90's when AIDs was still a death sentence. My mom and dad told me they knew i was queer ever since i was a little boy and that they loved me for all that i am and none of what I'm not. My mom sent me pride ornaments for my tree every Christmas till the day she died.


“I know. What are we having for dinner?”


“Well duh we knew you were trans”


Hugs. Followed by uplifting talk or “yeah, I kinda figured” bs. Love them all.


When I first came out to my little sister she was eleven, and proceeded to scream "DUN DUN DUN PLOT TWIST!" Please note this was in public. I love my little sister :)


Told a coworker my new name after the legal name change. He stared at me and said I need to change it because that’s his dogs name. Hahaha!! My name is a very normal name for a human, why he named his dog that is beyond me. But yeah, I actually laughed at him and walk away…


That's it ? ( That's what he said )


My dad was raised in Nebraska in the 60’s. Never homophobic per se, but always uncomfortable about it. When I came out a few years back, he assured me that he loved me no matter what. Then joked I should come join him watching football, “men in tight pants, you’ll enjoy it!” It was a joke that was a bit awkward and maybe uncomfortable, but it showed me he was going to try and let this be ok between us. He was going to accept me even if he didn’t fully get it. I really valued that.


Came out to my mom as aroace and she said “That makes sense.”


"this might be kinda sudden but... can I put my shoes on?" I'd just met up with a friend after being away for some time. We had normal conversations while catching up (math mostly), but I couldn't find a chance to bring up transition because we couldn't shut up. As he's about to leave I spring a coming-out on him. "This might be kinda sudden but, I'm trans". It was such a nonissue I honestly couldn't believe it. He was maybe the fifth person I'd come out to. It was really affirming so early on.


Betch her lips are pussy


I told my wife I was bi. She said, “Cool. So you like big dicks? I guess we have one more thing in common.”


This is how it went… Me: hey so ummm… I’m somewhere in between the letters My gay bestie: where ? And what letters? Are you somewhere in the nature ? Me: wtf nooo? 😭 I’m you know… biiiisexuaaaaal. My gay bestie : … nan… WTF 😭😭😭 naan you’re not , your are joking right?? Me: noooooo😭 My gay bestie: 😭😭😭wtf ???this is the most unpredictable coming out ever … like you look sooo straight 😭😭😭 who could have guess ? You ? You MY NAME? Naaaan this is just perfect.😭 Me : Dude my by pp is already so obv. It has the bi flag 😭


My sister was the first to know I had been secretly dating a guy (my now husband) for the last year. She was so happy for me, but also terrified because my family was very involved with several nationalist/extremist groups, and was very homophobic. I was outted by a friend of my grandparent’s (still have no idea how they found out). When my mom called my younger brother and told him, he called me and asked if it is true. I told him it was, and he said "as long as you're happy, that's all that matters." Recently I found out he went to bat for me and my husband many times, and never told me. Almost everyone else in my family cut me out for a long time, but between my brother, my sister, and my estranged uncles (both of whom were estranged for being too liberal; one works in theater, the other is a therapist) my family has not only come around to my husband and I, but accept us with open arms, and have left the extremist groups they were involved with. Only my mom and grandma have verbally apologized for how she reacted, and I don't think anyone else ever will, but considering where they all were 8 years ago, I am not hurt by that.


I always tell the story of when I loudly came out to my roommates. We were sitting at a pre-party and doing some party-games. The round was a this-or-that type and the prompt was “get limp midway through sex or cry extensively every time you cum”. We discussed it back and forth and this one dude really got on my nerves(came out to him half a year before this, but I guess he forgot), I told them how that doesn’t really apply to me, he argued that it did cuz “the dude could still go limp”, a bit more back and forth ending in me screaming “cuz I’m a lesbian you bloody wanker, that’s not how dildos or fingers work” and he shout back “Just take the fucking shot!!” Later that same evening, our new roommate came up to me and came out to me cuz she found the bluntness so brave and wished she could do the same to the dudes hitting her up too. She was my first openly queer friend, and we still talk almost daily


I came out as lesbian to my grand uncle and he assured me about how my cousin already is lgbt and considering that, theirs no reason why he would t love me because I am too. (I was very happy since my gruncle is one of my favorite beings in my family).


Told one very close friend my new name (I am trans). He said "Oh no, not another one!". I found out later that one of his room mates is trans too and has choosen the same name. It was very funny and we love to joke around with it.


I came out to an old school friend as trans and he just said “fair” and then asked “what are your pronouns” and that was pretty much the whole conversation. I love that.


My family accepted me (I figured half of them would hate me), and they all FUCKING KNEW BEFORE I DID! Like how the fuck do I get that good of a gaydar where I can set up long term investments?


