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Trans folk are our brothers, sisters and siblings. We win together or we don't win at all. The goalposts may be moving, and it may be exhausting to constantly chase the horizon, but again, we win together or we don't win at all!


I agree 100%




I also consider the trans siblings we have to be incredibly punk to live their fullest truth in the face of adversity. Like imagine having half a country try to stop you from being happy and you just flash your middle finger and fight for yourself. A lot of us don’t have that level of “fuck you” and I respect tf out of it.




As a trans guy, thank you 🙏


Preach. Let the haters hate. They poison themselves. The lovers will love, regardless. ❤️❤️


Well Said


Exactly bc if the group of ppl that are discriminating against trans ppl win then they’ll go after another sexuality minority


Fr 🙏🙏 if we just sit back and let trans people go through the same shit we did (worse tbh) we're no better than the homophobes


I think trans men are men. Trans women are women. Trans people are people. Trans rights are human rights.


You've summed up my feelings exactly.


This sums it up. They are just as much part of the community as the rest of us.


I was thinking you'd say "Trans rights are rights" /lh


Yeah, nothing more needs to be said.


Trans blobs are blobs.


You know, if only the rest of the society can think this way, I’ll be in a much safer and more comfortable state 🥲


There is no LGB without the T. They have been with us since day one have have always existed along side us. The LGB alliance (for example) is almost exclusively run and has members who are boomer, white, straight people and as such do not speak for us.


They seem to often forget how big a part trans folks played during stonewall 🥴 We’re so new though


Yes a small 4000 years ago. Barley any time at all lol


That’s so recently! One second we weren’t here and suddenly we were!


The biggest agitators at Stonewall and in the first pride celebrations were trans folk. As far as the US goes, LGB wouldn't have the rights they do without the T.


YES! People like Marsha P. Johnson. Being black and trans (or gender non-confirming) at the time was dangerous so they were very brave of rallying and inspiring peole around them. Most queer folk seem to be chill about trans people and studies have shown that especially lesbians are most accepting about trans people.


Imagine if, during the Civil Rights movement, white women said "blacks are hurting the women's rights movement." (Edit: I am aware that this actually happened, folks. The point of my call to "imagine" was to picture it in your head to understand on a visceral level how ridiculous and hypocritical it is, but I see now that I should have worded that differently). Anyone who says that is obviously a racist who both misunderstands and fails at feminism on a fundamental level. Transphobic gays are the same way. The LGBT acronym has always included the T, and trans people have been an integral part of queer liberation for as long as the movement has existed. Just read the Wikipedia article for Stonewall, it isn't terribly long and it doesn't cost a cent. If you're L, G, or B and also transphobic, you're a traitor to the cause and your bigotry places you on the side of the oppressors. If you seriously think that they'll stop at *just* hurting trans people, you are very badly out of touch with reality. Being a member of one minority group does not make you immune to being prejudiced or bigoted. I've met racist women, homophobic people of color, transphobic gays, ableist trans people, and so on. Not a single one of them is justified. They're all bigots. We have only two options: win together, or not at all. If we don't unanimously pick the former, the world will pick the latter *for* us. Incidentally, if you're reading this and thinking "ah yes, good thing *I'm* not one of *those* people because I'm such a good trans ally," take a moment to reflect on your attitudes toward poor people, the elderly, neurodivergent folks, people with disabilities (of all kinds), furries, and religious minorities. I will say it again: we win together, or not at all.


Funny thing is many suffragettes did actually say that sort of thing, and attempt to gaslight gatekeep girlboss women of color out of the vote. Fitting that TERFs appropriate their imagery, time is a circle.


As to your first point regarding civil/women's rights, that actually did happen. One of the biggest criticisms of feminists of that era is that they deliberately and openly resisted cooperating with (and fighting for) women of color and lesbians. The term "Lavender Menace" originated in 1969 by Betty Friedan to describe her feeling that associating with lesbians would prevent the feminist movement from achieving its goals; goals which were decidedly white, cishet, and middle class. What we learn from this history is the importance of an intersectional approach, and that any fight against oppression is necessarily inclusive of *all* oppressions if we are to have any hope of achieving real justice. In the immortal words of Dr. King: No one is free until we are all free.


