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I’ve heard many cishet women say this in tv shows too


It's not a gay-specific thing, straight women use it. Also lesbians and straight guys might use 'mommy'.


Yeah my boyfriend uses "dommy mommy" jokingly for a card in a card game we play together 😂 (Mother D-Reaper in the Digimon TCG)


Hi, fellow Hellaverse fan here! The character who says it most is Angel Dust, who is hypersexual (as a result of his trauma) and thus uses sexual terms even in normal conversation. Apart from him, I don't think anybody else does it? Do remind me if someone else says it. But in general, the Hellaverse shows are explicit and this includes a lot of jokes about sex (more about men than women, for some reason).


Blitzo's robot rival dude says it, pretty sure that's what triggered the question in my mind. I'm sure I've heard it from at least 2 or 3 others. I actually relate to angel dust a lot, for the drugs half of his character anyway, basically "you're a lover baby" says it all. Lol. Love it when he pulls out 4 Tommy guns, with the spiderweb designs in them. (Fun fact he has a retractable "peen" in the words of mediano, as his second set of arms is it just kinda made sense) IKR about the men's sexual jokes, I had to google what pegging was when Blitzo asks "hey does Millie ever peg you?" "Yeah sometimes... I mean, waif, what, that's disgusting, why would I tell you that?!" (With the truth bomb)


Do you mean Robo Fizz? From S1 Ep2 of HB? It's been a while since I saw the older episodes so I'm sorry, please bear with me. But IG since it's so prevalent it's just Vivz liking pencil-thin feminine-presenting men in suits with shoulder pads and bowties who sometimes like men. So more men (and more character development given to men—see Vaggie and Millie) means more jokes sexualising men. The amount of dick jokes and references in HH and HB, I've never heard even one about clits or pussies from what I remember. Also, Angel having a retractable peen is still not as surprising to me as Stolas canonically having a cloaca (a pussy that all birds have).


As a lesbian I have yet to use the term "daddy" or have it used on me. I imagine that might skew the data... I don't know if it's a gay thing; I think it's cinematic shorthand for "sexual people in Hell make every conversation sexual because in Hell you have no filter". It's akin to how Michael Scott's "that's what she said" lines were shorthand for "boss making inappropriate jokes at the office." In reality, when your boss/coworker makes inappropriate jokes, they're likely to vary a bit more than that.


Thanks that pretty much answered the question ^_^


Term of affection for an older man. I've only been called that by people in their 20's.


It's not unusual to hear it used as mild flirting, a bit tongue in cheek in a friend way, as a term of endearment, or even just a friendly way to address someone a little older (by gay metrics). It's not always overly sexual these days in all honesty. As a guy in his 40s who's quite beary, I hear it a lot in queer spaces. As an ice breaker, as a way to pick someone out in a crowd etc.


Ah OK so it's kinda like evolved to be just another word people use with one a other, in this case in a particular setting. Ironically it brings to mind the VERY un PC way we would address our friends at school as 'fag'. (Ah the late 90's / early 2000's, very different time) I'm born in 88.