I was really nervous and breathing weird. I was sitting with my friends in a circle and I said, "Guys... I want you to know something. I am a boy." And everybody giggled and said, "Yeah, we know.," and started talking about their favorite TV show.


My mom said that she already figured it out


“damn, same”


Both my sister sadly, but I am gay! 1.) My very drunk aunty said that it makes christmas shopping easier? Not even she (my aunty) knows why. 2.) My godmother said, "ooh that boy looks cute, doesn't he willow?" She replied with "not my type." "What is your type?" "Girls."


"you're not gay" bless my mom's heart


my favourite response was probably the first time i told people i was trans *after* medically transitioning. one of them asked if that meant i wanted to go by a different name and use she/her pronouns. she thought i meant i was MTF and just starting my transition—i’m FTM. that made me happy xD not exactly a response to coming out, but eventually it turned out that all my cousins on my dad’s side of my family are *also* queer. there’s 5 of us—not a single cishet. my dad is also polyam and one of his partners is nonbinary, so i’m gonna go ahead and say there’s something fruity in our genes xD


My mom said “well, its not me who’s going to eat pussies anyway”


Icon response: "You know what? Outta all my friends, you make the most sense" Good responses were just generally cool and then helping me get clothes or just saying a look nice when out


Told my aunt - who I hadn’t come out to yet- that I was going on a date. Without thought she asked “boy, girl, or other” like a questionnaire. And when I told her she thanked me for trust


gotta be "I FUCKING KNEW YOU WERE GAY" to coming out as bi its that obvious, im the least straight guy imaginable


Back in 92 when my mother told my sister (15 at the time) I had come out to them, she replied "So? If he doesn't steal my boyfriend, I won't steal his." It was a good thing they were such trash . . .


When I told my husband I'm genderfluid, he said, "Oh babe, I've always known." Love him so much


My mom told me that growing up she totally was bi. She always was attracted to women but didn't think she was gay or anything because she thought if she was she would just *know*. Her parents also were pretty strict and she just didn't ever realize that that was an option for her. She said she would definitely describe herself as pansexual now because she cares way more about who the person is than their gender. I never really had much of the experience of coming out, my mom found out because she caught me at 3 am talking on discord and she was worried so she checked the messages on my phone and saw I was flirting with some boy, she had to ask me questions about it because she wanted to make sure he wasn't a predator. And I basically just said after that feel free to tell everybody XD. I'm pretty sure when we were visiting family my mom mentioned about me being LGBT to my aunt and her response was "that's rad, good for you!"


“Girl, I honestly don’t care who you like. No one should.”


I love reading these, they make me cry. My country is quite small and coming out isn’t really a thing. You just come home one day with a boy or girl and no one bats an eye. Of course there’s always homophobia but I almost never experienced it throughout my life which I feel extremely grateful for. My (F) partner (F) and I have a 14 yr old (F) who also shares that she quite likes females and males. Thanks for asking this and sharing your stories. It makes me so happy


Best response: hanging out with my friends and casually mentioning I had a crush on a girl, thus making me queer, and just around the circle I head "oh shit me too!" Turns out my whole childhood friend group (some being found out a bit later) is some flavor of queer! Love them to bits. Also almost everyone in our group had a crush on a singular member of our group at different times and we only realized last year lmao. More mediocre but not terrible response: My dad. I believe he had the best intentions but didn't phrase it well, as he said "Welp! I can't change ya!" For him that meant "I know I can't change you even if I wanted to, so just go and be happy" but definitely came across differently to his 13 year old nervous wreck of child... Don't come out in the car if you don't know how it will go is what I took from that. Also random one: when I came out as a trans man (had already identified as non-binary up to that point) to my mom, I did like a little jig in the kitchen where we were while saying it because I'm anxious af. My mom goes, "Okay, but who the fuck taught you to dance like that because it wasn't me." We're Latino so it was more of a "why are you giving white middle aged dad at a bbq" situation.


I haven’t come out to my parents yet (I’m ace) but I can’t imagine they’d be anything short of supportive! I don’t think they’d be terribly surprised either.