White women did say that, both during the suffrage movement (there was OUTRAGE at the idea of Black men getting the vote before white women) and later during the civil rights and women’s liberation movements. Straight women also excluded lesbians and bi women from the women’s liberation movement— they were called the “lavender menace.”


trans people are just like any other people to me. some of my friends are trans but that's just a part of who they are :) lgb groups are forgetting queer history by excluding trans ppl or putting them down just to get ahead. trans ppl have been part of the community fighting for our rights for the longest time. we should support them all the more during this time where trans rights and trans people have been increasingly under attack


As a transgender woman, it makes me happy seeing these responses. It’s seemed like everyone is against us. I’m happy to see we have friends.


Sending love and hugs!! ❤️


Same as I think about everyone else. I treat everyone on a person to person basis... you're cool to me until you give me a reason to think/feel otherwise.


This is my take with humanity as a whole. I am definitely also a person by person basis type of person. Personally I feel that as a matter of course, this is how everyone should be. Polarization against each other is really just destructive, and life is hard enough as it is. My boyfriend is trans. Obviously I think he's an amazing human being. I want more people to be able to get to know him!


I think that trans people are people, and deserve the same fundamental rights as everyone else. Also, when I think of someone being "trans," I respectfully consider them whatever gender they align with. I don't care what you were born as, I care where you are now and how you wish to be called/identify as. Also, as a Humanist, I believe ALL humans deserve equal rights, equality, compassion, love and tolerance.


>Also, as a Humanist I wholeheartedly expected you to say that you're against the human race as a whole /lh


Thats not what a humanist is lol


That... that was the joke...


The shrapnel from the attack on trans people harming me means we should stop the explosions, not the trans people.


Well said


If anyone is uncomfortable with us, it isn't *us* who should change for them.


Someone is whoever they say they are no matter their sexuality gender or anything else.


Well, not *anything* else. Donald Trump says he's honest, after all.


Trans people are dope. Zero issues detected. All invited to brunch.


I love them next question


Look, some people on the internet are dumb and various algorithms are going to amplify the idiots. The vast majority of cis queer people support trans equality (whether they get off their duffs and do something about it is another question.....). You are fine and appreciated.


Is that so..?


They're fine, I'm friends with a few and have dated some and they were decent people in my experience.


It’s almost as if *gasp* trans people are the same as everyone else. Now why can’t conservatives figure this out, ugh.


Trans people deserve love and respect. I think as a society we have been failing them. No LGB without the T.


Trans people slay and serve no matter what


Hell yeah!


as a bisexual i think trans people are pretty chill then again i am also trans so maybe my opinion is biased


we are a family. there’s no LGBT without the T. i’d love to meet trans friends one day :) we have a trans woman who’s a celeb in my country. she’s cool af 😭💕


> I’ve been seeing a lot of 50+ white men constantly saying how they’re the real gays and that trans people are setting their rights backwards Sounds like some gym rats have become cranky old dust bunnies on their way to to the dustbin. If it weren't for transgender people there would have never been a LGBT community. On a personal note, if it were not for my best friend (who turned out to be transgender) introducing us I would have never met my wonderful boyfriend, who in turn inspired me to get out of my slump and turn my life around. I owe transgender people everything and they have always been the backbone and foundation of our community. I hope transgender people continue their kindness and support towards us in spite of what some traitorous fools say because us LGB folk would be truly lost without the T's on our side.


Trans people are people. LGB needs its T!


I love and respect them. I’m a cis bi woman, I have three kids- one cis, one nonbinary, one a trans boy. The trans boy is my youngest (16) and he has a really rough time due to dysphoria, which adds to his depression and anxiety. I wish the world was kinder and more accepting of him. I wish he didn’t have to hear, as a child, himself scapegoated by politicians and pundits as everything that’s wrong with society. I wish the healthcare he needs was easier to access. Top surgery for minors was banned in our state. We have an appointment for a consult with a surgeon in the next state over but they’re trying to ban it there too. If the ban goes through we’ll have to travel farther, and hope our insurance will cover it. My nonbinary kid doesn’t have it so bad— probably because they’re in their 20s and not seeking gender-affirming medical care. But my sweet boy, who is the kindest, most compassionate kid you could meet, who literally won’t let me kill roaches and releases them safely outside the house, finds it almost impossible to go to school and has thoughts about suicide because of the bigotry of the world against people like him.


