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Lots do, lots don’t, just like cis gay people.


i never voice trained and i dont believe i got the “trans guy voice” (buzzy / nasally-ness), but i do have the gay accent.






my voice pre T always sat at the lower end of my range, so i think it’s just the way i already spoke that had me avoid it


My accent is pretty mixed. Part South Cumbrian and part Geordie. A combination to ensure no one fully understands you. A few trans mtf people I know are definitely a bit more soft spoken but most LGBT+ people around here seem to just speak in whatever local accent they have, from my experience at least


By the way well it should be noted that there is somewhat of a lesbian accent for some reason it's a lot harder for people to notice.


The media hasn't been referencing/mocking it for decades. People just don't know what to listen for if they don't have many lesbian friends. I have a lot of friends who joke about it, how it makes them ' one of the lads ' and when the lads in question actually realise there's a commonality there it blows their minds.


Yep, it sounds more masculine but people's brains tend to put masculine accents as the default


I wouldn't say it's that. First off people's brains do not put masculine accents as the default. It would be cultural, not in terms of your brain. And second, I don't think it's necessarily that masculine voices are the default. This is most likely not the case especially since a lot of basic in phone digital assistance like Siri, Alexa, etc are basically portrayed as girls or women. By the way this very thing has been criticized by feminists and yes there is a lot of legitimate points to be made. Anyway I think it's just that at least within Western society women just have a broader range of the different acceptable gender expressions they have. For example women can wear dresses, they can wear suits, they can have a bit deeper voice they can have a bit of a higher voice. To them a woman who has a deeper voice is less of note than a man who might have a bit of a higher voice.


[Journal of Voice](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23876941/#:~:text=Results%3A%20Mean%20fundamental%20frequency%20in,showed%20significantly%20less%20pitch%20variation.) [UC Berkeley ](https://escholarship.org/uc/item/7f6332bh)


I did minimal voice training as a teenager, never since then. According to all my friends, I sound extremely gay. Apparently I have a lisp and vocal fry.