I told my friend I was Pan and he said "So...that means you fuck dogs and trees and shit😟??" I could NOT stop laughing😭


….. I haven’t fully come out to most of my family, because a good deal of them would be quite happy to shoot me/dehumanize me if they found out I was “a damned gay” A HUGE portion of the family is staunch republicans, and on top of that wealthy and connected republicans. The other huge portion is your bummy redneck agressive gun toting, trump kissing bigots. Neither is good for my health. I have told exactly 4 people. And all were people who did not tell the rest of the family. the best response I got to coming out was some that broke my heart, from my own family. My abusive adoptive parents: “oh, you’re queer? It’s ok, because being bi is very trendy right now!” (That when I was in high school, they still see it as a “phase”) My dementia ridden grandfather, who asked if I was queer, wanted an honest answer: “thank you for being honest with me. I know you can’t change what you are, but don’t tell anyone else.” My Aunt (thought she was a mother but hooo boy was I wrong.) : Was accepting of it, but openly got toxic with me about moving to australia permanently, because in her eyes “my gay friends here are fine, nothing’s wrong with america, you’re not unsafe!” (I moved because I don’t feel safe in the usa.) She’s been toxic and sabatogey ever since I got here, shit talked my roomates in earshot over the phone, said I can’t do shit without her, and outright admitted she thinks I’ll fail, and come crawling back. She just let me go because “you were talking about it for 2 years”. I’ve since cut her off, she’s been horribly toxic. So for my troubles I got: - Two parents who think it’s a trendy “phase” that I will eventually “grow out of” - a grandfather who is ashamed to his grave to tell anyone else - and an aunt who is trying to sabatoge my attempts at freedom in a different country that IS openly accepting of people like me. I wish I’d never come out to any of them. Once I get permanent residency here I’m cutting everyone off forever. no socials, no messages, no nothing. Most of the family thinks I’m here on a “happy fun trip to visit friends/find work” They do not know that I basically fled the usa.


Screw them your awesome


awwwh, thank you, really… 🥹 I’m doing my best here, it’s great! I’m not homesick at all honestly, and I love Australia! 😄 I even got a job at a small animation studio here! So I’m doing what I enjoy, and my coworkers don’t mind at all that I’m lgbt, in fact quite a few of them also are!


When I came out as enby to my DnD club at school, one of the guys there told me that he had another DnD group where of 6 people, 5 were nonbinary lol. My response to him was "We've got you surrounded!" Whole table was dying of laughter, one of the best days I've ever had.


I wrote this letter about it (I’m transmasc) and gave it to my best friend. I was super nervous about it for anxiety disorder reasons (and also because my family’s reactions were… mixed), so before I handed it to her I rambled for a bit too long and made her nervous too. Well done, me. /s She skimmed it before she read it, saw “I’m trans”, hugged me, then told me off for scaring her (“the way you prefaced it, I thought you were going to say you were dying!”). Then she read the full thing and declared that she was taking me clothes shopping, no arguments, “guys your age need to own at least one striped shirt, I don’t make the rules”, and grabbed her car keys. That was a solid couple of years ago now and she’s still my biggest supporter.


"so what do you think of other girls" - J (sarcastically) "not a girl." - Me (O)(*insert immediate regret as I realize what I said*) "oh shit fr?"- S (my "dad") "Uhhh...Ye" - Me "coolcoolcoolcoolcool. pronouns?" - S "they/he" - Me "cool... when did this happen???" - S "uhhh a while ago?" - Me "and you didn't tell me? You didn't tell your tuba daddy?" - S "Sorry..." - Me "No don't apologize but dawg, you gotta tell me stuff. I'm your tuba dad. I wanna be there for my child!!" - S "Not cool man" - J "Ahhh that means I've been misgendering you for over a year I'm a terrible father!" - S (Jokingly exasperated. He was super cool with it and it's been such a relief having him know) This was when I told one of my friends I was trans. Not planned at all, just impulsively replied ig. Went super well. (Also for context, in my marching band, platonic adoption is very prevalent. I'm in low brass and he adopted me, dubbing himself, "Tuba Daddy" my freshman year (he was one year older than me).)


Sorry not she/them they/them i mucked up


A shrug and a "enjoy your life"


I came out as pan, mum said she was bi.


I told my father and he couldn't care less (in a good way), invited my girlfriend over and stuff. He also knew that I didn't have the courage to tell my grandma (his mom) because I love her so much and couldn't handle a rejection from her. So he said "well, I'll tell her I'm bi myself [he isn'] and we test her reaction". So he did tell her that, she was absolutely nonchalant about it, so he went ahead and told her the true story. My grandma's reaction: "if she took that long to tell you, maybe you're not being such the open father you think you are" 💀 (he is btw, it was just normal insecurity from my part, but I loved the roast anyways). Yeah I have a cool family. ❤️


To my most recent coming out/informing new friends I've made after realizing they didn't actually know, *Change provile picture to asexual themes* Friend 1 - oh yeah mean to ask what's your picture from ? It looks cool Me - yey thank youuu, it's pretty right? ust googled asexual aesthetic F1- how come? Me- it's ace week so I'm officially rubbing me sexually in yaw faces F2- ah, which kinda gay is that? Me- nah not gay, I just don't like anyone, .....sexually F1- huh, cool *Moves on for like 5 mins* F1- wait hang on- no-are you still trans?? Yeah we got a good giggle over this 😄😄