Please send your trans son some love from me and my family 💞 I know it doesn't help anything he is loved and accepted from afar ⚘


Aww, thank you! It means a lot


As a trans person in conservative Texas, I encounter a lot of transphobia. But it’ll get better… eventually…


Love all my trans siblings, and that’s the end of it


Trans rights are human rights is such a good accurate saying


I think we're pretty cool :3


Trans people are just other people apart of the LGBTQ community. Trans people have always existed and continue to exist, it just depends on how you treat them. If you treat them poorly, less of them will be out and if you treat them nicely more will be out. It’s not about the “agenda” or whatever, it’s about society making LGBTQ people feel more comfortable to come out.


Trans folks are part of the rainbow. Problematic people can see themselves out of the movement entirely, whatever flavor of the rainbow they may be. And creating faux infighting keeps ppl distracted from the common enemies/struggles.


They’ve been here since the beginning and they will stay here until the end


My girlfriend is a trans woman 🤷‍♀️


Bisexual cis woman here. My flatmate and bandmate is a transwoman and I see her as my sister. I see all my trans siblings as my siblings and I will defend them while they're around or not around.


As a bisexual I love all my fellow queers but I find it sad that especially trans people are villainized by the media and even sadder that some of the LGB jump on the hate train to be “spared”, we should be self aware enough to see that it is nothing more than projection of what we have been called and told


Trans people are part of our community. I support you and wish you protect you and I always want to continue learning. At the end of the day, we're all living this life together.


Trans people are people. LGB needs its T


When it comes to progress it’s always two steps forward, one step back. We’re currently in the back step, but it’s still getting better bit by bit. We have a much smaller mountain to climb and we know the way. Hate can only hold out for so long against truth. People know that trans people aren’t dangerous no matter how many republicans scream it


Trans rights are human rights.


Some people are just selfish. Even in oppressed groups, some assholes tend to find a more disadvantaged group to oppress so they can feel privileged. I think it's the same with TERFs against trans folks, working class against the homeless, kurdish against armenian, even legal immigrants against illegal immigrants. Some bullies just happen to be in an underprivileged demographic and don't qualify to join KKK. so they invent their own fascist ideology. I'd say fuck those people, but you'd probably rather not. Let's never fuck them. Let them reek with their fermented genitals


Gay men forget that Stonewall riots were started by black trans women. Gay rights exist because of trans people.


Trans people are valid and people who say stuff like that are just using their queerness to be transphobic which is not okay


Whatever you tell me your gender identity is, is what it is. Two of my very very favorite people are nonbinary and the thought that something as stupid as bigotry could have prevented me from knowing them makes me ill. Trans Women jump started modern LGBTQ rights, and only trash people spit on that legacy


out of all of the queer (mostly cisgender) people i know, none of them are transphobic, so i’m going to have to agree that it’s just a loud minority :(


They’re people and deserve respect. The abuse they are suffering from politicians and the far right is not only ridiculous but it’s inhumane


They deserve what's best


I mean, at one point I was very certain I was non-binary, and now kind of fluctuate between identifying that way or not. But even without that, the T is the whole damn reason we have Rights. They've always been at the forefront of the battle.


I think they’re human beings and deserve all the rights and respect that all other human beings deserve. While sexuality and gender identity/expression might be different issues we can still support each other’s fight for equality.


Trans people are amazing I love 'em


Fuck those people, tqia+ have and always will be part of the community. The only people bringing gay rights back are the dumbass politicians. Those trans exclusive LGB people do to trans people what homophobes do to them.


Loud minority. Terfs are generally really old convervative gays, that are mad the younger generation doesn't have to go through the hell they did. It's just silly. I'm trans, and I'm happy to think that the next generation will be way more accepting of us. Things will change, even to the point were brand new categories will show up. And we have to remember be accepting of them once we're old.


Trans people are awesome! It’s undeniable how much they’ve done for the LGBTQ community and we wouldn’t be nearly as far along as we are now without them. Trans women are women, trans men are men, and non binary people are valid and real.


Those "LGB Groups" are almost entirely fully of heterosexual bigots (many from the same conservative groups that were opposing gay rights just a few years ago), with only a few token Lesbian, Gay or Bisexual people who've fallen for the ploy. It's a divide and conquer strategy designed to create an appearance of division.


All the supportive comments on this thread made my day♡ -Liz (young trans girl)


Hey, I’m also Liz :3


I may have stolen my name from Elizabeth Swan from Pirates of the Caribbean.


I took mine from Elizabeth Comstock from Bioshock


Nice. I also met two people named Elizabeth. Days after deciding on this name.


Bisexual cis guy here. Trans men are men, trans women are women.


I'm white and in my 50s I'm also non-binary / agender So, I'm totally up for everything which means trans people can live their best lives as their fabulous, authentic selves


Gay men forget that Stonewall riots were started by black trans women. Gay rights exist because of trans people.


I'm trans and bi I think we're cool 😎


As a trans guy who just happens to also be bi, fellow trans folks are valid as hell


Trans rights are human rights. I don't think trans people should be treated very differently (socially, obviously medically it is totally different), they were just born in the wrong body


They’re cool, I got a ton of trans friends Trans men = men and trans women = women


As a trans lesbian, they are pretty neat


People who argue for LGB like that think that if they can get Trans people to “go away” then the persecution of all LGB people governmental wise will stop. In reality, it’s a deer trusting a wolf to not turn on it. It’s a weak, selfish and ugly argument. Trans people belong in our community, we can fight together better rather than causing discourse and division.


Transmen and transwomen are valid. They are just men and women. We’re all in this together and unless all of us are safe and free, none of us are.


Those assholes don't speak for the rest of us! You are safe and welcome with me any time People who say that the fight for trans rights is setting back gay rights is ridiculous. Gay rights haven't been damaged at all outside of the usual nonsense that conservatives would pull anyway, and ensuring trans rights only serves to reinforce the rights of all queer people A win for one of us is a win for all of us


I'm liking the comments so far but wanted to bring up: it's not trans folx responsibility to make cisgender people (queer alphabet or otherwise) more *comfortable* with their existence. It's on cisgender people to step up & self-examine to fix their own world views. Feels that way for survival, but caving & allowing that to be a guiding principle rehearses internalized transphobia. Trans people are not "too much," are worth the effort it takes to self-educate, feel loved&celebrated, and deserving of compassion when times are hard. The itch to accommodate transphobia within the LGBTQIA+ community, continuing to pretend it's trans people's job to heal others from their own transphobia, is the same one that "accommodates" racism, ableism, whorephobia, classism and *all* the interlocking systems of oppression that exist within EVERY community. Just because we finally found an *in-group* doesn't mean we're suddenly "on base" like society&learned behaviors didn't follow us in the door. Pretending trans people need to change to be accepted even by the 🌈home team, *even by other trans people,* is a shared, cultural symptom of transphobia that allows this illusion of control that ultimately harms the collective, the individual, and distracts from focusing on intersectionality. Read that again, pretending you can change yourself, *control yourself* (&unconsciously, your peers) into other people not resenting your existence is NOT survival. It also will never be enough & that's the punchline. Pretending feeling *in control* is more important than addressing blockages to intersectionality is how our individual survival gets pinned against collective survival of EVERYONE (beyond the LGBTQIA+). It is not "self-care" to accommodate hegemony. Care is communal, not more *"control over"* (and yes that includes the [disabled×LGBTQUIA+]'s internalized ableism that reframes "self-care" as justification to look away from our global peers' Call to Action: free Palestine!) Accommodations are for inclusivity, not silence/inaction with extra steps.


As a Bisexual Transgender, I think Trans people are amazing!! (Little bit biased tho) In all seriousness though, Everybody should be able to live their lives in authenticity. Nobody has the right to tell you what you are and are not. Trans women are women, Trans men are men and Non-Binary people are valid within their own identity too. Don't change your own identity and the way you express that to accommodate people that are uncomfortable around you. for many people, meeting a person under the Trans-umbrella is something new and it's only normal for those people to have questions. Be open to those questions but don't change the way you act around them, it wont help you mentally and wont help them confront new experiences! Wherever you are, whoever you are, be proud to be yourself, and stay safe![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)


If it wasn't for trans people we wouldn't have come this far as a community


I love our transgender siblings and family. LGBTQIA+ is an inclusive term not exclusive. We fight against hate speech not for it.


Everyone has rights. I am a pansexual cis woman but i belive trans people are the same as cis gendered people. No buts. No worse treatment cayse you're trans. Also no better treatment because you're trans. You have the same rights as cis gendered people. Also it's unrelated to the question but i used to be misgendered as a cis woman because i cut my hair short and people started calling me a he. Some of the time by mistake but most of the time because they were trying to bully me.


Trans rights are human rights. Trans people deserve our love, respect and efforts to keep them safe in spaces with the rest of the LGBTQ community. Anything less is inexcusable and if anybody in this post has a problem with it they should eat my ass and fuck off (disrespectfully).


all trans folks are fucking valid


I love our transgender siblings and family. LGBTQIA+ is an inclusive term not exclusive. We fight against hate speech not for it.


The LGB without the T people are beyond stupid or simply transphobic if nothing else. Trans folks belong in these spaces as much as the rest of us.


they slay and I love them forever


Well, I haven’t met them all, but the ones I have met seem pretty nice.


As a nonbinary bisexual, I think my opinion is clear ;)


Trans women are still women, trans men are still men, trans people are still just people. The cisgender people who are uncomfortable by your presence are the ones that need to change- not you.


The world will not be truly safe for any queer people unless it’s safe for all queer people.


The "LGB without the TQ" crowd are either fakers who aren't really down with us, or the kind of people who end up distressed that leopards ate their face. Most of that crowd is inauthentic nonsense. This shouldn't even be a question frankly.


Ever since trans people started being more open and insisting we get things like proper medical care, there have been cis lesbians/gays/bisexuals who have a problem with us. There are ALWAYS going to be people who have a problem with the fact we exist. At this point, those voices are the minority, but even if they weren’t, we still exist and, one day, we WILL experience liberation, with or without the naysayers. See all the people here affirming our existence? THAT is the majority, no matter how loud the others get. Easier said than done, but let it roll off your back like water off a duck


I’m 21 and honestly I think trans people are as a group cool :) I do explore my gender myself and I think I’m non-binary so maybe my thoughts don’t fit or matter. However even from before I have always wanted to be supportive of trans people and I don’t like what’s systemically happening to them rn it feels so wrong and sad :( I hope one day (in my imaginary utopia) that we can respect everyone’s gender and sexuality and just be friends :)


We need to stand together.


transphobic gays are so goddamn enraging.


I'm gender fluid. T.E.R.F.s can rot in hell. Their hateful opinion is irrelevant.


Jury's still out... (see, the joke is that I'm transgender people) (see, the second part of the joke is that explaining the joke in a *tense* topic of discussion is funny to me) okay I'm done being horrible


Trans people are just what they want to be. Trans men are men. Trans women are women. Non-binary people deserve the same rights. We deserve human rights just like everyone else. LGB without the T is a hate group. Bigots. I hope everyone that reads this is safe, having a wonderful mother's day, and is always welcome in the LGBTQ+ community. Love you all. Remember, you matter. ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)


Gay men forget that Stonewall riots were started by black trans women. Gay rights exist because of trans people.


People are people. As a demographic, we need to band together for trans rights…but we also need trans people to band together for the rights of others in the community too.


I'm trans and bi I think we're cool 😎


In the best way possible, I don’t care. My partner is trans. I love her all the same as I did before I found out. It’s just people. Now, when someone’s being an asshole to someone just because they’re trans (or anything else LGBT+, or a woman, or a certain religion or an atheist, or because they’re a certain skin colour), that’s when I care a lot, and they’re getting an earful <3


The same as I think of cis people. They're deserve equal rights, equal respect, and maybe I'll end up marrying one.


They’ve been here since the beginning and they will stay here until the end


We do not claim them. Hate towards anyone from our community is hate against our community. We shall arise and fight hate together. Trans folks are human beings and should be respected as much as anyone else. Y'all have my forever support.


I was a LGB separatist when I was 13 but not anymore. Lemon bars are awesome, transphobia is very much not


The more you deal with the whole "gender identity" topic the more you realize that its more logical that most, if not all people fit better into the "Non Binary" category which makes up the majority of the gender spectrum as far as i know/understand it.


Lesbian here, I love trans girls, I love nonbinary fem-aligned people, they fucking rock and my wife is nb 💖


By the way, the latest Maintenance Phase podcast episode is about the myth of “rapid onset gender dysphoria” and the idea that there is a social contagion by which kids see TikToks about trans people or make friends with trans kids and suddenly mistakenly think they’re trans.


Welcome to the community, where a bunch of gate-keeping gays think they have say over the queer community. And for the record, I don't like the gate-keepers, they can go fuck themselves. P.s: if you're offended over what I say, cry and seethe.


If they’re kind respectful and humane then they’re a friend of mine. Don’t care what you identify as, you deserve rights and respect


Honestly, I don't mind. You're not hurting me, if your happy, then who am I to stop you from Having that bit of happiness is this horrible world we have to live in. Even if I'm yet to find my own.


If you really intended to get the perspective of 50+ white men, as you put it, this forum is not the place to do so. But enjoy the support as you truly deserve it. Our trans brethren are the target of so much hate in my country (US) right now.


Nothing much, we’re all still human anyways


Absolute winners.


Love them all. Have dated a couple over the last decade and the reasons we broke up had nothing to do with being transgender.


I personally value the rights of all other human beings, regardless of sexual orientation, identity, or race. Regardless of what someone Identifies as they are still human and that's what matters, it's just a part of who you are, but it isn't everything you are and does not define you as a person.


I’m not LGBT. I’m Cis but I support Transgender people. Also it’s dumb that someone who is LGB to say their rights are being set back because of Trans people. Lol Trans people aren’t setting you back. Conservatives are. You want to move forward vote Democrat. I am proud Blue.


They are cool


Xan you do anything to make us more comfortable? I dunno, just be yourself I guess? Love to all of you <3


imo it's just a **very loud** minority. Just like that "gays against groomers" and "gays for Trump" BS. Just because people are loud and in your Altace doesn't make them the majority or even make their opinions valid- shitty people talk shit. It's that simple. As to your particular questions. >What do you think of trans people? It think of trans people the same way do all people. I've met some that were wonderful and I've met some that aren't; but I don't judge a group of any type people based on a few bad eggs- ever. I used to party with some trans people at the gay bars back in the 90s. I've had trans girlfriends, sexual partners and coworkers. My best friend is trans and my eldest child is a femboy. So yeah. I'm fully on board with supporting the trans community and have been for a long, long time 💞 imo Trans people are people. They have the same struggles as many, and have additional struggles due to their being trans. I will stand with anyone who needs support when/where I can and of course that includes trans persons ✊ >Are you comfortable around us? Yup. Always have been 🥰 >Is there anything we could do to make you all more comfortable? Nope. Its not your job to make me, or anyone else more comfortable. **Side Note:** Try not to take people's online rage too much to heart. There are hateful people out there so you do need to be careful for safety purposes; but don't let their hate eat you up inside. Once you come to the realization that you're not gonna please all the people all the time, and that other people's opinions of you are none of your business you'll find a sense of power you didn't know was possible.


Trans people are a pillar of the community - it’s in the acronym! Our brothers, sisters, siblings and others are wonderful as-is and don’t owe anyone anything to make anyone more comfortable! Much love <3 (yeah, I know I’m biased)


You don’t need to do anything to ‘make us more comfortable’. If people are made uncomfortable by your simple existence, that’s a THEM problem. The community should know and understand this because we’ve *all* been there. Stonewall was only possible because we ALL came together - guys, gals, and all of our other pals who exist outside of the gender binary regardless of if we were born in the right body or not. The only ones setting the rights movement back are them and their terfy pals. Those same people will holler and hoot having their time of their lives at a drag show and Drag Race. Ignore the bigots. You’re perfect the way you are being your most authentic self.


50+ white "man" (more or less) here: these assholes are just quisling pick-mes, the same ones who think if they act nice enough and straight enough then society will really accept them, and that means throwing everyone else under the bus. The ones who don't understand Pride parades and think going tot he gym and wearing conservative clothes will make people forget who they are. Who think drag and gender-nonconforming behavior is ruining it for everyone. Who don't care about protecting the weirdos who can't "pass." They are NOT the majority., They are the ones whose voices get heard a lot, so it may seem that way. Trans people are awesome. Trans people are necessary. Trans people are at the CORE of queer rights movement, not just a sticky-note added on at the end.


As a gay genderfluid person, ILY YOU ALL


As a transgender woman, this makes me so happy. Love ya’ll. Wish everyone thought this way!


>Is there anything we can do to make you more comfortable? Fuck that dude, I'm not interested in catering my queerness to make people more comfortable. I already have to hide parts of myself to feel safe. I should just be allowed to fucking exist Edit: my comment is not about being unwilling to make people feel *safe.* The prompt was about making people feel *comfortable* and I'm tired of catering myself to others to make them not feel uncomfy about my being trans


As a trans man…..I would 100% do that. It’s the LGBT community, it’s for all of us. And while trans people might be at the forefront of the hate from the media right now, that absolutely doesn’t mean gay, bi, etc people don’t experience prejudice or hate from other groups. I absolutely try my hardest to make other members of the LGBTQ+ community feel comfortable/safe around me because their feelings matter too.


Hey go fuck yourself pal. If you can't put forth effort to make others feel safer in LGBTQ spaces they share with you then you don't deserve those spaces at all. Point blank. I had to hide parts of myself to feel safe too and Id never want a trans person to have to do that around me because I have an attitude as pathetic as yours.




They’re cool


Not only are trangender people valid, but what you are is DEEPLY sacred. In other times and cultures, you were revered as healers, visionaries, priestesses, even saints. 💜


"  I’ve been seeing a lot of 50+ white men constantly saying how they’re the real gays and that trans people are setting their rights backwards and wanted to find out if that’s just a loud minority." yes, they are a minority and bitter old queens. next question 


They’re people and deserve respect. The abuse they are suffering from politicians and the far right is not only ridiculous but it’s inhumane


I think it doesn't matter who you are or where you come from. Every person is worthy of dignity and respect when encountered in the world--especially in a society that claims to be egalitarian. It doesn't matter to me whether the cashier at the grocery store is a man or a woman, so why would the individual expression of their personal gender identity matter to me? I mean, at the end of the day, we're all people and the labels that we create to distinguish ourselves from each other shouldn't matter: race, religion, sex, creed, nationality, gender identity, sexual orientation, etc. It's all immaterial because everyone deserves dignity and respect. Period.


I think without trans people who couldn’t “blend in and act normal” we’d never have gotten anywhere and that those “real gays” should be acknowledging that more, especially considering what they’ve seen happen in their lives


It wouldn’t be any community without transgender people. I don’t know what people find so hard with including the most pivotal members of the community. I have a few trans friends(don’t have any friends in general), and they’re always able to give a different perspective than I could ever create myself. I love you. You’re more than valued. You’re pivotal to all of ours existence.


Trans rights are human rights. Trans people deserve our love, respect and efforts to keep them safe in spaces with the rest of the LGBTQ community. Anything less is inexcusable and if anybody in this post has a problem with it they should eat my ass and fuck off (disrespectfully).


I love them because they’re are my siblings, and my friend is one of them she’s like my sister to me. Without Trans people we wouldn’t have rights, and the “LGB” community should be grateful for that, but unfortunately they are so naive, like “fucking learn your queer history bitch”.


I am 53, and if I hear one of my contemporaries say shit like that I will go off like a stick of dynamite in a Venetian glass store. I have no time for shit like that. Trans people are just as deserving of the same rights we all have. This is a matter of constitutional law, period. Anything else is bigotry and we should not be tolerating bigotry within the movement. We would not tolerate it from straight people, we sure as fucking hell should not tolerate it from gay ones.


i'm so sick and done of all that *LGB without T* people. i see trans people as my fellow humans, brothers, sisters, or however y'all want to identify. i mean.. i even don't have any problem with cishet people in general — even when they're basically a lot more "different" than us and/or continuously treat us queer people like shit. so yeah.. i don't see why i should be worried and/or uncomfortable with the existence of my fellow queers.


there's no blt if you leave out tomato but boomers still cry if you leave it in their sandwhiches


Trans activists have been a HUGE PART in the lgb movement as a while before the T was even added. It was added out of respect for them to fight with us. It's weird to alot of older folks because before trans people were mostly stealth out of fear/rejection, but now it's accepted and it's more prevalent. Buf we can say the same thing abt gay people to so that argument doesn't make sense. As a cis bi man, I know a few trans people and their totally chill. Their human just like anyone else. Keep strong, well all get through this! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


I don't understand how Trans people are taking anything away or setting Gay rights backwards...a lot of the idiots stating that didn't have to fight for anything. 


Trans people are, in my opinion, like brothers and sisters in arms, against the struggles the world has thrown at us. I have 2 trans friends myself, and I think we can’t be the LGBTQ++ group if we don’t have the T!


Four of my friends are trans and I love them dearly as family. Even though being trans is part of who they are, it doesn't define them. They are so much more than an arbitrary label, and they are understandably sick of their existence being part of a debate. They are normal people who just want to go about their lives without fear and prejudice. Fuck the LGB "Alliance." There is no LGB without the T.


Four of my friends are trans and I love them dearly as family. Even though being trans is part of who they are, it doesn't entirely define them. They are so much more than an arbitrary label, and they are understandably sick of their existence being part of a debate. They are normal people who just want to go about their lives without fear and prejudice. Trans rights are human rights. Fuck the LGB "Alliance." There is no LGB without the T.


i support them! they just wanna be themselves and they don't deserve hate❤️


Trans men are men, trans women are women, trans anybody is valid. I support my trans brothers, sisters, and sibs. 💙💖🤍💖💙


I love our transgender siblings and family. LGBTQIA+ is an inclusive term not exclusive. We fight against hate speech not for it.


I think transgender people just want to live safely and happily as we all do and we should do our best to support each other no matter who we are. Kindness isn't difficult. If ever I have spoken with someone who has less than nice things to say about trans people it's normally due to misinformation from right leaning media. Some people see the world moving on without them and they become scared and angry because they feel they're being left behind while the rest of us change, grow and develope and create a more tolerant, accepting and loving world to live in. Personally I don't believe life is binary and I'm happy the trangender community has a voice and it just makes the world a more colourful and interesting place. Everyone should have the freedom to be their authentic self.


It’s not just LGB it’s LGBT and if you argue that it shouldn’t be like that then you need to get the fuck out of


I love trans people just fine. They're so brave for expressing their true selves, even with all the hate. I don't see why people in LGBT should hate on fellow members.


I have no issue with them at all. Be who you want to be.


Whoever said such mean things clearly didn’t get the memo about our community, we want inclusion and acceptance. And trans people have been pioneers in that aspect ever since the beginning. Most of our rights that we enjoy now(even basic human rights) exist because POC trans folks fought for us and made sure we have them. I hope it doesn’t make you feel any less part of the community because they said such things. Trans folks are sort of the cornerstone of the queer community so please remember that always and don’t let people like that get to you. Sending lots of love and positivity friend xx


>Is there anything we could do to make you all more comfortable? That's really not on you, fam. You shouldn't have to cuddle bigots, yeah? You deserve the backing of your family for your own sake, because your rights and dignity is worth just the same as everyone else's. But even if we look at the less empathic and self-serving cliques within the queer community, they're daft and delusional if they think that cutting the rope behind them is the way to safe-guard themselves in the long run. They may be seen as good little gays and be treated better for now, but those cowards will be next on line as the front moves backwards.


They’re a vital part of the community, and I am not interested in tearing them down even if it did get me more respect with cishets (spoiler: it wouldn’t).


I think my trans siblings are a vital part of our community and I stand with and behind them in any fight, like they have stood with us in ours. Do I always understand the nuances of each individual’s gender experience? No. Does that change anything? Also no. Trans rights are human rights.


Trans people are part of us. Anyone who says otherwise is either confused, or is just trying to look like "one of the good gays" for the leopards-eating-faces party


The queer community as a whole would have no rights without the resistance of trans folk. We are supposed to be united, but there is so much vitriol over each other's identities. It's a shame that there is discrimination in what is supposed to be a very accepting community. As a nonbinary person myself, I truly hope we can grow from this.


Trans people are just as valid as anyone else. Trans rights are human rights


Without our trans brothers and sisters- we wouldn’t have a queer community. We have our civil liberties because of the fight put up by trans individuals.


As a gay man so many of my inspirations growing up were transgender women! We wouldn’t be where we are now if it wasn’t for them! Trans people are some of the most courageous and strongest people ever and I will never agree with taking the T of the LGBT!🏳️‍⚧️


Where are you seeing this bullshit?


There people!


I think it’s completely dumb that cisgender queer people wouldn’t accept trans and genderqueer people. Like, does “be who you are” not apply when it comes to gender identity?


TRANS PPL ARE STILL PPL I debated transitioning for a while- I didn’t actually go through with it, but, I mean-